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By B Fazeela Ishmail


This action was taken under the PNC Government and Fall into the PPP/C Timestamp .

Guysuco :History Events

Historical Events in the Sugar Industry 1976 - 2001


Closure of the Leonora factory (latter part of the year). Alternative employment found for factory workers.

Livestock complex at Liliendaal established


Safe and effective rodenticide introduced industry-wide after Thallium Sulphate scare.                                                        

Diamond factory closed (1st Crop).

Jagdeo denies closing sugar estates, says it was restructuring of industry

Opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo says the move taken by the past Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) administration to cease operations at the La Bonne Intention (LBI) sugar and the Diamond Estates is different to the one taken by the coalition government to close the Wales Estate.

Jagdeo, at a press conference last week when questioned on the basis for closing the Estates sought to explain the difference in the two courses of action.

According to him, the past administration’s move was basically to restructure the industry. “The thing is that very very different in the types of action…in the production of sugar. It was just moving some of the workers we had to pay severance to and then they eventually moved to other areas. It wasn’t closure like the type of closure they’re trying to do, an escape closure like Wales. Had that been the case you would have seen it all over this report (COI report),”Jagdeo explained.

The PPP/C government back in 2003 closed down LBI Sugar Estate and Diamond Sugar Estate in 2011.

Government announced last week that it will be closing down the Wales estate located on the West Bank of Demerara, saying that it is too costly to upkeep its operations, coupled with the fact that it was making a loss.

This announcement was met with protest by the opposition and sugar workers who will be affected by the closure of the estate.

A number of protests were held since last week, including in front of Parliament buildings on Thursday last.

The opposition condemned government’s decision to close the Estate saying that it is cold-hearted and a decision taken without any consideration for the livelihoods of the workers, their families and the thousands who depend on the operations of the Estate for a living.

It accused the coalition government of going against the recommendations in the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) conducted into the operations in the sugar industry. But the government explained that the decision was taken before the setting up of the CoI.

The party says it is concerned about the nearly two thousand workers that will be out of a job, however, the government has given the assurance that provision will be made for same.

Historical Events in the Sugar Industry 1976 - 2001

May 26, 1976

The Government acquired the 9 Booker Sugar estates in Guyana. To these were added the two Demerara Sugar Company estates to form the Guyana Sugar Corporation GuySuCo

First Chairman, Harold Davis, appointed. Yesu Persaud is named Vice Chairman

Launching of SUGAR NEWS to replace BOOKER News

DB 66113 is first cane variety introduced since nationalisation. This variety is still utilised and occupies 12% of our cultivation. However, the oldest variety used in the sugar industry is D 15841.


Corporation Flag and Crest (Emblem) designed by Apprentice Colin Nedd and Agronomist Claude Vibert Ho

New Pumping Station at Sandaka established to provide water from the Canje Creek for the Skeldon cultivation


A 2¼ mile waterway to allow for the transport of canes between the Versailles, Leonora and Uitvlugt estates, established. The waterway became operational during the First Crop of 1978.

GuySuCo signs agreement recognising the Guyana Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) as an operating Union on March 23rd. Signing to this agreement signals the beginning of an era of industrial stability

Versailles factory closed


Sugar Industry’s Diagnostic Centre conceived in the early sixties and established in 1964 at Lusignan, resited to Ogle.  

Apprenticeship period reduced to four years and the first six female apprentices enrolled at the GTC, PM.


Plant Protection Unit (PPU) established as Corporation places emphasis on the control and eradication of weeds, pest and diseases which affect the sugar cane plant.

First Honours Roll presentation ceremony held after launching of Scheme in 1979. Production Honours Roll Scheme is a management machinery which provides motivation required for attainment of production goals

New drainage pump costing ½ million dollars installed at Leonora estate to improve the estate’s capacity to drain and recirculate water.

Head Office sport club officially opened at Ogle

Dispensary established at De Kinderen in response to Corporation’s commitment to its workers’ health care. This added to the chain of dispensaries at Skeldon, Albion, Port Mourant, Rose Hall, Providence, Blairmont, Bath, Enmore, Non Pariel, Lusignan, LBI, Better Hope, Diamond, Herstelling, Peter’s Hall, Wales, Leonora and Uitvlugt.


Equipment Conservation Centre established at Ogle for rebuilding machinery components


SMUT the disease that first attacked sugar cane in 1974 completely repressed. B 41227 and DB66113found to be resistant to SMUT.

Management Training Centre at Ogle re-constructed. The building which replaced the first centre constructed by Bookers Sugar Estates in 1974, was to cater for management training at all levels, the holding of seminars, conferences, meetings and other activities

Bagasse Baling equipment acquired at Albion. The equipment increases the bulk density of the bagasse by means of compression, facilitating storage in a smaller area.


