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Was Sithe Global also seeking a guarantee for IDB, Chinese loans?


Posted By Stabroek editor On August 20, 2013 @ 12:05 pm In Local News | 


Was Sithe Global’s insistence on raising the loans guarantee ceiling a means of securing a safeguard for the loans that were to be made available to the Amaila Falls hydropower project by the IDB and the Chinese Development Bank (CDB)?

This is the question that was raised by former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran in Monday’s Stabroek News as part of a series of columns on the Amaila Falls Hydropower project.


Goolsarran raised his question in the light of what he observed in the draft Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and the Amaila Falls Hydropower Inc (AFHI), the company which had been set up to steer the now-stalled project.


He pointed out that the main purpose for the motion was to lift the ceiling for the Government’s guarantee of loans to public corporations to cover the PPA between GPL and AFH Inc. He said that this agreement provides for GPL to pay to AFH Inc. approximately US$100 million per annum for 20 years. This works out to $400 billion. Therefore, he said that the ceiling  of $150 billion which was originally sought by the government would therefore have been inadequate to cover the PPA for the 20-year duration. He said that in any event it was inconceivable that the Government would provide a guarantee for such a large sum. He said that he had subsequently suggested that a figure $50 billion, which would cover at least two years of the PPA, be approved. The National Assembly eventually approved the  lifting of the ceiling to this amount after the Alliance for Change voted with the PPP/C.


Goolsarran said that he has since been privy to the draft PPA which has a section captioned “Assignment of Receivables Agreement” in which GPL assigns and pledges a first priority lien and security interest in all of GPL’s right, title and interest in and to the following, whether now or hereafter existing or acquired:

* All proceeds from any sale, transfer or other disposition of electric energy directly or indirectly by GPL to any GPL customer, excluding new connection charges; and

* (i) Each of the accounts (including any sub-accounts within such accounts) and all amounts, securities, financial assets, investment property, cash and other instruments or amounts or other property deposited or required to be deposited therein from time to time or credited or required to be credited thereto from time to time and all income or gain thereon, (ii) all of its securities entitlements with respect to financial assets credited or required to be credited from time to time therein, and (iii) the proceeds of all of the foregoing.


“In other words, GPL is pledging all of its assets as security for honouring the terms and conditions of the PPA. If there is default, the bank as the collateral agent will step in. This scenario is equivalent to GPL going into receivership! That apart, why is there a need for a government guarantee to cover the same agreement? Is it not a case of double counting? The Government’s original request for lifting the guarantee ceiling to $150 billion, equivalent to US$750 million, coincides with the cost of the project, excluding the Government’s contribution”, Goolsarran asserted.


He then posed the question “Could it therefore be that Sithe Global was indirectly trying to extend coverage for its own investment as well as the loans from the CDB and the IDB?” Goolsarran said that fortunately, the National Assembly has tied the increase in the guarantee to strictly the arrangement between GPL and the PPA.

The CDB was intended to provide US$550.8M in financing for the project and the IDB, US$100M at varying rates of interest.


Goolsarran added “In any event, it is not possible for the Government to provide a guarantee to an entity unless it is State-owned or controlled. AFH Inc. is a privately-owned company since the Government owns only 40 per of its equity while Sithe Global owns the rest. Interestingly, the draft PPA describes AHF Inc. as a public corporation. Was there initially an intention to make it one? If so, the analysis of project’s financial architecture would have been a completely different one.”

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Hey you! Yes, you, our valued readers! Please do not miss our forthcoming series about how Guyana has been parceled out and handed out to friends and cronies of former President Jagdeo.
Most of you who have been following the news and features in this newspaper may have an idea of the rampant corruption, nepotism and cronyism that characterized the second term of the Jagdeo administration. What you may not appreciate is how almost every major developmental decision was tied to the personal and selfish interests of Jagdeo and his friends; how the national interest became subservient to that avaricious class of friends and cohorts; how one deal was linked to another and how today what we have is an economy that is in the control of a small band of powerful individuals with strong ties to the then Jagdeo administration.
In this series, we will show you how Guyana has been stolen from right under your noses, how political power has been used to feed the appetite of a grouping that is now firmly in command of the economy of Guyana, how major projects are all part of efforts to plunder the wealth of the country to enrich a few at the expense of many.
We will also establish how certain foreign companies fit into this scheme of things. In short, we will connect the dots for you.
We are doing this because we believe that what has taken place under the Jagdeo administration was morally depraved and should not be repeated again in this country. Unless we expose how political power and political office were used for profiteering and personal enrichment, we risk making the same mistakes under the present and any future administration.
If the period 2006-2011 has taught us anything, it is that we must now be circumspect with major policy initiatives, because what looks like icing on the cake may be poisoned with the dart of deception. The blatant exercise of cronyism must not be allowed to repeat itself again in this country, whatever little may be left of it, following the rampage of recent years.
Kaieteur News is well aware of the risks involved in publishing this series. We can predict the harsh reaction from vested interests, but we believe that we have a sacred duty to publish this series because as our publisher, Glenn Lall, has so often reminded, ‘If you do not stand up for something, you will fall for anything’.
Starting this Sunday we will take a stand for the future of you and your children. Please support us by reading this series.


marriot puzzle pg 10 - aug 18 - amarriott puzzle - pg 11 - aug 20, 2013 - b











Dear Reader, For an enlarged view of ‘The Marriott Puzzle’ image above, check the online paper on the home page – pg 10 and 11.

Also, if you are in possession of any useful information please forward same to us via comments below.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Really high IQ on this thread!  Amral, please award Jalil for his wonderful pictures.  

Bhai, Leave Picha Laka Picha and DUMMY Warrior alone.

what the problem with this drunkman 


GPL is not a financially healthy entity.

Bharat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar as trained economists and Ashni Singh as a trained accountant know full well GPL is a financial sinkhole.

Yet these three powerful men are willing to use $150 billion in public-taxpayer money for the government to be guarantor to GPL.

Determined to realize their Amaila dream, they don't mind gambling with the public treasury.


Originally Posted by JB:

If Messers Jagdeo and Ramotar are trained economists how come the two of them, with Minister Persaud, destroyed the sugar industry? 

bai they are trained alright check them bank account

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



I told you to stay away.

Warrior, You are a JACKASS, keep on braying yuh stinking DONKEY!!!

Originally Posted by JB:

If Messers Jagdeo and Ramotar are trained economists how come the two of them, with Minister Persaud, destroyed the sugar industry? 

Jagdeo has a masters degree in economics from Moscow.

Ramotar has a bachelors degree in economics from Turkeyen.

It is precisely because these trained titanic economists have failed in sugar that people with higher IQ are questioning their plan for hydro-power.

How come they cocked up the sugar industry? Ask Raj Singh and Komal Chand.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



I told you to stay away.

Warrior, You are a JACKASS, keep on braying yuh stinking DONKEY!!!

oh i will i will when you drunk you hear all kind of sound 


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