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Former Member

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Hillary Clinton is scared to face Donald Trump on the first presidential debate. Grandma is worried and scared to face the man that she and Obama humiliated on a daily basis. 

New York (CNN) Hillary Clinton is visiting only two battleground states this week -- hardly a sign of confidence at her standing 49 days before the election, but an acknowledgement that one task reigns above all: Preparing for her first face-to-face confrontation with Donald Trump.

DG, any word of comfort to Granny?  She also slip sliding away in the poll 

Source: CNN.COM


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Prince posted:

Image result for hillary clinton sad moment

DG, any word of comfort to Granny?  She also slip sliding away in the poll 

Source: CNN.COM

Prince ...

1. Hillary Clinton  is younger than Donald Trump.

2. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are grandparents.

3. At the debate next week, Hillary Clinton will continue to demonstrate a focused approach plus the depth of knowledge, while Donald Trump will continue with his rambling nonsense as if he is on his TV programmes.


I have to admit it, I can't wait for Monday night. Trump is in for a rude awakening. Lester Holt is a perfect pick for this first debate because I doubt Trump will do the others after getting exposed in this one. Oh, btw, Clinton's numbers are bouncing back up over the past few days. Can't wait for the Trumpster to again claim that the polls are again rigged.


I heard all the above before. 

Hillary, take two: I, Grandma Clinton acknowledgement that one task reigns above allPreparing for her first face-to-face confrontation with Donald Trump. 

She is having the running already and she need a latrine badly.   You have to admit, if she screwed up, she might as well call it quits. 


Please note that the National Election debates are different than the Parties Primary debates. While the former is run by the parties and the TV stations, the national is run by a non-partisan organization. 

There will be less "Yo Donald, low-energy Bush said your hands are too small" and replies like "Bush can s#ck my d1ck". You'll be getting more questions like "Would you repeal the Iran nuclear deal", hoping to sucker the donald on the nuances of treaties and so on, and cut him off when he starts saying "this is the worst deal in the history of mankind......".

Kari posted:

Please note that the National Election debates are different than the Parties Primary debates. While the former is run by the parties and the TV stations, the national is run by a non-partisan organization. 

There will be less "Yo Donald, low-energy Bush said your hands are too small" and replies like "Bush can s#ck my d1ck". You'll be getting more questions like "Would you repeal the Iran nuclear deal", hoping to sucker the donald on the nuances of treaties and so on, and cut him off when he starts saying "this is the worst deal in the history of mankind......".

When trump is stumped, he will resort to 'crooked Hillary'  and 'lock her up'. He will do anything to divert his ignorance from the topic. Watch and see if he doesn't resort to the primary debates magic. The moderator has to be strong and stop him.


That's the whole point of national debates versus primary debates - lots of fact checkers in real time with an earpiece in the moderator's ears. Watching this debate will be like watching a train wreck about to happen. Trump will look like a deer in headlights. He's in the big leagues now. This is not Jeb, Marco, Ben and co. This is a Lady who will wrap her hands around his neck in a debate.

Kari posted:

That's the whole point of national debates versus primary debates - lots of fact checkers in real time with an earpiece in the moderator's ears. Watching this debate will be like watching a train wreck about to happen. Trump will look like a deer in headlights. He's in the big leagues now. This is not Jeb, Marco, Ben and co. This is a Lady who will wrap her hands around his neck in a debate.

Kari, you are dead wrong. There has been many surprises during this election campaign. According to you and others, Trump was not even supposed make it to the convention floor.

Look where we are right now.

Hillary might pretend to faint in order to avoid a trashing at the hands of Trump.

Hillary is a weak candidate with too many flaws, Trump will destroy her during the debates.

Hillary will wrap her hands on her head and pretend to faint in order to run away from humiliation. 

BRING IT ON !!!!!!

Grandma Hillary running away from defeat and humiliation:



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Kari posted:

Bai stop speaking in platitudes and jongoism. Speak to the issues  - Trump's tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relations, climate change, women's rights, etc.

I tell ya. In a few months we'll long for the gentlemanly days of Obama unless Hillary shoves this bannah to the carnah


Bush Donkey had no clue about the tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relation etc. and was elected twice. Yes, twice.

American electorate are an unpredictable bunch.

If Bush Donkey was elected twice and defeat the intellectual Gore, it should be a cake walk for Trump.

BTW, the Republicans also have the judges lined up just in case of a close result in Florida, history might repeat itself.

How quickly we forget history !!!

Grandma Hillary running away:




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yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:

Bai stop speaking in platitudes and jongoism. Speak to the issues  - Trump's tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relations, climate change, women's rights, etc.

I tell ya. In a few months we'll long for the gentlemanly days of Obama unless Hillary shoves this bannah to the carnah


Bush Donkey had no clue about the tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relation etc. and was elected twice. Yes, twice.

American electorate are an unpredictable bunch.

If Bush Donkey was elected twice and defeat the intellectual Gore, it should be a cake walk for Trump.




First it's Nigroes and now Bush Donkey. Bannaz yuh cyant even hide your racism fuh save yuh life.

Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:

Bai stop speaking in platitudes and jongoism. Speak to the issues  - Trump's tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relations, climate change, women's rights, etc.

I tell ya. In a few months we'll long for the gentlemanly days of Obama unless Hillary shoves this bannah to the carnah


Bush Donkey had no clue about the tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relation etc. and was elected twice. Yes, twice.

American electorate are an unpredictable bunch.

If Bush Donkey was elected twice and defeat the intellectual Gore, it should be a cake walk for Trump.




First it's Nigroes and now Bush Donkey. Bannaz yuh cyant even hide your racism fuh save yuh life.

