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Dave, I am unable to find your post regarding Indians discouraging experience in the GDF and would have liked to reply to it. 

Since both Indians and Africans will continue to live in GY and Africans are perceived to be  overwhelming and controlling. How can Indians become more assertive for equality ? 

Whereas, an African government don't seem to care about Indians, can an Indian opposition/government assist the Indian population with assertiveness training, etc ?

If nothing is done, this writer believes the situation in GY will become much worse and Indians might be at the losing end.    

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We need a coolie leader who guh tell dem to drag dem cane cuttah backside and join the armed forces.  

Furthermore, add incentives for joining, like skills training etc.  introduce a GI bill type program for when the decide to leave.  

Among the Indian population, GDF is still viewed as a PNC domain!

Coolies need to wake up to the notion that who controls the guns, control the nation’s destiny!

Dont bother with Prashad and he shyte!!

Baseman posted:

We need a coolie leader who guh tell dem to drag dem cane cuttah backside and join the armed forces.  

Furthermore, add incentives for joining, like skills training etc.  introduce a GI bill type program for when the decide to leave.  

Among the Indian population, GDF is still viewed as a PNC domain!

Coolies need to wake up to the notion that who controls the guns, control the nation’s destiny!

Dont bother with Prashad and he shyte!!


Incentives to be brutalized.. nah 

Any abuse during training of new GDF officers must be condemned — Ramjattan

Minister of Public Security , Khemraj Ramjattan

MINISTER of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, says that if indeed new officers of the Guyana Defence Force are beaten during initiation training, such actions must be condemned.

In his brief statement on Friday, Ramjattan was adamant that investigations into the matter are currently ongoing. He said if theinvestigation proves to be true, then the parties involved have crossed the red line and have gone too far. “If there is indeed abuse of any human in Guyana that must be condemned,” the minister stated.

Online news outlet NewsSource reported recently that the Guyana Defence Force has launched an internal investigation into the initiation beating of a number of new officers of the force who were recently commissioned.

The initiation usually forms part of the “welcome into the Force”, but this year, senior officers are concerned that those involved in the incident went too far.

A number of the new officers had to be taken to the hospital to seek medical attention for various injuries, the report said.

It was noted too that a young doctor, who is a reserve officer, was likely to undergo surgery due to injuries he sustained during training.

sachin_05 posted:

According to history this passive non violent traits of the coolies cause the tribe to survive and maintain their culture over the centuries. If or when there is Armageddon or an  asteriod hit earth, there would two surviving species - cockroaches and coolies......

But can the coolies survive alone with the cockroaches ? 

The non violent traits is a good quality, but can it withstand what Africans in GY can throw at them. Considering, some people are takers, without giving anything. 


The coolies don't necessary have to be soldiers, but groomed to become Officers. Certain occupations don't require higher education, such as the forces and cane cutting, as you can see who goes which direction, but the cane cutter never wants his children to be like him, whereas the man in the force would have his children follow in his shoes.

Baseman posted:

Me nevva read Suh much antimanishness!

Yes KP it doesn’t require high education to be in the ranks, but it requires more than cane cutters!   You have to know to read and write at a certain level!

Burnham had drop the requirements to join the forces,  brutal force and ignorance.  You must have heard the joke about the police took the robber on his bike to pike street because he couldn't spell Orange walk. Also you never short a cane cutter a cent in his pay because he can calculate his pay faster than the adding machine. 


How does an officer with limited education makes 'untrained' logical decisions for his women/men soldiers, so they don't all get killed ? 

With any job, basic training is provided, but a person should have some prerequisite and personal skills  to make decisions, or dem kok duk, with  Venezuelans invading Essequibo.  

How can a person become an officer in the GDF, without first becoming a soldier ?

Why do you keep dwelling on a Burnham army, when someone else is in-charge and accountable ?

This site is good at bringing up old shit, instead of finding solutions for the future. 

Tola posted:

How does an officer with limited education makes 'untrained' logical decisions for his women/men soldiers, so they don't all get killed ? 

With any job, basic training is provided, but a person should have some prerequisite and personal skills  to make decisions, or dem kok duk, with  Venezuelans invading Essequibo.  

How can a person become an officer in the GDF, without first becoming a soldier ?

Why do you keep dwelling on a Burnham army, when someone else is in-charge and accountable ?

This site is good at bringing up old shit, instead of finding solutions for the future. 

