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Former Member

Holocaust of lies: US Mainstream media



They’ve done it again.

The mainstream US media has once again mistranslated an Iranian president’s words.

Last time, they were lying to make the former President of Iran sound anti-West and anti-Israel. Now they are lying to make the new President of Iran sound pro-West and pro-Israel.

I suppose that is an improvement. Lying for peace is at least marginally better than lying for war.

But for those who care about truth, the Western mainstream media’s non-stop lies are nothing short of an ongoing holocaust.

Let’s take a closer look at the latest example of Western media duplicity.

CNN mistranslated President Rouhani’s recent interview to make it sound like Rouhani “condemned the Holocaust.”

In fact, both former President Ahmadinejad and current President Rouhani share a common outlook on Israel and the Nazi holocaust - an outlook that is also shared by the vast majority of the people of the Middle East, perhaps even the whole non-European world.

First and most importantly, they agree that whatever the Germans did to the Jews during World War II does not excuse the Zionist theft of even one acre of Palestinian land - much less the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the creation and maintenance of an apartheid “Jewish state.” Second, they believe that the use of the Nazi holocaust story to create a new holocaust in Palestine is an ongoing crime against humanity. Third, they believe that revisionist historians who argue that certain aspects of the Nazi crimes against Jews have been exaggerated deserve a fair hearing - and that the West’s persecution of these historians, by imprisoning them and/or destroying their reputations and livelihoods, makes a mockery of Western pretensions to support human rights, free speech, and free inquiry.

But the Western media is dominated by Zionists, as former New York Times journalist Phillip Weiss so beautifully explained in his essay: “Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do?” And to most of the pro-Zionist ethnic Jews who dominate the Western media, it is an article of religious faith that the sacred Holocaust somehow justifies the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel. These people are actually devotees of a new religious cult that has been termed “Holocaustianity.”

Israeli professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz first developed the idea that the Holocaust is a new religion. His analysis has been taken up by Israeli-born British philosopher Gilad Atzmon.

The Western media elite therefore reacts to all discussion of “the Holocaust” in the same way that a medieval inquisitor might react to discussion of “the Trinity.” The whole discussion gets reduced to: “Are you a believer or a heretic?”

The mainstream media lied by condemning former President Ahmadinejad as a Holocaust-denying heretic. Now it is lying again by falsely claiming that current President Rouhani is a Holocaust-worshipping true believer like themselves.

The truth is that both presidents view World War II as history, not sacred mythology. And neither accepts the inevitability of an apartheid “Jewish state” in Palestine.

The truth is that outside of Europe and the US, hardly anyone “believes in” the Holocaust the way Americans and Europeans do. For those not under the influence of the Holocaustianity-dominated Western mainstream media and academia, the Germans’ World War II-era crimes against Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, dissidents, and others are no more sacred than dozens or even hundreds of other examples of man’s inhumanity to man.

The American slave-trade holocaust, according to various estimates, killed tens of millions, as did the Native American holocaust. Even if the sacred “six million” number of Jews killed by the Nazis is correct, both the Native American holocaust and the African slave trade holocaust were vastly larger in scope. Yet in the US, where these holocausts of tens of millions happened, “Holocaust museums” serve as sacred temples that enshrine the holy story of “six million Jews” while downplaying the vastly larger holocausts perpetrated by the ancestors of the museum visitors themselves.

Jesus is reported to have said: “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”

Apparently it is more comforting to deplore other people’s holocausts than to think about the ones you yourself have committed... or are still committing.

And if we are taking the word “holocaust” to mean “a epic-scale horrific destruction of something precious or sacred,” then perhaps the biggest holocaust of all is the ongoing immolation of truth in the mainstream media. Instead of fretting about the Nazi holocaust of seventy years ago, we should be horrified by the “holocaust of lies” that is happening today.

The latest atrocity against truth: The mainstream media’s account of the chemical weapons incident in al-Ghouta. The media liars claim that Syrian President Assad perpetrated this atrocity. But available evidence strongly suggests that the al-Ghouta attack was a Western intelligence operation designed to create a pretext for a US attack on Syria.

According to credible accounts, Alawi Syrian children from Latakia were kidnapped by Western-supported forces and murdered so they could be displayed to the world as alleged victims of Assad. This was a holocaust of innocent children - and part of the ongoing Western holocaust of lies.

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh recently revealed that the whole official Western story of the “war on terror” is a holocaust of lies. Hersh, the dean of American investigative reporters, says that the official account of the alleged killing of Osama Bin Laden is “one big lie... not one word of it is true.”

The torrent of lies about Bin Laden, who died in December, 2001, issues from a contaminated source: The biggest lie ever told by human beings. That, of course, is the official story of 9/11.

