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Former Member

Hong Kong nationals free to land in Guyana without visas

September 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

Hong Kong nationals are currently allowed to fly to Guyana without receiving a visa prior to departure and can apply once they land in Guyana.

According to reports, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has received confirmation from the Embassy of the Republic of Guyana in Beijing that, with immediate effect, HKSAR passport holders may apply for visitor visas upon arrival at the Republic of Guyana for stays of up to one month.

This publication has been informed that Hong Kong nationals can travel to Guyana as tourists and get a one-month maximum permission to stay from the Immigration Officer at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.

This can be extended by a maximum of two more months if they apply, whilst in Guyana, to Ministry of Home Affairs.

Chinese nationals in Guyana have recently been a source of concern especially as it relates to investments locally.

A number of local Chinese firms have been in the spot light.

Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals.

Given the level of money that has been invested in Guyana and the Region at large or has been committed for future investments by China, Head of State, Donald Ramotar, has dismissed fears that the Chinese will become the new colonialists of the Region.

Ramotar at a press conference at State House said that his view was that this was not the intention of the Chinese. He said that Guyana can safeguard itself by enforcing its laws.

The President pointed out too that the Chinese are not the only source of funds available since there are other options.

The President said that he was not afraid or worried about the potential of China becoming the new colonial masters of the Region.

“For many of us, investment by China has helped keep us afloat. Chinese investment has been important also in helping us in having the necessary investments in our own countries,” Ramotar is on record saying

“In Guyana for example, in expanding our airport transport system and many of our roads, the Chinese assisted us. I would like to express our profound support for the initiatives being taken.”

At present, there is a significant level of investment in Guyana by Chinese companies such as Bai Shan Lin which has been involved in large scale logging.

There are also numerous projects involving Chinese money such as the One Laptop Per Family programme, the construction of the Marriott Hotel, construction of several sections of the Amaila Falls Access Road, the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and the widening of the East Coast Demerara Highway among others.

There is also a significant presence of Chinese investments in competition with locals. China is also expected to finance the bridge across the Corentyne River.

China has committed to investing more than US$1B in Guyana in the near future.

Earlier this year a Chinese-owned shipyard was commissioned at Coverden, East Bank Demerara.

At the commissioning of that facility Ramotar said, “I want to extend special greetings to the Chinese investors who have come here and to let them know that they are welcome in Guyana.”

He said too that China has tremendous capabilities, evidenced by the tremendous progress that the country has made in just over three decades.

China’s growth is also unmatched when compared to equivalent countries in any part of the world, he said.

“To see how fast that country has grown in just over three decades, speaks volumes for Chinese investors and their readiness to take risks. It also speaks volumes of their skills, of their traditions and customs and their dedication to work and labour, and that is something we hope that we can emulate in our country,” the President said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Originally Posted by kp:

What's the difference, they are Chinese and look who is investing in Guyana, is the Chinese. Where are the British, USA etc.Remember nothing is free.

They are not investing. Let me reiterate. Investing is when you input capital to produce a product. If the process is simply to extract our log for which we get pittance...less than the Chinese rental of a dozen pandas ( displacing our jaguars, tapirs, agouti, peccary etc of course!), then it is pillage.



You are looking at the massive input of cash ( in machinery mostly since they do not pay laborers) then you are missing the point. The Brits, Europeans, US give us tens of times more capital gratis than we get from the Chinese ( 16million per year). Check the news about what you got from the US, Canada, And Europe this mind you.


Where are the Chinese when any nation in which the are entrenched in plunder or not offer any help gratis? Why are they not complaining about ISIS? Why are they not in West Africa with the Ebola out break? You folks buy the crap the Admin is selling because they are filling their pockets with these large capital outlays that we will owe and from which we will get no reprieve. Note the west habitually forgive debts. The Chinese is like your local loan shark.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by kp:

What's the difference, they are Chinese and look who is investing in Guyana, is the Chinese. Where are the British, USA etc.Remember nothing is free.

They are not investing. Let me reiterate. Investing is when you input capital to produce a product. If the process is simply to extract our log for which we get pittance...less than the Chinese rental of a dozen pandas ( displacing our jaguars, tapirs, agouti, peccary etc of course!), then it is pillage.



You are looking at the massive input of cash ( in machinary mostly since they do not pay laborers) then you are missing the point. The Brits, Europeans, US give us tens of times more capital gratis than we get from the Chinese ( 16million per year). Check the news about what you god from the US, Canada, And Europe this mind you.


Where are the Chinese when any nation in which the are entrenched in plunder or not offer any help gratis? Why are they not complaining about ISIS? Why are they not in West Africa with the Ebola out break? You folks buy the crap the Admin is selling because they are filling their pockets with these large capital outlays that we will owe and from which we will get no reprieve. Not the west habitually forgive debts. The Chinese is like your local loan shark.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

HAHAHA.  Some people don't tek rejection good.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Gam good ah he kAKAHOLE!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Gam good ah he kAKAHOLE!!!!!!!!!!

