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Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cobra Bhai, Should I give GNI idiot the Scud Missile treatment or give him a break before he halla like a lil Gal?

Just ignore them today. I have a lot of home fry shark to eat. 

You skount cannot win the debate today so you run with you tail between you leg and hide.


Hide on as Nagamotoo, clear the way for an electoral victory.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cobra Bhai, Should I give GNI idiot the Scud Missile treatment or give him a break before he halla like a lil Gal?

Just ignore them today. I have a lot of home fry shark to eat. 

You skount cannot win the debate today so you run with you tail between you leg and hide.


Hide on as Nagamotoo, clear the way for an electoral victory.

Are you speaking to me?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Cobra Bhai, Should I give GNI idiot the Scud Missile treatment or give him a break before he halla like a lil Gal?

Just ignore them today. I have a lot of home fry shark to eat. 

You skount cannot win the debate today so you run with you tail between you leg and hide.


Hide on as Nagamotoo, clear the way for an electoral victory.

Are you speaking to me?

Perhaps, Perhaps not?  Go figure!


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