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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Donald is serious about the health of the nation as much as he is serious about his personal well being. He lost weight and is looking much better. He is being advised about his image and how it affects his popularity. Presidents need to be popular.

Presidents need to honest not merely popular. He is a crook.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

Ramotar’s hollow snap election threats


Dear Editor
The “last of the buffoon leaders” was how one American journalist described the leaders of the PPP in 2014 to us. The journalist was referring specifically to their gross incompetence at governance  in which corruption and crime have reached new heights and their refusal to call Local Government elections despite Mr. Ramotar’s promise to do so. With his numerous outlandish threats of calling snap elections even when Khemraj Ramjattan, Carl Greenidge and Moses Nagamootoo called his bluff, it is clear to us that the President is behaving like a school yard bully.  He has constantly used threats when he does not get his way. What he represents as a leader is cowardice, conceit, and gross ignorance.


Source: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ap-election-threats/

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

Ramotar’s hollow snap election threats


Dear Editor
The “last of the buffoon leaders” was how one American journalist described the leaders of the PPP in 2014 to us. The journalist was referring specifically to their gross incompetence at governance  in which corruption and crime have reached new heights and their refusal to call Local Government elections despite Mr. Ramotar’s promise to do so. With his numerous outlandish threats of calling snap elections even when Khemraj Ramjattan, Carl Greenidge and Moses Nagamootoo called his bluff, it is clear to us that the President is behaving like a school yard bully.  He has constantly used threats when he does not get his way. What he represents as a leader is cowardice, conceit, and gross ignorance.


Source: http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ap-election-threats/

The “last of the buffoon leaders”

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

The president has charisma and charm that certain people cannot recognize.

If so, then why does he have to behave like a school yard bully? The free press refers to him a "buffoon".  If he had charisma, he would not have allowed Jagdeo to select him but place his fate in the grass root supporters to elect him to run for the Presidency. His performance record with Omai and Guysuco speaks volumes of his ineptitude which is also now reflected in his current stint as Chief Administrator for the country.  BTW, tell him I know of his Uncle Johnny.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

The president has charisma and charm that certain people cannot recognize.

If so, then why does he have to behave like a school yard bully? The free press refers to him a "buffoon".  If he had charisma, he would not have allowed Jagdeo to select him but place his fate in the grass root supporters to elect him to run for the Presidency. His performance record with Omai and Guysuco speaks volumes of his ineptitude which is also now reflected in his current stint as Chief Administrator for the country.  BTW, tell him I know of his Uncle Johnny.

I can't help you here, Mitwah. Ramotar is his own man, and he's waiting for the no-confidence motion against his administration that is promised by the joint opposition. I hope they will deliver as promised for your sake. I really do hate to see big men cry over Ramotar everyday.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

The president has charisma and charm that certain people cannot recognize.

If so, then why does he have to behave like a school yard bully? The free press refers to him a "buffoon".  If he had charisma, he would not have allowed Jagdeo to select him but place his fate in the grass root supporters to elect him to run for the Presidency. His performance record with Omai and Guysuco speaks volumes of his ineptitude which is also now reflected in his current stint as Chief Administrator for the country.  BTW, tell him I know of his Uncle Johnny.

Well said Mits.  You on Fiya today.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Donald lacks charisma. Why is he not wearing a life jacket?

The president has charisma and charm that certain people cannot recognize.

If so, then why does he have to behave like a school yard bully? The free press refers to him a "buffoon".  If he had charisma, he would not have allowed Jagdeo to select him but place his fate in the grass root supporters to elect him to run for the Presidency. His performance record with Omai and Guysuco speaks volumes of his ineptitude which is also now reflected in his current stint as Chief Administrator for the country.  BTW, tell him I know of his Uncle Johnny.

I can't help you here, Mitwah. Ramotar is his own man, and he's waiting for the no-confidence motion against his administration that is promised by the joint opposition. I hope they will deliver as promised for your sake. I really do hate to see big men cry over Ramotar everyday.

He is playing games. He is trying to force a no confidence motion so that he can turn around and blame the opposition for his ineptitude. Put on your thinking cap. He will have a field day by putting  a spin that the AFC and PNC are in bed together. He thinks he is smart. Good, he fears Mr. Nagamooto and Mr. Ramjattan. From the census, he already lost a seat in Berbice. Think.


