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Honesty may not always be de best policy

De other day a conductor beat up a passenger in a minibus pun de East Coast and de man drop down and dead in a another minibus all de way pun de East Bank. De driver who was helpin to part de fight lie to de police and seh he never see any fight, because when he drivin he does be lookin in front, not at de back of de bus.

De driver tell a bigger lie and seh that even when he got nice girls at de back, he don’t be lookin back. So the police let the driver go, who see every ting, and de conductor alone get hold up.

De other night, one car knock down a man and kill he pun de East Coast, and de driver get away. Another innocent driver come and run over de man and he get de blame fuh knockin down de man just because he report de matter. De police can’t find de other driver yet, so dem hold on to de one driver who was honest enough to turn heself in.

It look like wid de police, honesty can never be de best policy. De honest people gettin a hard time and de scampish people gettin off. So de police gettin just like all dem politicians now. Dem never tellin de truth and dem never believin de people who tellin de truth.

De bribe website just open and a lotta people don confess bout who get bribe and who give bribe. Is some body always tekkin a bribe fuh do sum ting fuh some body. A woman even tek bribe and give some body a driver’s licence de other day. But wid all de confessions pun de bribe website, nuttin ain’t happen yet.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! Now in Berbice a man turn up by he friend house fuh tell he that he sleepin wid he wife. De man turn round and kill he wife, then try fuh hang he self. Now de police arrest de other man just because he tell de truth. Honesty may not always be de best policy!

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