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I thought I would let this die but there is a sense of you are so much into imagining that you have something in common with trump that it is laughable.

There are some 160 thousand Guyanese in NY. Of those  at least one half are illegals. They did not com because they are law breakers but because they hope that in the words written at the base of lady liberty about "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" meant them also.

ba$eman posted:

Since when jumping the line, breaking the law, entering the USA illegally is a cause for celebrating!!  What about the rule of law?  Does America become the "Ungovernable" lands where the illegals come from? 

Hillary will feel the heat after the Convention. Trump wouldn't let up on her. The crowd at the DNC was not too happy with some of the speaker. Latinos took center stage at her Convention. 

Cobra posted:
ba$eman posted:

Since when jumping the line, breaking the law, entering the USA illegally is a cause for celebrating!!  What about the rule of law?  Does America become the "Ungovernable" lands where the illegals come from? 

Hillary will feel the heat after the Convention. Trump wouldn't let up on her. The crowd at the DNC was not too happy with some of the speaker. Latinos took center stage at her Convention.

That empty mindless narcissistic blabber mouth represents himself not the true spirit of this country.

Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:
ba$eman posted:

Since when jumping the line, breaking the law, entering the USA illegally is a cause for celebrating!!  What about the rule of law?  Does America become the "Ungovernable" lands where the illegals come from? 

Hillary will feel the heat after the Convention. Trump wouldn't let up on her. The crowd at the DNC was not too happy with some of the speaker. Latinos took center stage at her Convention.

That empty mindless narcissistic blabber mouth represents himself not the true spirit of this country.

You called me a blabber mouth and you agreed with breaking the laws of the USA to facilitate terrorists and illegal aliens? Thank God I still remember the oath of allegiance to recognized a domestic enemy. My lord. You help ruin our beloved country of Guyana, and now you're doing the same in America. 

Cobra posted:
Stormborn posted:
Cobra posted:
ba$eman posted:

Since when jumping the line, breaking the law, entering the USA illegally is a cause for celebrating!!  What about the rule of law?  Does America become the "Ungovernable" lands where the illegals come from? 

Hillary will feel the heat after the Convention. Trump wouldn't let up on her. The crowd at the DNC was not too happy with some of the speaker. Latinos took center stage at her Convention.

That empty mindless narcissistic blabber mouth represents himself not the true spirit of this country.

You called me a blabber mouth and you agreed with breaking the laws of the USA to facilitate terrorists and illegal aliens? Thank God I still remember the oath of allegiance to recognized a domestic enemy. My lord. You help ruin our beloved country of Guyana, and now you're doing the same in America. 

So were you defending american ideals when you were condemning it for bombing ISIS? Were you not the one claiming that America was bombing Muslims when all they were doing was practicing their religion as they see fit?

Yes, as a native american guyana is my country. You carpetbaggers ruined it with your greed.

ba$eman posted:

Since when jumping the line, breaking the law, entering the USA illegally is a cause for celebrating!!  What about the rule of law?  Does America become the "Ungovernable" lands where the illegals come from? 

Since you took a boat from Guyana and came to the USA illegally like the same people you condemned.  You might the first one, if god permits such a travesty, and allow TRUMP the DUMP to win.

The Democrats are now ONE and Hillary shall be the next President.

Mind you she is not the best America to run that great country, but by god, she is the lesser of the TWO EVILS. 

Just like Old man Granja was not the best to run Guyana but put him against that DUNCE DONALD and he was the lesser of the two evils.


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