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I know some Beresford from No 7 EB

However, I like his comments to various articles on KN. Even taken from their context they make complete sense 100%  of the time

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Who will be the first? There has to be a first. There will be no first.

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      The P.P.P. does not and have no intentions of having an integrity commission to investigate its members. First and foremost the Party has no integrity, or moral fiber to investigate it's own.

      Secondly The announcement coming shortly after the appointment of the new commissioner of Police was intended to send a message to Him that investigation of members of the P.P.P's hierarchy are off limits to him and law enforcement, that the P.P.P. will conduct its own investigations and determine the punishment if and when necessary. With all that has been exposed about the illegal and corrupt acts of this P.P.P. Government, it will be interesting to see how the Commissioner responds to his Constitutional and legal obligations to the nation.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    PPP establishes Integrity and Discipline Commission

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      It should be the Police who who should have or already have an anti- corruption unit to investigate and prosecute these criminal activities being perpetrated against the Guyanese People. This is not a matter for any political party. It is a notional issue that requires Law enforcement to act If the political party recognizes that there are ethical and criminal issues that it's members are committing against the national treasury, the Commissioner of Police and particularly the Crime Chief should know that too, they don't have to look far. The Heist of Guyana as documented in this News Paper is an easy starting point for them.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    In Paris freedom lives, in Guyana is it dead

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      Excellent Column Freddie,However it seems that you need something more than a news paper Column to drive it home to the People. I volunteer the funds for a Sledge hammer, if that would work. Just say the word.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    I know who I am. Adam Harris can decide who he wants to be

    • StanleyBeresford

      4 months ago

      After Kit has concluded describing himself as a paragon of virtue, a stalwart of non- partisanship, and a model for ethics and integrity, he has neglected to justify the secrecy and clandestine acts of the government as it relates to the Marriott project and the Investors, .A project so clandestine that Guyanese workers are forbidden to work on it, a project shrouded in such secrecy that the Taxpayers money invested in it will not be accounted for. If he is the professional he claims to be, and with a wealth of experience, It cannot escape him that the duty of any Editor and News gathering organization is to dig deep and get the facts and report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The recent exposes' of Kaieteur News on Corruption and Mismanagement in Guyana is the execution of it's journalistic responsibilities, and the showcase of Investigative Journalism that is essential in any democracy. Therefore the Publisher Mr. Glen Lall and the Editor Mr. Harris must be complimented and any aspersions that Kit Nascimento tries to level at the newspaper and its edito begs the question, is he ( Nascimento ) for real or is he a Fraud, His own actions in defense of the clandestine nature of this project and the refusal of the government to account for the taxpayers money and to identify the investors, will define Him.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Granger has accomplished nothing for those who voted for him

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      The asininities that constructed Gill's letter are the fodder that emboldens the corrupt and dysfunctional government of Guyana. At the very time and on these pages where this newspaper is documenting the venal practices of the Guyana government, the writer, ignorant of, or purposefully asinine, attributes the failure of the elected President to do his job to the leader of the opposition, David Granger, He seems oblivious to the conduct of Mr. Rohee, that occasioned the cancellation of his Visa by the US Government, the free reign Roger Khan had, and documented proof that he was aided and abetted by the PPP Government to carry out extra judicial killings, peddle drugs, and the continuing exportation of drugs by air, land and sea, that according to some experts is the top export of the country. Those are sufficient for any sensible person to determine that the one with responsibility for home affairs has failed and ought to be removed from office. It is only a fool or the ignorant that would not know it is the duty and constitutional responsibility of the Elected President,to lead, It is for him to move with professionalism in a timely manner and consult with the opposition Leader on appointments to offices mandated by the constitution. It is for him to take the initiative, his failure to do so, and dragging his feet on other appointments, highlights the inefficiencies and probable arrogance of the PPP Government, and the soup it dispenses is the influence for the writer to pen this nonsense.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Is Norway an inhuman, insane, nihilistic country?