The American people are beginning to realize that their country is being murdered in an accelerating holocaust of lies. They did not buy the rationale for attacking Syria. They noticed the surging wave of doubters using the term “false flag” to describe such events as al-Ghouta, the Boston bombings, Sandy Hook, the Sikh temple shooting, the Aurora Colorado shooting, the underwear bomber, and virtually all other attention-grabbing “terror” events going back to 9/11... and before that, Oklahoma City, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Operation Gladio, Operation Northwoods, and the wave of political assassinations that has decimated American leadership since 1963.

And then there is the “holocaust of lies” about what historian William Blum calls the “American Holocaust”: US military and CIA interventions that have killed millions, and destroyed the lives of tens of millions, since World War II.

Today, the holocaust of lies that passes for contemporary American life is threatened by a surge of resistance led by genuinely independent, internet-based media. As a result, “Americans’ trust in US political institutions... is near historic lows, a new poll has revealed,” according to Gallup.

No wonder Americans refused to be stampeded into an attack on Syria.

Will the “holocaust of lies” ever end? Will Americans one day build museums to enshrine the memory of how the Big Liars took over their country... and how Americans rose up and overthrew them?

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Media lies and deception are destroying



“Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?” [Chico Marx, in the movie: Duck Soup)


FOREST HILLS, NC February 9, 2013 – There was a time in America when journalists and publishers upheld a standard of excellence and integrity when reporting the news. 


Although style and format varied, the news stories presented (more often than not) reported factual information, quoted sources accurately and in context, and were careful to attribute their sources accordingly.  Alas, those days are seemingly ancient history when it comes to believing what is reported by most major news outlets.


Consider the following hypothetical story, reported in two distinct ways:




What actually happened:  Local merchant, Joe Smith, was arrested for mixing rat poison in his wife’s oatmeal.  The discovery was made after an autopsy was performed on the late Sadie Smith, age 54.  Investigators discovered traces of the poison and oatmeal particles under his fingernails.  They also found an empty box of rat poison in the Smiths’ trash can, as well as a receipt at a local hardware store that shows a credit card transaction that matches Joe Smith’s VISA account. 


Mr. Smith was released from custody after anonymous local residents posted $250,000 bond.


How the story was reported:  The local community is in shock after learning that local merchant and 2007 Volunteer of the Year, Joe Smith, was arrested in connection with the death of his wife, Sadie.  Investigators have not reported full details, but anonymous sources state that Mr. Smith allegedly mixed a grain supplement with his wife’s oatmeal.  The grain supplement added to the oatmeal was verified to be 99.99% good and wholesome, and contained less than 0.001% chemical byproducts. 


Community residents have rallied in support and solidarity with Mr. Smith as evidenced by their collecting and posting a quarter-million dollar bond to secure Joe Smith’s release.  The Smiths were said to be a loving couple, and were married over 25 years.  Joe Smith had shared with friends and family about his looking forward to taking a luxury cruise with Sadie in the coming months. 


Objective of the media spin:  The above story was hypothetical, but the way it was reported (in the latter account) would influence the reader more positively than the former, straightforward account.  The plain truth is that Mr. Joe Smith was arrested because there was strong evidence that he mingled RAT POISON with his wife’s food. 


It is true that rat poison contains over 99% good, wholesome grain, there is no justification in attempting to spin a possible honorable motive in Mr. Smith’s (apparent) actions. Similar “journalistic liberty” is being exercised day-after-day in America, and the unsuspecting general public is ingesting this poison while our country goes down the slippery slope of ruin.


Parallel the above hypothetical story with what many in the so-called mainstream media report, and: Voila!  You have an unsuspecting public following the Pied Piper of Propaganda.  It is a storyline taken out of the book titled: “Gullible’s Travels”.


Consider the following stories reported by American journalists, and take a closer look at how the media manipulated the facts to influence and sway public opinion:


Case 1:  TARP/Stimulus (“Bailout&rdquo Funds (2008)


How it was reported: Troubled (Toxic) Asset Relief Program (TARP) was promoted and ramrodded through Congress after politicians said that U.S. financial institutions would fail if the Federal Government did not take bold and decisive action to save them from financial collapse.  Link:


The real truth:  The hundreds of billions of dollars that were taken from our national treasury did very little to improve our economy.  The real objective in bailouts, TARP, and so-called “stimulus” was redistribution of wealth… plain and simple. 


If you examine the SHOVEL READY jobs that were promised, you will find that no such jobs were created.  Follow the money, and you will find that those who helped put Barack Obama in office were the same persons, groups, and/or entities that received (or, more correctly: siphoned-off) federal funds as a payoff.  To better understand redistribution of wealth, listen to this monologue by Constitutional lawyer Mark Levin:  


Case 2: The Tea Party


How it was reported:  Many media outlets readily accepted the premise that there has been and still is rampant racism in the Tea Party.  The allegations are presumed to be factual, and the Tea Party is deemed guilty (in most cases) until proven innocent.  


