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ba$eman posted:

Wasn't Cuffy a terrorist like ISIS?  He massacred innocent men, women and children and he forced the young women into sex slavery.  Isn't this what the PNC attempted to repeat in the early 60's, with limited success!

I remember my History teacher in school (a Pan-Afroist) talking about Cuffy.  He looked with a blank stare critical of Cuffy for sparing the white girl.  He said, when you killing, you killing, spare no one.  He looked at the Black kids and said, this is how Blacks will win.  And he concluded the class!

I'm sure guys like Caribj knows what I'm talking about!

Young white women as sex slaves. The man was into white meat.

Last edited by Prashad
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Jagdeo would be up there as a national hero. 

Brilliant man, I am inclined to agree with you if you add Roger Khan and Ronald Gajraj. Those three Indian heroes wasted no time to humble those irascible black people and even orchestrated the killing of 400+ blacks to emphasize their point. It wuk, right? The only contradiction I see in your sentence is that a few weeks ago you told me you're not here in GNI to represent Jagdeo. Anyway, de best heroes fo awee matee coolie is dem boys who can kill out blackman, right?

Thanks for expressing my thoughts in a question? Just kidding bro. Don't take it seriously.

D2 posted:
Balram Singh Rai was a segregationist and colonial pawn not a national hero. His position to head a party was to act as a wedge to resistance against the colonials.

This was my initial response to yuji's thread: "East Indian hero, yuji22? I nominate BALRAM SINGH RAI." Please note that I regard Rai as an East Indian hero, not a national hero.

Knowing yuji22, I presumed he wanted East Indian heroes but just dashed in the word "national" to mask his purpose. Mind you, I'm not saying an East Indian cannot be one of Guyana's national heroes.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Jagdeo would be up there as a national hero. 

Brilliant man, I am inclined to agree with you if you add Roger Khan and Ronald Gajraj. Those three Indian heroes wasted no time to humble those irascible black people and even orchestrated the killing of 400+ blacks to emphasize their point. It wuk, right? The only contradiction I see in your sentence is that a few weeks ago you told me you're not here in GNI to represent Jagdeo. Anyway, de best heroes fo awee matee coolie is dem boys who can kill out blackman, right?

Thanks for expressing my thoughts in a question? Just kidding bro. Don't take it seriously.

In case you didn't get my drift, I'm just humoring you Indianists aka brown bai KKK. I know you people want to see the last of blacks in Guyana, that's why I deliberately try to sound as ridiculous as you are. 

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Jagdeo would be up there as a national hero. 

Brilliant man, I am inclined to agree with you if you add Roger Khan and Ronald Gajraj. Those three Indian heroes wasted no time to humble those irascible black people and even orchestrated the killing of 400+ blacks to emphasize their point. It wuk, right? The only contradiction I see in your sentence is that a few weeks ago you told me you're not here in GNI to represent Jagdeo. Anyway, de best heroes fo awee matee coolie is dem boys who can kill out blackman, right?

Thanks for expressing my thoughts in a question? Just kidding bro. Don't take it seriously.

In case you didn't get my drift, I'm just humoring you Indianists aka brown bai KKK. I know you people want to see the last of blacks in Guyana, that's why I deliberately try to sound as ridiculous as you are. 

Bai Gilly, why you think I bolded the question? Not a brown bai KKK. I hate all races, EVEN MY OWN. I was told that I am an ornery old man.

Django posted:


Refresh your memory,your hero wasn't great as you deemed him to be.

Any truth here ??

You may not like the man but you cannot deny his contributions, champion of the earth and bringing honor and positive international exposure to Guyana.  The British, Canadians and Americans all complained about the elimination of the freedom fighters but behind the scene they all were supporting the efforts of the Jagdeo administration to reign in your evil PNC. Now look at you, relegated to carrying around their waste bin. 

D2 posted:

Fortunately, no muse will write his heroic epic and no school child will sing his praise. Any statue erected for him will be ensconced in a forlorn spot ideal only for a pigeon perch and a receptacle for bird poop

Nonsense, the man is already a legend among the people. Despite your incessant derogatory remarks intended to sully his image, he continues to be beloved in Guyana, especially among Blacks. They called him the father of the nation during his tenure and said that he gave them milk instead of pnc black tea. No wonder you guys go into epileptic convulsions every time there is talk of him running for a 3rd term. 

Gilbakka posted:

Brilliant man, I am inclined to agree with you if you add Roger Khan and Ronald Gajraj. Those three Indian heroes wasted no time to humble those irascible black people and even orchestrated the killing of 400+ blacks to emphasize their point. It wuk, right? The only contradiction I see in your sentence is that a few weeks ago you told me you're not here in GNI to represent Jagdeo. Anyway, de best heroes fo awee matee coolie is dem boys who can kill out blackman, right?

I knew you would finally come around. Yes Jagdeo used RK to help the people of Guyana, even dutty water does cool hot iron.  The 400+ numbers that you throw around is all fictitiously blamed on the PPP, most died in gang style retribution for evil deeds. You have the luxury of sitting in the US and singing kumbaya, but the folks in Guyana who were being slaughtered are eternally grateful for the intervention of RK and his band of phantoms. I hesitate to put up RK's name to the list of national heroes as he later on sullied his image by being associated with Sat Sawhs death. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Brilliant man, I am inclined to agree with you if you add Roger Khan and Ronald Gajraj. Those three Indian heroes wasted no time to humble those irascible black people and even orchestrated the killing of 400+ blacks to emphasize their point. It wuk, right? The only contradiction I see in your sentence is that a few weeks ago you told me you're not here in GNI to represent Jagdeo. Anyway, de best heroes fo awee matee coolie is dem boys who can kill out blackman, right?