Mitwah, you also putting a spin on the issue. If the opposition promise a no-confidence motion they must deliver as promise. If Ramotar wants to blame the opposition, he has all right to do so. This is not his call. Yes, Ramotar lost votes in Berbice in 2011. But let's put Berbicians to the voting test once again and see the result. If AFC is confident enough to steal Berbice away from the PPP, what is Moses and Ramjattan is waiting for. Strike while the iron is hot.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, you also putting a spin on the issue. If the opposition promise a no-confidence motion they must deliver as promise. If Ramotar wants to blame the opposition, he has all right to do so. This is not his call. Yes, Ramotar lost votes in Berbice in 2011. But let's put Berbicians to the voting test once again and see the result. If AFC is confident enough to steal Berbice away from the PPP, what is Moses and Ramjattan is waiting for. Strike while the iron is hot.

Why is Ramotar hesitant in calling Local elections? As you know Jagdeo is in charge. Moses and Ramjattan won't call it unless APNU is in full support. We now have a conundrum. Anyway, Moses drop a pebble in the pond and the ripple is yet to reach the shore line. Ramotar is treading water, but then he has duck feet.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, you also putting a spin on the issue. If the opposition promise a no-confidence motion they must deliver as promise. If Ramotar wants to blame the opposition, he has all right to do so. This is not his call. Yes, Ramotar lost votes in Berbice in 2011. But let's put Berbicians to the voting test once again and see the result. If AFC is confident enough to steal Berbice away from the PPP, what is Moses and Ramjattan is waiting for. Strike while the iron is hot.

Why is Ramotar hesitant in calling Local elections? As you know Jagdeo is in charge. Moses and Ramjattan won't call it unless APNU is in full support. We now have a conundrum. Anyway, Moses drop a pebble in the pond and the ripple is yet to reach the shore line. Ramotar is treading water, but then he has duck feet.

Because one of the local election bill is unconstitutional for the president to sign. The president get legal advise from his cabinet team. The president made that very clear to the join opposition, but APNU/AFC wants to be bullies.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Mitwah, you also putting a spin on the issue. If the opposition promise a no-confidence motion they must deliver as promise. If Ramotar wants to blame the opposition, he has all right to do so. This is not his call. Yes, Ramotar lost votes in Berbice in 2011. But let's put Berbicians to the voting test once again and see the result. If AFC is confident enough to steal Berbice away from the PPP, what is Moses and Ramjattan is waiting for. Strike while the iron is hot.

Why is Ramotar hesitant in calling Local elections? As you know Jagdeo is in charge. Moses and Ramjattan won't call it unless APNU is in full support. We now have a conundrum. Anyway, Moses drop a pebble in the pond and the ripple is yet to reach the shore line. Ramotar is treading water, but then he has duck feet.

Because one of the local election bill is unconstitutional for the president to sign. The president get legal advise from his cabinet team. The president made that very clear to the join opposition, but APNU/AFC wants to be bullies.

Give dem facts and figga bhai BUT the question is, will they understand?


