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Former Member

[] Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali during a press conference on Friday (December 27) said the sector has recorded significant progress in 2013 and plans are afoot to top these achievements in 2014.

According to Ali the application for house lots process, one which has been heavily criticized for its slothfulness, is now in ‘real time’ in some areas. However, for Region Four the Ministry is still processing applications from 2010 and 2011. Ali explained that the main reason for this is because many of the persons in that region do not want to leave and insist on lands there. “I must say that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find lands for housing development there” he added.

Meanwhile, the Minister noted that the East Bank has been the penultimate tier of development for the housing sector in 2013. He said it has been both challenging and interesting for his planners.

The Minister went onto boast about the construction of ‘Silica City’, which he described as the Ministry’s signature housing development project for 2014. He said it will be a project with tremendous economic, technical and tourism related benefits for the country.

“When on takes into consideration Guyana’s climate change policies, a deep water harbor and other economic related activities to grow an economy, you will understand why silica city is an amazing and a viable mid-point area for development.”

Ali told reporters that during the year over 400 persons were employed in varying skills in the new housing areas. He noted also that his Ministry will be advertising for more job opportunities for the ‘smaller man’.

Additionally approximately 8,500 house lots were distributed in 2013 while some 7,000 persons gained titles. According to the Housing Minister in 2014 his Ministry will be looking to allocate another 6,000 lots.

He noted however the demand for the turn key homes, clerical office homes and the low high income homes have been increasing.

Additionally, Ali notes that plans are afoot to expand Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara to have industrial and commercial industries which will reduce the pressure on the city’s capacity of job markets.

Several new housing schemes will also be upgraded in 2014 including Zeeburg and Zeelugt where 1,500 lots will be distributed collectively.20111228diamond11

Completion of the new highway linking Parfait Harmony closer to the Demerara Harbor Bridge is also expected in 2014.

Another important highway is the one linking the East Coast to the East Bank with designs to be completed and works to commence in early 2014.

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Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developers

December 25, 2013 | By  | Filed Under News 


- unhappy Opposition not satisfied with Housing Ministry’s explanations

“We are seeing a trend that whenever an asset of this country is being sold or passed over to a close friend or a relative, they always hide it away where nobody can see.”- Ramjattan

A Parliamentary party has expressed alarm after revelations that hundreds of acres of land in central areas on the East Bank of Demerara have been distributed to a number of private developers in what appears to be very unclear circumstances. According to the Alliance For Change (AFC), one of the two Opposition factions in the National Assembly, it will be demanding some more answers for the land allocation to mainly close friends and relatives of the ruling party.

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

“We have in our possession a leaked document that maps out lands that were earmarked for housing in the areas between Eccles to Herstelling on the East Bank of Demerara. What it is telling us, if it is true, is that front lands have been distributed to mainly companies. It is also telling us that Guyanese who badly wanted a piece of land for housing, have been pushed further into the backlands,” an angry AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, disclosed. A Housing Ministry official has confirmed that the leaked map is indeed a reflection of what has been allocated. This is not the first time that questions have been raised over the allocation of land in that area. Earlier this year, an allocation to Windsor Estates behind Republic Park had prompted the Housing Ministry to disclose that 14 private developers have applied for lands this year.  AFC said it had been studying the Ministry’s “attempt to answer the questions in October” and it just does not make any sense. According to Ramjattan, the allocations of the front lots speak volumes. “There are several questions here. We have a large piece of land that was purchased from GuySuCo for housing. The entire front section, that was available, and we’re talking over 400 acres, have been given out, but not to the ordinary man? How much was paid for these lands by the developers? Where was it advertised? What criteria were used to grant these lands to these companies and individuals? More importantly, why was it not available for normal house lots? Now we are dealing with land shortages.”

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

According to the Member of Parliament, what is even more insulting to Guyanese who badly want a house lot is the fact that it appears a decision was taken to give out the front lands and whatever was left, to the poor applicants. “These are like scraps of meat, a slap in the face for Guyanese. You will recall that after giving out all these lands… and again we don’t know at what price… President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali, announced this year that they wanted more lands, so they are opening 1,000 more lots behind here. You tell me…where is the love and respect for hardworking Guyanese in all this? This is same kind of transparency we’re talking about on the other projects.” Ramjattan said that he is fully aware and prepared for excuses by the Housing Minister that the lands were advertised in the Guyana Chronicle from June. “Explain to us then how some of these developers have been on the lands…some doing infrastructure works from more than a year now? Further, for something like this, should it not be advertised so that all Guyanese can see it? We are seeing a trend that whenever an asset of this country is being sold or passed over to a close friend or relative, they always hide it away where nobody can see…So much for the transparency that this Government has been talking about.” According to the leaked document, the lands in question lie behind the Eccles Industrial Site and stretch behind Republic Park and Nandy Park to Mocha Road. “Now they say that they don’t have any more lands on the East Bank and want to open new ones along the