I knew you would finally come around. Yes Jagdeo used RK to help the people of Guyana, even dutty water does cool hot iron.  The 400+ numbers that you throw around is all fictitiously blamed on the PPP, most died in gang style retribution for evil deeds. You have the luxury of sitting in the US and singing kumbaya, but the folks in Guyana who were being slaughtered are eternally grateful for the intervention of RK and his band of phantoms. I hesitate to put up RK's name to the list of national heroes as he later on sullied his image by being associated with Sat Sawhs death. 

Praise the Good Lord; Drugb's gullibility makes it easy for Gilly to entrap him. No need for special devices to lure a piece of Drugb's mind into an open pit. So, here we have it: he "hesitated to put up RK's name on the list of national heroes." No court of law has pronounced RK guilty of Sash Sawh's murder but Drugb is worried about "sullied" image.

Anyway, Drugb, for your own good don't take Gilly's words literally again. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

Fortunately, no muse will write his heroic epic and no school child will sing his praise. Any statue erected for him will be ensconced in a forlorn spot ideal only for a pigeon perch and a receptacle for bird poop

Nonsense, the man is already a legend among the people. Despite your incessant derogatory remarks intended to sully his image, he continues to be beloved in Guyana, especially among Blacks. They called him the father of the nation during his tenure and said that he gave them milk instead of pnc black tea. No wonder you guys go into epileptic convulsions every time there is talk of him running for a 3rd term. 

The fact that less than 7 percent vote for him affirms that lie. You imagine others are in convulsions. He is easier for the APNU to run against because he has a record as a crook.

D2 posted:

The fact that less than 7 percent vote for him affirms that lie. You imagine others are in convulsions. He is easier for the APNU to run against because he has a record as a crook.

He would have picked up another 25% had he run for a 3rd term.  Many vote pnc out of allegiance to race, but they were coming around slowly but surely. Don't be surprised if he is able to run for a 3rd time that he wins by a landslide. Only you and the rest of pnc news carriers scream like rabid dogs about alleged Jagdeo misdeeds. Meanwhile no independent source share your fanatical depiction of the man. 

Gilbakka posted:

Praise the Good Lord; Drugb's gullibility makes it easy for Gilly to entrap him. No need for special devices to lure a piece of Drugb's mind into an open pit. So, here we have it: he "hesitated to put up RK's name on the list of national heroes." No court of law has pronounced RK guilty of Sash Sawh's murder but Drugb is worried about "sullied" image.

Anyway, Drugb, for your own good don't take Gilly's words literally again. 

With one foot in the grave and a great misdeed on your head(supporting the PNC), I wouldn't hold it against you. 


Once yall decide, we can next debate his/her religion...most likely, ah Hindu will win ( all dem Muslims just can't cut the mustard)...the next debate will be about his caste...once that sorted out, we can debate his family background, see what his current famly up to, mek sure nobody marrid blackman to contaminate the pool, if somebody marrid white, then their stocks go wayyy up...


RiffRaff posted:

Once yall decide, we can next debate his/her religion...most likely, ah Hindu will win ( all dem Muslims just can't cut the mustard)...the next debate will be about his caste...once that sorted out, we can debate his family background, see what his current famly up to, mek sure nobody marrid blackman to contaminate the pool, if somebody marrid white, then their stocks go wayyy up...


You should be the first one to ask yourself that question.

You bring zero to this question about having an Indo National Hero. Your contribution is not appreciated and not welcomed.

You are attempting to incite and ignite a race debate here.

Simply put, the question is about an Indo National hero, you do not have to contribute if you do not have any recommendations.

And further, there is a reason why you contributed ZERO to his thread. I have no further comments directed towards you as a regular poster.

Thank You.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Once yall decide, we can next debate his/her religion...most likely, ah Hindu will win ( all dem Muslims just can't cut the mustard)...the next debate will be about his caste...once that sorted out, we can debate his family background, see what his current famly up to, mek sure nobody marrid blackman to contaminate the pool, if somebody marrid white, then their stocks go wayyy up...


You should be the first one to ask yourself that question.

You bring zero to this question about having an Indo National Hero. Your contribution is not appreciated and not welcomed.

You are attempting to incite and ignite a race debate here.

Simply put, the question is about an Indo National hero, you do not have to contribute if you do not have any recommendations.

And further, there is a reason why you contributed ZERO to his thread. I have no further comments directed towards you as a regular poster.

Thank You.

You are dumb as a skunk. An Indo national hero is a misnomer.

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:


You should be the first one to ask yourself that question.

You bring zero to this question about having an Indo National Hero. Your contribution is not appreciated and not welcomed.

You are attempting to incite and ignite a race debate here.

Simply put, the question is about an Indo National hero, you do not have to contribute if you do not have any recommendations.

And further, there is a reason why you contributed ZERO to his thread. I have no further comments directed towards you as a regular poster.

Thank You.

You are dumb as a skunk.An Indo national hero is a misnomer.

An oxymoron, sir. yuji22 should avoid using oxymoron.

antabanta posted:

Another inane idea born out of blamelessly pitiful intelligence. Then we'll have national heroes for Portuguese, Amerindian, Dugla, Dutch, Chinese? How about national heroes for Guyanese instead, recognizing anyone's contributions for freedom and justice regardless of race?

That is tough decision to call. Guyanese generally are biased towards their own kind. 


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