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High-tech Guyana birth certificates ordered


Minister of Immigration and Citizenship, Winston Felix  Monday announced that more than 300,000 Guyana birth certificates with security features have been ordered, saying that such a large number of the document was required to cope with increased demand.

People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) front-bencher, Dr. Frank Anthony  queried why the need for so many birth certificates because there an estimated 15,000 births per year.

Responding, Felix cautioned Anthony against linking the order to the number of births. “The Honourable member should not confuse births with the demand for birth certificates,” he said.

The Minister of Immigration and Citizenship pointed out that Guyanese also require replacements for damaged and lost birth certificates.

The new Guyana birth certificates will be produced by Canadian Bank Note.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

300,000 Birth Certificates? Hmmmm! In whose hands would these certificates be placed?  Would Dates of Births be inserted/altered and distributed to APNU/AFC supporters to make them eligible to vote in future elections? Have these Cerificates been ordered to support the rigging apparatus that is being quietly put in place to ensure that APNU remains in power until thy kingdom come? This is a very frightening development. Does any one trust Winston Felix (the former COP)and Roger's second cousin as well as the criminal who said that he was going to arrange for Police to plant drugs on a lady at CJIA? 

Dondadda posted:

300,000 Birth Certificates? Hmmmm! In whose hands would these certificates be placed?  Would Dates of Births be inserted/altered and distributed to APNU/AFC supporters to make them eligible to vote in future elections? Have these Cerificates been ordered to support the rigging apparatus that is being quietly put in place to ensure that APNU remains in power until thy kingdom come? This is a very frightening development. Does any one trust Winston Felix (the former COP)and Roger's second cousin as well as the criminal who said that he was going to arrange for Police to plant drugs on a lady at CJIA? 

These are very interesting questions.  And indeed a very frightening development.  I hope the PPP keeps a close eye on this.  Frank has raised a very good point there.

Bibi Haniffa
Dondadda posted:

300,000 Birth Certificates? Hmmmm! In whose hands would these certificates be placed?  Would Dates of Births be inserted/altered and distributed to APNU/AFC supporters to make them eligible to vote in future elections? Have these Cerificates been ordered to support the rigging apparatus that is being quietly put in place to ensure that APNU remains in power until thy kingdom come? This is a very frightening development. Does any one trust Winston Felix (the former COP)and Roger's second cousin as well as the criminal who said that he was going to arrange for Police to plant drugs on a lady at CJIA? 

dont you think this is paranoia in the extreme? We have 15000 births per year plus requests for replacements to deal with. That means you print the largest run that would be a break point for the printer to make the cost viable. If they print 100 thousand they may pay as much as if they print 300 thousand. Such is the cost of printing these security conscious document.

Django posted:

If there are plans for any hocus-pocus  business,we need the last census data now,time to release it.

The PPP minted 5600 chinese citizens. No one here uttered a squeak.  If the APNU were going to manufacture voters they have better ways to do it than fabricate birth certificates. Unless one is completely a moron that is a rube goldberg solution to a problem that they do not have.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

If there are plans for any hocus-pocus  business,we need the last census data now,time to release it.

That might be a good place to start but it still leaves a lot of room for creativity.  One thing I know for sure though, there were only two Bibi born on May 26th, 1966, so if I see any more suddenly appear, I will know something wraaang deh!!

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Django posted:

If there are plans for any hocus-pocus  business,we need the last census data now,time to release it.

The PPP minted 5600 chinese citizens. No one here uttered a squeak.  If the APNU were going to manufacture voters they have better ways to do it than fabricate birth certificates. Unless one is completely a moron that is a rube goldberg solution to a problem that they do not have.

I don't think there will be any fabrication,there may be a lot of Amerindians who may not have their birth certificates taking into consideration the remote areas where they reside.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

If there are plans for any hocus-pocus  business,we need the last census data now,time to release it.

That might be a good place to start but it still leaves a lot of room for creativity.  One thing I know for sure though, there were only two Bibi born on May 26th, 1966, so if I see any more suddenly appear, I will know something wraaang deh!!

if that Ministry was sure that the list comprised ALL of the  persons born on May 26, 1966, why are they also asking anyone else born on that day to contact the Ministry? We don't know how they came up with that list as they don't say, but  what is certain is that they are open to the possibility that there are more born on that day -- so finding a few more Bibis born on May 26, 1966 is probable.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

That would tragic and heartbreaking for me if any other Bibi step forward.  I really don't want to share my birthday with any other Bibi.  Not right now.

You ever watched yourself doing a power point presentation?


Mits, what happen to you on Valentine's Day man?  I had on that yellow and green shalwar waiting for you.  Now I'm like Ms. Havisham in Great Expectations - torn, dejected, and jilted!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Dondadda posted:

300,000 Birth Certificates? Hmmmm! In whose hands would these certificates be placed?  Would Dates of Births be inserted/altered and distributed to APNU/AFC supporters to make them eligible to vote in future elections? Have these Cerificates been ordered to support the rigging apparatus that is being quietly put in place to ensure that APNU remains in power until thy kingdom come? This is a very frightening development. Does any one trust Winston Felix (the former COP)and Roger's second cousin as well as the criminal who said that he was going to arrange for Police to plant drugs on a lady at CJIA? 

dont you think this is paranoia in the extreme? We have 15000 births per year plus requests for replacements to deal with. That means you print the largest run that would be a break point for the printer to make the cost viable. If they print 100 thousand they may pay as much as if they print 300 thousand. Such is the cost of printing these security conscious document.

Stormy, I have no problem buying things in bulk for less costs. But 300,000 is like half the population of Guyana. I think that there is more to it and I hope that I am wrong. 

Dondadda posted:
Stormborn posted:
Dondadda posted:

300,000 Birth Certificates? Hmmmm! In whose hands would these certificates be placed?  Would Dates of Births be inserted/altered and distributed to APNU/AFC supporters to make them eligible to vote in future elections? Have these Cerificates been ordered to support the rigging apparatus that is being quietly put in place to ensure that APNU remains in power until thy kingdom come? This is a very frightening development. Does any one trust Winston Felix (the former COP)and Roger's second cousin as well as the criminal who said that he was going to arrange for Police to plant drugs on a lady at CJIA? 

dont you think this is paranoia in the extreme? We have 15000 births per year plus requests for replacements to deal with. That means you print the largest run that would be a break point for the printer to make the cost viable. If they print 100 thousand they may pay as much as if they print 300 thousand. Such is the cost of printing these security conscious document.

Stormy, I have no problem buying things in bulk for less costs. But 300,000 is like half the population of Guyana. I think that there is more to it and I hope that I am wrong. 

The population of guyanese include those at home and the diaspora and that accrue to more than a million. There is a ready need for 15 thousand a year to match the birthrate and servicing the disapora and the local population for replacements can accrue to a significant number. I gather these are special blanks so they may be a costly print run in small numbers. They have an average stockpile for six years or so and that is not a bad thing.

In any event, any argument as to nefarious use comes up against the reality that any such use will rise suspicions. What scheme would demand we mint Guyanese? Voter fraud does not need certificates!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mits, what happen to you on Valentine's Day man?  I had on that yellow and green shalwar waiting for you.  Now I'm like Ms. Havisham in Great Expectations - torn, dejected, and jilted!

 Ms Havisham was a nutcase and a conniver of evil hence her final retribution being consumed by flames. I would watch such metaphors carefully for one so loose with subscribing mental disease to others


Why birth certificates has to be high tech and cost money when they can be reprinted and enhanced right in Guyana? They have to stop with the stone age hand writing processing and have these coduments computerized before sealing them.


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