Liar, I never used the term Nigroes and my reference to Bush Donkey was Dunce Bush, the Bush Donkey who defeated Gore. Please stop misrepresenting me and lying at GNI.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:

Bai stop speaking in platitudes and jongoism. Speak to the issues  - Trump's tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relations, climate change, women's rights, etc.

I tell ya. In a few months we'll long for the gentlemanly days of Obama unless Hillary shoves this bannah to the carnah


Bush Donkey had no clue about the tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relation etc. and was elected twice. Yes, twice.

American electorate are an unpredictable bunch.

If Bush Donkey was elected twice and defeat the intellectual Gore, it should be a cake walk for Trump.




First it's Nigroes and now Bush Donkey. Bannaz yuh cyant even hide your racism fuh save yuh life.

Liar, I never used the term Nigroes and my reference to Bush Donkey was Dunce Bush, the Bush Donkey who defeated Gore. Please stop misrepresenting me and lying at GNI.

Sometimes Kari doesn't understand what he reads.

yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:
yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:

Bai stop speaking in platitudes and jongoism. Speak to the issues  - Trump's tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relations, climate change, women's rights, etc.

I tell ya. In a few months we'll long for the gentlemanly days of Obama unless Hillary shoves this bannah to the carnah


Bush Donkey had no clue about the tax policies, trade leanings, immigration, foreign relation etc. and was elected twice. Yes, twice.

American electorate are an unpredictable bunch.

If Bush Donkey was elected twice and defeat the intellectual Gore, it should be a cake walk for Trump.




First it's Nigroes and now Bush Donkey. Bannaz yuh cyant even hide your racism fuh save yuh life.

Liar, I never used the term Nigroes and my reference to Bush Donkey was Dunce Bush, the Bush Donkey who defeated Gore. Please stop misrepresenting me and lying at GNI.

It is a pattern Bhai, when Kari is caught lying/being wrong he always try some Bullshit!!!!!!

ksazma posted:

Hillary's campaign has begun moving up again and next Monday will be the final nail in Trump's coffin.

We are all excited. This debate will define the future of the election.

It is all for Hillary to win but if Trump sands his ground and puts up a fight then it will downhill for Hillary from then on.


Kari posted:
ksazma posted:

Sometimes Kari doesn't understand what he reads.

Ah duz know when yuh sucking up to those Islam-bashers though

Why would I suck up to Islam bashers when for the past dozen years, I have been one of the stronger representative of Islam here? Just remember that just my debate invitation to Tola has sent him into hiding the past year.

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Hillary's campaign has begun moving up again and next Monday will be the final nail in Trump's coffin.

We are all excited. This debate will define the future of the election.

It is all for Hillary to win but if Trump sands his ground and puts up a fight then it will downhill for Hillary from then on.

Hillary Clinton will win the debates and the elections in November 2016.

Prince posted:


She is having the running already and she need a latrine badly.   You have to admit, if she screwed up, she might as well call it quits. 

All "Granny" has to do is to ensure that the debate remains one of adult intelligent people having a debate. When Trump attempts to do to Hillary what he did to Jeb Hillary will smile and refuse to descend to his level.

Hillary merely needs to look confident and presidential.  Have TRumo constantly trying to attack her, while Hillary remains focused on ignoring his noise, and communicating to the public that she "feels their pain".


The "talking heads" in the media are too dumb to parse what she has to say.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Hillary's campaign has begun moving up again and next Monday will be the final nail in Trump's coffin.

We are all excited. This debate will define the future of the election.

It is all for Hillary to win but if Trump sands his ground and puts up a fight then it will downhill for Hillary from then on.

Hillary Clinton will win the debates and the elections in November 2016.


I am excited about the debates. It will be intelligence vs arrogance and big talk.

Who will win ?

Will America choose Arrogance and Big Talk (Trump) over intelligence (Hillary)  ?

George Bush Donkey won twice, will history repeat itself ? Sorry Kari.

It is all for Hillary to win but if she does not then it will be a game changing moment.

yuji22 posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:

Hillary's campaign has begun moving up again and next Monday will be the final nail in Trump's coffin.

We are all excited. This debate will define the future of the election.

It is all for Hillary to win but if Trump sands his ground and puts up a fight then it will downhill for Hillary from then on.

Hillary Clinton will win the debates and the elections in November 2016.


I am excited about the debates. It will be intelligence vs arrogance and big talk.

Who will win ?

Will America choose Arrogance and Big Talk (Trump) over intelligence (Hillary)  ?

George Bush Donkey won twice, will history repeat itself ? Sorry Kari.

It is all for Hillary to win but if she does not then it will be a game changing moment.

Hillary Clinton will prevail ... while Trump-Arrogance and Big Talk will however continue until his sound defeat in November 2016.


No amount of declarations here will determine the election results. We can only say that populism has made a charge in Western liberal democracies since the 2008 financial crisis. That has led to Brexit and the rise of populist movements in Europe and the TEA party in America. Donald Trump is where he's at not so much because he's Trump. Hell no, he would never have sniffed past the Primaries in any other election cycle. He's in a close race for the Presidency of the US because he arose from the swamp that is the conservative movement that is more about identity than economics and common sense. Notice the absence of the usual compromises in Congress and the hardening of hostility since 2008. Fortunately like Europe that populism has not reached half of the electorate. That's why Donald Trump's ceiling will be 40% of the actual voters. That 40% will translate to around 37% of the electoral college votes or close to 200, leaving Hillary with around 338. Look for a margin of 100 electoral votes to divide the two candidates.

The American electorate saw the wisdom of voting for smarts over ideology in 2008 and 2012. I don't see them diverge from that by much. It will be smarts over populism this time as the conservative ideology is torn to shreds between the insurgents that have Trump as its titular head, and the Congressional Republicans


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