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Additionally, he pointed out that it would be helpful if there was a standard Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) programme in Guyana, since in order to be accepted at these schools, applicants must write the SAT in addition to completing the common application, writing an essay and other requirements. The process of application has a December 31 annual deadline, Low noted.
And while he admits that he didn’t have the highest SAT marks, Low pointed out his acceptance was not merely linked to good grades, but rather the fact that the schools are known to accept people based on β€œyou as an individual…on a holistic basis. They look at your extra-curricular activities, so students need not be discouraged if you are not the highest achiever.”

Low pointed something of importance here. Scholarships are not based primarily on good grades, he described the holistic approach... that is family income, the essay writing and the apllicant's fire in the belly for higher education as well as extra curricular activitees in the community are factors that are used to determine the award of the grant. I happen to know a few individuals who are willing to set up a foundation say of one Million US dollars and use the earnings to finance scholarships to children of parents who are financilly challenged to get them thru High School.
Originally posted by albert:
Opposition Leader, David Granger is assured of a range of benefits along with his salary and a pension, following the passage in 2010 of the Leader of the Opposition (Benefits and Other Facilities) Bill 2009
According to the legislation, the holder of the office shall be entitled at government expense to rent-free furnished office accommodation; medical attention, including medical treatment or reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by him for himself and the dependent members of his family; full-time security service at his official place of residence and at his office to be provided by the Guyana Police Force; the services of a research assistant, an executive assistant/secretary, a clerical/office assistant, a chauffeur, a personal security officer, a gardener and two domestic servants; and salary, vacation allowance and parliamentary benefits equivalent to those of a Cabinet minister.


whats are your thoughts Caribj?

albert, what does this flippin post have to do with the thread? I know that you are a numbskull but come on man don't get carried away.
This question was asked already in a previous thread, fool.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by albert:
Mits...are you Caribj's attorney?..let him speak for him/her self...

Why are you spamming the board? BTW, you statements are empty. Ever thought of sueing your brains for support ? yippie

He'd probably only get a bob as payment.

You think Misir would give him a scholarship to Obediance Dog School. Big Grin
TI, Anyone can go to the SAT website, pay the Fee and take the Test.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by TI:
You are saying that we have to come to GNI and read to learn about college grants?

Maybe you should do some more investigation into this story and into college grants and then educate us. Since when SATs are taken in Guyana?

The fella did not say he took the SAT in Guyana

Correct Ray, How will the average poor Guyanese sit the SAT?

Buy a holiday visa, then stay in a hotel, and study for the SAT?
Also, isn't SAT only offered through US high schools?

The chap must be commended on his good fortune but it is not going to happen to the average Guyanese.
Originally posted by Vish M:
Whoever is T1,

SAT was always taken in Guyana.

As I stated before it helps to read and be come more aware and educated hopefully.

This is what I read:

"Additionally, he pointed out that it would be helpful if there was a standard Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) programme in Guyana, since in order to be accepted at these schools, applicants must write the SAT in addition to completing the common application, writing an essay and other requirements. "

You expect me to be educated by a dumbass like you?
I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that I have more onion skin than you.
Originally posted by Vish M:
How poor and SAD is your analysis?

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
This fellow Low had pretty good grades as well as A levels it looks like. However it is sad that he had to use the loophole of poverty to get this scholarship rather than stand on his academic achievement which is outstanding.

Sad that he took away a scholarship from a more deserving low income person, the Low family are money people. He would have been more deserving of an academic scholarship, however with fraud in Guyana, it is quite possible that all his grade1's were the result of bribery.
Originally posted by albert:
Mits...are you Caribj's attorney?..let him speak for him/her self...

You wail about Granger's pension but then seem unable to tell us what it is, and then ask for my opinion. Well until you do your part I cannot do what you ask me to do.

Now tell us why you boasted that the PPP would win in Linden, that it would get 60% of the votes and that it had made strong inroads into the African vote? I told you how wrong you were and you called me a racist.

On what grounds did you make those claims?...because Kwame, Lumumba, Bynoe and the otjher exPNC thugs told you they would pistol whip blacks into voting PPP?
You will probably "P" on a Sunny Day to make believe it is raining.

What a failure of a human being?

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Vish M:
How poor and SAD is your analysis?

Originally posted by BGurd_See:
This fellow Low had pretty good grades as well as A levels it looks like. However it is sad that he had to use the loophole of poverty to get this scholarship rather than stand on his academic achievement which is outstanding.

Sad that he took away a scholarship from a more deserving low income person, the Low family are money people. He would have been more deserving of an academic scholarship, however with fraud in Guyana, it is quite possible that all his grade1's were the result of bribery.

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