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(CNN)FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday that he would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of private email servers while secretary of state, removing a huge shadow hovering over her presidential campaign.

But Comey administered an extraordinary tongue-lashing to Clinton and her aides, rebuking them for being "extremely careless" in the handling of classified information and saying the presumptive Democratic nominee should have known an unclassified email system was no place to conduct sensitive government business.
The FBI director pointed out that the probe was tasked with examining whether Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way.
"Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," Comey announced after a lengthy recap of the investigation apparently designed to protect the integrity of his agency in a highly charged political atmosphere.
Comey's decision not to recommend charges likely removes the threat of prosecution in the middle of Clinton's campaign for the presidency, but the political fallout will continue. His explicit criticism of Clinton's conduct offered her enemies a trove of fresh ammunition for their assault on her character, honesty and trustworthiness — one of her biggest vulnerabilities.
In a stunning moment of Washington theater, Comey stepped up to the microphone to deliver the FBI's findings just over two hours before Clinton climbed aboard Air Force One to travel to her first campaign event with President Barack Obama. Adding to the tension, he made clear the White House and the Justice Department "do not know what I am about to say."
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the White House doesn't have an official response to the FBI's announcement, saying the case is still active and in the hands of the Department of Justice.
Earnest added: "I am confident that the President and Secretary Clinton are not discussing the FBI investigation that is completed" on Air Force One. Neither Obama nor Clinton addressed Comey's remarks during their campaign event in Charlotte, North Carolina, though Obama praised Clinton's work at the State Department.
Comey delivered a stern lecture to Clinton and State Department colleagues at her side during her tenure as top U.S. diplomat between 2009 and 2013.
"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information," he said, "there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."
In the first reaction from the Clinton camp to Comey's statement, spokesman Brian Fallon said that the campaign was "pleased that the career officials handling this case have determined that no further action by the Department is appropriate.
"As the secretary has long said, it was a mistake to use her personal email and she would not do it again. We are glad that this matter is now resolved."
Later, aides said they were relieved by the announcement, even though they know it's far from being in their rearview mirror.
The findings of the FBI probe immediately detonated on the campaign trail with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump crying foul.
"The system is rigged. ... Very very unfair! As usual, bad judgment," Trump tweeted. He later issued a statement in which he claimed U.S. "adversaries almost certainly have a blackmail file on Hillary Clinton," which he said "disqualifies" her from the presidency.
<noscript>&amp;lt;img alt="Loretta Lynch addresses Bill Clinton meeting" class="media__image" src=""&amp;gt;</noscript>
Loretta Lynch addresses Bill Clinton meeting


Loretta Lynch addresses Bill Clinton meeting

At a Tuesday evening rally in North Carolina, Trump again pointed to the FBI's decision as fresh evidence of a "rigged system."
"Whats going on is very big ... for Bill Clinton to go to the plane, then to have what happened ... Everybody thought based on what was being said she was guilty. She was guilty. And it turned out that, 'We're not going to press charges.' It's really amazing," Trump said as his crowd of supporters broke out in a chorus of boos.
And House Speaker Paul Ryan said Comey's announcement "defies explanation."
"No one should be above the law," Ryan said in a statement. "But based upon the director's own statement, it appears damage is being done to the rule of law. Declining to prosecute Secretary Clinton for recklessly mishandling and transmitting national security information will set a terrible precedent."
Ryan later recommended on Fox News' Kelly File that the Director of National Intelligence "should block her access to classified information" as a form of punishment. And he said House Republicans would ask Comey to answer them in hearings on Capitol Hill.
"There are a lot of unanswered questions here," Ryan said, though he did would not say that Comey folded to political pressure when asked. "He shredded the case that she had been making all year long."
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus blasted the FBI's decision.
"I certainly don't understand how you describe a textbook definition of gross negligence, and you have case after case after case of soldiers and other military personnel being kicked out of the military ... for things that are far less egregious than what Hillary Clinton did," Priebus told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room."

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Secret deal???? FBI Director James Comey yesterday handed Donald Trump enough ammunition to go after Hillary Clinton - most of it won't matter come November anyhow. You see pre-convention, it's about defining your opponent in human terms - untrustworthy or unpredictable, etc. At the Conventions its about endorsements; and post-Convention it's about policies and platform. So the balance from the pre-Convention personality days come back in the Fall. then there is the "Events" factor - like the 2008 financial crisis (though Bush's Iraq mess and Katrina disasters and Palin sealed it for Barack Obama) and of course Romney's 47%. You wonder with all that we heard about Trump, if an "Event" will show up courtesy of a SuperPAC.

So there is no "secret" deal here Prince. Objectify your hatred for Hillary and express it in something sensible. You wanna pitch an idea, then make it acceptable. 


If she becomes President, she will sell the country to the devil like how she exposed America's security to ISIS and all its enemies and they will destroy America on its own territory.  If you think ISIS and friends don't have any respect for Obama, watch what happens when a woman is calling the shots.

