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Former Member

Fellow Hindu and Muslim brothers, Joker has been posting very vile and divisive language to describe Hindus and Muslims. Please note that he is Catholic and of Catholic parents despite their original religious background.


This a political discussion forum and Joker should take his anti Hindu/Muslim hate elsewhere.


In Guyana, religion never divided us and must never divide us. United we stand. I sincerely hope that admin removes some of his offensive posts. 

15 replies · 0 likes · La

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Fellow Hindu and Muslim brothers, Joker has been posting very vile and divisive language to describe Hindus and Muslims. Please note that he is Catholic and of Catholic parents despite their original religious background.


This a political discussion forum and Joker should take his anti Hindu/Muslim hate elsewhere.


In Guyana, religion never divided us and must never divide us. United we stand. I sincerely hope that admin removes some of his offensive posts. 

15 replies · 0 likes · La


EweGee it dosent matter what dem poom poom cheese wear.


Please tell us why De Goat Resign

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Fellow Hindu and Muslim brothers, Joker has been posting very vile and divisive language to describe Hindus and Muslims. Please note that he is Catholic and of Catholic parents despite their original religious background.


This a political discussion forum and Joker should take his anti Hindu/Muslim hate elsewhere.


In Guyana, religion never divided us and must never divide us. United we stand. I sincerely hope that admin removes some of his offensive posts. 

15 replies · 0 likes · La


I must be really getting your panties all knotted up, eh gyal?


easy dere Sweety. You don't wanna fight it now


Joker is certified trash:


Joker is certified trash. The democrats do not need trash, they kicked him to the curb and the judge threw the book at this certified trash:


Army Veteran Farouk Samaroo Loses Ballot Battle Over Queens Special Election

Posted by  and filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

An Army veteran has lost his legal battle to get onto the Democratic ballot for a New York state Assembly seat.

A federal judge in Brooklyn rejected Farouk Samaroo’s bid to block the special election in a Queens district where the candidates were chosen by party bosses.

The 26-year-old Samaroo recently served in Afghanistan. He represented himself at a hearing on Thursday, arguing there should be an open primary. But the judge told him the special election was valid, and that he could still run as an independent.

The special election was ordered by Gov. David Paterson, then rescinded, then made again on Friday in an embarrassing series of edicts. Paterson said the special election was set because it was cost-effective and expeditious.




Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2009 12:00 am

Ask Farouk Samaroo to describe himself, and the word “ordinary” pops up quite a bit.

Forget the fact that he served as a soldier in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan, worked as an intern for former Congressman Floyd Flake at age 12 and a half and, at 26, holds the distinction of being both promoted and fired — in the same week — by disgraced Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin.

In a way, these facts, coupled with his unique heritage — he is a Roman Catholic Guyanese with a Hindu dad and Muslim mom who are Catholic converts — make him ordinary, if only because the district he wants to represent is exactly like him, he said: progressive and eclectic.

Samaroo is one of seven candidates vying to fill the vacant District 38 Assembly seat, which encompasses Richmond Hill, Ozone Park, Glendale, Woodhaven, Middle Village and Ridgewood. The office was left up for grabs when former Assemblyman Anthony Seminerio resigned on June 23 and, one day later, pleaded guilty to scheming to defraud in a Manhattan court. Samaroo is hoping to capture the Democratic endorsement in the primary election, which is expected to take place in September, unless Gov. David Paterson calls for a special election.

“I have the ability and record of working with diverse groups, and this is one of the top five diverse districts in the city,”Samaroo said. “In the last 10 years, for whatever reason, the set of values Seminerio came to Albany with were lost. It’s not just that he was convicted by guilty plea; he did not represent the 38th District. This is a progressive Democratic seat, not a conservative seat.”

Despite what some might call idiosyncrasies, including the fact that he was accepted into Bronx High School of Science but turned it down to enroll at Queens Gateway to Health Sciences and Secondary School, Samaroo followed a traditional path to politics. He was community liaison in the state Assembly and a member of Community Board 9. He worked with the nonprofit organization Agenda 21 to secure funding for Smokey Oval Park and is a member of the Knights of St. Peter Claver, a national Catholic fraternal organization.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You and you parents abandoned Islam a long time ago. You and your family are confirmed Catholic. You are shameless, trash and liar.  It is public knowledge.


what's with this Catholic-bashing?


youse a real smarty. googled an article all by yourself

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You and you parents abandoned Islam a long time ago. You and your family are confirmed Catholic. You are shameless, trash and liar.  It is public knowledge.


what's with this Catholic-bashing?


youse a real smarty. googled an article all by yourself

You were caught lying. Public domain is full of information. You try to pose as a muslim when fact you are a confirmed catholic. I have nothing against catholics.


