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431. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter- American Affairs (Oliver) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Bohlen)/1/

Washington, February 13, 1968.

/1/ Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, Guyana 1969, 1970. Secret; Eyes Only.

Electoral Assistance to Guyanan Prime Minister Burnham—Progress Report
Attached is a [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] memorandum of 22 January /2/ reporting the progress that has been made in putting into effect the 303 Committee’s decision of April 1967 to provide anti-Jagan forces in Guyana with covert support for the next national elections, which are scheduled for late 1968 or early 1969. The bulk of the assistance, whose total cost was estimated at [less than 1 line of source text not declassified], was to go to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham of the Peoples National Congress (PNC); a lesser amount was to go to the PNC’s junior partner in the government coalition, the United Force (UF).

/2/ The attached memorandum reported that the PNC claimed to already have 20,000 overseas Guyanese registered, [text not declassified], and that, "according [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]," Cheddi and Janet Jagan and a small hard-core group of Marxists around them had purged the PPP of the majority of its moderate leaders at the party congress in late August 1967.

The Committee’s decision was grounded in the belief that as Prime Minister Jagan would be an instrument of Communist influence in Latin America. He is a declared Marxist, and during his years as head of government in 1961–64 demonstrated in a number of ways his close sympathy with both the Soviet Union and Cuba. The [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] memorandum of proposal that formed the basis of the Committee’s April decision pointed out that in these years some 50 members of his People’s Progressive Party (PPP) were trained in guerrilla warfare in Cuba; that some 90 PPP youths were currently being educated in Bloc countries; that the Soviet Union during Jagan’s premiership had given over $3,000,000 in direct support of the PPP; and that Jagan’s Accabre College, which he established in Guyana in 1965, is a base for Marxist indoctrination of PPP members.

The attached memorandum notes a number of steps that have been taken to implement the 303 Committee decision. A PNC training program in organizational and campaign techniques is in progress [4 lines of source text not declassified] to publicize Guyana’s progress and thus attract the maximum number of these voters.

Anation-wide registration of all Guyanese over 15 has been all but completed; the information it yields will be helpful in indicating likely areas and groups for PNC campaign effort. For its part, the UF has begun working in both urban and rural areas and among its potential supporters in American Indian settlements. Of the [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] originally authorized, [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] was committed in FY ‘67. Of the [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] programmed for FY 1968 only [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] has been committed thus far, but the report anticipates an early quickening in the pace of outlays.

Despite these endeavors, the election still promises to be a nipand-tuck affair. The country’s vote will once more be cast almost completely along ethnic lines, and there is no solid assurance that Burnham’s Negro supporters, even with their strength supplemented by their overseas compatriots, will carry the day against the East Indian supporters of Jagan. The feasibility of Burnham’s design to effect a preelection merger with St. Vincent and thus take advantage of that island’s largely Negro vote is still uncertain. Guyana’s border problems with Venezuela and Surinam are being vigorously exploited by Jagan, as are charges that the United States, and especially the CIA, is involving itself in Guyana’s internal affairs. /3/ But although prospects are thus unclear, they are bright enough to justify keeping to our present course.

I recommend that the attached memorandum be noted in the next 303 Committee meeting.

/3/ Jagan charged that the Shoup Registration System International of Pennsylvania was a front for the CIA and would help with the rigging of the coming elections, according to a December 17, 1967, New York Times article, a copy of which was attached but not printed.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Why dony you really take a FRIGGIN break, Haul Yuh ASS and go play with Pigeons!! The American PIGS can even give you SHIT to eat!!!!

The same American PIGS ,Country you enjoying life presently . I guess America owe you and all the followers of the Communist, Peoples Progressive Party of Guyana.

Last edited by Django

Funny that it was Burnham and not Jagan who took the country down the communist path. Lesson to learn. People and things aren’t as seem. Today it is still the followers of the PNC who insist on comrade this, comrade that, comrade shit. 😀

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Why dony you really take a FRIGGIN break, Haul Yuh ASS and go play with Pigeons!! The American PIGS can even give you SHIT to eat!!!!

The same American PIGS ,Country you enjoying life presently . I guess America owe you and all the followers of the Communist, Peoples Progressive Party of Guyana.

