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As a long standing member of GNI I rarely, or if I am not mistaken, never ever come to you guys for anything, I am capable of fighting my battles.

This is not a complain but I am bringing it your attention. Mars has made several claims that I am a terrorist and a terrorist supporter. I have ask him to substantiate or produce one iota of any of my writings where I even came close to being such a person. Instead , he has responded that two other supporters made the same  accusations like 8 years ago.  I noticed that admin closed two of said   threads where he made those dubious claims.

My bringing this up is for two reasons, one he is making a false claim against me and two, GNI is widely viewed by many across the international web. If anyone does a google search on the word Guyana, GNI pops up. Now this brings me to my second reason, if a member is making a claim that another GNIer is a terrorist or a terrorist supporter then who is manning the shop on behalf of GNI?  This crazy assertion makes GNI liable that they are allowing a terrorist to be a member. Closing the thread where that  dangerous allegation is just not enough.

I am kindly asking that you review each and every post that Mars made on threads  that you  close and please take some action.  In today's volatile atmosphere such a claim is wantonly wicked and cause much harm to every member that participates on this board.

Anxiously awaiting your response.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chief posted:

As a long standing member of GNI I rarely, or if I am not mistaken, never ever come to you guys for anything, I am capable of fighting my battles.

This is not a complain but I am bringing it your attention. Mars has made several claims that I am a terrorist and a terrorist supporter. I have ask him to substantiate or produce one iota of any of my writings where I even came close to being such a person. Instead , he has responded that two other supporters made the same  accusations like 8 years ago.  I noticed that admin closed two of said   threads where he made those dubious claims.

My bringing this up is for two reasons, one he is making a false claim against me and two, GNI is widely viewed by many across the international web. If anyone does a google search on the word Guyana, GNI pops up. Now this brings me to my second reason, if a member is making a claim that another GNIer is a terrorist or a terrorist supporter then who is manning the shop on behalf of GNI?  This crazy assertion makes GNI liable that they are allowing a terrorist to be a member. Closing the thread where that  dangerous allegation is just not enough.

I am kindly asking that you review each and every post that Mars made on threads  that you  close and please take some action.  In today's volatile atmosphere such a claim is wantonly wicked and cause much harm to every member that participates on this board.

Anxiously awaiting your response.

Stop your wicked lying. I've never called you a terrorist. I said that you've made posts here in support of terrorists on many occasions and there are many examples of that on this forum. Many other members here have called you out for this over the years. The Admin should be more concerned that you are making posts in support of terrorists on their forum. The FBI will be more interested in that than myself and other members rightfully calling you out.

Last edited by Mars

Guys, my advice is for both of you to take a day off and come back tomorrow and start fresh. I am saying this because I also had in the past many heated discussions with different GNI members. I tried Tit for Tat, the Nuclear option, in the gutter approach and other techniques. In the end, when I settled down, I realize I was wasting my time.


I hope and wish you both take my advise.

Chief posted:


Please pay careful attention to what Mars has written above. 

He is claiming that GNI is harboring a terrorist supporter.

I made no such claim. Stop lying. For someone who claims to be so religious, you sure can lie shamelessly.

Ask yourself why drugb, baseman, nehru, abidha, cobra and many others have accused you of posting here in support of terrorists. Curb your own wicked ways and no one will accuse you of anything.


It is plain and simple a member on GNI is claiming that for years that GNI is allowing a terrorist supporter to be here on GNi.

When I confrontl Mars he cannot produce any because there is none that I am such a person.

Mars is a dangerous person and by making this allegation against a member he is now implicating GNI.


Last edited by Chief
Amral posted:

I do not believe for one minute anyone of us here supports terrorism. You guys are all blowing hot air for nothing. But it could come back to burn you, so be careful. The one thing I will support though is an over throw of the present Govt of Guyana and a riddance of Jagdeo forever from Politics


Are you saying that it is okay for Mars to  accuse a long standing GNI member of be ing a terrorist supporter and you as and Admin thinks it should not be afdressed?

This is serious Bro, we have all seem where lies are now becoming facts.

You as an Admin need to make it clear what GNI stands for when it comes to terrorism.  Mars is way out of line and he is not only bearing false witness against me but the entire GNI family.

Chief posted:
Amral posted:

I do not believe for one minute anyone of us here supports terrorism. You guys are all blowing hot air for nothing. But it could come back to burn you, so be careful. The one thing I will support though is an over throw of the present Govt of Guyana and a riddance of Jagdeo forever from Politics


Are you saying that it is okay for Mars to  accuse a long standing GNI member of be ing a terrorist supporter and you as and Admin thinks it should not be afdressed?