The President is the loyal student of the crooked philosophy called Jagdeoism


Dear Editor,
It is politically sensible to take the villains of Guyanese politics and interpret their work to expose them for what they really are – sheep in wolf’s clothing. The trust of this letter is to expose why the President qualifies as a failed leader with a crooked philosophy as practiced by his predecessor.
In February 2014, the President accused the majority opposition of playing “blackmail politics” but this was furthest from the truth. The real blackmailers were the leaders of the PPP as they continue to hold the nation at ransom by not operationalizing the Public Procurement Commission and the Integrity Commission, and empower our constitutional commissions and state bodies to carry out their lawful role without political interference. Today, almost all the State Institutions, even the Judiciary and Parliament are reduced to puppets of the minority ruling Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, even though the opposition has a majority in Parliament. And the person holding the nation at random is none other than the President who refuses to sign most of the Bills passed by Parliament.
There is a need to create a new political culture with respect for the will of the people and the constitution, but once President Ramotar, Bharat Jagdeo and Clement Rohee remain the Leaders of the PPP, Guyana is doomed to petty, selfish, personal and vindictive politics. Under this PPP troika, no issues will be analyzed on its merit; it will always be acts of self preservation, vindictiveness and blackmail politics with lame, cowardly and empty threats of calling snap elections. The President has become an expert in this but he dares not call Local Government Elections. Anytime he does, the PPP will get a sound trashing by the people so much so that they will not know what hit them.
Well, it is clear that only the Freedom House school yard bullies are not aware that the people are ready for Local Government elections and this is a clear revelation of how out of touch they are on the real issues at the grass roots level.  Just interact with the market vendor, the construction worker, civil/public servants or the taxi driver to assess the social, economic and political aspirations of the people – they all want Local Government Elections. But the politically blind and deaf leaders in Freedom House who have abandoned the poor and the working class cannot see or hear the voice of the people; they are stuck in their isolated ivory towers like the Robert Mugabes of Guyana. The people of Berbice should know that both APNU and the AFC have voted in favour of a Bill to lower the toll on the Berbice Bridge from $2200 to $1000 for cars and minibuses and free for motorcycles but not only the PPP voted against the Bill, the President has refused to sign it into law. They claimed that the people of Berbice do not want the tolls to be reduced because they want the bridge and is willing to pay even a higher toll to cross it. This is how these dotish dreamers think.
This crooked philosophy of Jagdeoism has been rejected by the people who are sick to their stomach with the high crime rate, rampant corruption and the massive wealth accumulated by the “rags to riches” cabal. These kleptocrats, some of whom are not 40 years old as yet, have become wealthy over night and are multi-millionaires by US standards.  When the dust settles, the poor and the working class, who live by pay cheque after pay cheque are struggling to put food on the table or send their kids to school, can only watch in horror at the mansions being built by these and multi-millionaires. Only crumbs are left for the masses.  Have President Ramotar and his multimillionaires taken the time to visit Pigeon Island, less than five miles from his Pradoville home to really understand the socio-economic meltdown that is alive and well in Guyana? Have they looked at the social decay and the poverty level of the country? Shame on them to pay our seniors a meager $13,000 in monthly pensions! Shame on them for having the people live in such squalour! And shame on them for abandoning the poor and the downtrodden!
Secondly, the President is not aware that society can be best served by a plurality of goals. The PPP can best serve itself while also serving the people of Pigeon Island, but because of greed and crookedness, they have made the two mutually exclusive. Certainly this government is the servant of the people and should not have priority over their masters, the people; it should be the other way around. It is up to the people to make this happen. The Arab Spring Revolution has set the trend for them to follow, so what are they waiting for only God knows.
Thirdly, the President pretends to argue against some sort of extremist views that are nothing but a figment of his imagination, when the real extremist views reside mainly in Freedom House.  It is extremist to deny a nation a Public Procurement Commission and in the process save some G$9 billion in grease money.  It is extremist to refuse to listen to the voice of the people and call Local Government Elections.  It is extremist for PPP leaders to build hundred million dollars beach front mansions while the poor and the working class are under-housed, under-fed and under-clothed, especially in a country that has the wealth and land to feed, cloth and house all its people satisfactorily. It is extremist to pay pensioners $13000 per month while pay his predecessor a pension of $3 million a month, unlimited health care, unlimited travel and unlimited vehicles and manpower. It is time for the masses to wake up and use any and every legal means to challenge this corrupt and greedy cabal for these unfair practices.
In summary, one can say that this warped philosophy that the President is following is a failed philosophy.  The President is a loyal student of Jagdeoism, which sits on the sands of consequentialist immorality – an immorality that can excuse any action depending on its ends. If the warped philosophy is in the best interest of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal regardless of its consequences on the people, it is deemed a good philosophy by them. Finally, this warped philosophy recommends a list of practices, many of which justify cruel, greedy and unscrupulous behaviour on very unsound reasoning. The conclusion one draws from this is that the PPP is no good for Guyana and Jagdeoism is a warped philosophy, and that any attempts to apply it are likely to have bad outcomes.  Hence the abject failure of the Ramotar term so far.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


Hammer pun Ramu.



In February 2014, the President accused the majority opposition of playing “blackmail politics” but this was furthest from the truth. The real blackmailers were the leaders of the PPP as they continue to hold the nation at ransom by not operationalizing the Public Procurement Commission and the Integrity Commission, and empower our constitutional commissions and state bodies to carry out their lawful role without political interference. Today, almost all the State Institutions, even the Judiciary and Parliament are reduced to puppets of the minority ruling Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal, even though the opposition has a majority in Parliament. And the person holding the nation at random is none other than the President who refuses to sign most of the Bills passed by Parliament.


Quoted from Rose and Singh


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