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Former Member

Pomeroon coconut industry plummets, exports decrease


… price per nut decreased four times for year

Alarming reports have just begun to surface on the decline of the Pomeroon Coconut Industry. Pomeroon coconut farmers said that they are faced with multiple challenges, the weightiest being that of the unavailability of markets.
This rapid downslide of the industry has left many farmers now fearful that there may be no hope for the once prosperous coconut industry. Coconut cultivation is the second largest industry in Region Two, Pomeroon/Supenaam. Most of the cultivations are in the Pomeroon.
According to farmers in the Pomeroon, the price per nut has reduced significantly since the beginning of the year. This, they claim, is due to the fact that the main buyers have reduced their demand for coconuts.
One farmer explained, “The price for coconuts is very poor right now… from $40, we now getting $30… The thing is the cost for production really high, and so it can’t pay.”
Most of the coconuts cultivated in the Pomeroon are sold to private individuals, some of whom are major exporters of coconut water. Kaieteur News understands, however, that many exporters are presently encountering difficulties with the export markets. One farmer explained, “We usually sell to private individuals… but now if we reap like 1000 nuts, only 300 would sell.
The last thing we hear is that the export markets close so we don’t know how long it would take to open back. All the buyers say is that they have to wait until the exports come in.”
The sudden setback in the coconut industry first caught the attention of the Essequibo Chambers of Commerce.
The chamber, which is an independent body aimed at propelling local industries in Region Two, met with the Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin, earlier this month.
It was at this meeting that the Chamber first made public the decline in the industry. The President of the Essequibo Chamber of Commerce, Deleep Singh, explained, “The chamber recognized that the region went up to a certain way with the coconut industry… We were able to produce water coconut and dry coconut and after having huge production markets, for some reason everything went through.”
It was recommended by Mr. Deleep Singh, that all coconut producers come together and form a national body and pursue a market as one body.
It was also recommended by the Chamber of Commerce that the government intervene in an effort to revive the dying sector.
Singh explained, “The government through its trade channels and agencies, need to work together to come up with a solution. The chamber can also be the body that can bring these producers together so that they can find solutions in accessing markets.” [Romario Blair.]


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Reeper posted:

I wonder how some of the serial posters missed this? Maybe they only post favorable news as it relates to govt. 

Django gatt kack eye 👁!

You are being very KIND!!!


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

Just go into any of these supermarkets. Coconut oil, milk etc carry premium prices. I paid some 16 dollars a liter bottle from Costco and that is the cheap one. If you get the organic ones ( precisely what we have) you pay even more.

This is a failure of the government. Since the PNC has been in office they have not even presented a plan of what to do with any industry in the state except sugar which they intend to dismantle and sell at fire sale prices.


Baseman posted:

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

It has always been what it has always been. Failure to process, package, and distribute. The market is there.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:

The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

Just go into any of these supermarkets. Coconut oil, milk etc carry premium prices. I paid some 16 dollars a liter bottle from Costco and that is the cheap one. If you get the organic ones ( precisely what we have) you pay even more.

This is a failure of the government. Since the PNC has been in office they have not even presented a plan of what to do with any industry in the state except sugar which they intend to dismantle and sell at fire sale prices.


Of course PPP  is to blame, I am surprised that you didn't find Jagdeo personally accountable. 

What you should be cognizant is that coconut has only recently seen better days given the recent awareness of the health benefits, so it is a bit disengenious for you to bring up 23 years of PPP rule.  

Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

It has always been what it has always been. Failure to process, package, and distribute. The market is there.

Sometimes is better stfu when you have nothing to say.  It has always been, but the farmers are talking of a decline in their business, as it currently stands.  

Fix that before you guh jump pun another limb like a hyperactive monkey!  What you are talking is a strategic enhancement which will require large investment and going after a totally different customer base.  A totally different business model!

You talk nuff shyte and then criticize BJ for investing in the Skeldon packaging operations.  Gwan suh!

Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

Just go into any of these supermarkets. Coconut oil, milk etc carry premium prices. I paid some 16 dollars a liter bottle from Costco and that is the cheap one. If you get the organic ones ( precisely what we have) you pay even more.