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      Freddie! when the mind is warped, thinking cannot be straight, when thinking is not straight, evil appears as good, The intelligent is then prone to deception, because no amount of education can prepare him / her for the vagaries of a warped mind. You are spot on, I too will not live in Norway.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Venezuelan armed visit…There was a breach of sovereignty

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      What this P.P.P. Government fails to understand is that how it neglects to tell the Guyanese people the truth, So also any other government or opponent has no obligation to tell them the truth.. The Primary Truth they the P.P.P. government should pay heed to, is the Africans in Guyana They are marginalizing are the ones who would have the burden of defending the territorial integrity of the Country, and marginalization has no incentive, to motivate the many to lay down their lives in defense of those who abuse, exploit and marginalize them.The excursion of Armed Venezuelans, into Guyana could very well be the beginning of probing by it's military intelligence unit. Time to wake up and and be alert.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    The tragic story in and of Guyana’s Parliament

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      This guy is exhibiting a character flaw that makes him unsuited for the position he now holds. What he has brought to light is a weakness that when sheltered and buoyed by favoritism and party loyalty gives a false impression of strength and stability. Being challenged by the Leader of the opposition to do what is legally and constitutionally required of him, he suddenly realizes that the facade has been demolished and he is exposed. There is no moral or intellectual fortitude for him to stand strong on, or be independent of the PPP, and he only sees death as the arbiter, because the President nor the PPP can come to his rescue. Mr. Ramotar and the PPP have no problem firing,intimidating, and humiliating, the faculty of the University of Guyana, and other Government agencies. It is interesting that he did not discuss this with theSpeaker of the Parliament Mr. Trotman. I am quite sure that Speaker would not give him the left foot of fellowship as he goes out the door, Maybe, that is his other fear. It is time to tell him
      thanks for his years of service and let him go.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Give talk a try Mr. Ramotar. There’s a legacy waiting

      StanleyBeresford 5 months ago

      Freddie! Reality is Mr. Ramotar is not and cannot be independent of the PPP as regards to the Presidency. The President is the PPP and the PPP is the President, Mr. Ramotar is only the title holder, and any move by him to act independent of the PPP will lead to his demise and separation from the PPP. The Amelia Falls Project unmasked in more details an unbending and arrogant party that is very contemptuous of not only the other political parties, but also the citizens of the Country. The asininity of a government agreeing to a contract to build a hotel in the nation
      by a foreign company and explicitly excludes the employment of citizens of the nation in the construction of that hotel, is the window into the debase minds that a legacy is foreign to. The idea that the largest contract the nation will undertake, they were unwilling to appraise the opposition and the general public of or to even debate the issue in Parliament, is reminiscent of the way Saddam Hussein ran Iraq, and the way many other dictators do. Sadly, Provisions in the contract and details of it published by this News Paper, reveals a stunning lack of knowledge and experience in negotiating and structuring financial deals and applicable international law that would have ensured a balanced contract, rather than it being tilted heavily in favor to the other parties. This is what happens according to the old proverb when a fool is his own counselor, in this case the PPP. Surely no legacy can come from those who
      are their own Counselors. .

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Non-assent to Local Govt. Bills could go ‘all the way to CCJ’

    • StanleyBeresford 5 months ago

      The non assent to these bills, are simply a callous disregard for the work of Parliament, and is abhorrent in any democratic society. Had Mr. Ramotar, Mr. Luncheon, and The Attorney General, been half this deliberative, about the Largest contract - Amaila falls Project, there would have been less opportunity for the fleecing of Guyana, and they would not have been exposed as a bunch of incompetents, or labeled as nit wits by the intelligent, the experienced, and honest brokers.Did they deliberate on the Contract to build the Marriott that forbid Guyanese from working on it? Did they deliberate the qualifications of those Kaieteur News exposed in 2011 as just having a sign posted on an empty store front of a building in Brooklyn NY, yet bidding and seeking a multi-million computer / technology Contract, and except for their exposure by Kaieteur News they were likely to be awarded that contract? This is gross wickedness, and a blatant act of dictatorial asininity that is repugnant not only to the Parliament, but to the Voters and the Constitution. The Courts were not elected to Govern the Country, and if the PPP believes that that is the way a Democracy operates well then they have confessed and certified themselves as an unfit Government. Time for new elections

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Originally Posted by Danyael:

I know some Beresford from No 7 EB

However, I like his comments to various articles on KN. Even taken from their context they make complete sense 100%  of the time

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Who will be the first? There has to be a first. There will be no first.

