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High incidence of unreported cases of rape, sexual assault continues to plague Guyana – US reports

May 9, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

A high incidence of unreported cases of rape and sexual assault continues to haunt Guyana. This is according to information provided by the United States Department report on human rights for 2015.
In a detailed document, the US government outlined a large number of cases of rape and other forms of sexual assaults are unreported to authorities, most likely due to fear of stigma, a lack of confidence in authorities, retribution, or further violence.
The report noted that the law criminalizes rape, including spousal rape; successful prosecution of cases of rape was infrequent.
“Based on media reports and commentary from Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), a high incidence of rape and sexual assault was not reflected in official statistics.”
According to the document, the authorities received 233 reports of rape last year but only 36 persons were charged. The US government also highlighted the court backlog on tackling cases of sexual violence.
“A judge has discretion to issue a sentence of any length in a rape conviction, depending upon the circumstances and severity of the act committed. The norm appeared to be a sentence of five to 10 years’ imprisonment.”
Acts of sexual harassment involving physical assault are prosecuted under relevant criminal statutes.  But while reports of sexual harassment were common, no cases were filed. sexualviolence
“Charges of sexual harassment often were settled out of court,” the US reported.  The Department outlined monetary penalties and award of damages to victims, but the law’s scope is confined to the workplace.
For instance, the law does not cover harassment in schools. Acts of sexual harassment involving physical assault are prosecuted under relevant criminal statutes.
In 2015, the police received 2,170 reports of domestic violence cases, and 1,131 persons were arraigned on charges. According to the US State Department domestic violence and violence against women, including spousal abuse, was widespread.
“The law prohibits domestic violence and allows victims to seek prompt protection, occupation, or tenancy orders from a magistrate. Penalties for violation of protection orders include fines up to $10,000  in addition to 12 months’ imprisonment.”
With regards to survivors of domestic crimes, the State Department noted that quite frequently such persons were unwilling to press charges due to a lack of confidence in obtaining a remedy through the courts.
“Some preferred to reach a pecuniary settlement out of court. There were reports of police accepting bribes from perpetrators and other reports of magistrates applying inadequate sentences after conviction.
According to the document, NGOs, police units were required to have domestic violence units where victims could be counseled in private.  In most cases NGOs have observed that domestic violence reports were not taken confidentially but rather were discussed in the open at police stations and were not treated as a matter of urgency.
According to the report, NGOs handled cases of abuse and violence, including child, spousal, and other domestic abuse, and provided psychosocial services to those victims. The government and private donors funded Help & Shelter, an NGO, to run a free shelter for victims of domestic violence and operate a hotline to counsel victims.
“The Help & Shelter also conducted awareness sessions to sensitize individuals about domestic violence and counseled persons affected by domestic abuse or violence during face-to-face counseling sessions and via the hotline.”

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At least one pandit, and one member of the former PPP government were implicated in a rape case. But both cases appear to have been white washed. How can women expect justice for rape and murder within the East Indian community?

Mr.T posted:

At least one pandit, and one member of the former PPP government were implicated in a rape case. But both cases appear to have been white washed. How can women expect justice for rape and murder within the East Indian community?


Wasn't there a member of the PNC/AFC and Member of Parlaiment too recently involved and was allowed by the PNC/AFC to take part in  the Local Government Elections?

His case were shoved under the rug by the PNC/AFC

Just goes to show, how lying and brutal this PNC/AFC Government can be. Re:

How about if you shove this in your pipe and smoke it?

Alleged child molester elected to G/town Council

– GECOM says Harding, by law, cannot be recalled

– President to seek explanation from Minister Lawrence

By Ariana Gordon, March 19, 2016,

NOTHING can now legally prevent alleged child molester Winston Harding from taking his seat among the councillors of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has said on Saturday.

Winston Harding

Winston Harding

GECOM Commissioner Vincent Alexander told reporters at a media briefing that the laws governing Local Government Elections (LGE) do not provide for the recall of an elected councillor.

