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WPA's Hinds not in Guyana to grade APNU - Granger


Written by Denis Scott Chabrol, Saturday, 12 January 2013 11:19, -- Source


Executive member of the Working Peoples Alliance, Professor David Hinds’ ‘F’ grade for A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) failure to stick to its campaign promise to secure power-sharing has been dismissed by Opposition Leader, David Granger.

“I’m being frank with you I will give the APNU an “F” in terms of advancing the agenda that they put to the Guyanese people during the election campaign,” said Hinds.

Granger, who is also leader of the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR), blamed Hinds’ extended stay overseas for his inability to appreciate some of the opposition coalition’s work.

Hinds, a Political Science Professor in the United States, said APNU does not exist outside of Parliament and the only functioning organ is the Leadership Council that meets regularly and makes decisions. “All the other bodies in the APNU are not functional,” he said. He further claimed that APNU did not exist outside of the Assembly but was functioning as individual parties.

“I do not support Dr. Hinds’ views. He is not present in the country and it’s possible that he might be unaware of the work of APNU,” Granger told Demerara Waves Online News ( He added that APNU, including WPA members, have been engaged in outreaches and other work.


The APNU Chairman said the coalition’s executive has met several times and has been briefed on several matters such as the situation in Region 10. Leadership Council meetings, he said were being held every quarter. The Shadow Cabinet meets weekly and the parliamentary group meets monthly. “I think that it is possible that Dr. Hinds is unaware of what is taking place in this jurisdiction,” added Granger.

APNU’s performance has been in the spotlight since Hinds last week said on Christopher Ram’s television programme, ‘Plain Talk’, that APNU has failed to pursue its campaign promise of ensuring that there is a National Unity Government.

“After the election, I thought that, having won a majority, what you needed to do was to use that majority to bargain for a political solution,” he said. Hinds later explained to DemWaves that the opposition could have tabled a Parliamentary Motion and later a Bill in the House for the creation of a National Unity Government.

Professor Hinds reiterated that power sharing is the key to ending exclusion by Guyanese of African and East Indian descent from decision-making whenever either of the two race-based major political parties is in power.

“I think that is almost criminal because I can tell you, as someone on the APNU platform, the biggest applause line was when we said never again will there be a one-party government, never again will 51 (percent) mean a hundred…One year after you have not even introduced a motion- that is a betrayal of the trust that the people have given you,” added Hinds.


Granger, who is also APNU Chairman, disagreed saying that certain Constitutional Reforms including any that could permit power sharing could require support from at least 43 of the 65 seats in the House.

“I think Dr. Hinds is quite aware that some Constitutional Reforms are not possible without a two-thirds majority and we are working in the world of the possible, in the realm of the possible,” said Granger. APNU has 26 seats, Alliance For Change seven and the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) 32.

Asked what APNU planned to do if the PPPC refused, Granger spoke about ongoing talks concerning a 12-year old agenda of the reconstituted parliamentary Constitutional Reform Committee.

WPA Executive Member Desmond Trotman, who is an APNU parliamentarian, declined to comment on Hinds’ position, instead opting to say that overall the opposition coalition has done “very well” in the circumstances.

“I don’t want to comment on that because, as you know as a member of the WPA, he is free to speak to issues in his own voice…I think it is unfair to ask me to compare  how I feel with how Dr. Hinds feels,” Trotman told DemWaves.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

* “I think that it is possible that Dr. Hinds is unaware of what is taking place in this jurisdiction,” added Granger.


* Professor Hinds reiterated that power sharing is the key to ending exclusion by Guyanese of African and East Indian descent from decision-making whenever either of the two race-based major political parties is in power.


David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded himself into thinking he knows what is best for Guyana.

Folks like Hinds love to talk--mostly trash--and they are good at pumping out useless academic papers---and s0-called theories---but put them in the real world and they'd be rank failures.

The Guyanese people don't need 3rd rate/3cents professors like blowhard David Hinds telling them what's best for Guyana.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The Guyanese people don't need 3rd rate/3cents professors like blowhard David Hinds telling them what's best for Guyana.



now, if only we were convinced that u comprehend even a lil bit of what u are braying about . . .

Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.


