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Hillary Clinton Has Beaten The Bully As Trump Hypocritically Whines About Name Calling

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Trump called for Clinton to drop out of the race because she spoke the truth. Trump has no leg to stand on because he insults large groups of people as a regular course of business, here's a few examples of the 258 insults he's dished out on Twitter alone.

Hillary Clinton Has Beaten The Bully As Trump Hypocritically Whines About Name Calling

Donald Trump is trying to gin up outrage over Hillary Clinton calling half of his supporters “deplorable”, and yet this is a man who routinely insults and name calls and has done so since he announced his candidacy.

Today Trump called for Clinton to drop out of the race because she spoke the truth, and in the doing, dipped her toes once into the murky waters in which Trump lives.

Here’s the problem: Donald Trump is in no position to object to name calling. Going down this road makes Trump look like he doesn’t even realize who he is and how he conducts himself. That or he thinks he can say whatever he wants because he hates being “politically correct” and he just “says what he thinks” but no one else can do the same, certainly not about him or his supporters.

That’s not the way it works.

But mostly Trump hasn’t a leg to stand on because insulting people is his game.

The New York Times has a list of “the 258 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter” alone, since he announced his run. The list was published on August 22.

They write, “Since declaring his candidacy for president last June, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists, news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office. We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all. Below, a directory of sorts, with links to the original tweets.”

Here’s a screenshot of the start of the list:


Speaking of insulting large groups of people, Trump called Democrats “Crazy!”, “in a total meltdown”, “it’s the Democrat’s total weakness that is the greatest recruiting tool of ISIS!!!” and “total weakness & incompetence that gave rise to ISIS.”

Trump was a birther and still is, insulting President Obama for no reason other than the color of his skin and his name.

Trump called the protesters of his rallies “thugs” and “horrendous”, and offered to pay the legal bills of anyone who stood up to the protesters.

The Republican nominee insulted voters in general, whining “I don’t believe I have been given any credit by the voters for self-funding my campaign.”

Trump insulted people in general saying “have got to stop working to be so politically correct” and “know NOTHING”. Trump insulted major league baseball and the Superbowl.

Trump insulted Jeb Bush supporters, saying, “everyone of those people who contributed are getting something to the detriment of America.”

Trump has insulted African American and Hispanic communities as a whole.

Trump routinely calls Senator Hillary Clinton “crooked” and peppers in “guilty as hell”, a “total disgrace” and “incompetent” among others in the long list of insults he dishes out about Clinton.

He regularly calls Senator Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” and “goofy”, he called a Jeb Bush staffer “arrogant”, a GOP strategist “Major loser, zero credibility!” , and called Frank Kuntz “a total clown”, “a clown”, “a low-class slob”.

Trump said of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, “The people of South Carolina are embarrassed by Nikki Haley!” and said 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney “choked like a dog.”

Trump insulted U.S. leaders, “weak”, “ineffective” and “we are being led to slaughter.”

Trump has insulted other leaders. He said Angela Merkel was “ruining Germany.”

Trump regularly impugns the work and integrity of journalists and news organizations with insults like “little Katy”, “disaster”, “dopey”, “dummies”, “should be fired”, “dishonest reporting”, “incompetent”, “totally biased and disgusting reporting” “a waste” “totally biased and mostly false” “sad and irrelevant”, “very insecure”, “clown”, “off the wall”, “neurotic”, “not very bright”, “mess!” “dishonest” “corrupt” “dishonest”and so many more insults I can’t catalogue them all here – read them on the Times list.

Trump insulted Britain, saying they are “trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem”, called Germany “a total mess-big crime”, “going through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the country”, and blasted Mexico and Mexicans “totally corrupt gov’t”, “totally corrupt”, “we get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money!”, “not our friend”, “they’re killing us”.

Trump insulted New Jersey as “deeply troubled” and doesn’t think highly of all of the United States, saying the United States is a “a divided crime scene”, “it will only get worse!”,“not looking good”,“not looking smart”, “not looking tough!” and “totally lost control of illegal immigration, even with criminals.”

Trump insulted Iowans saying, “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” And apparently thinks everyone in the country is stupid, “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”

Trump mocked a disabled reporter and he suggested that Clinton might be shot if she were to win.

Trump has been trying to push the “deplorables” comment as Clinton’s “47%” moment, but in truth half of Trump’s supporters does not equal 47%. It’s much lower.

Jamelle Bouie broke it down, half of Trump’s supporters is just 11% of voting age population:

½ of Trumpers, approx 26 million ��, is 20% of ballots cast in '12, 17% of registered voters, 11% of voting age pop. 

On the other hand, Trump has insulted people globally and with a consistency that is heretofore unseen. Trump has insulted Mexicans, Muslims and more. We wouldn’t have time to rehash even a few of his insults if Donald Trump weren’t putting it back front and center in the news.

Donald Trump can’t resist the bait, and Hillary Clinton is beating the bully at his own game. He just doesn’t know it yet. The bully is whimpering and whining now because he can’t deal with a dose of his own medicine.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

There is quote from the Mahatma, it goes something like this,"First, they laugh at you..............................................." And it goes on.

Donald Trump will prevail. All those who wishes for an impoverished American will be put to shame with his victory.

Last edited by seignet

I love the ending of the article;

" Hillary Clinton isn’t going to quit. Clinton and her campaign have also made it crystal clear that they aren’t going to back off of telling the truth about Trump and his supporters.

Donald Trump has had everything handed to him during his 70 privileged years of existence, so it isn’t surprising that he would also expect that the White House be given to him too."


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