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

Soesdyke/Linden highway. We have another set of land, just over 318 acres, that has been allocated for remigrant schemes in this same Providence/Eccles area? How much has been taken up? How do we know these are not ending up in the hands of some of the cronies of this administration?” According to the leaked map, 1,000 house lots (roughly 250 acres) have been made available at Eccles for house lots and just over 400 acres behind Providence for more. “We are not clear if this map is telling us that the new 1,000 house lots behind Providence are part of this 400 acres. We also are not sure what is happening to lands between Herstelling and Diamond. Were these given out also? We don’t know. We are sending this map to the Minister along with a number of questions for answers. What we do know that is the poor people have been virtually pushed into the backdam.” Among some of the private developers are Caricom Insurance; Kishan Bacchus; Citiwide; Sunway; Courtney Benn; Buddy’s; Duraville; Vikab; Nabi and Sons; B.K. International; Dax and a company linked to Odinga Lumumba, a Presidential Advisor. In October, Housing Minister Irfaan Ali had disclosed that around 400 acres have been granted to private developers. The Opposition had signaled since then its intentions to table questions in the National Assembly, the country’s highest law-making forum. The Opposition had wanted to know which private developers have been allocated lands; the amount paid; when it was paid and whether the process was advertised. The private developers that had submitted proposals, according to the Housing Ministry, were Windsor Tech. Inc, Navigant Builders Inc., Queensville Housing Development, A and R Jiwanram Printery Inc., Buddy’s Housing Development, Ray Dan Housing Enterprise, DC Construction/Comfort Sleep, Caricom General Insurance Inc., Romell Jagroop General Construction Services, Lakeville Executive Homes Inc., Mr. Gentle P Elias & Mr. Brian Chase, Chung’s Global Enterprise, Hi Tech Construction Inc., and Prembury Consultants T&T Ltd.Eccles to Providence It is this particular disclosure that has raised the eyebrows of the AFC and APNU. “How are we advertising in June for proposals when several of these developers have been operating on lands for over a year now? Some of these firms have been selling lands and homes to people already. There seems to be something secret about this.” “We are not asking the Minister for new proposals that have been submitted. We are asking clearly for details of the lands already allocated to private developers.” Meanwhile, Kaieteur News has been able to confirm that lands further along the East Bank of Demerara have also been allocated, also under unclear circumstances. Some 400 acres in the Coverden area have been granted to a businessman close to the administration.


Conscience how much land was given to you?


Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developers

December 25, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- unhappy Opposition not satisfied with Housing Ministry’s explanations

“We are seeing a trend that whenever an asset of this country is being sold or passed over to a close friend or a relative, they always hide it away where nobody can see.”- Ramjattan

A Parliamentary party has expressed alarm after revelations that hundreds of acres of land in central areas on the East Bank of Demerara have been distributed to a number of private developers in what appears to be very unclear circumstances. According to the Alliance For Change (AFC), one of the two Opposition factions in the National Assembly, it will be demanding some more answers for the land allocation to mainly close friends and relatives of the ruling party.

Additionally, Ali notes that plans are afoot to expand Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara to have industrial and commercial industries which will reduce the pressure on the city’s capacity of job markets.


Several new housing schemes will also be upgraded in 2014 including Zeeburg and Zeelugt where 1,500 lots will be distributed collectively.



Completion of the new highway linking Parfait Harmony closer to the Demerara Harbor Bridge is also expected in 2014.


Another important highway is the one linking the East Coast to the East Bank with designs to be completed and works to commence in early 2014.

Progress continues in numerous areas.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali during a press conference on Friday (December 27) said the sector has recorded significant progress in 2013 and plans are afoot to top these achievements in 2014.

According to Ali the application for house lots process, one which has been heavily criticized for its slothfulness, is now in ‘real time’ in some areas. However, for Region Four the Ministry is still processing applications from 2010 and 2011. Ali explained that the main reason for this is because many of the persons in that region do not want to leave and insist on lands there. “I must say that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find lands for housing development there” he added.

Meanwhile, the Minister noted that the East Bank has been the penultimate tier of development for the housing sector in 2013. He said it has been both challenging and interesting for his planners.

The Minister went onto boast about the construction of ‘Silica City’, which he described as the Ministry’s signature housing development project for 2014. He said it will be a project with tremendous economic, technical and tourism related benefits for the country.