The real truth:  The Tea Party sprang up spontaneously across the nation as a result of ordinary citizens (across the political spectrum) who were sick and tired of empty promises by career politicians.  Many who attended Tea Party rallies had never gotten involved in political grassroots efforts before.  Because of the true grassroots strength in numbers, politicians had to take note of this spontaneous movement. 


In the fall of 2010 the momentum from the Tea Party group ushered-in a Conservative majority in the Congress.  Unfortunately, the Tea Party movement has been demonized and smeared by those with a political ideology that is threatened by an informed constituency.  Now that the image of the Tea Party has been mischaracterized as racist and bigoted, an increasing number of people at the grassroots level have been reluctant to identify themselves with the Tea Party. 


This video shows a typical Tea Party rally from April 2010.  You will notice that the audience was comprised of ordinary citizens gathered to peacefully voice their opposition to unresponsive government, and did so with civility, and in an orderly fashion:  


Case 3: National Debt Crisis


How it was reported:  The public was told that we could not solve the problem by cutting spending.  The Obama Administration, many politicians in Congress, and the media put forth the premise that it would take the rich paying their so-called “fair share” in order for the nation to make a balanced approach in moving towards fiscal responsibility. 


The real truth:  The additional taxes raised by the so-called “Warren Buffett Rule” (which proposed assessing a higher tax rate for high income Americans), would take over 500 years to pay the equivalent of one (1) year of our current debt.  Anyone who believes that this is the way to achieve a balanced budget is delusional.  As a great U.S. President once said:  “We do not have a tax/revenue problem; we have a spending problem”.  


According to the Heritage Foundation, “The IRS also reports that in 2008, the top 25 percent of income earners—those earning $67,280 or more—paid 86.34 percent of the income taxes (in America), yet earned only 67.38 percent of all income in the U.S.”  See the full report by the Heritage Foundation


There is too many OTHER examples to cite.  However, the three aforementioned cases should provide enough to support the premise of this article.  The sad truth is that truth in reporting is spun with half-truths, innuendo, interpret-facts, and misleading rhetoric that collectively TAINTS the true essence of what is going on in our country (and the world in which we live).


What if the criteria of TRUTH IN REPORTING for news organizations had the same requirement as that mandated of witnesses testifying before a U.S. Grand Jury?  If this hypothetical standard applied today, we would have a lot of editors and publishers behind bars.  Here is the definition of perjury (lying  or intentionally misleading testimony) according to the U.S. Justice Department:


1.. The witness must be under oath


2.. The witness must make a false statement


3.. False statements must be material (i.e.:  relevant to the situation or case)


4.. Statement must be made with knowledge of its falsity.


Reference:  Justice


The American media mercilessly portrayed former White House Chief of Staff (to VP Dick Cheney) I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby as a reprehensible and deceitful LIAR after he was indicted by the U.S. Grand Jury for perjury and obstruction of justice:  


And to underscore how effective the American media is in shaping public opinion, to this day, most Americans are unaware of the fact that Scooter Libby WAS NOT the source of the leak that “outted” Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent. 


That distinction belongs to Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. 


Yet, even though they held an incessant “holier than thou” judgment of Scooter Libby, the same American media practiced and still practices misleading and often intentionally-deceptive reporting of the news in order to support an agenda that is cascading our nation further and further into the abyss of weakness, corruption, financial insolvency and utter disregard and contempt for morality as well as the U.S. Constitution.


What is the remedy, if any? 


1. Get involved at the local level.  Contact your local Conservative political office and get involved as a poll watcher, precinct captain, block captain, volunteer at the political office, etc.  When the local political party elects its leadership (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Executive Committee/Central Committee member, etc.), find out who is running, and what they stand for.  If you do not agree with his or her positions, recruit someone who you CAN support (or, throw your own hat into the ring and become a candidate yourself).


2. Citizens must arm themselves with the facts.  This means they have to seek alternative news sources that will expose them to the relevant issues that affect us today, and that will have an impact on future generations.  One source is:   If you want to dig deeper, check out the domains of bloggers and writers who provide multiple (story) contributions to that site.  Other sources include (but are not limited to):,,, and Armed with the facts, we can counteract the lies and deception from the so-called mainstream media.


3. Recruit others to get involved.  Use social media to increase others’ awareness of things that are important (candidates, issues in the community, upcoming legislation, etc.).