Mechanical trials piloted at Diamond. A mechanical harvester and planter introduced.

Punt Dumper introduced at Diamond. The first of its kind to be erected in any part of the world, the Punt Dumper has the capacity to perform 20 lifts per hour.


GuySuCos responsibility for edible oil production transferred to the National Edible Oil Company Limited. As a consequence, the assets at San Jan and Wauna Oil Palm Estates transferred


Closure of the Leonora factory (latter part of the year). Alternative employment found for factory workers.

Livestock complex at Liliendaal established.


Safe and effective rodenticide introduced industry-wide after Thallium Sulphate scare.                                                          

Diamond factory closed (1st Crop).


Head Office Annexe established at Kingston

The cane variety DB 7869 is the most utilised in GuySuCo. This variety occupies 45% of our cultivation


Blairmont Rice Milling Complex commissioned in May

Mike Brassington appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors

Cheese and Butter plant at Versailles commissioned in October.


Strategic Alliance - a memorandum of Agreement signed between Government and Booker PLC on October 30, for management of the sugar industry


Neville Hilary joins the Corporation as Chief Executive

Drainage Rehabilitation Programme commenced. Design works completed for the No 83 Village Public Road bridge at Skeldon, two oceanic sluices at Enmore, rehabilitation of Strathspey sluices and a new aqueduct at Foulis, Enmore.


Vickram Oditt assumes duties as Chairman of the GuySuCo Board

Community Development centres at Skeldon, Rose Hall, Blairmont and Enmore refurbished as part of the Corporation’s revitalisation programme.


New medical facility established at Diamond.

Construction of Mill Dock buildings at LBI and Albion; a Field Workshop at Skeldon; new Fertiliser Stores at Blairmont and Uitvlugt and a Field Laboratory at Uitvlugt.


Independent environmental audit conducted. GuySuCo recorded as having superior standards to other Caribbean sugar industries in environmental practices.

Establishment of the Coldingen Complex. This centre serves to centralise and streamline stores control and workshop operations

State Visit by HRH Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip

Safety Committees established on all estates and at Head Office Units


GuySuCo achieves new market in the European Union following enactment of Special Preferential Sugar Agreement between ACP Sugar Protocol holders and the EU

First of three towers for voice and data communications erected (at Drill) to facilitate a communications link among the Corporation’s locations.


Programme of insecticide and other agrochemical stock reduction implemented. Five new modern Chemical Stores constructed at Albion-Port Mourant, Rose Hall, Enmore, LBI-Diamond and Uitvlugt-Leonora Estate.

Corporation takes initiative of applying chemical ripeners as part of strategy to produce higher yields of sugar from each acre of cane.

Shipment of 11,193 tons from the DST recorded as largest sugar shipment up to 1996

Regional Diagnostic Centre established at Rose Hall

LBI Community Development Centre rehabilitated


GuySuCo hosts 26th WIST Conference


The East Demerara Estate formed. Operations of the LBI/Diamond and Enmore estates merged, with LBI becoming the Estate’s administrative centre.

High Density planting introduced

GuySuCo releases 40 acres of land at Liliendaal to facilitate permanent headquarters for CARICOM.

Strategic Plan formulated to secure the future development of the industry. Factory rehabilitation and expansion plans included.  

Neville Hilary, Chief Executive ends stint at GuySuCo and is replaced by Brian Webb

SATLOC technology places GuySuCo in first position as agricultural entity to acquire equipment that identifies location in the fields to be sprayed


Amalgamation of the Rose Hall and Albion/Port Mourant Estates to form the East Berbice Estate

Community Development Centre at Wales rehabilitated

GuySuCo records its highest weekly production of 12,080 tonnes (September 11) and highest production since 1978 of 321,438 tonnes of sugar. More than $1B paid out as Annual Production Incentive to workers.

Head Office relocated to Ogle

Corporation awarded contract to provide Jamaica with 6,000 tonnes of raw cane sugar. Plans in train to expand the product range and offer various packet sizes to customers in the local, CARICOM and new regional markets. 1 kg packet sugar introduced.


Corporation operations at Central Laboratory moved to LBI

HRH The Prince of Wales, Prince Charles visits Skeldon where a new factory is to be constructed

Largest shipment of bagged sugar sent. Jamaica received 5,000 tonnes of bagged sugar as part of the total 10,000 tonne-quota to be supplied.

Some 58 hectares of cane put under the DB 71559 as GuySuCo starts pilot project to produce organic sugar at Uitvlugt location of the West Demerara Estates. This project was launched following an offer from a prominent customer to purchase Organic sugar from Guyana.

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