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Hinduism Does not Condem Gay People

Anil Bhanot
General Secretary
Hindu Council UK

The British Hindu homosexual community will welcome the news that their brethren in India are now be able to enjoy the same freedoms as they do in the UK. It is indeed good news that people are not discriminated against because of God's laws of nature.

The ancient Hindu scriptures describe the homosexual condition to be a biological one, and although the scripture gives guidance to parents on how to avoid procreating a homosexual child, it does not condemn the child as unnatural.

Hinduism prescribes 16 ceremonies to mark each major stage in one's life span. We would usually observe the birth, name, adolescence, marriage, retirement and death ceremonies but there is a little known ceremony called the "insemination" ceremony or the Garbhadan Sanskaar, which I am sure nobody observes nowadays.

This insemination ceremony talks about homosexuality. The ancient Rishis or prophets advocated that there are two elements, fire (agni for sun) and water (soma for moon), which determine the sex of a child. Of the 16 days from the end of the menstruation cycle, sexual intercourse for the purposes of procreation was forbidden as during these days the menses may continue. The theory goes that if insemination takes place in the night of an even number from six to 16, a male child will be born whilst on an odd number of fifth, seventh, ninth and 15th night a female child will be born.

The scripture further forbids insemination on the 11th or the 13th night after the end of the menstruation cycle, because then it says the child will be homosexual.

According to the scripture the sex of a child is determined by whether the fire element is dominant or the water element is dominant. Thus during those even nights the fire element dominates giving a male conception and during those odd nights the water element gives a female conception. However, if the fire element equals the water element then a homosexual conception takes place.

The point here is that the homosexual nature is part of the natural law of God; it should be accepted for what it is, no more and no less. Hindus are generally conservative but it would seem to me that in ancient India they even celebrated sex as an enjoyable part of procreation, where people would invite their priest even for a private ceremony in their home to mark the beginning of that process. In fact King Dasharath, who fathered Lord Rama around 2100 BC had one of the most lavish insemination ceremonies.

Homosexuals are full human beings, who in Hinduism even worship their own deity, the Mother Goddess Bahuchara, for their spiritual link to the Absolute Brahm. They marry for the right reasons of commitment, not just unadulterated sex, as a means of training their egos to give to the other person, a technique deified through the sacrament of marriage so that both souls can evolve towards their final salvation.

Mother Goddess Bahuchara.
Worshipped by Gays / Lesbians from Ancient India

Replies sorted oldest to newest

data231 I hope you are not the idiot that penned that trash ! There is nothing devine, in the religious sense, of anything in this universe and, or beyond. Everything was, is and continues to be created, perpetuated and eliminated  by the process of nature - chemistry physics and biology ! I dont hear you religious fanatics bytching about the abuse of women and children , people of lower caste etc . Even your great Lord Rama put Sita through hell to prove herself after being freed from Ravana, the 'demon' who showed more respect for Sita than Rama, by refusing to soil her unless she surrendered willingly. Some people are born with certain inherent traits - big strong and ignorant , small but smart , ugly like bytch , beautiful and appeasing , black , brown , yellow , white etc - nature is imperfect as are all that exists throughout time and space yet, with all their imperfections they are perfect and unique. If some people are gay so be it and they have their right to live the way they choose, if some are hetrosexual so be it and if some are neuter so be it. Just concern yourself with your own sh1t and let others deal with their own .


Data231 did you write all that garbage you posted?


Homosexuals are full human beings, who in Hinduism even worship their own deity, the Mother Goddess Bahuchara, for their spiritual link to the Absolute Brahm. They marry for the right reasons of commitment, not just unadulterated sex, as a means of training their egos to give to the other person, a technique deified through the sacrament of marriage so that both souls can evolve towards their final salvation.

Originally Posted by kidmost:

I dont hear you religious fanatics bytching about the abuse of women and children , people of lower caste etc.

This is the problem with over religious people. They get so absorbed in their religiousity that they fail to even acknowledge the evil around them. In my opinion, these people are the most dangerous in our society.

Gods laws of nature. Even if homosexuals like other men, did God make the BT for taking a lolo? If a man get aroused by the sight of a hairy ass, I call that pervesion. I can understand men with feminine traits but it takes 2 to tango. Usually the man who is doing the jukking is bisexual, no homosexual. And bisexuality is a choice not due to nature. This attraction to the ass sometimes leads to criminal activities, as many innocent, defenceless kids can tell you. You need to draw the line between genuine homosexuality and perversion. Whether Hinduism accepts perversion I do not know. The erotic temple art shows men fornicating with horses. There is no proof that this really happened or is merely artistic freedom. Before people start alleging that Hinduism accepts this and that, they must first understand Hinduism, and it's hundreds of religious variations and socio-religious practices.
Originally Posted by TI:
Gods laws of nature. Even if homosexuals like other men, did God make the BT for taking a lolo? If a man get aroused by the sight of a hairy ass, I call that pervesion. I can understand men with feminine traits but it takes 2 to tango. Usually the man who is doing the jukking is bisexual, no homosexual.

Whoa! What an image.


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