This is a failure of the government. Since the PNC has been in office they have not even presented a plan of what to do with any industry in the state except sugar which they intend to dismantle and sell at fire sale prices.


Of course PPP  is to blame, I am surprised that you didn't find Jagdeo personally accountable. 

What you should be cognizant is that coconut has only recently seen better days given the recent awareness of the health benefits, so it is a bit disengenious for you to bring up 23 years of PPP rule.  

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

It has always been what it has always been. Failure to process, package, and distribute. The market is there.

Sometimes is better stfu when you have nothing to say.  It has always been, but the farmers are talking of a decline in their business, as it currently stands.  

Fix that before you guh jump pun another limb like a hyperactive monkey!  What you are talking is a strategic enhancement which will require large investment and going after a totally different customer base.  A totally different business model!

You talk nuff shyte and then criticize BJ for investing in the Skeldon packaging operations.  Gwan suh!

If they did not rely on local consumption that would not be the case. We have no means to process coconut in quantities to produce oil or cream or water or milk. That is because we do not have the facilities.

BJ invested in a dud. The factory came with no warranted. They selected a novice builder with no experience over an experienced builder and I am sure the reason is graft. Our old factories were more efficient.

Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

Just go into any of these supermarkets. Coconut oil, milk etc carry premium prices. I paid some 16 dollars a liter bottle from Costco and that is the cheap one. If you get the organic ones ( precisely what we have) you pay even more.

This is a failure of the government. Since the PNC has been in office they have not even presented a plan of what to do with any industry in the state except sugar which they intend to dismantle and sell at fire sale prices.


Of course PPP  is to blame, I am surprised that you didn't find Jagdeo personally accountable. 

What you should be cognizant is that coconut has only recently seen better days given the recent awareness of the health benefits, so it is a bit disengenious for you to bring up 23 years of PPP rule.  

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


T&T rejects coconut water shipment from Guyana

-matter to be raised at gov’t level



The Rooster brand

The refusal by the Trinidad and Tobago food safety authorities to allow a shipment of coconut water from Guyana to be sold there on the grounds that it does not meet the requisite safety standard could engage the two CARICOM countries at government-to-government level even as the Government Analyst & Food & Drug Department (GAFDD) insists that tests carried out on the product here have given the coconut water a clean bill of Health.

Director of the GAFDD, Marlan Cole confirmed this week that the agency had issued a free Sale Certificate to Roosters Products for the export of a consignment of coconut water to Massy Distribution of Trinidad and Tobago. This newspaper has learnt that samples of the coconut water had also been cleared by the Scientific Research Council of Jamaica during a regional coconut forum in Kingston in November. However, information has since surfaced suggesting that the opinion of the two agencies is not shared by Caribbean Industrial Research Institute (CIRI) or the laboratory testing facilities at the University of the West Indies.

The existing regional standard for coconut water was created by the CARICOM Regional Organization for Stan-dards and Quality (CROSQ) and speaks to absence from the product of natural or artificial substance substances or ingredients designed “to enhance its quality or preservation.” The standards also dictate that chemicals present in the product “should only be those present as a result of the natural development of the fruit while on the tree.”

Coconut farmer and Rooster brand owner Roopan Ramotar

The regulations also dictate that packaged natural coconut water

“shall be free from adulterants, extraneous matter and other contaminants such as heavy metals” and be in compliance with the maximum pesticide residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission for similar products. Further, “all steps in the packaging of coconut water shall be performed without unnecessary delay and under conditions which shall prevent the possibility of contamination, deterioration or the development of pathogenic and spoilage micro-organisms.”

The regulations further dictate that the name of the product shall be ‘Packaged Natural Coconut Water’ and will include the statement ‘Keep refrigerated’; and ‘If frozen, thaw and shake well’.

The refusal by the Port of Spain authorities to clear the Guyana coconut water for sale in the neighbouring CARICOM country comes at a time when the local coconut industry has been seeking to expand coconut cultivation and enhance its reputation as a supplier in order to take advantage of what is a growing global market for coconut and coconut by-products.