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      The P.P.P. does not and have no intentions of having an integrity commission to investigate its members. First and foremost the Party has no integrity, or moral fiber to investigate it's own.

      Secondly The announcement coming shortly after the appointment of the new commissioner of Police was intended to send a message to Him that investigation of members of the P.P.P's hierarchy are off limits to him and law enforcement, that the P.P.P. will conduct its own investigations and determine the punishment if and when necessary. With all that has been exposed about the illegal and corrupt acts of this P.P.P. Government, it will be interesting to see how the Commissioner responds to his Constitutional and legal obligations to the nation.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    PPP establishes Integrity and Discipline Commission

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      It should be the Police who who should have or already have an anti- corruption unit to investigate and prosecute these criminal activities being perpetrated against the Guyanese People. This is not a matter for any political party. It is a notional issue that requires Law enforcement to act If the political party recognizes that there are ethical and criminal issues that it's members are committing against the national treasury, the Commissioner of Police and particularly the Crime Chief should know that too, they don't have to look far. The Heist of Guyana as documented in this News Paper is an easy starting point for them.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    In Paris freedom lives, in Guyana is it dead

    • StanleyBeresford 3 months ago

      Excellent Column Freddie,However it seems that you need something more than a news paper Column to drive it home to the People. I volunteer the funds for a Sledge hammer, if that would work. Just say the word.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    I know who I am. Adam Harris can decide who he wants to be

    • StanleyBeresford

      4 months ago

      After Kit has concluded describing himself as a paragon of virtue, a stalwart of non- partisanship, and a model for ethics and integrity, he has neglected to justify the secrecy and clandestine acts of the government as it relates to the Marriott project and the Investors, .A project so clandestine that Guyanese workers are forbidden to work on it, a project shrouded in such secrecy that the Taxpayers money invested in it will not be accounted for. If he is the professional he claims to be, and with a wealth of experience, It cannot escape him that the duty of any Editor and News gathering organization is to dig deep and get the facts and report the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The recent exposes' of Kaieteur News on Corruption and Mismanagement in Guyana is the execution of it's journalistic responsibilities, and the showcase of Investigative Journalism that is essential in any democracy. Therefore the Publisher Mr. Glen Lall and the Editor Mr. Harris must be complimented and any aspersions that Kit Nascimento tries to level at the newspaper and its edito begs the question, is he ( Nascimento ) for real or is he a Fraud, His own actions in defense of the clandestine nature of this project and the refusal of the government to account for the taxpayers money and to identify the investors, will define Him.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Granger has accomplished nothing for those who voted for him

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      The asininities that constructed Gill's letter are the fodder that emboldens the corrupt and dysfunctional government of Guyana. At the very time and on these pages where this newspaper is documenting the venal practices of the Guyana government, the writer, ignorant of, or purposefully asinine, attributes the failure of the elected President to do his job to the leader of the opposition, David Granger, He seems oblivious to the conduct of Mr. Rohee, that occasioned the cancellation of his Visa by the US Government, the free reign Roger Khan had, and documented proof that he was aided and abetted by the PPP Government to carry out extra judicial killings, peddle drugs, and the continuing exportation of drugs by air, land and sea, that according to some experts is the top export of the country. Those are sufficient for any sensible person to determine that the one with responsibility for home affairs has failed and ought to be removed from office. It is only a fool or the ignorant that would not know it is the duty and constitutional responsibility of the Elected President,to lead, It is for him to move with professionalism in a timely manner and consult with the opposition Leader on appointments to offices mandated by the constitution. It is for him to take the initiative, his failure to do so, and dragging his feet on other appointments, highlights the inefficiencies and probable arrogance of the PPP Government, and the soup it dispenses is the influence for the writer to pen this nonsense.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Is Norway an inhuman, insane, nihilistic country?