These are the things that raise eyebrows of the authorities, a man run away from his country to go live in the US and yet calling them PIGS for fkin up his country. Same guy would say black people does eat at your house and bore yo plate....same thing.

Last edited by cain


That semi-declassified excerpt confirms what Dr Cheddi Jagan had stressed umpteen times in the Mirror newspaper, at press conferences and public meetings at Cornelia Ida and numerous villages. Namely, that the US administration under President Lyndon Johnson helped Linden  Burnham to rig the 1968 general election to keep Jagan's PPP out of power. The assistance included training and money to Burnham and D'Aguiar. In the passage above the amount of money is stated as not declassified. However, Stephen Rabe in his book "US INTERVENTION IN BRITISH GUIANA: A Cold War Story" mentions the exact amount of money Burnham had requested and received to run his 1968 election campaign.

Ray posted:

US did not want communist Jagan to rule Guyana

That was blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. It was up to the Guyanese citizens to decide in free and fair elections  whether or not Jagan should "rule" Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:
Ray posted:

US did not want communist Jagan to rule Guyana

That was blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. It was up to the Guyanese citizens to decide in free and fair elections  whether or not Jagan should "rule" Guyana.

Yet dem rass balling and hollering bout Russian Interference. Karma is a bytch. It was the democrats who toppled the PPP and dem get em back good and prappa.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Ray posted:

US did not want communist Jagan to rule Guyana

That was blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. It was up to the Guyanese citizens to decide in free and fair elections  whether or not Jagan should "rule" Guyana.

it is what it is...and still happens

Ray posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Ray posted:

US did not want communist Jagan to rule Guyana

That was blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. It was up to the Guyanese citizens to decide in free and fair elections  whether or not Jagan should "rule" Guyana.

it is what it is...and still happens

And it is still wrong. It mocks and undermines their perennial boasts about democracy.

Ray posted:

US did not want communist Jagan to rule Guyana

Perhaps the US was focused on Communist Burnham ...

Forbes Burnham, then president of the West Indian Students Union in London, Britain, visited Czechoslovakia in 1947 as a delegate to the International Union of Students Congress. 

Ray posted:


Maybe he changed later on...but elements within the PPP are still COmmunists

Hope USA save Guyana from these communists

So what? The Cold War ended 28 years ago. The communist USSR disintegrated. Russia is not a communist state. Putin is not a communist. Eastern Europe is not communist now. Communism is no longer a threat or force against the western "democracies." A handful of PPP old-timers holding on to communist ideas threatens no one in or out of Guyana. They are no more harmful than the Jordanites. Jagdeo is no communist. And the socialist gilbakka got one foot in de grave. Why yuh all getting jittery? Why Django obsessed with the PPP Cold War past?

Ray posted:


Maybe he changed later on...but elements within the PPP are still COmmunists

Hope USA save Guyana from these communists

Dr Cheddi Beret Jagan was a SOCIALIST!!  A man who dedicated his life to fight Poverty, Imperialism, Dictatorship and Foreign Intervention. He was never a Communist. He was asked directly by President JFK if he was a Communist and he told him he is a Socialist and list the thing he will always fight for.He had a PASSION to help the POOR and less privileged. He was the Father Of Our Nation and will always be!!!

Nehru posted:
Ray posted:


Maybe he changed later on...but elements within the PPP are still COmmunists

Hope USA save Guyana from these communists

Dr Cheddi Beret Jagan was a SOCIALIST!!  A man who dedicated his life to fight Poverty, Imperialism, Dictatorship and Foreign Intervention. He was never a Communist. He was asked directly by President JFK if he was a Communist and he told him he is a Socialist and list the thing he will always fight for.He had a PASSION to help the POOR and less privileged. He was the Father Of Our Nation and will always be!!!

And Dr Jagan mentor two more Doctors who will take Guyana to a better tomorrow under PPP/ C in 2020. 


Jorgan saw the Blackman as his brother while he saw the Koolieman as his political rival, someone not to be trusted and someone only to be used for political convivence.  

