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Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Obama got a great ally in this hurricane.  For the past week, no one has been talking about his failed policies, just this hurricane and he did gain some currency in meeting with the affected Govs.  Romney's juggernaut got blunted by this hurricane.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Obama got a great ally in this hurricane.  For the past week, no one has been talking about his failed policies, just this hurricane and he did gain some currency in meeting with the affected Govs.  Romney's juggernaut got blunted by this hurricane.

Romney likes firing people. Oh how much he must want to fire Christie

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Obama got a great ally in this hurricane.  For the past week, no one has been talking about his failed policies, just this hurricane and he did gain some currency in meeting with the affected Govs.  Romney's juggernaut got blunted by this hurricane.

Romney likes firing people. Oh how much he must want to fire Christie

Christie is a turncoat.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Collen Powel endorsed Obama. What your point?

Comprehension is possible if you pay attention. Powell has nothing to do with the initial post while Haaretz has. Try to free your mind of its biliousness and you may do better in comprehension.

Originally Posted by Chief:

At least you have a half  ounce of brain.


Barack Husian repeat that until elections morning.

I watched a movie last night name the "unthinkable." It based on an American terrorist who changed his religion and name and married to a Muslim woman. He planted three bombs in three American cities and plans to detonate them if his demands are not met. All through the interrogation by the CIA, he LIED even as the interrogator slit his wife throat in front of him. He LIED to save his children from the same faith of his wife, while one of the bombs blew up and kill 48 American men, women and children. At last, he shot himself to death. The core of the story is based on the LIES and DECEPTION among Muslims. What you said about Obama and mention his middle name as HUSSAIN makes it evident to the facts. I never trusted you, and I will never trust your twisted mind.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Chief:

At least you have a half  ounce of brain.


Barack Husian repeat that until elections morning.

I watched a movie last night name the "unthinkable." It based on an American terrorist who changed his religion and name and married to a Muslim woman. He planted three bombs in three American cities and plans to detonate them if his demands are not met. All through the interrogation by the CIA, he LIED even as the interrogator slit his wife throat in front of him. He LIED to save his children from the same faith of his wife, while one of the bombs blew up and kill 48 American men, women and children. At last, he shot himself to death. The core of the story is based on the LIES and DECEPTION among Muslims. What you said about Obama and mention his middle name as HUSSAIN makes it evident to the facts. I never trusted you, and I will never trust your twisted mind.

Chief is most infactuated by the middle name "Hussain".  But Obama wacking his fullah bruddahs with hellfires and wacking every muslim nation while Israel walk all over them.  This guy prapa stupid, or can't see better.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Chief:

At least you have a half  ounce of brain.


Barack Husian repeat that until elections morning.

I watched a movie last night name the "unthinkable." It based on an American terrorist who changed his religion and name and married to a Muslim woman. He planted three bombs in three American cities and plans to detonate them if his demands are not met. All through the interrogation by the CIA, he LIED even as the interrogator slit his wife throat in front of him. He LIED to save his children from the same faith of his wife, while one of the bombs blew up and kill 48 American men, women and children. At last, he shot himself to death. The core of the story is based on the LIES and DECEPTION among Muslims. What you said about Obama and mention his middle name as HUSSAIN makes it evident to the facts. I never trusted you, and I will never trust your twisted mind.

Interestingly you showed no effect from the interragator slitting a woman's throat as if that was the only method the interragator think would get  the ying Muslim to fess up. And unfortunately for that poor slitted throat woman, that didn't work. So her blood was shed in vain and still no condemnation for the interragator. Perhaps you are the one with the twisted mind.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Obama got a great ally in this hurricane. 

And yet a hurricane is what doomed the GOP last time, because of Bush and Katrina,,,,this after his daddy and Andrew.


So Obama handled it properly.  Clearly indicating that he cares about people and has a strong sense of social justice.


This is where we expect active govt involvement and even you must admit that he did a good job......Christie knows and says so.

Originally Posted by Chief:

In this disaster President Obama and his cabinet acted in the best possible way despite Bloomberg trying to side line them, resulting in untold suffering to New Yorkers.

Under either Obama or Romney, there is zero chance of NYC getting rebuilt. The industrial capability that would be required to do it has been dismantled, and neither candidate intends to to anything about it. They will rebuilt Wall Street, because that's what they care about. In New Jersey, there are 100,000 people who will remain homeless for at least a year.


Obama and Bloomberg both have the same Neronic personality type.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

And the Jewish media Daily News endorsed Romney

Obama got a great ally in this hurricane. 

And yet a hurricane is what doomed the GOP last time, because of Bush and Katrina,,,,this after his daddy and Andrew.


So Obama handled it properly.  Clearly indicating that he cares about people and has a strong sense of social justice.


This is where we expect active govt involvement and even you must admit that he did a good job......Christie knows and says so.

The ally to which I was referring was not his handling of it, which was ok, but the fact that for the past week it shielded him from addressing his four years of failure.  Romney, on the other hand could not keep hitting at the issues as it comes across uncaring and insensitive at this time.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Chief:

In this disaster President Obama and his cabinet acted in the best possible way despite Bloomberg trying to side line them, resulting in untold suffering to New Yorkers.

Under either Obama or Romney, there is zero chance of NYC getting rebuilt. The industrial capability that would be required to do it has been dismantled, and neither candidate intends to to anything about it. They will rebuilt Wall Street, because that's what they care about. In New Jersey, there are 100,000 people who will remain homeless for at least a year.


Obama and Bloomberg both have the same Neronic personality type.

Henry NYC was never an industrial city, aside from its garment trade.  It was always a trading and financial and business services sector.


Clearly you are a communist. It makes no sense to fool American workers that they can remain uneducated and unskilled and think that they can be an expensive version of the Chinese.


To his credit Obama recognizes that and has spoken out about what he plans to do to deal with that.


If you think that the USA can ban imports from other countries, w/o suffering similar bans against our products, you dream.  This is a global world.  A rising middle class is now emerging in mnay countries such as Brazil and India.  Not that this is a perfect world, but then do you suggest that Cuba and North Korea are more ideal?

Originally Posted by baseman:

The ally to which I was referring was not his handling of it, which was ok, but the fact that for the past week it shielded him from addressing his four years of failure.  Romney, on the other hand could not keep hitting at the issues as it comes across uncaring and insensitive at this time.

How has Obama failed, except being unable to completely fix the mess that the GOP left last time, and will leave again if monsters like you support them?


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