The Ramotar coconut estate at Hackney, Canal Pomeroon

Stabroek Business has learnt that arising out of the incident the contract between Roosters Products and Massy Distribution has been terminated and the consignment is now expected to be returned to Guyana.

This week the controversy took a new twist engaging the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a view to the matter being raised at a government-to-government level. Cole confirmed that the two local entities had indeed met and that the GAFDD had written to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs though he declined to disclose either the nature of the meeting of the contents of the written communication. Such action as is taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Guyana could begin with a formal note to its opposite number in Port of Spain requesting that the matter be investigated.

Proprietor of the Rooster brand, Essequibo businessman Roopan Ramotar told Stabroek Business earlier this week that samples from the same batch of coconut water currently being held up in Port of Spain have also been tested by the Scientific Research Council of Jamaica and found to have reached the requisite standard required by CARICOM for sale in the region. Ramotar disclosed that he is in receipt of communication from the authorities in Trinidad and Tobago notifying him that the frozen coconut water is to be disposed of there, though he says that he remains confident in the integrity of the batch and has opted to have the consignment returned to Guyana.

According to Ramotar the total cost of the consignment, inclusive of return shipping will be US$7,000.

Testing of food products in Trinidad and Tobago is the responsibility of the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division (CFDD) of the Ministry of Health.

Stabroek Business understands that this is the sixth shipment of coconut water exported to Trinidad and Tobago by Ramotar. He says that all of his previous shipments have undergone the same checks and none of them has been impounded.


Here is the problem that need addressing,gov't need to step in.


Stormy, the visionary Jagdeo was about to build Amelia for the Energy required for Industrialization, THE DUMB PNC and the  SHAMELESS NAMAKRAM CRABDAAG blocked the Project. It is that simple Bro. Can you have a packaging and Refining Industry without Power???????

Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

If you read clearly you would see I addressed them already and stated why.

Nehru posted:

Stormy, the visionary Jagdeo was about to build Amelia for the Energy required for Industrialization, THE DUMB PNC and the  SHAMELESS NAMAKRAM CRABDAAG blocked the Project. It is that simple Bro. Can you have a packaging and Refining Industry without Power???????

amalia falls was a bloated piggie. 2 billion for 165megawatt at peak and the analysis is that it will barely deliver 125 consistently. Note elon musk but in a 100 megawatt solar system battery in Australia in one hundred days for a mere 50 million. We have solar galore.

Actually one of my wife's  best friend's husband  is in the business and can do a similar thing.  Actually he builds similar systems as turn key mini grids. He sells mainly to Africa and the ME.

Only yesterday she asked why do we not take advantage of our opportunity and install these mini grids in Gy. I laughed at her. I told her it would take a year of talking a few million in bribes and then maybe. That is how much faith I have in those people

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Stormy, the visionary Jagdeo was about to build Amelia for the Energy required for Industrialization, THE DUMB PNC and the  SHAMELESS NAMAKRAM CRABDAAG blocked the Project. It is that simple Bro. Can you have a packaging and Refining Industry without Power???????

You forget the "visionary" hire wan kangala like himself Flip Motilall who never build wan latchrin in he life. Flip end up laugh all the way to the bank..with nothing to show for it. Now I know why you obsess with shit so much, cause everything 'the visionary' touch turn to shit....include you... 

Last edited by sachin_05
sachin_05 posted:
Nehru posted:

Stormy, the visionary Jagdeo was about to build Amelia for the Energy required for Industrialization, THE DUMB PNC and the  SHAMELESS NAMAKRAM CRABDAAG blocked the Project. It is that simple Bro. Can you have a packaging and Refining Industry without Power???????

You forget the "visionary" hire wan kangala like himself Flip Motilall who never build wan latchrin in he life. Flip end up laugh all the way to the bank..with nothing to show for it. Now I know why you obsess with shit so much, cause everything 'the visionary' touch turn to shit....include you... 

This DUMB, ILLITERATE JACKASS see big people discussing complex things and he jump in like the DUMB MONKEY HE IS!  Laad Ah Mercy. These SHIT HEADS really are not brainless BUT headless!!!

Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

If you read clearly you would see I addressed them already and stated why.