He gat so much up he kakahole that he ah strain fuh shit. Here's to the sooar Asj......

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Skelly, you should give him more for bringing in your family. There is no place on this board for such nastiness. ASJ shame on you. Do the right thing and apologize to Skelly.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Skelly, you should give him more for bringing in your family. There is no place on this board for such nastiness. ASJ shame on you. Do the right thing and apologize to Skelly.

Don, as a moderator of this board and a human being, this man has no morals. He wants nobody to criticise his posts. He is Forbes Burnham reincarnated. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Skelly, you should give him more for bringing in your family. There is no place on this board for such nastiness. ASJ shame on you. Do the right thing and apologize to Skelly.

Don, as a moderator of this board and a human being, this man has no morals. He wants nobody to criticise his posts. He is Forbes Burnham reincarnated. 

Give him the SCUD Missile treatment yuh gun see how he gun BEG for peace and tell yuh how he does feel shame like wan lil Gal when yuh criticize his post

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Skelly, you should give him more for bringing in your family. There is no place on this board for such nastiness. ASJ shame on you. Do the right thing and apologize to Skelly.

Don, as a moderator of this board and a human being, this man has no morals. He wants nobody to criticise his posts. He is Forbes Burnham reincarnated. 

Give him the SCUD Missile treatment yuh gun see how he gun BEG for peace and tell yuh how he does feel shame like wan lil Gal when yuh criticize his post


I try to stay away from calling people names. But when you have some shallow people who cannot accept criticism and resort to name calling, then you have to reply in kind. Next time a "daisy cutter" 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Skelly, you should give him more for bringing in your family. There is no place on this board for such nastiness. ASJ shame on you. Do the right thing and apologize to Skelly.

Don, as a moderator of this board and a human being, this man has no morals. He wants nobody to criticise his posts. He is Forbes Burnham reincarnated. 

Give him the SCUD Missile treatment yuh gun see how he gun BEG for peace and tell yuh how he does feel shame like wan lil Gal when yuh criticize his post


I try to stay away from calling people names. But when you have some shallow people who cannot accept criticism and resort to name calling, then you have to reply in kind. Next time a "daisy cutter" 

Good. Daisy Cutter it MUST be.

Originally Posted by kp:

What's the difference, they are Chinese and look who is investing in Guyana, is the Chinese. Where are the British, USA etc.Remember nothing is free.

We condemned the British when their "investment" as on terms not favorable to Guyana, and when they treated Guyanese shabbily.


So why should we hail the Chinese when they do no better especially those companies which have already been tossed out of other nations because they destroy their environment, refuse to adhere to their labor laws and have a more negative than positive feed back.


Why should a Chinese investor be entitled to 67% of the profits of Marriott when they aren't guaranteeing the loans and when NICIL has provide the bulk of the investment?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Hey, Take it easy dont buss a blood vessel all I am telling you is,


Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha

You little bitch go have sexual intercourse with a sheep


Nothing more or nothing less, but it would seem here like someone take advantage of your not knowing the language.


The PPP is turning Guyana into a transit haven for Chinese nationals into South America, and even the US. Once in Guyana, these people can go via the back roads to just about anywhere on the continent. The only alternative way would have to be via a prior visa approval from any other government on the continent.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

Quote "Recently the Caribbean Community’s (CARICOM) Secretary General had expressed fears that there may be a syndrome of xenophobia against Chinese nationals."unquote


'xenophobia' Hmm more to me like 'drug mules' to ship away the very large quantity of drugs coming to Guyana via submarine, next I think that that facility might go to the Indians as well

Oh shit Asj! Maybe you should work for the GoG. OOPS! I forgot Ramo rejected you.

You are fishing for information eh! Maybe oneday if you come in a nice way I might oblige you and give you a lil lecture.

Ha Ha. Any lecture you want to give, you have to give at the Canje mad house. Not sure those people will listen to you either.

Bai, you always try to wiggle out of a situation with your nonsense. The thing is if you're gonna be a smartass, first you have to be smart.

Otherwise you're just an ass.

If you are unable to handle the heat, then don't post your rubbish.

Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha


You tek you F***ing eyes and pass my mother. You chose to bring family into this you low class sooar. No wonder Ramotar ran your ass out of his office. He could tell that you were a low class uneducated bastard who craves for attention. Good riddance you idiot!!!!!


Hey, Take it easy dont buss a blood vessel all I am telling you is,


Bacara ge bun mar, tu rami, Kuti ka bacha

You little bitch go have sexual intercourse with a sheep


Nothing more or nothing less, but it would seem here like someone take advantage of your not knowing the language.

If I am a little bitch, what does that say about my mother? I am my mother's son. Let's leave it at that.


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