Americans will have to choose the lesser evil. 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Lol.  This morning I was walking past a mosque and there was a bunch of women dressed in traditional burkas waiting on the street outside to go in for their Eid dua, etc.  I asked one of them why they were standing outside.  She said the men were in the building saying their dua and they have to wait until they finished, then they can go inside. 

Bibi Haniffa

Astute decision by FBI Director James Comey.

Gist of the issues ... while about 100 from over hundreds of thousands of other emails were indeed questionable, there are no grounds to pursue legal proceedings to obtain a conviction.

Of note ... The Constitution clearly states that the only stipulations for a candidate who is running for President are that s/he is a natural-born citizen, a minimum 35 years of age and continuously lived the US_of_A for a minimum of the last 14 years.


Additional salient information for President of the US_of_A ...

There is no regulation that disqualifies a presidential candidate who has been (prior to assuming the presidency) ...

-- accused of a crime,

-- convicted of a crime, or,

-- incarcerated for a crime.

Of note ... Eugene Debs, a Socialist Party candidate in 1920 entered the contest for the position of President while he was in federal penitentiary.


[Crooked] Hillary at it again.  The US have adopted the philosophy of "Third Worldism" under Obama and Clinton finds it so appealing.  Thwart justice, bribe the AG and get away with "murder".  The victims of Benghazi being victimized all over again seeing [crooked] Hillary off scott-free again.

Hillary is simply not fit to be president!!

ba$eman posted:

[Crooked] Hillary at it again.  The US have adopted the philosophy of "Third Worldism" under Obama and Clinton finds it so appealing.  Thwart justice, bribe the AG and get away with "murder".  The victims of Benghazi being victimized all over again seeing [crooked] Hillary off scott-free again.

Hillary is simply not fit to be president!!

But Ronald McTrumpet does?

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:

If she becomes President, she will sell the country to the devil like how she exposed America's security to ISIS and all its enemies and they will destroy America on its own territory.  If you think ISIS and friends don't have any respect for Obama, watch what happens when a woman is calling the shots.

Americans will have to choose the lesser evil. 

You are a nut case. At the hearing yesterday it was disclosed that three of over 30 thousand emails were "marked" confidential, the lowest level of security consideration. The state department afirmed those were downgraded. It left those piddling GOP congressmen to now launch another investigation to see if she can be got on a technicality that she lied.

And what does ISIS has to do with this and their respect or disrespect for obama? I am sure he does not care that is why he is killing them by the hundreds and reducing their hold on turf significantly. By the end of this year they will not have any territory because the resupply lines to turnkey  are cut and Raqqa is starving. Obama is doing exactly as he wants and at fractions of the cost of the three trillion spent by the GOP administration.

Trump is not a lesser evil. He is evil as ever you can personify it.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why didn't the Democrats in the house file charges of misconduct? 

Because those were the rules. Every congress person with a noan gov email, and that is the majority is doing presently similarly to what Hilary did and are subject to similar vulnerabilities. I just saw a hack on phones that makes every phone vulnerable and all you have to know is the phone number to hack it. That was on a program shown on TV about vulnerabilities of phones. The hackers said every security agency would know the hack and that exposes all phones to them.

ba$eman posted:

[Crooked] Hillary at it again.  The US have adopted the philosophy of "Third Worldism" under Obama and Clinton finds it so appealing.  Thwart justice, bribe the AG and get away with "murder".  The victims of Benghazi being victimized all over again seeing [crooked] Hillary off scott-free again.

Hillary is simply not fit to be president!!

Boy!!! You folks are gone to the nether side! Maybe you were always there in the land of conspiracy theorists with very elastic credibility limit.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So why didn't the Democrats in the house file charges of misconduct? 

The postings were about "what's good for the goose is good for the gander". Yes, what preceded an event should have no bearing, unless one wants to lower the standards. However, the point here is that why you yell and scream about Hillary's obvious negligence, though not with criminal intent, you remain silent about similar situations on the Republican side. This is reminiscent of the charges here as to why people were balling out the PPP and now remain silent with APNU - a claim that has little validity BTW as APNU is being held to a higher standard.

so quit asking inane questions in response to your bias. It's about you having no sensible response hence the garbage about not the Dems not  filing charges back then.


The FBI Director spoke about emails that were "confidential". Hillary in the past talked about emails "MARKED as Confidential". there is a huige legal difference there.

Nevertheless Hillary showed poor judgement, even if her private protestation is that the State Department's own servers were less safe than hers - a point brought out by the FBI when they showed that for years until 2012 the Chines and Russians had ingress to those servers.

Is that sufficient to derail her campaign? The Donald seems not to think so as he rants about Saddam being a master terrorist killer and talking about a photo of him playing golf 2 years ago that Hillary showed in her ad as him playing in Scotland recently while Brexit occurred.


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