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Former Member

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

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Guyana is a tiny country with an ethic mix. It would be nice of the ruling party to recognize that the oppostion has the right as citizens to form a government democratically. The oppostion parties should not be viciously attack as though it is against a law to want to govern.


Being a tiny country, it is important that legislations are friendly and considerate of the opposition parties-everything so far is confrontational.



Under the present circumstances in Guyana a "preferred administration" may be considered to do better or worst. If a "preferred person" never holds office, we can only assumed that he or she would be better. A Ramkarran administration may be fitted for shared governance. It is impossible for the "best leader" to please every citizen in any country. You always have opposition to say otherwise.  


Personally I believe I am the best person. What we need is an experienced project manager with international business skills and financial qualifications.

We cannot go on as things are. Small steps will take centuries to produce results. Just look at how countries like Suriname, Brazil, and Venezuela are leaving us behind in the way they manage their resources and encourage all races to take part in the government and industries. Guyana is far too deep into race and party politics.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

this is a very sensible question at the wrong time.  Wait for my answer after the 2013 budget.  The PPP has no choice now but to act more responsibly.  Winner take all days are over.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Personally I believe I am the best person. What we need is an experienced project manager with international business skills and financial qualifications.

We cannot go on as things are. Small steps will take centuries to produce results. Just look at how countries like Suriname, Brazil, and Venezuela are leaving us behind in the way they manage their resources and encourage all races to take part in the government and industries. Guyana is far too deep into race and party politics.

I agree that every citizen must get involved in their nation's building, but the two main parties feels insecure without the racial divide. How can we formulate the trust and confident with (all) the people? What approach government can take to confront this change of bringing the people together?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

A leader is as good as the people he/she surrounds themselves with.  There is really no definite answer to your question.


The current administration has a good diversity of race/religion in it's cabinet.  Blacks, Amerindians, Indians, Hindus, Christians, Muslims.  However, there needs to be more accountablility and performance metrics to track how well the Ministers are doing their jobs.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

A leader is as good as the people he/she surrounds themselves with.  There is really no definite answer to your question.


The current administration has a good diversity of race/religion in it's cabinet.  Blacks, Amerindians, Indians, Hindus, Christians, Muslims.  However, there needs to be more accountablility and performance metrics to track how well the Ministers are doing their jobs.

Alena, I agree with you here.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

A leader is as good as the people he/she surrounds themselves with.  There is really no definite answer to your question.


The current administration has a good diversity of race/religion in it's cabinet.  Blacks, Amerindians, Indians, Hindus, Christians, Muslims.  However, there needs to be more accountablility and performance metrics to track how well the Ministers are doing their jobs.

Alena, I agree with you here.

Tghings are going great, why would the Guyanese People jump from the frying Pan into the Fire??  Because TK selling Snakeoil????

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

 Same dumb shit from you just another day. As it stands the system cannot produce "good" leaders since it depends on an electoral system that elects a king.


Since no one seems able to mount an offensive to revolutionize our constitution to produce a best fit for us, we need the system to be constrained by a third party. I matters little who is at the head of it as long as they do not give in to one side or the other e any opportunity for autocratic excesses.


The time is long gone for us to rely just on "good men" or "sainted elders" or "divinely inspired gurus" or " Ramotars and Jagdeos who meets the criteria of having put in sufficient party work or passing a party cabal smell test".


We need gifted managers, a CFO who  think on their feet. account for himself before the people or we kick his ass out in the next go around. We do not need what we have. It breeds mediocrity like the dog faced baboon we have there now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Today, I want to be fair and ask my fellow posters, who is best suited to lead Guyana that is satisfactory to every citizen. We must take into consideration the executive (PPP), the joint opposition (APNU/AFC), and the current State of affairs on the current atmosphere in Guyana. Our daily debates tells me that not everyone is happy about Guyana, and I would like from (all) party supporters to opine. If we are to practice and embrace democracy then we should have discussions like this. 

A leader is as good as the people he/she surrounds themselves with.  There is really no definite answer to your question.


The current administration has a good diversity of race/religion in it's cabinet.  Blacks, Amerindians, Indians, Hindus, Christians, Muslims.  However, there needs to be more accountablility and performance metrics to track how well the Ministers are doing their jobs.

This post was not meant to change the political atmosphere in Guyana, it simply  meant for an open and neutral discussion across party line. We all experience the daily tug-of-war on the ruling party which tells me that not everyone are happy with the current State of Affairs under the PPP.                              


We all cry for democracy but very seldom we practice it. Even to some of our poster's can't tolerate an open and honest discussion without getting dirty with the mud slinging. Therefore, I ask a simple question to the general audience, who will be best suited to lead Guyana that would work in bringing the people together and get them involved in the nation's building. (Fact): PPP & APNU cannot survive without the race based politics, and the AFC is playing in the middle.                                                                                      


Guyana is a land a six races of people and it doesn't belong to Indo and Afro alone. Again, who will better suited to unite the people of Guyana?

Originally Posted by Observer:

A few Guyanese who migrated to foreign lands are now rich hotshots, armchair politicians, and are glorifying military dictatorships!    Be careful what you wish for, my countrymen.  It's the Guyanese citizens who will suffer the consequences of such drastic actions.   

Bhai, Some People love to be RULED and to be intimidated, to have the Govt and Army control their lives. However, they live in the greatest Democracy. Go Figure.


This thread was a test to see the reaction of fellow posters who disagree with the government of the day in Guyana. When people minds are bent on destruction it's hard to straighten it. (Result): You can't have a neutral discussion with the opposite side even if you tried. What I've seen so far, Guyana is best where it is right now with the PPP. Kudos to Alena! She said it right. I hate to say we have a bunch of losers in our midst.   

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This thread was a test to see the reaction of fellow posters who disagree with the government of the day in Guyana. When people minds are bent on destruction it's hard to straighten it. (Result): You can't have a neutral discussion with the opposite side even if you tried. What I've seen so far, Guyana is best where it is right now with the PPP. Kudos to Alena! She said it right. I hate to say we have a bunch of losers in our midst.   

The title should not be honestly speaking but duplicitous speaking since all along you were not concerned with good leadership but with the usual, PPP leadership. 


To insist one is bent of destruction because they deduced the electoral system creates kings and that is not the way to be means you are true to form. Absolute power corrupts absolutely so where can  there be redemptive hope for your King Ramotar?


And what makes you a winner? Get real pajama pants, Is one would ever expect you to be a winner at anything you had to have forest gumped yourself into it. Talent is woefully lacking.


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