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massive corruption, theft of the country’s resources, narcotics trafficking and money laundering, extrajudicial killings, lack of transparency and accountability, inequitable distribution of resources and shady deals with dubai and china have all but exhausted the patience of the international community, enablers and some supporters of the PPP (those with a conscience)

it must be a major embarrassment for her to have to utter these words: “we continue to look forward to the government’s initiatives to combat corruption, including natural resource fund legislation that offers both transparency and clear oversight, and to a meaningful and inclusive process of stakeholder engagement” – ambassador lynch  

the quote above clearly indicates the disgust felt by the international community with what is unfolding in guyana since the PPP were “installed” into government. they are now seen for who they really are, CHARLATANS!

bottle-wine-in-the-air-and-shake-yuh-waist……..snow flake…….the house bigot…….aloo.....indiana jones  – TAKE NOTE

resistance will be even stronger next year!

merry christmas to the PPP clowns reading this


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@seignet posted:

yuh juss anti-PPP

nah...the PPP was captured by individuals who are inherently corrupt, racist and with a propensity to teef. they are stinking rich while 40% of the population languish in poverty


By now Norton should know that, why is waiting? He can seize the opportunity to increase PNC fortunes.

I hear, the APNU is going to rebel against the PNC. Those in parliament will be only the APNU. PNC have to rebuild.

@seignet posted:

By now Norton should know that, why is waiting? He can seize the opportunity to increase PNC fortunes.

I hear, the APNU is going to rebel against the PNC. Those in parliament will be only the APNU. PNC have to rebuild.

not sure why you think there should be competition among political parties to win government just to increase their fortunes, good luck to you with that

stop listening to hearsay - yuh big and yuh should have sense


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