Then assign the blame without the excuses about previous govt. It serves no purpose to keep giving the govt the "PPP crutch" everytime they fail. 

I noticed this trend among posters here, always bring in the PPP as an aside before reprimanding govt. 

Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

If you read clearly you would see I addressed them already and stated why.

Then assign the blame without the excuses about previous govt. It serves no purpose to keep giving the govt the "PPP crutch" everytime they fail. 

I noticed this trend among posters here, always bring in the PPP as an aside before reprimanding govt. 

I am obliged to levy blame where it is due. The kleptocratic PPP created no manufacturing base, left no industry solvent and engaged in large scale boutique building programs like the classic graft hustlers. Where the PNC failed, being completely lacking in any creative juices for any thing from controlling noise pollution ( easy one) to reforming the justice system ( another easy one),  restoring viability to  sugar and rice ( harder projects) and relying only on destructive mining, they get the blame.

Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

If you read clearly you would see I addressed them already and stated why.

Then assign the blame without the excuses about previous govt. It serves no purpose to keep giving the govt the "PPP crutch" everytime they fail. 

I noticed this trend among posters here, always bring in the PPP as an aside before reprimanding govt. 

I am obliged to levy blame where it is due. The kleptocratic PPP created no manufacturing base, left no industry solvent and engaged in large scale boutique building programs like the classic graft hustlers. Where the PNC failed, being completely lacking in any creative juices for any thing from controlling noise pollution ( easy one) to reforming the justice system ( another easy one),  restoring viability to  sugar and rice ( harder projects) and relying only on destructive mining, they get the blame.

Ask any businessman in Guyana, energy cost us a major impediment to manufacturing. The ppp intended to fix that with Amelia, a project supported by the Danes.  We all know what happened there.  

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:
Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

Why should you not blame them since they have developed no co packaging plant in the nation when we have so many things that need to be process and packed?

Coconut has always been a wide open market so to say it is a recent demand phenomena is bunk.

So what is the timeline for APNU to now take the blame? Another 23 years?


The PPP had 23 years to formalize a trade channel for this product. The PNC are three years into their rule and they are yet to do one damn thing right. We have a generation of geriatrics on both sides who do not know a damn thing about opening markets. Sugar failed and rice failed and the only thing keeping us afloat is gold, borrowing and monies we send our respective families.

If you read clearly you would see I addressed them already and stated why.

Then assign the blame without the excuses about previous govt. It serves no purpose to keep giving the govt the "PPP crutch" everytime they fail. 

I noticed this trend among posters here, always bring in the PPP as an aside before reprimanding govt. 

I am obliged to levy blame where it is due. The kleptocratic PPP created no manufacturing base, left no industry solvent and engaged in large scale boutique building programs like the classic graft hustlers. Where the PNC failed, being completely lacking in any creative juices for any thing from controlling noise pollution ( easy one) to reforming the justice system ( another easy one),  restoring viability to  sugar and rice ( harder projects) and relying only on destructive mining, they get the blame.

Ask any businessman in Guyana, energy cost us a major impediment to manufacturing. The ppp intended to fix that with Amelia, a project supported by the Danes.  We all know what happened there.  

Why not try cheaper solar? India is creating a revolution on solar. They aim to be close to mostly percent reliant on interconnected solar grids.

Stormborn posted:

I am obliged to levy blame where it is due. The kleptocratic PPP created no manufacturing base, left no industry solvent and engaged in large scale boutique building programs like the classic graft hustlers. Where the PNC failed, being completely lacking in any creative juices for any thing from controlling noise pollution ( easy one) to reforming the justice system ( another easy one),  restoring viability to  sugar and rice ( harder projects) and relying only on destructive mining, they get the blame.

Its seems your obligation is a hatred so strong for the PPP that it clouds your judgment.  

The govt of the day is not in the business of running manufacturing base, it is a responsibility of the private sector as clearly stated by the APNU. The govt's responsibility is to provide an economic environment conducive to the private sector to invest.  

Manufacturing may not be the answer as we see the Chinese and others have already gotten the monopoly in this arena, forcing out novices and those at a competitive disadvantage such as Guyana. 

