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Pie in the sky or not he shook up the democratic primaries.

Senator Clinton has now embraced some of the policies he has been speaking about.... and that's a good sign.

I sent his campaign a message asking that it will be wise  for him to tone down his attack on Ms  Clinton because we do not want to loose the White House come November.



Vish M posted:

RH/SOP are Jerry-mandered into 6 Assembly Districts, 4 City Council Districts, 3 NYS Senate Districts and 2 Congressional Districts

My point exactly.

So unless you get coherent boundaries then you will not get what you wish. 

Note to you.  The powers that be don't favor ethnically based districts as they once did.  Despite your claims, there are many people who aren't Indo Caribbean who live in those areas.



Redistricting will come again after the 2020 Census.

RHEDC and many other community based organizations petitioned the Redistriction Commission in 2012 as the then map, marginalized the RH/SOP communities.

The Redistricting Commission did a gross injustice to our community.

Our Now Sate Senator Roxanne Persaud was a part of the Redistricting Committee

Vish M
Vish M posted:

Redistricting will come again after the 2020 Census.

RHEDC and many other community based organizations petitioned the Redistriction Commission in 2012 as the then map, marginalized the RH/SOP communities.

The Redistricting Commission did a gross injustice to our community.

Our Now Sate Senator Roxanne Persaud was a part of the Redistricting Committee

Its all a matter of incumbency and you bet that the diminishing white population in the area will lobby hard to maintain status quo.  By area I mean ALL the areas included in the districts within which RH/SOP are located.

Redistricting usually means that an incumbent loses. Charlie Rangel can tell you how his seat, which he always easily won, because a closely fought battle when redistricting (done to get rid of him because he had his financial scandals) resulted in loads of Dominicans being added.

Indo Caribs don't have the numbers, nor the degree of organization that Dominicans have.  Dominicans are seen as a subset within the overall Hispanic population, which in another 20 years, will be the largest single voting bloc in NYC.

Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

Indo Caribbean does have the numbers.

The last Presidential Primary Election results was a powerful statement.

Our votes went up by 300%


Please stop being stupid. There are 600k Dominicans in NYC, now on the brink of replacing Puerto Ricans as the largest Latino group.

And you think that 10k votes interests any one, when there are powerful forces that want the status quo.


Vish, don't ever think that a voter registered in your efforts means a vote for whomsoever anyone endorses. It is not a homogeneous voting block. You should know that by now with your interactions with people in the district - CD, AD or Congressional. That's why it's called a democracy - people differ in their opinions. Take for example the Dhanpaul Narineand company's sponsorship of Tulsi Gabbard for Congresssional re-election in Hawaii with a 100 + dinner at Richie Rich. That woman has been more anti-Islam and anti-Muslim than Ted Cruz.

Vish M posted:

This is not the trend in RH.

Whilst was was at PS161Q where there were more than 1000 votes casted just 1 African American woman asked to be guided to vote for Trump in the Primary  even though she was a registered Democrat.

She was shown and was assisted to file a change of Party.


Yet, Trump won NY state. How is that?


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