You are ashamed to embrace Islam hence you converted to Catholic. You are quite a piece of work. Now run along.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You and you parents abandoned Islam a long time ago. You and your family are confirmed Catholic. You are shameless, trash and liar.  It is public knowledge.


what's with this Catholic-bashing?


youse a real smarty. googled an article all by yourself

You were caught lying. Public domain is full of information. You try to pose as a muslim when fact you are a confirmed catholic. I have nothing against catholics.


You are ashamed to embrace Islam hence you converted to Catholic. You are quite a piece of work. Now run along.


De lil auntyman discovered that Samaroo, a minor public figure, is Catholic.


Good jab dere detective

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Joker is certified trash:


Joker is certified trash. The democrats do not need trash, they kicked him to the curb and the judge threw the book at this certified trash:


Army Veteran Farouk Samaroo Loses Ballot Battle Over Queens Special Election

Posted by  and filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

An Army veteran has lost his legal battle to get onto the Democratic ballot for a New York state Assembly seat.

A federal judge in Brooklyn rejected Farouk Samaroo’s bid to block the special election in a Queens district where the candidates were chosen by party bosses.

The 26-year-old Samaroo recently served in Afghanistan. He represented himself at a hearing on Thursday, arguing there should be an open primary. But the judge told him the special election was valid, and that he could still run as an independent.

The special election was ordered by Gov. David Paterson, then rescinded, then made again on Friday in an embarrassing series of edicts. Paterson said the special election was set because it was cost-effective and expeditious.

Why do you repeatedly post this on different threads on this board? We know what happened because everyone here followed that very election closely.  Read the ruling and grasp why the process went forward.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Joker is certified trash:


Joker is certified trash. The democrats do not need trash, they kicked him to the curb and the judge threw the book at this certified trash:


Army Veteran Farouk Samaroo Loses Ballot Battle Over Queens Special Election

Posted by  and filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

An Army veteran has lost his legal battle to get onto the Democratic ballot for a New York state Assembly seat.

A federal judge in Brooklyn rejected Farouk Samaroo’s bid to block the special election in a Queens district where the candidates were chosen by party bosses.

The 26-year-old Samaroo recently served in Afghanistan. He represented himself at a hearing on Thursday, arguing there should be an open primary. But the judge told him the special election was valid, and that he could still run as an independent.

The special election was ordered by Gov. David Paterson, then rescinded, then made again on Friday in an embarrassing series of edicts. Paterson said the special election was set because it was cost-effective and expeditious.

Why do you repeatedly post this on different threads on this board? We know what happened because everyone here followed that very election closely.  Read the ruling and grasp why the process went forward.

Hey dunce,


The judge threw the book at this loser. Look at his legal team. LOL

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Joker can only talk about religious division. In this case he would have to divide (him) from (himself).


I am unashamed to have Christian, Hindu, and Muslim origins.


Makes it easier to me to spot idiots a mile away bro


Religion is a touchy subject and one should be proud of one's faith at all time. I have three faith in my family plus madress and goodrass too. I never meant to offend. I reserved myself to hammer some chamars as fullaman though.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Religion is a touchy subject and one should be proud of one's faith at all time. I have three faith in my family plus madress and goodrass too. I never meant to offend. I reserved myself to hammer some chamars as fullaman though.


Please don't think you offended me in the least bit. Be assured of Joker's continued friendship


I'm only anti Hindu impotency. That's totally different than being anti-Hindu


James Sanders’ Very Politically Well-Timed Member Item

Written by Chris Bragg on August 6, 2012. Posted in Blog, Campaigns/Elections.


In a pretty amazing video shot on Friday evening by the Politicker, Queens Councilman James Sanders gave an animated pitch to a south Asian Democratic club in Richmond Hill, seeking votes for his state Senate race from a community that has often felt ignored by politicians.

