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GRA Head says bought salvaged Prado at auction

Posted By Staff Writer On October 27, 2014 @ 5:29 am In Local News | No Comments

Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Khurshid Sattaur says that a Toyota Prado imported by him was a used one thus the taxes paid was less than if it was a new one.

Sattaur, in a letter responding to an article in the Kaieteur News headlined ‘GRA boss imports Prado for $1.5M’ which reported that there seems to be varying tax charges for the same type of vehicle and these charges appear to be levied according to who the person is, said that his vehicle was purchased at an auction and repaired.

The KN article had reported that the Legal Affairs Ministry as well as parliamentarian Kwame Gilbert had imported similar vehicles and the values of these were declared at $7.2 million and $7.4 million respectively but Sattaur’s vehicle had a declared value of just under $1.5 million. While the ministry and Gilbert enjoyed full tax exemption, Sattaur is not entitled to full tax exemption and his vehicle attracted a 30 per cent import tax and given the declared value of it, this would amount to $450,000, the newspaper reported. It noted that had the Legal Affairs Ministry and Gilbert been asked to pay the 30 per cent taxes they would have been required to pay $2.1 million.

Khurshid Sattaur

Khurshid Sattaur

The newspaper questioned whether Sattaur’s vehicle was undervalued to escape the higher tax.

In response, Sattaur said that he wants to make it clear that taxes on imports are applied on the basis of the CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value. “The Customs value is determined by the acquisition cost and not what a comparison would look like with similar vehicles months after,” he wrote.

According to the tax boss, as such the value of a vehicle acquired new from a show room differs significantly in value from a vehicle that is used and has a significant amount of miles on the odometer and even considerably less if acquired from a salvage firm with considerable damage.

“Unfortunately, my vehicle belongs to the latter category as I had done the honourable thing of buying a used salvaged vehicle at an auction at an amount I can afford. I have not chosen to hide any income and later through money laundering such income to disguise the fact that the purchase belongs to someone else and in the process commit criminal offences,” he said.

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Sattaur collected full retirement package in 2012

October 27, 2014 | By  | Filed Under News 

Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, had his retirement package approved and paid to him  in 2012.
He had applied for his retirement package the year before. Today he continues to head the GRA.
Last year, Sattaur imported a 2010 Toyota Jeep Land Cruiser in his personal capacity. The vehicle which was declared at a cost of just under $1.5M, (US$7,500) was registered on April 29, 2013.
Online checks revealed that the average price of such vehicles range from US$31,000 to US$40,000.
All Members of Parliament and judges are exempt from all taxes on the vehicles they import. They are also allowed to import vehicles of an unlimited engine capacity.


GRA Head rejects nepotism charge

Posted By Staff Writer On July 21, 2014 @ 5:21 am In Local News | No Comments

 Khurshid Sattaur

Khurshid Sattaur

Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Khurshid Sattaur has rejected charges of nepotism in relation to his children being employed at the organisation and says that they were subjected to competitive interviews before being employed.

“I would like to point out that my children were not in any way given any special or peculiar treatment, not in terms of position, salary or status. Both of my sons referred to in the article have worked in junior level positions for several years before being promoted to their current positions, not unlike all other employees of the GRA and perhaps to their detriment. They are not paid any special salary as all persons in similar positions are paid exactly the same. They were subjected to competitive interviews before being employed and are eminently qualified for the positions for which they were employed and currently hold,” Sattaur said, in responding to a Kaieteur News article headlined ‘Family Affair exists at the GRA…Sattaur employs two sons, daughter, nephew, niece.’

The article reported that Sattaur’s relatives are working in managerial positions at the GRA and quoted APNU spokesman Joe Harmon as calling for an investigation and suggesting that it is nepotism.

Sattaur repudiated the comments and said that care was taken to ensure that there is no conflict or apparent conflict. He said that the interviews before his sons were employed were conducted by an independent panel and given a score rating based on numerous criteria including education/qualifications, experience, communication skills etc. “Appointments to the positions they now hold have to be sanctioned and approved by the Governing Board of the Guyana Revenue Authority and are not appointments that can be made by meunilaterally or at all,” he said.

“Furthermore these promotions have to be recommended by the functional heads of their respective departments, persons who are professionals and highly competent in their respective fields. It should be noted that the GRA, and indeed Guyana, has found it difficult to attract and retain these skills. And despite having other opportunities, my children were encouraged to stay and serve their country,” the tax boss asserted.

Sattaur said that his son Imran is one of a few Chartered Certified Accountants that the GRA has been able to attract and is the only ACCA qualified person there who holds such a junior management position. His other son Riyad has been employed with the GRA for over six years and is adequately qualified and experienced for the position he now holds, Sattaur declared. “Notwithstanding being adequately qualified, he continues to upgrade his qualifications by pursuing further studies in his field,” he said adding that “by this point it should become apparent and evident that there has been no conflict of interest, no peculiar treatment offered to my children or any impropriety as insinuated by the article.”


Special care


According to the tax boss, further care was taken to ensure that there is no conflict or apparent conflict. “Special care was exercised to ensure that none of them reports to my office, that I am not their supervisory officer, I am in no way involved in reviewing their work output, I am not in a position to review their work, I do not evaluate their work or performance, nor do I direct their workflow or assignments,” he said. “Additionally, there is no conflict of interest since I am a salaried employee whose only fiduciary or pecuniary interest is in my salary. Similarly my children referred to in the article are salaried employees, employed in positions for which they are adequately (qualified) or overqualified and earn salaries that are consistent with that earned by other persons at the same or similar level,” he argued.

“Therefore the suggestions and insinuations by Mr. Harmon as expressed in the article are not only baseless, unfounded and spurious, but are offending to and calls into question the integrity and professionalism of not only myself, but the senior functional heads of the GRA, the members of the Governing Board and my children,” Sattaur said.

The tax boss said that given the “high crime wave that exists in our beleaguered society,” he was appalled at the exposing of his children’s personal details as he said, it is “easy work to establish that they are on an annual basis millionaires many times over.”

He said that he has given the benefit of the doubt to Kaieteur News’ owner Glen Lall “as I would not want to associate this cowardly act to a person who is supposedly an upright, principled and most decent individual and who from time to time would beg for my assistance to employ family members, friends and associates of his for work at my agency, and who often times request my assistance to expedite matters; and I even go so far as giving him tax breaks on goods and supplies he imports for his business, all within the ambit of the law.”


scandal after scandal and this bandit is still left as head of GRA by Jagdeo, 


Beaver and Buttplug has to maintain this criminal at GRA because without him all their dirty deeds will get opened wider for public view.


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