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yuji22 posted:

Listen Bai, lick your wounds and go home. I hope that you learnt your lesson to NEVER lie again. 

I am proud of who I am, what I own and of my Bramhana status.

I am superior to no one but you always come here swinging at me, well I have a message for you: Bring it on !!!

Park dummy...

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen Bai, lick your wounds and go home. I hope that you learnt your lesson to NEVER lie again. 

I am proud of who I am, what I own and of my Bramhana status.

I am superior to no one but you always come here swinging at me, well I have a message for you: Bring it on !!!

Park dummy...

I see a Brahmin in dhoti running after you, beating his chest and foaming at the mouth. It's pouring outside, stop by when you have some time and you can help me with these Infectious Diseases powerpoints.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen Bai, lick your wounds and go home. I hope that you learnt your lesson to NEVER lie again. 

I am proud of who I am, what I own and of my Bramhana status.

I am superior to no one but you always come here swinging at me, well I have a message for you: Bring it on !!!

Park dummy...

I see a Brahmin in dhoti running after you, beating his chest and foaming at the mouth. It's pouring outside, stop by when you have some time and you can help me with these Infectious Diseases powerpoints.

Dont think he can catch me because I run fast! 

My wife sometimes tries to conscript me to design her power points but I do not let her. 

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen Bai, don't make a fool of yourself. Don't you ever come here try to pull off those lies. Try that shyte with your imaginary buddies. Think twice before you try to pull one off like you did yesterday.

I have the second big tale that you told coming up later this week.

Trump junior in the do not lie. You simply do not have a habit of telling the truth. Anything you have is as usual in your head. 

Only a few people here knows me and they know you are a pretentious dick head who claims great wealth and Brahmin pedigree....

what victory over you is this DUNCE proclaiming? I don't get it with all the pictures of birds and claims that he proved something. He has turned the political side into pure shit talk.

Iguana posted:
what victory over you is this DUNCE proclaiming? I don't get it with all the pictures of birds and claims that he proved something. He has turned the political side into pure shit talk.

Totally agree.

Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:
what victory over you is this DUNCE proclaiming? I don't get it with all the pictures of birds and claims that he proved something. He has turned the political side into pure shit talk.

Totally agree.

...he cannot hang with the posters here when it comes to analysis, insight, opinions or contributing anything sensible. So he runs to admins to have your posts removed (he had mine removed on the skeldon hospital thread).

He defamed a former first lady on this forum (I still have the thread saved locally) and wasn't sanctioned in any way. Yet an F word gets a post removed. It is what it is. He cannot exist here without the assistance of the admin to remove his defamatory posts and react to his incessant complaints and whining. This guy is a wimp in every sense of the word.

caribny posted:

Clearly not in the USA when "growing slaves" was seen as preferable from buying ones fresh from Africa.

The estate born slave was conditioned into slavery.  The free born were always a run away threat and more likely to rebel. And even if they didn't were more likely to malinger.  In addition, less accustomed to the harsh conditions on the plantations, more likely to die or commit suicide.

So the planters encouraged the slaves to breed and those who were good at it were rewarded

So druggie castration wasn't a feature within the USA.  And you know this well based on your periodic trips to Newark.

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment and stick to the Guyanese Afro. Yall come from different tribes with racist blood running through your veins. Do you realize that the American Blacks hate the Caribbean Blacks and visa versa?

Now to deal with your erroneous claim,  read and educate yourself

Mutilation (such as castration, or amputating ears) was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era and still used in 1830. Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites used by their captors.[41]

Drugb posted:

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment . . .

ignominy . . .

Drugb, GNI’s thirsty Big Black Baigan hunter start out shaking he bt, jerking off in public, hissing that Black people in the Americas ate grass, knew nothing about growing rice, knowing only “fufu” and “ground provisions” as “heritage” when they were brought as slaves from “Africa”

with nowhere to go now as heavy lash ripping flesh and peeling the layers of DUNCE from his backside, he now mumbling bout “afro accomplishment” in the US . . . as he moonwalks into some ass-backwards zone whining that his tormentors dem unfairly “piggybacking . . .”

