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Honesty needed Gail, not this Teixeirian dialectic

October 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 

By Khemraj Ramjattan AFC Leader

The hardliners within the hierarchy of the PPP, who largely mould that Party, have been well trained in creating

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

and directing propaganda far removed from truth and reason.  This they do to destroy existing and nascent opposition from within and without.  Their further purposes include diverting attention away from biting critiques as to their ineptitude and corruption; and, the attenuation of the effects of their disgusting hypocrisy and double-standards. These days they are in record-breaking form. The Marxian dialectic, that useful tool of social analysis, which they claim is close to their chest, has been malignantly transformed into what should be known from now on as the Gail Teixeirian dialectic.  This variety shrouds out reason and truth for the grander glorification of the Party and its leaders; and, at the same time the vilification and damnation of its opponents. The AFC wishes to warn them about this development in our politics.  It is extremely shortsighted not to see the historical limits of this organized deception which sooner or later will be exposed. A recent example of this demolition of truth and reason is captured in the massive missive by Ms Teixeira on the trumped-up and politically motivated allegations of sexual assault against co-founder of AFC and House Speaker, Mr Raphael Trotman. I am so happy that short shrift was made of it by Karen De Souza in a biting response the next day. I want to remind the Governance Advisor to the President that she had nothing to say about the human rights of Varshnie Singh who was fooled by then President Jagdeo into thinking that she, Varshnie, was married to him. Moreover, I want her know that it is an accurate proposition of law that if a man were to deceive a woman into believing that he is her husband, and then proceed to have intimate relations with her, such an act is the act of a rapist. So Ms Teixeira has no moral authority in view of her silence then to talk about “men with power or money who get away with sex offences”. But in her recent missive she wants to pronounce on the error of the issuance of an injunction which seeks to halt the scandalizing of the Speaker. She conveniently forgets the sub judice rule she regularly espouses and defends in and out of the Parliament to demand that others shut up about matters in Court. Come on Gail…how inconsistent, how discriminatory! This Teixeirian dialectic has a Jagdeoian characteristic to it. Cuss down the Chief Justice, Mr Ian Chang, who ordered it. She rudely says to His Honour that the grant of the injunction “reverses the even handed role and function of the Court…how it has undermined the entire tenets of justice for victims of sexual abuse.” And then the shamelessly derogatory rhetoric: “…the injunction validates once again public opinion of the judicial system. Can anyone blame people for that viewpoint?” This is severely contemptuous of the Judge and the administration of justice. But then again these ad hominems are to be expected from these arrogant comrades. Remember Ms Priya Manickchand and her treatment of US Ambassador Brent Hardt whist she was a guest at his Residence? Remember President Ramotar calling Moses Nagamootoo a jackass at Babu John, and calling yours truly a terrorist for not fast-tracking the Anti-Money Laundering Bill? The AFC has long realized that this is not the manner in which the powers that be ought to treat with political opponents or diplomatic dissentients or judicial pronouncements. Such a treatment is course, callous and cruel. The AFC was duty bound to commence the process to halt this degradation of Guyana’s politics. The no-confidence motion was that starting point. The finality of the act must be completed when the electors vote a massive no-confidence against the PPP in the national elections which must be called 90 days thereafter. There was never a better time.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gail Teixeira was gross and full of hypocrisy when she wrote that "massive missive" Ramjattan critiqued.

Indeed, Teixeira bastardized the not exclusively Marxist dialectics which many social scientists use as a reliable analytical tool.

Teixeira shed crocodile tears for Johnny Welshman in her missive. She lacks moral standing as Ramjattan pointed out with regard to Varshnie Singh, ex-Fooled First Lady.

Teixeira has been conspicuously silent on instances of depravities like rape and incest by own PPP cohorts.

And let me not mention her wilful break-up of a PPP comrade's marriage that involved three young children who had to suffer the absence of their dad from home even though he tried to compensate with visits and limited care and attention. Those who know the story know what I'm talking about here.

Ask any child in pre-teens how he/she feels about that other woman who lured Dad away and you'll know why Teixeira is a hypocrite on the Welshman issue.



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gail Teixeira was gross and full of hypocrisy when she wrote that "massive missive" Ramjattan critiqued.

Indeed, Teixeira bastardized the not exclusively Marxist dialectics which many social scientists use as a reliable analytical tool.

Teixeira shed crocodile tears for Johnny Welshman in her missive. She lacks moral standing as Ramjattan pointed out with regard to Varshnie Singh, ex-Fooled First Lady.

Teixeira has been conspicuously silent on instances of depravities like rape and incest by her own PPP cohorts.

And let me not mention her wilful break-up of a PPP comrade's marriage that involved three young children who had to suffer the absence of their dad from home even though he tried to compensate with visits and limited care and attention. Those who know the story know what I'm talking about here.

Ask any child in pre-teens how he/she feels about that other woman who lured Dad away and you'll know why Teixeira is a hypocrite on the Welshman issue.





Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gail Teixeira was gross and full of hypocrisy when she wrote that "massive missive" Ramjattan critiqued.

Indeed, Teixeira bastardized the not exclusively Marxist dialectics which many social scientists use as a reliable analytical tool.

Teixeira shed crocodile tears for Johnny Welshman in her missive. She lacks moral standing as Ramjattan pointed out with regard to Varshnie Singh, ex-Fooled First Lady.

Teixeira has been conspicuously silent on instances of depravities like rape and incest by own PPP cohorts.

And let me not mention her wilful break-up of a PPP comrade's marriage that involved three young children who had to suffer the absence of their dad from home even though he tried to compensate with visits and limited care and attention. Those who know the story know what I'm talking about here.

Ask any child in pre-teens how he/she feels about that other woman who lured Dad away and you'll know why Teixeira is a hypocrite on the Welshman issue.



Texeira lacks moral standing. She is silent on rapes and sexual molestation by  her fellow PPP cohorts.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gail Teixeira was gross and full of hypocrisy when she wrote that "massive missive" Ramjattan critiqued.

Indeed, Teixeira bastardized the not exclusively Marxist dialectics which many social scientists use as a reliable analytical tool.

Teixeira shed crocodile tears for Johnny Welshman in her missive. She lacks moral standing as Ramjattan pointed out with regard to Varshnie Singh, ex-Fooled First Lady.

Teixeira has been conspicuously silent on instances of depravities like rape and incest by own PPP cohorts.

And let me not mention her wilful break-up of a PPP comrade's marriage that involved three young children who had to suffer the absence of their dad from home even though he tried to compensate with visits and limited care and attention. Those who know the story know what I'm talking about here.

Ask any child in pre-teens how he/she feels about that other woman who lured Dad away and you'll know why Teixeira is a hypocrite on the Welshman issue.



This has everything to do with the vulgarity of the PPP. The truth seems to be getting under your skin pandit.........


Maybe you should seek counselling from manick..




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