Results from Constituency 13 show that alleged child molester Winston Harding, who campaigned on behalf of, and represented, the APNU-AFC in the Local Government Elections (LGE), emerged with the most votes. And Alexander has explained that “there is no legal basis for (Harding’s) disqualification.”

“It is a moral question, political question, but it certainly is not a legal question,” Alexander said. The GECOM Commissioner noted that the Commission has to work with what is provided for in the law.

Vincent Alexander, GECOM Commissioner

Vincent Alexander, GECOM Commissioner

“First of all, there is no position, as far as I know, for an individual to be recalled. Secondly, this is not a GECOM question; GECOM works with the laws provided… This is beyond GECOM,” Alexander explained.

GECOM has said that the only way Harding could be replaced would be by virtue of a by-election within his constituency. By-elections could occur only if Harding resigns from his elected post on the Georgetown City Council, or dies while holding office.

APNU had withdrawn its endorsement of Harding following concerns raised over his representation of the coalition government; but Harding has won the East and West Ruimveldt Constituency by a landslide. Asked by the media on Saturday whether APNU would look to have Harding removed from sitting on the City Council, President David Granger, who heads APNU, said “the matter would be discussed within the PNCR and our partners within the APNU before we proceed.”

The President noted that APNU’s decision to withdraw its support for Harding has not changed, but said he (President) was not in a position to give the party’s position on the issue of Harding being a representative of the Municipality of Georgetown.

“At this point in time, I cannot go beyond that announcement, until it has been discussed,” President Granger said. The President has committed to seeking an explanation from Social Protection Minister Volda Lawrence on her utterances recently publicized in the media on the issue of Harding campaigning on behalf of, and representing, APNU.

Lawrence, who had responsibility for the APNU-AFC LGE campaign in the Georgetown area, was quoted in the Stabroek News in regard to the Harding issue as saying: “This is a family issue that has been going on and on and on and on for whatever reason.”

Harding has been repeatedly accused of child molestation, and was previously charged. The non-governmental organisation (NGO) Red Thread has expressed its displeasure at the manner in which Minister Lawrence handled the issue, and has called on the President to, at the very least, discipline the minister.

The NGO said Lawrence was making “excuses” for Harding, while failing to address the situation at hand.

Red Thread has argued that Lawrence is not best suited for her portfolio as Social Protection Minister, and said she “has to be disciplined, and the Government needs to find someone who is qualified to head this Ministry.”

During a picketing exercise, the NGO’s co-founder, Karen De Souza, who is a women’s and children’s rights activist, charged the Government to state clearly if it is serious about the protection of children.

“You can’t, on one hand, make excuses for not addressing a situation…in a legal way, and on the other hand say that you take child care seriously; it is contradictory. And so the Government has to hold her responsible, as we are holding her responsible. The Government has to indicate to us very clearly that they are serious about child care and protection, because at the moment it looks like hypocrisy” De Souza has stressed.

She insists that Government needs “to find someone who is qualified to head this Ministry, because we can also say that very little has happened in terms of policy movement on domestic violence, sexual offenses, and child care since she has been minister.”

Opposition Parliamentarian Dr Vindhya Persaud has used her Facebook page to express “disgust” at Minister Lawrence’s remarks. Dr Persaud is the Opposition PPP’s representative on social welfare issues.

“In a country where we are grappling with the issue of child abuse, and where children are our most vulnerable…how can she say the highlighted issue of child abuse is a ‘family matter’ and she must not be involved (?).

“Her Ministry deals directly with child abuse, and the Child Protection Agency falls (sic) within that purview…I think it is a crying shame, and the Minister must be called to task!!”

“I will seek an explanation from Ms Lawrence about the circumstances under which Mr Harding was selected,” the President told reporters.



Rape and incest in Guyana transcend political party boundaries. Evidently, the perpetrators are despicable persons. And it is disappointing when known rapists are allowed to hold public office. 


I agree with you Gilly but as these guys argued time and again when one of theirs had something "alleged" about them, they were not proven guilty, same here.


"NOTHING can now legally prevent alleged child molester Winston Harding from taking his seat among the councillors of the Georgetown Mayor and City Council, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has said on Saturday."


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