Last edited by Prashad
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this article there are some achievement at certain ages,

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.article there are some achievement at certain ages,

 ( I believe in 1997 he was elected into PPP regional  Committee for region 3 and served in education and finance secretary) 

Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this article there are some achievement at certain ages,

The PYO had a Pioneer Section at that time. Kids as young as 8 years old could join. Irfaan Ali joined the PYO Pioneers and worked his way upward. Some lucky Pioneers got trips to Cuba to interact with young Pioneers. They visited schools, parks, museums etc.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this article there are some achievement at certain ages,

The PYO had a Pioneer Section at that time. Kids as young as 8 years old could join. Irfaan Ali joined the PYO Pioneers and worked his way upward. Some lucky Pioneers got trips to Cuba to interact with young Pioneers. They visited schools, parks, museums etc.

Thanks for for the info. Were the pioneers groomed to be disciplined and credible ?

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

WHen did Jagan mentor Dr. Fatty Fat?

As a kid in PYO , you had no interest in that time man .. was busy with uncle Joe Bacchus and Henry Thomas... think think !

What year was that ?

From 1992 when he joined PYO. 

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.article there are some achievement at certain ages,

 ( I believe in 1997 he was elected into PPP regional  Committee for region 3 and served in education and finance secretary) 

Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.


The year 1997 ,would be one year after finishing high school at Saints. Any way your presentation from KN news are his words , lots of info from Irfaan doesn't add up , he doesn't sound credible , it was proven with his recent declarations about his qualifications.

I detest when Indo-Guyanese are being fooled by self serving politicians ,well it's their choice to question or follow blindly . My thoughts are ,it's modern day and people thinking should be elevated to make right choices.


I don’t blame the Americans for kicking his ass!  Unfortunately there were lots of collateral damage!   Jagan and his cohort f’ed up all Indians in Guyana!   Some of those clowns still running around lapping up PNC soup while a new breed of anti-Americanist take hold!

Granger knows the game plan!  That’s why he doing as he wishes!  He will get lip service criticism with a hoodwink!

Ayuh try deh!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

You are saying at  the age of 11 yrs , he joined the PYO ? lots of things don't add up with Irfaan.

Check this Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.article there are some achievement at certain ages,

 ( I believe in 1997 he was elected into PPP regional  Committee for region 3 and served in education and finance secretary) 

Over the last 20 years, I have served my Party at regional and national levels. My work with the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO), since 1992, has given me a unique perspective of the challenges facing our youths and the opportunities that exist to enable them to actively participate in the governance of our country and being part of the solution.


The year 1997 ,would be one year after finishing high school at Saints. Any way your presentation from KN news are his words , lots of info from Irfaan doesn't add up , he doesn't sound credible , it was proven with his recent declarations about his qualifications.

I detest when Indo-Guyanese are being fooled by self serving politicians ,well it's their choice to question or follow blindly . My thoughts are ,it's modern day and people thinking should be elevated to make right choices.

Shut yuh rass. Why you picking on Hon Dr Irfaan Ali PhD😁!  He will take Guyana off life support!

Ayuh jealous!

Last edited by Former Member

When it comes to religion i can see a greater amount of anti Americanism in some posters here on GNI than i ever saw in the old PPP during the height of the cold war. The PPP is no longer socialist and anti imperialist.  

Django is digging up old bones hoping to find ammunitions to use in his opportunistic anti Indian anti PPP stance. He has to evolve and mutate to keep battling the PPP. From histrionics to weird mathematics he grinds away to please his masters at Congress Place. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

When it comes to religion i can see a greater amount of anti Americanism in some posters here on GNI than i ever saw in the old PPP during the height of the cold war.

The PPP is no longer socialist and anti imperialist.  

Django is digging up old bones hoping to find ammunitions to use in his opportunistic anti Indian anti PPP stance. He has to evolve and mutate to keep battling the PPP.

From histrionics to weird mathematics he grinds away to please his masters at Congress Place.

You are trying , what their method of electing leadership , what ideology was it copied from ?

Warped thinking !!!  Some of my posts are for folks to open their minds.

Mentioned many times , i am my own man , try to stuck in your noodle instead of looking foolish.

Last edited by Django

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