AFC base their arguments and court case on third rate personalities hence a bunch of court case defeats for them. Looks like they also have a bunch of third rate lawyers.


PPP handling the opposition like butter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.


AFC base their arguments and court case on third rate personalities hence a bunch of court case defeats for them. Looks like they also have a bunch of third rate lawyers.


PPP handling the opposition like butter.

now, if ONLY we were convinced that u [too] comprehend even a lil bit of what u are braying about . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.


AFC base their arguments and court case on third rate personalities hence a bunch of court case defeats for them. Looks like they also have a bunch of third rate lawyers.


PPP handling the opposition like butter.

now, if only we were convinced that u [too] comprehend even a lil bit of what u are braying about . . .

Redux, you need to read up a bit. You are a lot smarter than that. 


The courts have recently rendered that Gag on Rohee in parliament unconstitutional and another ruling that the lotto claim by the AFC and PNC is baseless. Please do not degrade yourself. These are major defeats for the opposition.


In politics it is wise to read up before commenting.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.


AFC base their arguments and court case on third rate personalities hence a bunch of court case defeats for them. Looks like they also have a bunch of third rate lawyers.


PPP handling the opposition like butter.

now, if ONLY we were convinced that u [too] comprehend even a lil bit of what u are braying about . . .

yes we do. let me explain it slowly, it means you are nothing but a two cent wanna be Social Scientist who cant fool the Guyanese People with Lil Graph bout Supply and Demand.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol



Rev, The SHAMELESS Jagarbaat doubting this.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.


AFC base their arguments and court case on third rate personalities hence a bunch of court case defeats for them. Looks like they also have a bunch of third rate lawyers.


PPP handling the opposition like butter.

now, if only we were convinced that u [too] comprehend even a lil bit of what u are braying about . . .

Redux, you need to read up a bit. You are a lot smarter than than that. 


The courts have recently rendered that Gag on Rohee in parliament unconstitutional and another ruling that the lotto claim by the AFC and PNC is baseless. Please do not degrade yourself. These are major defeats for the opposition.


In politics it is wise to read up before before commenting.

i suggest u pull your lice infested head out of your stinking ass and check my laser-like FOCUS on the ad hominen 'attacks' you PPP antimen substitute for reason & argument

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol





Thanks for the heads up. No wonder redux showed up after TK disappeared. TK had to show up with his alter ego. This is very funny.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Rev, The SHAMELESS Jagarbaat doubting this.

TK = redux


The Rev thought that was a well known fact--TK = redux--that's why I never said anything before.


Of course TK will deny it---he fancies himself a smarty pants and thinks he could get away with using an alter


BUT THERE ARE FOLKS HERE ON THIS FORUM WHO COULD BUY AND SELL TK/redux FOR A PENNY--YES! HE WILL SELL THAT CHEAPLY--3 cents Phds can be bought on the open market for a penny.hahahahaha



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol





Thanks for the heads up. No wonder redux showed up after TK disappeared. TK had to show up with his alter ego. This is very funny.

u 3 antimen are way more schtupid (or desperate) than i thought


good thing about GNI . . . there is no real penalty for half-wittedness

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol





Thanks for the heads up. No wonder redux showed up after TK disappeared. TK had to show up with his alter ego. This is very funny.

u 3 antimen are way more schtupid (or desperate) than i thought


good thing about GNI . . . there is no real penalty for half-wittedness

You are the STUPID DUMB HEAD but how are you going to know that, Well, first a Surgeon will have to transplant a Brain in your Empty head.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

David Hinds is another 3rd rate--3 cents liberal arts/social science Phd who has deluded    Yuh hitting TK haad Bhai.

TK ran away after this was posted. Very funny indeed.





TK sent his alter ego redux to respond---you know TK and redux are the same person, right ?lol





Thanks for the heads up. No wonder redux showed up after TK disappeared. TK had to show up with his alter ego. This is very funny.

u 3 antimen are way more schtupid (or desperate) than i thought


good thing about GNI . . . there is no real penalty for half-wittedness

You are the STUPID DUMB HEAD but how are you going to know that, Well, first a Surgeon will have to transplant a Brain in your Empty head.

Stormborn said it best . . . you write like a cow


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