Farming is the nation's forte, the question at hand is what can he APNU do to secure markets for coconuts producers? They have set out to do so for the rice industry, no reason why coconuts can not be similarly helped. 

Reeper posted:
Stormborn posted:

I am obliged to levy blame where it is due. The kleptocratic PPP created no manufacturing base, left no industry solvent and engaged in large scale boutique building programs like the classic graft hustlers. Where the PNC failed, being completely lacking in any creative juices for any thing from controlling noise pollution ( easy one) to reforming the justice system ( another easy one),  restoring viability to  sugar and rice ( harder projects) and relying only on destructive mining, they get the blame.

Its seems your obligation is a hatred so strong for the PPP that it clouds your judgment.  

The govt of the day is not in the business of running manufacturing base, it is a responsibility of the private sector as clearly stated by the APNU. The govt's responsibility is to provide an economic environment conducive to the private sector to invest.  

Manufacturing may not be the answer as we see the Chinese and others have already gotten the monopoly in this arena, forcing out novices and those at a competitive disadvantage such as Guyana. 

Farming is the nation's forte, the question at hand is what can he APNU do to secure markets for coconuts producers? They have set out to do so for the rice industry, no reason why coconuts can not be similarly helped. 

Where does hatred comes into any assessment of crooks? Revulsion maybe but it is a waste of time to hate crooks. I assure you my judgment is pellucid.

How could you handle a produce based industry if you do not have packaging, bottling and canning facilities not to mention secure storage bonds etc. The amerindians cannot make Brazil nuts feasible even thought they have an abundance of it. Coconut farmers do not  package  coconut cream, milk or coconut oil for long shelf life.  As for poultry and flash freezing capacity or cold storage etc. Why expect anything but persisting failures?

The government is in the business of crafting a business climate that enables private enterprise as well as bootstrap it whenever they can.  Traps prohibiting investment is everywhere. I know from my sisters experience how onerous it is to undertake perfunctory business processes. I can list dozens of people who are success here at niche industries and turn out to be failure there on account of no fault of theirs.

Beginning with threading the institutional barriers one is hard pressed to forget doing anything. The banking system is a mess, credit at mafia rates even in this climate, negotiating the crime ridden streets, paying corrupt officials  etc all accrue to make the investment climate a serous risk. This all reduces to a failure of government.It is a completely pay to play world

TK has a complete thesis on what prohibits development in guyana and on a completely different trajectory.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

It has always been what it has always been. Failure to process, package, and distribute. The market is there.

Sometimes is better stfu when you have nothing to say.  It has always been, but the farmers are talking of a decline in their business, as it currently stands.  

Fix that before you guh jump pun another limb like a hyperactive monkey!  What you are talking is a strategic enhancement which will require large investment and going after a totally different customer base.  A totally different business model!

You talk nuff shyte and then criticize BJ for investing in the Skeldon packaging operations.  Gwan suh!

Bai base, dat Banna once called a sakawanki Bird. Forgive him. He does not know his head from his foot and always speaks from his rear.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Baseman posted:

Someone needs to do a deep-dive fact-based analysis.

- What is changing in the market place

- who is taking the market

- why are customers going with other suppliers, etc, etc.

When you fully understand these, then the govt and producers can devise a plan of attack.

It has always been what it has always been. Failure to process, package, and distribute. The market is there.

Sometimes is better stfu when you have nothing to say.  It has always been, but the farmers are talking of a decline in their business, as it currently stands.  

Fix that before you guh jump pun another limb like a hyperactive monkey!  What you are talking is a strategic enhancement which will require large investment and going after a totally different customer base.  A totally different business model!

You talk nuff shyte and then criticize BJ for investing in the Skeldon packaging operations.  Gwan suh!

Bai base, dat Banna once called a sakawanki Bird. Forgive him. He does not know his head from his foot and always speaks from his rear.

Dumb ass, when you are through licing trump's backsides and thinking he cares a damn about you or any non white agenda concentrate about what I said rather than picking up bits of information from othere no less bullshitters than you. Also, I reserve the right to post your personal data here on the site down to the last time you bought a pair of underwear if you continue thinking you can get personal. You are a loud mouthed nit.


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