You folks don't make sense. As far as I know, the army is not used by PNC for political purposes, the only time I heard GDF used for politics was during Burnham days, with ballot boxes. What will indo's joining the army accomplish for the indoG population?  When was the last time Guyana had a war with any nation? The GDF was supporting the criminals in Buxton during the FF days. Why you folks should concentrate is to put Indo's in the legal positions, such as high court etc. Did you forget that it was through the courts that PnC were able to circumvent the NC vote?


Thanks Django. 

Druggie, in every country, especially multiracial places like Guyana, its very important that the military and police forces have racial  equality.

While serving with certain training and discipline, the training and experience is also very important for the person's future. Look what the ex-military and police people are doing after retirement.

Retirement is not only going to the liquor store every week, but to remain active in what you can do best.  Many of my ex-military and police friends have very good pensions.  But a person needs to have some kind of employment or active hobby, so  they don't  get sick or die shortly after retirement.

As in the case with Guyana, the military or police  empower people to have a discipline life, that is also safety for their family. How many bandits will attack a family that has a military or police personnel in their home ? 

Switzerland  has never been at war, but every person of age is required to serve in the military forces. A country don't only have a military because of war, they have it to prevent war.  

The courts are also important and Indians are already there, but promotion is a problem in a racial country.

I believe its the responsibility of the PPP party to see that equality is achieved for Indians in Guyana.  They need to get their shadow MPs to hold government ministers accountable.     


" Doing The Right Thing" is associated with no prejudice in the law. Guyana lawmakers have not arrived at that way of thinking.

Indians fate in Guyana is similar to Indians in Fiji. Do what it takes to survive, make alot of money, bribe whoever it is for safety of life and property. Unless inclusiveness prevails, then there will corruption. Indians must strive to be excellect corruptors.

Indians must think like they are  members of an efficient Lodge, connections everywhere.

In the Caribbean, Indians must think as one, equality is never possible with the Negro.

After Independence, Major Sattur was let go juss because he struck fear in Forbes. That is the Negro worry of the Disciplined Indian.

seignet posted:

" Doing The Right Thing" is associated with no prejudice in the law. Guyana lawmakers have not arrived at that way of thinking.

Indians fate in Guyana is similar to Indians in Fiji. Do what it takes to survive, make alot of money, bribe whoever it is for safety of life and property. Unless inclusiveness prevails, then there will corruption. Indians must strive to be excellect corruptors.

Indians must think like they are  members of an efficient Lodge, connections everywhere.

In the Caribbean, Indians must think as one, equality is never possible with the Negro.

After Independence, Major Sattur was let go juss because he struck fear in Forbes. That is the Negro worry of the Disciplined Indian.

seignet posted:

" Doing The Right Thing" is associated with no prejudice in the law. Guyana lawmakers have not arrived at that way of thinking.

Indians fate in Guyana is similar to Indians in Fiji. Do what it takes to survive, make alot of money, bribe whoever it is for safety of life and property. Unless inclusiveness prevails, then there will corruption. Indians must strive to be excellect corruptors.

Indians must think like they are  members of an efficient Lodge, connections everywhere.

In the Caribbean, Indians must think as one, equality is never possible with the Negro.

After Independence, Major Sattur was let go juss because he struck fear in Forbes. That is the Negro worry of the Disciplined Indian.

You saw the reaction when I suggested the PPP form a special squad directly under the control of the president with a loyal chain of command. Draw from the existing ranks but the command must be loyal.  Use it as an elite guard and use them to address existential domestic security threats like we saw coming out of Buxton!  The force  need not be more than 100.  Ronan had a pique of fit at my suggestion!  He even said we want to take every away from the Blackman!  Mouth open...


Baseman posted:
seignet posted:

" Doing The Right Thing" is associated with no prejudice in the law. Guyana lawmakers have not arrived at that way of thinking.

Indians fate in Guyana is similar to Indians in Fiji. Do what it takes to survive, make alot of money, bribe whoever it is for safety of life and property. Unless inclusiveness prevails, then there will corruption. Indians must strive to be excellect corruptors.

Indians must think like they are  members of an efficient Lodge, connections everywhere.

In the Caribbean, Indians must think as one, equality is never possible with the Negro.

After Independence, Major Sattur was let go juss because he struck fear in Forbes. That is the Negro worry of the Disciplined Indian.

You saw the reaction when I suggested the PPP form a special squad directly under the control of the president with a loyal chain of command. Draw from the existing ranks but the command must be loyal.  Use it as an elite guard and use them to address existential domestic security threats like we saw coming out of Buxton!  The force  need not be more than 100.  Ronan had a pique of fit at my suggestion!  He even said we want to take every away from the Blackman!  Mouth open...


