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This a racist statement, not a proud accomplishment in your life. Still reading tea leaves. Many East Indians got involved,me specially businesses owned by East Indians and their employees who included East Indians, but the reality is the vast majority of inhabitants of GG are not East Indians. Mr advice to you is to back over the news papers and news reports in Guyana and they will disabuse of this racist assertion.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What is racist about it? Am I not allowed to question the commitments of the East Indian and Chinese side of my family line? Are they sacred cows? I eat beef. Does that make me less of an Indian? Or is only black people are allowed to ask questions about Indians?

Please retread your post. I do not think that you have problems with reading comprehension. It does matter matter to me if you are more or less of an Indian. In fact, I have never thought about your ethnicity or worried about it. My concern is what you posted. There is nothing precluding a member of a particular ethnic group from making racist statements about that same ethnic group. Self hate.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

Ayuh use "garbage polution" as a form of protest against the former Govt.  Now alyuh get alyuh Gvt, so clean up after alyuh self.


BTW, I spoke to a relative in GT and he actually paid some Afros to clean up around his areas.  So, from what I understand, it not all "free" labor.  Them getting paid.


That does not answer the basic question. The PPP made no attempt to even mobilize concerned citizens into cleaning up the place. Those long bushes were ideal ambush spots for bandits to take advantage of. The Golden Arch was left abandoned and discarded by the PPP for ages. It took the new government just days to get it back in place. Why such disregard for GT by the PPP administration?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

That does not answer the basic question. The PPP made no attempt to even mobilize concerned citizens into cleaning up the place. Those long bushes were ideal ambush spots for bandits to take advantage of. The Golden Arch was left abandoned and discarded by the PPP for ages. It took the new government just days to get it back in place. Why such disregard for GT by the PPP administration?

Maybe you can answer your own question, since you seem to know a lot.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?



A man must clean his immediate surroundings.  Who lives in GT?


Leviticus 15:


Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

That does not answer the basic question. The PPP made no attempt to even mobilize concerned citizens into cleaning up the place. Those long bushes were ideal ambush spots for bandits to take advantage of. The Golden Arch was left abandoned and discarded by the PPP for ages. It took the new government just days to get it back in place. Why such disregard for GT by the PPP administration?

Maybe you can answer your own question, since you seem to know a lot.

Tell the bais the truth when you were cleaning up some lil bai came a shout "dem blackman a come" you drop yuh cutlass and wallet and run fuh yuh life.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

That does not answer the basic question. The PPP made no attempt to even mobilize concerned citizens into cleaning up the place. Those long bushes were ideal ambush spots for bandits to take advantage of. The Golden Arch was left abandoned and discarded by the PPP for ages. It took the new government just days to get it back in place. Why such disregard for GT by the PPP administration?

Maybe you can answer your own question, since you seem to know a lot.

Tell the bais the truth when you were cleaning up some lil bai came a shout "dem blackman a come" you drop yuh cutlass and wallet and run fuh yuh life.

Mi tell yuh bai, people dozz laff, but ah soa true.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

That does not answer the basic question. The PPP made no attempt to even mobilize concerned citizens into cleaning up the place. Those long bushes were ideal ambush spots for bandits to take advantage of. The Golden Arch was left abandoned and discarded by the PPP for ages. It took the new government just days to get it back in place. Why such disregard for GT by the PPP administration?

The Mayor of GT was waiting to get award first

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What is racist about it? Am I not allowed to question the commitments of the East Indian and Chinese side of my family line? Are they sacred cows? I eat beef. Does that make me less of an Indian? Or is only black people are allowed to ask questions about Indians?

Who is responsible for the cleanliness of GT? The people who live in GT and the City Council. The Central Government cannot be responsible for everything in Guyana. We need to ELECT our local officials and hold them accountable for the everyday functioning of the cities, towns and councils. That includes the cleanliness of their districts.

Originally Posted by TI:

GT has always been a PNC stronghold. who throwing garbage in front of Stabroek? The Chinese traders?

Most of the vendors in Stabroek are east indians. There are no houses around Stabroek, which means the garbage comes from people in transit or the vendors and/or their customers.

Does it really matter? Shouldn't we be pleased and proud that the damn place look lil clean for once?

Last edited by antabanta
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

 I hope the people stop littering.

"Hope" is not the solution to a real problem, it's a dream for those who generally don't have a plan.

Yea...I would fine them severely and then jail them after two counts of littering. But first give them ample garbage disposal bins and systems.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

We are talking about Guyana, not India and China. 


I do hope that blacks can do more than cleanup the place.  I glad Granger is finding jobs for the boys.  It will keep them off drugs and from robing people in broad daylight.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

 I hope the people stop littering.

"Hope" is not the solution to a real problem, it's a dream for those who generally don't have a plan.

Yea...I would fine them severely and then jail them after two counts of littering. But first give them ample garbage disposal bins and systems.

