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Nigel Hughes Ideal Man to Lead Coalition Against PPP

Submitted by Rickford Burke

The Guyanese nation now ponders the election of a new leader and government to chart a new course for our country.

Our nation needs a rebirth. It has been perennially plagued by racial strife; social and economic stagnation; morally and intellectually bankrupt governance; abject criminality; unparalleled PPP corruption and political decay.

Now is the time to unshackle our country from the morass engendered by the discredited PPP leadership.

To accomplish this, we need a new leader with a bold new vision to transform our society and inspire the current generation of young Guyanese, who long for advancement, prosperity and a better way of life. We need a new leader who can unleash our developmental potential and propel the nation toward the path of modernity.


Such a leader must be endowed with youth; vibrancy; brilliance; pragmatism; gumption; a vision for rapid development and a political philosophy that is resonant. We need a leader with the ability to understand and articulate the issues affecting the nation; forge harmony among people of all races and ethnicities; connect with the people in extraordinary ways. Someone who possesses the incomparable capability to lead and get things done; a leader who can earn the respect, trust and admiration of the nation.

I believe that Attorney at Law Nigel Hughes possesses all of these qualities. He as has proven himself to be a politician with the potential to grow, develop and mature into an extraordinary political leader, who can accomplish great things for our country and people.

As the joint opposition contemplates the formation of a grand coalition to challenge the PPP at the May 11, 2015 general election, I strongly urge the formation of such a coalition and enormous “peoples’ movement,” and that Nigel be considered as the presidential candidate.

Nigel has the intellect, passion, character, integrity, gravitas and expertise to be President. He is a unifying force who can emerge as a transformational leader.

The fact that I, a traditional PNCR or APNU supporter, can with confidence and assiduousness make such an endorsement of Nigel – who is from a different political party, is a clear indication that Nigel has cross-political appeal.

He possesses the unique ability to bridge the partisan divide. He’s qualified to lead the grand coalition many of us envision, comprising the Parliamentary opposition as well as religious, civil society, trade unions, business and community leaders.

There is no question that he’s the best person for this task. He will be a great leader! This would be best for Guyana.

I therefore urge the respective stakeholders, including Nigel, to give this proposition serious thought and analysis.

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