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Former Member
Updated: Saturday, September 10, 2016, 11:01 AM

When Hillary Clinton takes a look at Donald Trump's supporters, she sees half of them as a basket of nuts. 

Clinton ripped 50% of Trump supporters during a LGBT fundraiser in lower Manhattan Friday evening, grouping them into a "basket of deplorables."

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said to laughter from the "LGBT for Hillary" crowd. "The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it."

The other half, Clinton said, are disillusioned Americans who feel the "government has let them down."

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Kari posted:

you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.....


I support Hillary but this was a bad idea. Blasting candidates is fair game but it is never smart to bash the voters. Surrogates are better bashing voters and then the candidate is free to focus on the message.

To her credit, she apologized quickly unlike Trump. The question is its eventual cost.

ksazma posted:
Kari posted:

you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.....


I support Hillary but this was a bad idea. Blasting candidates is fair game but it is never smart to bash the voters. Surrogates are better bashing voters and then the candidate is free to focus on the message.

To her credit, she apologized quickly unlike Trump. The question is its eventual cost.

Looks like we have to add Kzaaazzz to that bucket too!!!

ksazma posted:

I support Hillary but this was a bad idea. Blasting candidates is fair game but it is never smart to bash the voters. Surrogates are better bashing voters and then the candidate is free to focus on the message.

To her credit, she apologized quickly unlike Trump. The question is its eventual cost.

Every politician errs at times and the issue is what they do afterwards.

Hillary Clinton makes an apology or statement on the issue.

Donald Trump moves right ahead without offering any apology.

ksazma posted:
Kari posted:

you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.....


I support Hillary but this was a bad idea. Blasting candidates is fair game but it is never smart to bash the voters. Surrogates are better bashing voters and then the candidate is free to focus on the message.

To her credit, she apologized quickly unlike Trump. The question is its eventual cost.

Something like this will be at no cost, those who support her will still support her, she is echoing their sentiments.






Last edited by cain
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

I support Hillary but this was a bad idea. Blasting candidates is fair game but it is never smart to bash the voters. Surrogates are better bashing voters and then the candidate is free to focus on the message.

To her credit, she apologized quickly unlike Trump. The question is its eventual cost.

Something like this will be at no cost, those who support her will still support her, she is echoing their sentiments.

No doubt Trump received the Republican nomination vastly at the hand of many who want a white Christian country. He fired them up and accepts their support as he saw it as his pathway to the nomination. Now that the rules of the game have changed, he is trying to expand his appeal but is careful not to lose those he already has. So it is true that she is correct in her assessment. However, a presidential candidate is supposed to be the good cop as their surrogates be the bad cop. That is the ugly nature of politics. I am sure that sometime in the future when this is all over, Bill Clinton would still have opportunities to put his arm around Milania's waist as in this photo but right now, the rules require that they be bitter enemies. (Even now, I don't mind putting my arm around Milania's waist).

Make no doubt about it, as flawed as Hilary is, she is by far more qualified to be president than Trump is. In my opinion, Trump would be more like Kim Jong Un. Someone with lots of energy matched with inexperience and recklessness. Even down to terrible hairstyles.

Political optics demand that she stay clear of the fray and let her surrogates and Trump build the case against Trump while she focus on building the case for herself.

Unfortunately for me, Kari thinks that I am too much of a simpleton to understand the nuances of campaigns and he just may me right.

Image result for the clintons and trumps

Image result for kim jong un

ba$eman posted:

Currently, it appears Hillary stands a 51% chance of being president.  Trump trailing Pa 5% is not good.

Trump in acknowledging his own inexperience seek to assure voters that he will assemble the best and brightest around him as he fulfil the role of president. Unfortunately, being on his third campaign manager this campaign, he has only shown the ability to make mistakes in assembling weak people. Most recently Trump's Policy Makers in Washington, DC quit because they were not being paid for their work. Then we have the USA Freedom Kids suing Trump for non payment of a promised payment. Then we have about 24 other lawsuits not to mention other distractions like Milania at one time being here illegally and while he is not prepared to have her go back insists that others do. Yes, Hillary is flawed but as Ramjattan insists, no one is an angel, but she is still more prepared to be our next president than Trump and most people know that. Plus Americans are generally contemptuous of successful people.


I would bet that more than half of trump's supporters are rednecks. Most of them are from the south and rednecks communities. When you look at the people at Trump's rallies, you might spot a lone black or Asian in the group. I do agree with Hillary. She is correct in what she said. However, white America do not want to hear and accept this.


Unlike the Romney "47 percent" comment the Lady speaketh the truth. Look at those people at Trump's rallies who sucker punch people; and all the signs at his rallies about Muslims, Mexicans and such like. Romney was wrong about takers and givers, but Hillary ain't stray from the truth aboput half of Trump supporters being bigots. We have some here on GNI.


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