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment . . .

ignominy . . .

Drugb, GNI’s thirsty Big Black Baigan hunter start out shaking he bt, jerking off in public, hissing that Black people in the Americas ate grass, knew nothing about growing rice, knowing only “fufu” and “ground provisions” as “heritage” when they were brought as slaves from “Africa”

with nowhere to go now as heavy lash ripping flesh and peeling the layers of DUNCE from his backside, he now mumbling bout “afro accomplishment” in the US . . . as he moonwalks into some ass-backwards zone whining that his tormentors dem unfairly “piggybacking . . .”

uh huh

GNI’s thirsty Big Black Baigan hunter start out shaking he bt, jerking off in public,

Really, all this anti man language coming from choir boy.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Clearly not in the USA when "growing slaves" was seen as preferable from buying ones fresh from Africa.

The estate born slave was conditioned into slavery.  The free born were always a run away threat and more likely to rebel. And even if they didn't were more likely to malinger.  In addition, less accustomed to the harsh conditions on the plantations, more likely to die or commit suicide.

So the planters encouraged the slaves to breed and those who were good at it were rewarded

So druggie castration wasn't a feature within the USA.  And you know this well based on your periodic trips to Newark.

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment and stick to the Guyanese Afro. Yall come from different tribes with racist blood running through your veins. Do you realize that the American Blacks hate the Caribbean Blacks and visa versa?

Now to deal with your erroneous claim,  read and educate yourself

Mutilation (such as castration, or amputating ears) was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era and still used in 1830. Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites used by their captors.[41]

American Civil rights movement has dozens of black west indians as seminal to the movement. Also, black west Indians integrate fluidly into black American society.

  • kp posted:
ronan posted:
Drugb posted:

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment . . .

ignominy . . .

Drugb, GNI’s thirsty Big Black Baigan hunter start out shaking he bt, jerking off in public, hissing that Black people in the Americas ate grass, knew nothing about growing rice, knowing only “fufu” and “ground provisions” as “heritage” when they were brought as slaves from “Africa”

with nowhere to go now as heavy lash ripping flesh and peeling the layers of DUNCE from his backside, he now mumbling bout “afro accomplishment” in the US . . . as he moonwalks into some ass-backwards zone whining that his tormentors dem unfairly “piggybacking . . .”

uh huh

“GNI’s thirsty Big Black Baigan hunter start out shaking he bt, jerking off in public,”

Really, all this anti man language coming from choir boy.

when talking about gross “antiman” behavior, how exactly do you want me to present the facts ‘nicely’?

drugb chose to try piss on and dehumanize Black people with “rape” talk; with “castration” talk, etc. and you have the NERVE to criticize my characterizations of his HATE SPEECH!?

you mussbe out of your freakin mind . . . socializing with his kind in loutville

and, btw, where did you get the STUPID idea that i’m a “choir boy” . . . huh?

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment and stick to the Guyanese Afro. Yall come from different tribes with racist blood running through your veins. Do you realize that the American Blacks hate the Caribbean Blacks and visa versa?

Now to deal with your erroneous claim,  read and educate yourself

Mutilation (such as castration, or amputating ears) was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era and still used in 1830. Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites used by their captors.[41]

And today we acknowledge Shirley Chisholm a woman of GUYANESE and Bajan ancestry.  Caribbean BLACKs contributed significantly to the struggles of blacks in the USA.  Their struggle even benefitted ingrate racists like you as prior to 1965 your kind was NOT allowed to migrate to this country in large numbers.

No more than500k enslaved peoples were shipped to the USA from Afruca.  Yet by 1860 the slave population was 4 million, with additional 400k free blacks.

Druggie please explain how this black population increased so significantly between 1620 and 1860 if 90% of the growth came from the birth of blacks, slave and free, in the USA.

Tell us how eunuchs can reproduce.  You are a stupid man with no understanding, so you grab pieces from Wikipedia without a minimal comprehension of the evidence that you present.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

I don't think you or Ronan have US heritage so stop piggybacking off the US afro accomplishment and stick to the Guyanese Afro. Yall come from different tribes with racist blood running through your veins. Do you realize that the American Blacks hate the Caribbean Blacks and visa versa?