“When on takes into consideration Guyana’s climate change policies, a deep water harbor and other economic related activities to grow an economy, you will understand why silica city is an amazing and a viable mid-point area for development.”

Ali told reporters that during the year over 400 persons were employed in varying skills in the new housing areas. He noted also that his Ministry will be advertising for more job opportunities for the ‘smaller man’.

Additionally approximately 8,500 house lots were distributed in 2013 while some 7,000 persons gained titles. According to the Housing Minister in 2014 his Ministry will be looking to allocate another 6,000 lots.

He noted however the demand for the turn key homes, clerical office homes and the low high income homes have been increasing.

Additionally, Ali notes that plans are afoot to expand Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara to have industrial and commercial industries which will reduce the pressure on the city’s capacity of job markets.

Several new housing schemes will also be upgraded in 2014 including Zeeburg and Zeelugt where 1,500 lots will be distributed collectively.20111228diamond11

Completion of the new highway linking Parfait Harmony closer to the Demerara Harbor Bridge is also expected in 2014.

Another important highway is the one linking the East Coast to the East Bank with designs to be completed and works to commence in early 2014.


Let progress and development continue. The envious and the PNC are having a heart attack as Guyana develops. Watch Toilet Paper KN news with their broken record headlines next.


A Massive housing boom is a sign of a strong economy. Guyana is no longer a socialist state. Let the private sector build and those who can afford buy. It is no different from Canada and the USA.



Originally Posted by Mars:

Eccles to Providence hijacked by private developers

December 25, 2013 | By  | Filed Under News 


- unhappy Opposition not satisfied with Housing Ministry’s explanations

“We are seeing a trend that whenever an asset of this country is being sold or passed over to a close friend or a relative, they always hide it away where nobody can see.”- Ramjattan

A Parliamentary party has expressed alarm after revelations that hundreds of acres of land in central areas on the East Bank of Demerara have been distributed to a number of private developers in what appears to be very unclear circumstances. According to the Alliance For Change (AFC), one of the two Opposition factions in the National Assembly, it will be demanding some more answers for the land allocation to mainly close friends and relatives of the ruling party.

Khemraj Ramjattan

Khemraj Ramjattan

“We have in our possession a leaked document that maps out lands that were earmarked for housing in the areas between Eccles to Herstelling on the East Bank of Demerara. What it is telling us, if it is true, is that front lands have been distributed to mainly companies. It is also telling us that Guyanese who badly wanted a piece of land for housing, have been pushed further into the backlands,” an angry AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan, disclosed. A Housing Ministry official has confirmed that the leaked map is indeed a reflection of what has been allocated. This is not the first time that questions have been raised over the allocation of land in that area. Earlier this year, an allocation to Windsor Estates behind Republic Park had prompted the Housing Ministry to disclose that 14 private developers have applied for lands this year.  AFC said it had been studying the Ministry’s “attempt to answer the questions in October” and it just does not make any sense. According to Ramjattan, the allocations of the front lots speak volumes. “There are several questions here. We have a large piece of land that was purchased from GuySuCo for housing. The entire front section, that was available, and we’re talking over 400 acres, have been given out, but not to the ordinary man? How much was paid for these lands by the developers? Where was it advertised? What criteria were used to grant these lands to these companies and individuals? More importantly, why was it not available for normal house lots? Now we are dealing with land shortages.”

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

According to the Member of Parliament, what is even more insulting to Guyanese who badly want a house lot is the fact that it appears a decision was taken to give out the front lands and whatever was left, to the poor applicants. “These are like scraps of meat, a slap in the face for Guyanese. You will recall that after giving out all these lands… and again we don’t know at what price… President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Housing, Irfaan Ali, announced this year that they wanted more lands, so they are opening 1,000 more lots behind here. You tell me…where is the love and respect for hardworking Guyanese in all this? This is same kind of transparency we’re talking about on the other projects.” Ramjattan said that he is fully aware and prepared for excuses by the Housing Minister that the lands were advertised in the Guyana Chronicle from June. “Explain to us then how some of these developers have been on the lands…some doing infrastructure works from more than a year now? Further, for something like this, should it not be advertised so that all Guyanese can see it? We are seeing a trend that whenever an asset of this country is being sold or passed over to a close friend or relative, they always hide it away where nobody can see…So much for the transparency that this Government has been talking about.” According to the leaked document, the lands in question lie behind the Eccles Industrial Site and stretch behind Republic Park and Nandy Park to Mocha Road. “Now they say that they don’t have any more lands on the East Bank and want to open new ones along the

