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University of Guyana students disrupted classes and hurled verbal salvoes at Council member, Indra Chandrapal who was on the Turkeyen Campus for an Appointments Committee meeting.

Doors to main classrooms including the George Walcott Lecture Theatre, Small Lecture Theatre and the Law Building were padlocked, resulting in the postponement of a few classes.

A number of students said they were able to sit a test. The padlock was removed from the Law Building’s door but classes were later disrupted by the students who marched around campus, chanting slogans.
Students and staff marching on UG's Turkeyen Campus.

When the staff and students learnt that Chandrapal was in the Learning Resource Centre, they defied staff members inside, pushed open the door, barged in and chanted down the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Council representative.

“The Council Must Go,” “Chandrapal Must Go,” “Teixeira Must Go,” and “Prem Misir Must Go,” were among the chants that named members of the council.

Chandrapal, who should have been participating in a meeting with the Deputy Vice Chancellor and the Assistant Registrar, eventually left the campus but not before defending herself.

After initially avoiding television news cameras, she said she has always worked in UG’s interest without receiving any payments.

President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA), Pat Francis confronted Chandrapal and accused of her lying about advancing the cause of the tertiary learning institution.

The students and staff then moved on to disrupt classes at the Law Building where a door was allegedly shoved open by a foreign student, hitting Francis. There was no visible sign of injury. Classes in the Faculty of Health Sciences were also disrupted.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I am surprise that these Uncivilised Third World hooligans did not BURN the place down. What exactly are they studying there? And the President of the Student Body was recruited from BMH???

UGSSA's Pat Francis and UGSS President, Duane Edwards among others confronting Ms Chandrapal in the Learning Resource Centre. (photo by Adel Lily).

When the staff and students learnt that Chandrapal was in the Learning Resource Centre, they defied staff members inside, pushed open the door, barged in and chanted down the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Council representative.
Originally posted by albert:
That spirit of hooligan must stop pronto!!!!!!!!!
shut u rass. It is in the tradition of good grass roots protest as when Chaitram Singh and others organized the protest of LFSB's e removal of Rohan Chandisingh from the staff of Corentyne High. I hope the UG students ask for the removal of Misir and throw eggs on the rest of those PPP sycophants whenever they see them on campus.
Originally posted by albert:
D2...are you in support of the hooliganism behavior on the Campus?
I support the right of the victimized to seek redress to their grievances. I hope they wage holy sanitizing war against those PPP sycophants who used the University as an instrument of oppression.
During the months before Guyana's election, someone wrote about how Joey Jagan along with other students, made a mess of one of Canada's Universities, they destroyed classrooms and some of the PPP dudes seemed to think it was great work.
What's wrong now? Can't people speak up and carry on bad when being bullied?
Originally posted by albert:
Classes should be back to normal by the morrow.....the inclement weather played a huge role the low students turnout today...
you fat albert is lying the warrior is in town and he see the action,UG is close and it will stay close
Originally posted by cain:
During the months before Guyana's election, someone wrote about how Joey Jagan along with other students, made a mess of one of Canada's Universities, they destroyed classrooms and some of the PPP dudes seemed to think it was great work.
What's wrong now? Can't people speak up and carry on bad when being bullied?
I don't want to be taken wrong. I support their right to protest not to break stuff up.

The corentyne Students seeded the storm of resistance across the country and the PPP was front and center of it because LFSB removed a teacher in a heavy handed way. I am sure they did not say that was hooliganism but like me a right to resist bad government.

Many say that student unrest it was the beginning of the end of LFSB because kids stood up to his tyranny when adults were afraid of him and his goons. These students at a tertiary institution have a similar right to protest because what was done to Freddi's wife and then him was pure, green, caustic, political vindictiveness.
Originally posted by albert:
D2...are you in support of the hooliganism behavior on the Campus?

Albert you are in agreement of the PPP/C systemic victimization. We know how vicious the wounded PPP/C can be.
This will end soon. It reminds me of the PNC youth wing call for a boycott of Indo Guyanese businesses. That was another PNC failure.

They are backing a man who is not qualified to lecture to a bunch of donkeys.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by albert:
That spirit of hooligan must stop pronto!!!!!!!!!
shut u rass. It is in the tradition of good grass roots protest as when Chaitram Singh and others organized the protest of LFSB's e removal of Rohan Chandisingh from the staff of Corentyne High. I hope the UG students ask for the removal of Misir and throw eggs on the rest of those PPP sycophants whenever they see them on campus.

You must hate Misir and the PPP very much for wanting to throw eggs at the PPP sycophants as you called them. This is what I call supporting Hooliganism. D2, You don't any credibilty left so dictate what or what not guyanese should do. You area bloody leech..
Originally posted by cain:
During the months before Guyana's election, someone wrote about how Joey Jagan along with other students, made a mess of one of Canada's Universities, they destroyed classrooms and some of the PPP dudes seemed to think it was great work.
What's wrong now? Can't people speak up and carry on bad when being bullied?

Cain, I was the one who wrote that. I think Joey did a good thing in highlighting the hidden but deadly racism against people of color in Canada.