Now to deal with your erroneous claim,  read and educate yourself

Mutilation (such as castration, or amputating ears) was a relatively common punishment during the colonial era and still used in 1830. Any punishment was permitted for runaway slaves, and many bore wounds from shotgun blasts or dog bites used by their captors.[41]

And today we acknowledge Shirley Chisholm a woman of GUYANESE and Bajan ancestry.  Caribbean BLACKs contributed significantly to the struggles of blacks in the USA.  Their struggle even benefitted ingrate racists like you as prior to 1965 your kind was NOT allowed to migrate to this country in large numbers.

No more than500k enslaved peoples were shipped to the USA from Afruca.  Yet by 1860 the slave population was 4 million, with additional 400k free blacks.

Druggie please explain how this black population increased so significantly between 1620 and 1860 if 90% of the growth came from the birth of blacks, slave and free, in the USA.

Tell us how eunuchs can reproduce.  You are a stupid man with no understanding, so you grab pieces from Wikipedia without a minimal comprehension of the evidence that you present.


Bannas, them slaves were mostly docile and 100's of yall were controlled by 1 white  overseer with  a whip. The 1 and 2 that behave bad were castrated as lesson to the others. I suggest you watch roots and learn how Kunta Kinte chose amputation to castration just so he could carry on the bloodline.  Others were not so fortunate to be given that choice. 

Drugb posted:

Bannas, them slaves were mostly docile and 100's of yall were controlled by 1 white  overseer with  a whip. The 1 and 2 that behave bad were castrated as lesson to the others. I suggest you watch roots and learn how Kunta Kinte chose amputation to castration just so he could carry on the bloodline.  Others were not so fortunate to be given that choice. 

You often leverage carelessness with facts against Django when you are not only careless you are by nature careless.

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Bannas, them slaves were mostly docile and 100's of yall were controlled by 1 white  overseer with  a whip. The 1 and 2 that behave bad were castrated as lesson to the others. I suggest you watch roots and learn how Kunta Kinte chose amputation to castration just so he could carry on the bloodline.  Others were not so fortunate to be given that choice. 

You often leverage carelessness with facts against Django when you are not only careless you are by nature careless.

Even the article by Henry Gates proves my point. Out of almost 4 million slaves, this is just a handful of rebellions in ratio.  You can get away with almost anything with uneducated people, so I have to dumb down my writings when conversing with some.  

Drugb posted:
vidence that you present.


Bannas, them slaves were mostly docile and 100's of yall were controlled by 1 white  overseer with  a whip

As were your ancestors in India so stupid that they fell for a trick that had them spend months on a boat, many dying and then to be treated scarcely better than slaves at the end of the trip.   May dying there too.  They even lived in the same dwellings that the slaves abandoned when they left the plantation.  And yes that whip was sometimes used.

An Indian like you  talking calling black people docile is a joke given that your national anthem "black man a kill ahbe".

Drugb posted:

Even the article by Henry Gates proves my point. Out of almost 4 million slaves, this is just a handful of rebellions in ratio.  You can get away with almost anything with uneducated people, so I have to dumb down my writings when conversing with some.  

As an inhabitant of Georgetown you know of the Cuffy statue. In fact in 1763 the slaves almost drove the Dutch out of Berbice.  There were many other slave rebellions in Guyana and in fact the one in 1823 was partially responsible for the British finally abandoning slavery. 

Constantly spending money to put down slave rebellions, especially in Jamaica and Guyana, proved to be no longer worth it as their Caribbean colonies began to be less valuable.   Turns out that abusing Indians was more profitable for the British Empire.

Drugb posted:
 You can get away with almost anything with uneducated people, so I have to dumb down my writings when conversing with some.  

Druggie the only uneducated people here are you and the rest of the Indo KKK gang.  The rest of us, including PPP supporters who aren't part of the Indo KKK, are more educated.


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