During the 20-minute campaign speech, Sanders, who is running against Democratic State Sen. Shirley Huntley, singled out one person in the large audience.

“I have such great friends in the audience here. There are so many. And if you start naming names you’re going to get in trouble. So I’m not going to point out my brother Vishnu Mahadeo back there,” Sanders said comically. “I won’t name him.”

Mahadeo is executive director of the Richmond Hill Economic Development Council, a business development organization. In this year’s budget, Sanders gave the group a $5,000 member item, which was meant to promote an immigrant voter registration drive – even though Richmond Hill, where the organization is based, is not in Sanders’ City Council district.

But a number of those voters, in Richmond Hill, are in the new state Senate district where Sanders is challenging Huntley. And that’s where Sanders was on Friday evening, when he officially got the endorsement of the Richmond Hill Democratic Club.

Reached by phone this afternoon, Sanders insisted that the taxpayer-funded grant was not in any way meant to help his electoral prospects through the registration of potentially supportive voters.

“I think that organizations that register voters are a very good thing,” Sanders said. “I think you guys are reading too much into this. That would really be reading the tea leaves.”

The New York City Council budget was finalized in late June, months after Sanders made clear his plans to run for Senate. This member item is listed on the Council’s website as still “pending.”

Sanders said that the Richmond Hill Economic Development Council would register voters in Sanders’ Council district as well as the Senate district. He also noted that he had given money to organizations trying to register Orthodox Jewish voters in past years.

Reached by phone, Mahadeo said no other lawmaker had funded his organization’s voter registration efforts. He called the funding from Sanders “unprecedented.”

But Mahadeo said both he and his organization were staying neutral in the Senate race.

“We don’t get involved with candidates,” Mahadeo added. “And we are not just focusing on the South Asian community.”

Update: It’s also worth noting that Mahadeo gave Sanders a $4,000 campaign donation in April. So it would seem that Mahadeo is personally supporting Sanders.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

ow gad, yuh gat meh harassin wan ole man?


As a PNCite, I have no qualms about beatin up an ole coolie man

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

is dat abee x-born high caste dalit posing deh?


dis chap ah big big man in de Democratic party in Queens. He mekkin wan hefty $15,000 per year as a full time clerk

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

is dat abee x-born high caste dalit posing deh?


dis chap ah big big man in de Democratic party in Queens. He mekkin wan hefty $15,000 per year as a full time clerk

u mek ah open a brand new file hay

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

is dat abee x-born high caste dalit posing deh?


dis chap ah big big man in de Democratic party in Queens. He mekkin wan hefty $15,000 per year as a full time clerk

u mek ah open a brand new file hay


Ah wonda if his new bass would like to see some of "yuji22's" racist PPP rants


Whah do you tink bai?


Should Sanders be shown these tings?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

is dat abee x-born high caste dalit posing deh?


dis chap ah big big man in de Democratic party in Queens. He mekkin wan hefty $15,000 per year as a full time clerk

u mek ah open a brand new file hay


Ah wonda if his new bass would like to see some of "yuji22's" racist PPP rants


Whah do you tink bai?


Should Sanders be shown these tings?

bai, ah wukkin rale hard pun dis file tarass . . . i recommend wider distribution

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Yuji22 is de chap in de middle:

is dat abee x-born high caste dalit posing deh?


dis chap ah big big man in de Democratic party in Queens. He mekkin wan hefty $15,000 per year as a full time clerk

u mek ah open a brand new file hay


Ah wonda if his new bass would like to see some of "yuji22's" racist PPP rants


Whah do you tink bai?


Should Sanders be shown these tings?

Funny to watch these fools in action while yuji relaxes in his mansion in the great white north. No wonder the judge threw the book at this fool joker.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Funny to watch these fools in action while yuji relaxes in his mansion in the great white north. No wonder the judge threw the book at this fool joker.

yugee bai, de "mansion" ting struck a false note; u sound suspect, desperate . . . and guilty


just sayin

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Funny to watch these fools in action while yuji relaxes in his mansion in the great white north. No wonder the judge threw the book at this fool joker.

yugee bai, de "mansion" ting struck a false note; u sound suspect, desperate . . . and guilty


just sayin


How does one afford a mansion on 15k per annum?


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