The protest was based on a Canadian University professor who taught an introduction zoology course that was a required course then for students who wanted to go on and enter a medical program to get an MD.

What this Biology professor did was to fail every colored student who took his classes. While at the same time talking and smiling nicely with them. The failure in his course prevented many colored students from entering Canadian medical schools. It was a classic form of Canadian racism hidden, hard to detect but deadly.

This started the protest by Joey, Rosey and others.
Originally posted by albert:

UGSSA's Pat Francis and UGSS President, Duane Edwards among others confronting Ms Chandrapal in the Learning Resource Centre. (photo by Adel Lily).

When the staff and students learnt that Chandrapal was in the Learning Resource Centre, they defied staff members inside, pushed open the door, barged in and chanted down the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) Council representative.

PNC thugs at it again. Jagdeo should never allowed this to happen. He was a no nonsense president.

PNC has shown time and again that they have no respect for fellow Guyanese. They are backing a man who does not have proper qualifications, this is a disgraceful act by the PNC and their thugs.
I remember when I was UG, Dr. Jagan was giving a lecture when a black hooligan jumped on the stage and ripped out the microphone, and started to perform monkey motion on the stage.

Apparently this behavior has not ceased. Vote APNU/AFC for change!!!
Originally posted by TI:
I remember when I was UG, Dr. Jagan was giving a lecture when a black hooligan jumped on the stage and ripped out the microphone, and started to perform monkey motion on the stage.

Apparently this behavior has not ceased. Vote APNU/AFC for change!!!

Guyana is heading on a dangerous path with PNC/AFC. We will return to the dark days of PNC dictatorship if we allow these thugs to continue.

Get rid of them now or Guyanese will suffer.
I think people in Guyana are fatalistic. They like to suffer so they can complain. They yearn for the days of starvation and long lines, and shortages! It adds excitement to the Guyana lifestyle!
Originally posted by TI:
I think people in Guyana are fatalistic. They like to suffer so they can complain. They yearn for the days of starvation and long lines, and shortages! It adds excitement to the Guyana lifestyle!

This sounds like AFC supporters.
President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA) Patsy Francis yesterday received a letter from Vice Chancellor Professor Lawrence Carrington stating that she should apologise to university council member Indra Chandarpal for “unbecoming behaviour.”

The letter was issued to Francis, one of the leading members of the Turkeyen campus protests after a confrontation with Chandarpal on Tuesday.

Excerpts from Stabroeknews
Originally posted by albert:
cain...are you in support of Ms. Francis disrespectful behavior?......I sincerely hope not!!!

To you it's disrespectful, to me, she's making a stand against prickish behaviour.
"Unarmed uniformed police arrived at 12:19 PM and warned the students against blocking ingress and egress. "If you all don't move, we will have to lock you all up,"

Excerpts from demwaves

A small faction of misguided U.G students failed in their attempts to block the entrance to the campus....they should desist from such and return to their classes...
Hogwash!! A PIS IS A PIG!!!!
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by albert:
cain...are you in support of Ms. Francis disrespectful behavior?......I sincerely hope not!!!

To you it's disrespectful, to me, she's making a stand against prickish behaviour.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by cain:
During the months before Guyana's election, someone wrote about how Joey Jagan along with other students, made a mess of one of Canada's Universities, they destroyed classrooms and some of the PPP dudes seemed to think it was great work.
What's wrong now? Can't people speak up and carry on bad when being bullied?

Cain, I was the one who wrote that. I think Joey did a good thing in highlighting the hidden but deadly racism against people of color in Canada.

The protest was based on a Canadian University professor who taught an introduction zoology course that was a required course then for students who wanted to go on and enter a medical program to get an MD.

What this Biology professor did was to fail every colored student who took his classes. While at the same time talking and smiling nicely with them. The failure in his course prevented many colored students from entering Canadian medical schools. It was a classic form of Canadian racism hidden, hard to detect but deadly.

This started the protest by Joey, Rosey and others.

So here is Joey fighting for his right and the man buss up a University, right here in good ole Canada.

In Guyana, a group consisting of Students and Staff in a University storm into an office demanding their voices be heard.
You are either a Dunce or get mix up with apples and oranges. dunno
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by cain:
During the months before Guyana's election, someone wrote about how Joey Jagan along with other students, made a mess of one of Canada's Universities, they destroyed classrooms and some of the PPP dudes seemed to think it was great work.
What's wrong now? Can't people speak up and carry on bad when being bullied?

Cain, I was the one who wrote that. I think Joey did a good thing in highlighting the hidden but deadly racism against people of color in Canada.

The protest was based on a Canadian University professor who taught an introduction zoology course that was a required course then for students who wanted to go on and enter a medical program to get an MD.

What this Biology professor did was to fail every colored student who took his classes. While at the same time talking and smiling nicely with them. The failure in his course prevented many colored students from entering Canadian medical schools. It was a classic form of Canadian racism hidden, hard to detect but deadly.

This started the protest by Joey, Rosey and others.

So here is Joey fighting for his right and the man buss up a University, right here in good ole Canada.

In Guyana, a group consisting of Students and Staff in a University storm into an office demanding their voices be heard.

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