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Reza R. Rahaman posted:

As the sugar mills in Guyana close it doors, it is my fervent hope that the unions work out an amicable solution for proper job retraining coupled with  a generous severance package.  The present regime, in Guyana, is quite well know for its anti working class posture.  Thus, severe pressure must be meted out to the govt. so that sugar workers will get their fair due.   

Reza, that is why the people of Guyana has to suffer today. They forgot about the destructive nature of the PNC.

They cannot even run a cake shop, how can they govern a country ?

Last edited by Former Member

They will come out stronger at the end of this tribulation. Realize that the sugar industry is like a crutch, providing low paying, low skilled jobs, trapping the folks into an endless cycle of poverty and poor education. Now they will have no choice but to step out of their comfort zone and seek out other opportunities that require greater skills and education. Even the dummy tk spoke about this, stealing the term "donkey cart" economy from Jagan.

TK's plagerized quote:

 Sugar, for example, is clearly a product that fits the production profile of donkey-cart cart economy

Jagan's  quote according to Dr Ishamael

Dr. Ishmael pointed out that Dr. Jagan also spoke on the need to eradicate poverty, corruption and extravagance, arguing that "we cannot have Cadillac-style living with donkey cart economies,"



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