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Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Fact is dem PPP liars only accuse the PNC. Evidence is non-existent. If the PNC was in power these same accusers would now be in jail or in the graveyard.


Dem bais like to bytch an moan anonymously on an internet forum but yet act like good little girls adorned in their saris and bangles when meeting these same people face to face.


I wonder how many times PPP mudheads have made offensive remarks to Granger's face in Parliament

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Aren't you mudheads in power?


Where's your one ball when it comes to exercising your office?

Joker, PPP suporters are not mud heads simply because they differ in opinions. They say you must be careful what you wish for. If you're against the PPP and asking for PNC/AFC coalition to lead Guyana, many of you will quickly realize your mistakes.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Aren't you mudheads in power?


Where's your one ball when it comes to exercising your office?

Joker, PPP suporters are not mud heads simply because they differ in opinions. They say you must be careful what you wish for. If you're against the PPP and asking for PNC/AFC coalition to lead Guyana, many of you will quickly realize your mistakes.

And what do you see happening? 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Aren't you mudheads in power?


Where's your one ball when it comes to exercising your office?

Joker, PPP suporters are not mud heads simply because they differ in opinions. They say you must be careful what you wish for. If you're against the PPP and asking for PNC/AFC coalition to lead Guyana, many of you will quickly realize your mistakes.


My Good Sir,


We don't have differences of opinion in Guyanese politics. All we have are disagreements on who should do the looting and pillaging. Some people say Blacks have the first dibs on looting and pillaging (we call those people the PNC) however, some say that Indos should have first dibs on the looting and pillaging (we call those people PPP).


Guyanese don't vote issues. They vote race. You are either born PPP or born PNC. The intelligent either emigrate, don't vote, or support a third party.


Like this one fella in my family cast his vote for the AFC in 2011 and then in 2012, he caught the next flight to NYC as soon as his green card was issued.


Abidha, as much as it pains me to admit this, Indians are better off under a Black dictatorship than an Indian dictatorship.


Remember how many Indians have been raped and murdered in cold blood under the PPP. I'd feel much safer with a PNC Government because they at least will have an incentive not to exterminate us.


Either fight if you have balls or barter the best terms of surrender if you have no balls.


And its terribly obvious that our delicate womanly PPP specimens of Indian hijra extraction are not up to the job. Therefore we should surrender on terms.


This is an excellent question.


The POM POM Party of Counsee is not interested in fighting crime since crime is their TOOL to blame the Black man to continue to fool the KULI man.


But the East Indians are walking away from the Jagdeodites since it is clear as day that Jagan's PPP is dead and the disease party called the POM POM Party of Counsee tek over the House of Freedom in Robb Street and turn it into the Free-rubbish-dump House.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

This is an excellent question.


The POM POM Party of Counsee is not interested in fighting crime since crime is their TOOL to blame the Black man to continue to fool the KULI man.


But the East Indians are walking away from the Jagdeodites since it is clear as day that Jagan's PPP is dead and the disease party called the POM POM Party of Counsee tek over the House of Freedom in Robb Street and turn it into the Free-rubbish-dump House.

Hey black pudding brain, why don't you ask yuh Buxton/Agricola FF's buddies who gatt balls and who goose got cooked.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

This is an excellent question.


The POM POM Party of Counsee is not interested in fighting crime since crime is their TOOL to blame the Black man to continue to fool the KULI man.


But the East Indians are walking away from the Jagdeodites since it is clear as day that Jagan's PPP is dead and the disease party called the POM POM Party of Counsee tek over the House of Freedom in Robb Street and turn it into the Free-rubbish-dump House.

Hey black pudding brain, why don't you ask yuh Buxton/Agricola FF's buddies who gatt balls and who goose got cooked.

We know yu Baseman on BEES payroll, to be precise Babby payroll of Limocal and u wuking fuh the Hard Times Paper and washing the money fuh Babby in India.


So go and deal with those "balls and those gooses" in India.


Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

This is an excellent question.


The POM POM Party of Counsee is not interested in fighting crime since crime is their TOOL to blame the Black man to continue to fool the KULI man.


But the East Indians are walking away from the Jagdeodites since it is clear as day that Jagan's PPP is dead and the disease party called the POM POM Party of Counsee tek over the House of Freedom in Robb Street and turn it into the Free-rubbish-dump House.

Hey black pudding brain, why don't you ask yuh Buxton/Agricola FF's buddies who gatt balls and who goose got cooked.

We know yu Baseman on BEES payroll, to be precise Babby payroll of Limocal and u wuking fuh the Hard Times Paper and washing the money fuh Babby in India.


So go and deal with those "balls and those gooses" in India.


What a benign anti-man response devoid of any potency, much less punch.  But, I do have to compliment you, it's a stretch for a black pudding brain to cough that up.


The PPP regime has been terrorising the black population for about 20 years now. Allegations about black crimes are wide spread. But the courts have not received any case to prosecute Conclusion? The PPP consists of a bunch of liars who are thieving the money that belongs to the country, whilst blaming the blacks for all the crimes. How many black people own a mansion, are involved in smuggling drugs to the US or own a shopping mall?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The PPP regime has been terrorising the black population for about 20 years now. Allegations about black crimes are wide spread. But the courts have not received any case to prosecute Conclusion? The PPP consists of a bunch of liars who are thieving the money that belongs to the country, whilst blaming the blacks for all the crimes. How many black people own a mansion, are involved in smuggling drugs to the US or own a shopping mall?

Yea yea, they only ones terrorized were the Buxton/Agricola FF's who got a well deserved slug from the GoG.  May all people of Guyana life in peace free of PNC/other inspired thuggery and terrorism.  Thanks to the greats Gaj and Jag the terrorists got a taste of their own medicine.


Baseman, you know damn well that Fineman and his gang were PPP soupies paid to take down Sawh, who opposed the sale of a part of the jungle for cocaine cultivation. The US court case produced damning evidence that Roger Khan, a hired PPP assassin and drugs lord, funded the FF to go and kill.

Why has the PPP not investigated the link? So why are you making all that effort to sell us a discredited Nancy story about the FF? Was it not Jagdeo who accepted these criminals back from the US, allowed them to escape and then made both financial and political capital out of it? Your hands are covered in the blood of many innocent black people. You should be ashamed. Very ashamed.


Baseman 12/27/12: "The GoG have strong evidence on senior opposition political/military leadership connection with the Buxton gangs.  These players know it so the deal, wipe out the terrorists and leave it at that. Dead men tell no tales."


Your sentiments are very revealing, Herr Baseman.


Now tell us . . . WHO exactly is Freedom House protecting by silencing these "terrorists" . . . and why?


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