Is that your new economic strategy for developing the country or do we have to bring back Jagdeo.?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

It's about time they get off their asses and do something for a change. It's just a show of unity in support of Granger. Give them a month and the whole city will be dutty again. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

 I hope the people stop littering.

"Hope" is not the solution to a real problem, it's a dream for those who generally don't have a plan.

Yea...I would fine them severely and then jail them after two counts of littering. But first give them ample garbage disposal bins and systems.

Is that your new economic strategy for developing the country or do we have to bring back Jagdeo.?

Yuh dreamin eh Rama_can't?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

What is racist about it? Am I not allowed to question the commitments of the East Indian and Chinese side of my family line? Are they sacred cows? I eat beef. Does that make me less of an Indian? Or is only black people are allowed to ask questions about Indians?

Why don't you leave your computer and do some dutty work in the trenches of Georgetown. Be a patriot and go kleen up GT. Be a role model for the rest of us. 

Originally Posted by BGMAN:
. We need to ELECT our local officials and hold them accountable for the everyday functioning of the cities, towns and councils. That includes the cleanliness of their districts.

Except that Guyanese havent had a chance in 21 years to elect their local reps, or hold them accountable.  Which party refused last year to host LGE?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGMAN:
. We need to ELECT our local officials and hold them accountable for the everyday functioning of the cities, towns and councils. That includes the cleanliness of their districts.

Except that Guyanese havent had a chance in 21 years to elect their local reps, or hold them accountable.  Which party refused last year to host LGE?

We have move on with that shyte, hold LGE, recover any misappropriated funds/assets, get the new Govt structures in place and move forward under the new leadership and with proper governance.


The New Govt already working with the US to develop a cohesive and "aligned" development plan.  PPP, alyuh see, cuss America, now alyuh out like South.  What stupid people you are.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

Blacks are culturally disposed to filth as any.  The fact no self help group emerged in the PPP era is precisely because of a lack of incentive given they had no dog in the fight to clean it up. They suffered in it as any. This is a problem of who we are and management not culture or predispositions.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGMAN:
. We need to ELECT our local officials and hold them accountable for the everyday functioning of the cities, towns and councils. That includes the cleanliness of their districts.

Except that Guyanese havent had a chance in 21 years to elect their local reps, or hold them accountable.  Which party refused last year to host LGE?

We have move on with that shyte, hold LGE, recover any misappropriated funds/assets, get the new Govt structures in place and move forward under the new leadership and with proper governance.


The New Govt already working with the US to develop a cohesive and "aligned" development plan.  PPP, alyuh see, cuss America, now alyuh out like South.  What stupid people you are.

No one CUSS the US.  A very wealthy Ambassador dabbled in the Internal Affairs of Guyana. However, because of lack of competent people to tell him off Diplomatically, a Minister gave the fish Market treatment.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

Blacks are culturally disposed to filth as any.  The fact no self help group emerged in the PPP era is precisely because of a lack of incentive given they had no dog in the fight to clean it up. They suffered in it as any. This is a problem of who we are and management not culture or predispositions.

No "Self-Help Group", is wha you think Jagdeo was heading.  Banna, is weh you bin deh all diss time!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Are the Chinese and East Indians culturally more accustomed to live in a dirty environment? Or are they not prepared to get their hands dirty for free?

Blacks are culturally disposed to filth as any.  The fact no self help group emerged in the PPP era is precisely because of a lack of incentive given they had no dog in the fight to clean it up. They suffered in it as any. This is a problem of who we are and management not culture or predispositions.

No "Self-Help Group", is wha you think Jagdeo was heading.  Banna, is weh you bin deh all diss time!!

HAHAHA  Good one Baseman.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGMAN:
. We need to ELECT our local officials and hold them accountable for the everyday functioning of the cities, towns and councils. That includes the cleanliness of their districts.

Except that Guyanese havent had a chance in 21 years to elect their local reps, or hold them accountable.  Which party refused last year to host LGE?

We have move on with that shyte, hold LGE, recover any misappropriated funds/assets, get the new Govt structures in place and move forward under the new leadership and with proper governance.


The New Govt already working with the US to develop a cohesive and "aligned" development plan.  PPP, alyuh see, cuss America, now alyuh out like South.  What stupid people you are.

No one CUSS the US.  A very wealthy Ambassador dabbled in the Internal Affairs of Guyana. However, because of lack of competent people to tell him off Diplomatically, a Minister gave the fish Market treatment.

Now den deh back keching fish!

Originally Posted by Observer:

Anyone heard from Priya lately and has she fled the country?

Why are you so stupid?  Why are you worrying about Priya?  You should worry about those who are cleaning up the place. So far, that's the only thing the government can do, or capable of doing.


They are bringing back National Service.  You can call it by another name, it is still National Service.  This will cost Billions.


You should worry about those Ministers who hang around Granger and not doing their Jobs.  


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