Put RK as the commander of that Elite Guard. The man knows how to operate.

Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:

The idea of abused Indos (for being Indo) in Guyana's military is utter BS. Nothing in the recruitment process disfavors Indos.

Are you nuts. Someone post the killing of the Indo Presidential guard for this fool.

Really? I was an Indo GDF officer when the PNC was in power. How stupid does that make you?

antabanta posted:
Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:

The idea of abused Indos (for being Indo) in Guyana's military is utter BS. Nothing in the recruitment process disfavors Indos.

Are you nuts. Someone post the killing of the Indo Presidential guard for this fool.

Really? I was an Indo GDF officer when the PNC was in power. How stupid does that make you?

Some might feel its not beneficial for Indians to join the GDF and GPF, but there are benefits from  the training during service and afterwards. One of the first GDF Indian senior officer  who recently passed on in Florida,  was from our village. 

A retired GDF officer is also  with security at a business in NY and another is in charge for security personnel,   for a number of hotels in  the Virgin Islands.   

Are some Indians too 'soft', lacks self confidence and allows Africans to take advantage of them, so they are afraid to join Guyana security forces ?


antabanta posted:
Tola posted:
Are some Indians too 'soft', lacks self confidence and allows Africans to take advantage of them, so they are afraid to join Guyana security forces ?


No. Indos don't gravitate towards military service in Guyana because of PPP propaganda.

I agree to a point here!  I remember my dad saying Jagan should send some of his PYO member to the People's Militia and then into the GDF!  But Jagan seh he boycotting....more like girlcotting!

Jagan only saw glory in cane cutting!!  What a freaking loser!!

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:

Living near a military base we met Indian GDF from time to time.  They were assertive and no push over.

How many Indian GDF, two ? 

Why is the GDF/GPF with few Indians and  a majority of Africans ?  Yet Guyana has a large population of Indians. 

We know a few who rotated in and out of that base.  So I cannot say how many.  But there were Indian guys in the GDF.  Not many.  I even know an Indian woman who was in the GDF and her husband was a teacher.  She spent over ten years and have two kids!  She, husband and kids now live in NY!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

At a certain age everyone should go through some basic training, this will give everyone a chance to see for themselves if they would like a career in the forces, or in the auxiliary if preferred.

Colonel Anta dig it good to Prash up deh. 

Overseas barrels and cash transfers  seems to discourage some people from doing a lot of challenging things for themselves. Giving them free oil money might make it much worse. 

A person seem to lose a lot in life, when they stop working to maintain themselves.

Maybe the idea of National Service was a good thing.  


Tola, I remember when I went to East Ruimveldt Sec, we had gardening as a subject and we learned about composting etc. Banna, my family and many families of the kids also, complained about how we are not going to school to learn how to plant. Dude, I wish they teach more of this in schools, teach em survival skills. Not everyone makes it in the business world.

cain posted:

Tola, I remember when I went to East Ruimveldt Sec, we had gardening as a subject and we learned about composting etc. Banna, my family and many families of the kids also, complained about how we are not going to school to learn how to plant. Dude, I wish they teach more of this in schools, teach em survival skills. Not everyone makes it in the business world.

Cain, In additional to my autobiography and other short stories, I just wrote a 'short story' for our kids about my certificates and employment starting with Albion primary school. 

Years later when I was taking pictures,  the school was still  doing gardening, composting, wood work, book binding, hammock making, painting, drama, etc. Displayed on what was called 'Arts and crafts day/night' every year to parents, who bought some of the stuff.  

The certificates and some photos became part of my story of 20 pages.

I just bought 6 large Rubbermaid tubs for my historical material and collectables. Rass, I might need a semi to move. This included special boxes for the kids designated stuff.

These Canadian born kids will know just about everything regarding my Guyanese/India  family, with pictures and video, including their young life.

I strongly believe every Guyanese parents should document their family history, so their 'overseas' children will know about their life in Guyana.  Because when  dem dead, who gun tell their children,  as adults.       

Last edited by Tola

 I think the behavior of foreigners when dem visit - with their fancy accents, nike boots, cameras, fancy outfits with apparent unlimited spending power is causing today youths to want to go a foreign more than anything.

Back in the 80s I had 4 cousins  who were in the GDF. The money they earn  could barely manage a taxi fare to come home... always hungry. They eventually left mostly because they say they were bypass for promotion... 




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