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Former Member

Folks, since the election of 2011, the opposition hold the PPP against a wall, claiming they're thieves and they involved in endless corruption the country has ever seen. Every day you come on here is the same thief, thief you hearing all the time. Well, it's time to listen to honest Willy!


Honest Willy (1) said the PPP is a thief.

Honest Willy (2) said the PPP is a thief.

If honest Willy (1) & (2) said the PPP is a thief, the burden of proof is upon honest Willy 1 & 2. So far we ain't see any proof to convict the PPP of thievery, but the beat still goes on, thief, thief. The many times the word thief is mention to describe the PPP, it's better to yell rape, rape, hoping someone may come to the rescue.


Now, it's good to know that the joint opposition are genuinely concerned of the Guyanese people's welfare. Which means: (1) Strict accountability of the taxpayers money. (2) Spend the taxpayers money economically and wisely. (3) Infrastructure development must (only) be an urgent necessity. (4) And, we ain't going to thief the you money because we name honest Willy.


I never know Guyana had saints and popes but I am willing to give them a chance. However, all APNU & AFC members are from the PNC and PPP. Well, I am scratching my head, thinking! These fellas are reformed as saints? These fellas don't know how to thief? They name honest willy? Then, these fellas has be good! Then again, they used to thief! Well, that was then!


Honest Willy 1 & 2 finally get the cookie jar all to themselves! What do you think honest willies will do from here on? Will they thief or will they not thief? Do you believe in old habit is hard to break?

Let's talk about honest willy who will not thief you money!



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If you want to jump and wave about who said what, please go right ahead. FYI, the PPP stand for the People's Progressive Party. It never stated it was an Indian Party or a Black party. It clearly stated the People's party. People of all races of Guyana who chose to be in the Progressive Movement. Now, stop talk piss and don't blame me for bullshit. 


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