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Chief posted:

When will NYers  elect a Guyanese councilman?

Roxanne Persaud didn't campaign as a Guyanese.  She outreached to the entirety of the community, and got strong support from Haitians and others.

When folks in RH stop seeing it as "Guyanese electing a councilman", and start seeing it as "getting a Guyanese elected" then maybe that will happen.

The boundaries are what they are, and ethnically aligned boundary changes are less favored now than they were 20 years ago.  And in fact, given the fluidity of residential patterns in NY, is it even really realistic, as people move on, and new people replace them.

Vish M posted:

Richmond Hill and South Ozone has enough votes to elect many Councilmem

Vish M, behave yourself.  You said that the area has been divided into many districts. Given this a RH candidate has to select which district to run in, and woo the majority of the voters.  There is no RH/SOP council district.


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