This is serious Bro, we have all seem where lies are now becoming facts.

You as an Admin need to make it clear what GNI stands for when it comes to terrorism.  Mars is way out of line and he is not only bearing false witness against me but the entire GNI family.

I don't think that Amral is saying that. I think he is saying that we are big people and should behave accordingly. 

Chief posted:

It is plain and simple a member on GNI is claiming that for years that GNI is allowing a terrorist supporter to be here on GNi.

When I confrontl Mars he cannot produce any because there is none that I am such a person.

Mars is a dangerous person and by making this allegation against a member he is now implicating GNI.


I've provided many examples and you are yet to refute any of them because you know it's the truth. Ask yourself why drugb, baseman, nehru, abidha, cobra and many others have accused you of posting here in support of terrorists. Curb your own wicked ways and no one will accuse you of anything. 

I'm addressing you personally, nothing to do with the forum so enough of your bullshit.



If GNI will allow one poster to say that another poster is a GNI symphatiser aND he continues to repeat it without any proof then GNI is in trouble.

I have been here long enough to know that when so thing crosses the line.

Mars in his recklessness will do harm to GNI. This is no light matter when someone can come on a public forum and bear false witness on another person who is known to many on this site and in the community.

I have never ever come to Admin but if this issue is not addressed then I will have to count my options.

Chief posted:
Amral posted:

I do not believe for one minute anyone of us here supports terrorism. You guys are all blowing hot air for nothing. But it could come back to burn you, so be careful. The one thing I will support though is an over throw of the present Govt of Guyana and a riddance of Jagdeo forever from Politics


Are you saying that it is okay for Mars to  accuse a long standing GNI member of be ing a terrorist supporter and you as and Admin thinks it should not be afdressed?

This is serious Bro, we have all seem where lies are now becoming facts.

You as an Admin need to make it clear what GNI stands for when it comes to terrorism.  Mars is way out of line and he is not only bearing false witness against me but the entire GNI family.

Did the Admin address it when you committed a federal offense here by threatening to harm me?

Mars posted:
Chief posted:

It is plain and simple a member on GNI is claiming that for years that GNI is allowing a terrorist supporter to be here on GNi.

When I confrontl Mars he cannot produce any because there is none that I am such a person.

Mars is a dangerous person and by making this allegation against a member he is now implicating GNI.


I've provided many examples and you are yet to refute any of them because you know it's the truth. Ask yourself why drugb, baseman, nehru, abidha, cobra and many others have accused you of posting here in support of terrorists. Curb your own wicked ways and no one will accuse you of anything. 

I'm addressing you personally, nothing to do with the forum so enough of your bullshit.

I am asking you to put one piece of evidence where I ever supported terrorism?

Stop using the names of other members who have all called you out for what you are.

Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:

It is plain and simple a member on GNI is claiming that for years that GNI is allowing a terrorist supporter to be here on GNi.

When I confrontl Mars he cannot produce any because there is none that I am such a person.

Mars is a dangerous person and by making this allegation against a member he is now implicating GNI.


I've provided many examples and you are yet to refute any of them because you know it's the truth. Ask yourself why drugb, baseman, nehru, abidha, cobra and many others have accused you of posting here in support of terrorists. Curb your own wicked ways and no one will accuse you of anything. 

I'm addressing you personally, nothing to do with the forum so enough of your bullshit.

I am asking you to put one piece of evidence where I ever supported terrorism?

Stop using the names of other members who have all called you out for what you are.

I gave you already jackass. Did you refute any of it?

Your reputation precedes you and you have been exposed over and over again.

Chief posted:


If GNI will allow one poster to say that another poster is a GNI symphatiser aND he continues to repeat it without any proof then GNI is in trouble.

I have been here long enough to know that when so thing crosses the line.

Mars in his recklessness will do harm to GNI. This is no light matter when someone can come on a public forum and bear false witness on another person who is known to many on this site and in the community.

I have never ever come to Admin but if this issue is not addressed then I will have to count my options.

I hear what you are saying bro. Nowadays I don't lose sleep of what anyone says and does. I have taken the new approach that nothing anyone says or does about or to me will change who/what I am. At this stage of my life, I don't feel the need to prove anything. You have accomplished a lot. Much more than me. I am still waiting for my first born to make her mark on this world. You have already experienced your kids accomplishments so my advise to you is let it go. You don't need that kind of aggravation.

Last edited by Former Member

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