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

Soesdyke/Linden highway. We have another set of land, just over 318 acres, that has been allocated for remigrant schemes in this same Providence/Eccles area? How much has been taken up? How do we know these are not ending up in the hands of some of the cronies of this administration?” According to the leaked map, 1,000 house lots (roughly 250 acres) have been made available at Eccles for house lots and just over 400 acres behind Providence for more. “We are not clear if this map is telling us that the new 1,000 house lots behind Providence are part of this 400 acres. We also are not sure what is happening to lands between Herstelling and Diamond. Were these given out also? We don’t know. We are sending this map to the Minister along with a number of questions for answers. What we do know that is the poor people have been virtually pushed into the backdam.” Among some of the private developers are Caricom Insurance; Kishan Bacchus; Citiwide; Sunway; Courtney Benn; Buddy’s; Duraville; Vikab; Nabi and Sons; B.K. International; Dax and a company linked to Odinga Lumumba, a Presidential Advisor. In October, Housing Minister Irfaan Ali had disclosed that around 400 acres have been granted to private developers. The Opposition had signaled since then its intentions to table questions in the National Assembly, the country’s highest law-making forum. The Opposition had wanted to know which private developers have been allocated lands; the amount paid; when it was paid and whether the process was advertised. The private developers that had submitted proposals, according to the Housing Ministry, were Windsor Tech. Inc, Navigant Builders Inc., Queensville Housing Development, A and R Jiwanram Printery Inc., Buddy’s Housing Development, Ray Dan Housing Enterprise, DC Construction/Comfort Sleep, Caricom General Insurance Inc., Romell Jagroop General Construction Services, Lakeville Executive Homes Inc., Mr. Gentle P Elias & Mr. Brian Chase, Chung’s Global Enterprise, Hi Tech Construction Inc., and Prembury Consultants T&T Ltd.Eccles to Providence It is this particular disclosure that has raised the eyebrows of the AFC and APNU. “How are we advertising in June for proposals when several of these developers have been operating on lands for over a year now? Some of these firms have been selling lands and homes to people already. There seems to be something secret about this.” “We are not asking the Minister for new proposals that have been submitted. We are asking clearly for details of the lands already allocated to private developers.” Meanwhile, Kaieteur News has been able to confirm that lands further along the East Bank of Demerara have also been allocated, also under unclear circumstances. Some 400 acres in the Coverden area have been granted to a businessman close to the administration.

Yugi, how many acres you got?




Yuji still owns a house in Berbice and has no interest in living in Guyana. I live quite a comfortable life in Canada and is semi retired.


Let me remind you this fact:


Burnham gave Afro communities free land and house and electricity from Linden to Scottsburg and Union in Berbice while Indo Guyanese lived in blackout, and hand lamp and were terrorized. Not one single plot was given to an Indo Guyanese unless they were a card carrying PNC member.


The PPP gave out thousands of house lot to Guyanese regardless of race.


Who vex vex.

Last edited by Former Member

Regardless of all whatever BS you spew here yuji, the fact remains, the PPP/C are a corrupt lot they are a as a pimple on the ass to the Guyanese people, they need to be cleaned up. Yes tutti frutti yuji they are a blasted corrupt lot.



Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Yuji still owns a house in Berbice and has no interest in living in Guyana. I live quite a comfortable life in Canada and is semi retired.


Let me remind you this fact:


Burnham gave Afro communities free land and house and electricity from Linden to Scottsburg and Union in Berbice while Indo Guyanese lived in blackout, and hand lamp and were terrorized. Not one single plot was given to an Indo Guyanese unless they were a card carrying PNC member.


The PPP gave out thousands of house lot to Guyanese regardless of race.


Who vex vex.


Originally Posted by yuji22:



Yuji still owns a house in Berbice and has no interest in living in Guyana. I live quite a comfortable life in Canada and is semi retired.


Let me remind you this fact:


Burnham gave Afro communities free land and house and electricity from Linden to Scottsburg and Union in Berbice while Indo Guyanese lived in blackout, and hand lamp and were terrorized. Not one single plot was given to an Indo Guyanese unless they were a card carrying PNC member.


The PPP gave out thousands of house lot to Guyanese regardless of race.


Who vex vex.

Alright, I understand your logic and justification for the PPP/C to parcel out to their friends and cronies.

Originally Posted by yuji22:  

Burnham gave Afro communities free land and house and electricity from Linden to Scottsburg and Union in Berbice while Indo Guyanese lived in blackout, and hand lamp and were terrorized. Not one single plot was given to an Indo Guyanese unless they were a card carrying PNC member . . .

yugeee, please document . . .


invidious, hysterical shyte in service to PPP tyranny must not go unchallenged


thanks in advance u depraved antiman

Last edited by Former Member

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