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      Freddie! when the mind is warped, thinking cannot be straight, when thinking is not straight, evil appears as good, The intelligent is then prone to deception, because no amount of education can prepare him / her for the vagaries of a warped mind. You are spot on, I too will not live in Norway.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Venezuelan armed visit…There was a breach of sovereignty

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      What this P.P.P. Government fails to understand is that how it neglects to tell the Guyanese people the truth, So also any other government or opponent has no obligation to tell them the truth.. The Primary Truth they the P.P.P. government should pay heed to, is the Africans in Guyana They are marginalizing are the ones who would have the burden of defending the territorial integrity of the Country, and marginalization has no incentive, to motivate the many to lay down their lives in defense of those who abuse, exploit and marginalize them.The excursion of Armed Venezuelans, into Guyana could very well be the beginning of probing by it's military intelligence unit. Time to wake up and and be alert.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    The tragic story in and of Guyana’s Parliament

    • StanleyBeresford 4 months ago

      This guy is exhibiting a character flaw that makes him unsuited for the position he now holds. What he has brought to light is a weakness that when sheltered and buoyed by favoritism and party loyalty gives a false impression of strength and stability. Being challenged by the Leader of the opposition to do what is legally and constitutionally required of him, he suddenly realizes that the facade has been demolished and he is exposed. There is no moral or intellectual fortitude for him to stand strong on, or be independent of the PPP, and he only sees death as the arbiter, because the President nor the PPP can come to his rescue. Mr. Ramotar and the PPP have no problem firing,intimidating, and humiliating, the faculty of the University of Guyana, and other Government agencies. It is interesting that he did not discuss this with theSpeaker of the Parliament Mr. Trotman. I am quite sure that Speaker would not give him the left foot of fellowship as he goes out the door, Maybe, that is his other fear. It is time to tell him
      thanks for his years of service and let him go.

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Give talk a try Mr. Ramotar. There’s a legacy waiting

      StanleyBeresford 5 months ago

      Freddie! Reality is Mr. Ramotar is not and cannot be independent of the PPP as regards to the Presidency. The President is the PPP and the PPP is the President, Mr. Ramotar is only the title holder, and any move by him to act independent of the PPP will lead to his demise and separation from the PPP. The Amelia Falls Project unmasked in more details an unbending and arrogant party that is very contemptuous of not only the other political parties, but also the citizens of the Country. The asininity of a government agreeing to a contract to build a hotel in the nation
      by a foreign company and explicitly excludes the employment of citizens of the nation in the construction of that hotel, is the window into the debase minds that a legacy is foreign to. The idea that the largest contract the nation will undertake, they were unwilling to appraise the opposition and the general public of or to even debate the issue in Parliament, is reminiscent of the way Saddam Hussein ran Iraq, and the way many other dictators do. Sadly, Provisions in the contract and details of it published by this News Paper, reveals a stunning lack of knowledge and experience in negotiating and structuring financial deals and applicable international law that would have ensured a balanced contract, rather than it being tilted heavily in favor to the other parties. This is what happens according to the old proverb when a fool is his own counselor, in this case the PPP. Surely no legacy can come from those who
      are their own Counselors. .

  • Discussion on Kaieteur News

    Non-assent to Local Govt. Bills could go ‘all the way to CCJ’

    • StanleyBeresford 5 months ago

      The non assent to these bills, are simply a callous disregard for the work of Parliament, and is abhorrent in any democratic society. Had Mr. Ramotar, Mr. Luncheon, and The Attorney General, been half this deliberative, about the Largest contract - Amaila falls Project, there would have been less opportunity for the fleecing of Guyana, and they would not have been exposed as a bunch of incompetents, or labeled as nit wits by the intelligent, the experienced, and honest brokers.Did they deliberate on the Contract to build the Marriott that forbid Guyanese from working on it? Did they deliberate the qualifications of those Kaieteur News exposed in 2011 as just having a sign posted on an empty store front of a building in Brooklyn NY, yet bidding and seeking a multi-million computer / technology Contract, and except for their exposure by Kaieteur News they were likely to be awarded that contract? This is gross wickedness, and a blatant act of dictatorial asininity that is repugnant not only to the Parliament, but to the Voters and the Constitution. The Courts were not elected to Govern the Country, and if the PPP believes that that is the way a Democracy operates well then they have confessed and certified themselves as an unfit Government. Time for new elections

I once knew a Beresford (Berry) he rode a preggy bicycle. I went back to visit in '24 years later and the banna was still riding a preggy bike.



I like that Stanley Beresford's writings, good stuff. Glad to see there are other decent people out there voicing their concerns,sure makes me feel good there is still hope for Guyana.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mr Benwood tell the pedophile crew what they want to hear and they bend over willingly. 

Keep your behavior private. No one cares of your depravities.


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