It may seem to be a daunting task, but consider the alternative.  We need to get up off our keester and make a difference.  I close with two quotes:


“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  (Edmund Burke)


“If not you, who?  If not now, when?”  (Rabbi Hillel the Elder, 100 B.C.



Does Mullah TV pay you to syndicate their propaganda bilge on this website? I noticed on google only Mullah TV and your posting of it exists on the net.


I hope the people looking in knows 90 percent of the posters do not  give a damn of your opinion. The holocausts happened. White folks killed Indians and black folks and Germans killed Jews.Who are we to blame? Wake up fool. While we remember what happened we also understand we all share that legacy and do not want it to happen again ever. Most of us have white family and white blood what portion of the blame do we have? BTW, do you know many Amerindian from GY have Ashkenazi bloodline? My grandmother's first and last name reflect that legacy


We are the west and in memory of what happened we believe there is no way in the wide world that we should let those using mullah TV for their propaganda value to sell their idea that they should get the bomb.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Does Mullah TV pay you to syndicate their propaganda bilge on this website? I noticed on google only Mullah TV and your posting of it exists on the net.


I hope the people looking in knows 90 percent of the posters do not  give a damn of your opinion. The holocausts happened. White folks killed Indians and black folks and Germans killed Jews.Who are we to blame? Wake up fool. While we remember what happened we also understand we all share that legacy and do not want it to happen again ever. Most of us have white family and white blood what portion of the blame do we have? BTW, do you know many Amerindian from GY have Ashkenazi bloodline? My grandmother's first and last name reflect that legacy


We are the west and in memory of what happened we believe there is no way in the wide world that we should let those using mullah TV for their propaganda value to sell their idea that they should get the bomb.

Resident Welfare Bum, any shit the West feed fools like you, you would gobble it up and ask for more. By now your brains would have been diseased and instead of making yourself an ah, you should get your sorry ass and take your medications as the doctor order.


I do not care for your garbage that you spilled out day in and day out, neither do I care for your Buckman Heritage nor your Grandmother Bloodline, as far as I am concerned, you are just an idiot who happens to peddle your malapropism to unsuspecting fools just like yourself. It would pay you better to get a loin cloth, bow and arrow and go shoot fish. Instead of bumming here there and everywhere to garner attention.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Does Mullah TV pay you to syndicate their propaganda bilge on this website? I noticed on google only Mullah TV and your posting of it exists on the net.


I hope the people looking in knows 90 percent of the posters do not  give a damn of your opinion. The holocausts happened. White folks killed Indians and black folks and Germans killed Jews.Who are we to blame? Wake up fool. While we remember what happened we also understand we all share that legacy and do not want it to happen again ever. Most of us have white family and white blood what portion of the blame do we have? BTW, do you know many Amerindian from GY have Ashkenazi bloodline? My grandmother's first and last name reflect that legacy


We are the west and in memory of what happened we believe there is no way in the wide world that we should let those using mullah TV for their propaganda value to sell their idea that they should get the bomb.

Resident Welfare Bum, any shit the West feed fools like you, you would gobble it up and ask for more. By now your brains would have been diseased and instead of making yourself an ah, you should get your sorry ass and take your medications as the doctor order.


I do not care for your garbage that you spilled out day in and day out, neither do I care for your Buckman Heritage nor your Grandmother Bloodline, as far as I am concerned, you are just an idiot who happens to peddle your malapropism to unsuspecting fools just like yourself. It would pay you better to get a loin cloth, bow and arrow and go shoot fish. Instead of bumming here there and everywhere to garner attention.

The idea that the west is a metaphor for the evil in this world does not cause you to pack up and scamper back to communal shit fest fleabag origins. I bet the happiest day ever in your life was when the Embassy approved your visa so you can upgrade your status in life!


Get acquainted with your figures of speech; a malapropism is a facile misuse of a word. That would more likely be your dilemma than mine. And dummy, one does not peddle malapropisms. They are serendipitous products of an addled brain. Again you do well your self here with trying to pass off the term for what it is not.


I do not know a "buckman" is any lesser than a Sudra. Come to think of it you were a sudra forced to convert at the boot of an ass whipping or a tax on your existence! I do not think that ever a predicament confronting Amerinds in Guyana except under the rule of the inheritors of colonial rule.


To be direct; our home world is the seat of any flowering of cultural expression and creativity you currently experience. It liberated  you from a Brahmin boot on your neck. Show due respect for the ideas of the west since all you are is made possible by it. It is still to happen to your unfortunate siblings left behind in India!


Now go back to imagining you are more than you are if it pleases you to think so. However, that will not make your facile posting any less obscene for the lie they express. You are a seeking an audience where few exist! As vast as the differences among posters here are they coincide in one area, rejection of your ideas. There is a scarcity of looney tune hate America first jihadists here.

Last edited by Former Member

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