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An IDB report - see below - pegs Guyana at the bottom in average speed of Internet services among Latin American and Caribbean countries, yet it is only behind Belize and Bolivia as the costliest. On the Broadband Development Index Guyana ranks low. Note that the metrics chosen are on the basis of four pillars: public policy and strategic vision, strategic regulation, infrastructure, and applications and knowledge.


This is something that should alarm the Diaspora, and leaving politics aside we ought to ask why is Guyana lagging in an area that all countries in the region started on an equal footing (okay Guyana was in a hole be4cause of the ATN monopoly granted in the privatization fire sale towards the end of the Hoyte Administration). The point is though, with wireless and the vaunted WiMax touted by a local provider, we are still behind in this vital area.


Do we need to examine the way the spectrum is distributed? Do we need to look at the incentives provided to the telecommunications sector? Do we need to ask about the vision in the technology education sector since the mid-90s? No PPP or PNC nonsense here, just cogent smart contributions, please.



Guyana has slowest internet speed, yet among most costly in the region:
Guyana has the slowest internet speed and is among the most expensive in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), according to a new study released yesterday by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The index, “Socio-economic Impact of Broadband in Latin American and Caribbean. Broadband Quality and Prices, LAC and OECD Cou...ntries;
Countries”, found that Latin America and the Caribbean lag far behind developed countries in broadband penetration.
In terms of megabits per second or speed of data transfer, Guyana stood at the bottom of the table at .38. It ranks third highest in terms of cost with Belize and Bolivia as the most expensive. Chile, Barbados and Brazil remain in the best position to take advantage of this vital development tool.
The 26 countries of the Region included in the index posted a score of 4.37 on the Broadband Development Index. By comparison, the countries of the OECD rate an average of 6.14. Chile leads the regional ranking with a combined score of 5.57, followed by Barbados at 5.47 and Brazil with 5.32.
The index brings together 37 indicators, each with a score ranging from 1 (least development) to 8 (most development), to come up with the overall index. The indicators are chosen on the basis of four pillars: public policy and strategic vision, strategic regulation, infrastructure, and applications and knowledge.

“In a modern society, broadband is the key ingredient of the public policy agenda for speeding up economic growth and reducing inequality,” said Antonio GarcÍa-Zaballos, who is leading the IDB’s broadband initiative. According to a recent IDB study, a 10 percent increase in penetration of broadband services carries with it an average rise of 3.2 percent in Gross Domestic Product and 2.6 percentage points in productivity.

The ranking can be found on the IDB’s new DigiLAC web site, with data from all the countries of the region and more than 15,000 cities and towns. It was released as part of an IDB seminar on South Korea and the lessons that can be drawn from it for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean. South Korea has one of the world’s highest degrees of broadband development. The Southern Cone sub region has the greatest broadband penetration with a score of 4.87. The Caribbean is the Region lagging furthest behind, with an index of 3.72. However, Central America scored 4.26, slightly surpassing the Andean region at 4.13.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Your response is from a position of profound ignorance as usual. The PPP is in the process of bringing in 100G broadband but they are doing so to enrich the friends and family cartel as usual. Bobby already dominates satellite and has a 3 million contract from the Ministry locked in. Vishal and his crew are backed with a 36 million Chinese loan and they are the prime beneficiaries of what is to come in a year or so. Nothing the PPP did was to bring broad band in at low cost and for the benefit of the poor. The internet presently is in the 50 dollars per month for low bit rate connectivity so it is highly unlikely that everyone has the internet available to them if they want it. Note that would be a quarter the salary of the average person.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Your response is from a position of profound ignorance as usual. The PPP is in the process of bringing in 100G broadband but they are doing so to enrich the friends and family cartel as usual. Bobby already dominates satellite and has a 3 million contract from the Ministry locked in. Vishal and his crew are backed with a 36 million Chinese loan and they are the prime beneficiaries of what is to come in a year or so. Nothing the PPP did was to bring broad band in at low cost and for the benefit of the poor. The internet presently is in the 50 dollars per month for low bit rate connectivity so it is highly unlikely that everyone has the internet available to them if they want it. Note that would be a quarter the salary of the average person.

Yada Yada Yada

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Your response is from a position of profound ignorance as usual. The PPP is in the process of bringing in 100G broadband but they are doing so to enrich the friends and family cartel as usual. Bobby already dominates satellite and has a 3 million contract from the Ministry locked in. Vishal and his crew are backed with a 36 million Chinese loan and they are the prime beneficiaries of what is to come in a year or so. Nothing the PPP did was to bring broad band in at low cost and for the benefit of the poor. The internet presently is in the 50 dollars per month for low bit rate connectivity so it is highly unlikely that everyone has the internet available to them if they want it. Note that would be a quarter the salary of the average person.

Yada Yada Yada

Espected response from a denier of the grotesque and pervasive corruption of the PPP. One day soon....

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Nehru bhai, the thread is about how LIMITED bandwidth but COSTLY the broadband service is in Guyana compared with the region. Did you read the post before commenting?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

you is a fool a drunk fool i guess you have a out house in NY  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Your response is from a position of profound ignorance as usual. The PPP is in the process of bringing in 100G broadband but they are doing so to enrich the friends and family cartel as usual. Bobby already dominates satellite and has a 3 million contract from the Ministry locked in. Vishal and his crew are backed with a 36 million Chinese loan and they are the prime beneficiaries of what is to come in a year or so. Nothing the PPP did was to bring broad band in at low cost and for the benefit of the poor. The internet presently is in the 50 dollars per month for low bit rate connectivity so it is highly unlikely that everyone has the internet available to them if they want it. Note that would be a quarter the salary of the average person.

They pay $50.00 per month for 1 mbps. I get 50 mbps download speed for less than $50.00 when I work out my FIOS bundle and every time I run a speed test I clock at around 58 download and 32 upload. I am supposed to be getting 50/25. It's a massive rip off in Guyana. They are paying at least 50 times more than I am.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Very competitive. The Stations are allowed to do almost anything, have any guest they want.

Are you drunk? This is about Broadband Internet access. What stations (Radio or TV) got to do with the article. You don't know your ass from your elbow. Stop contributing to threads you know little about.

And you sounding like a real JACKASS. Bray Karhee Bray. The Internet in Guyana is almost accessible to everyone so I dont see any problems with the Guyana access with Broadband Internet Access. It may be a financial burden but it is available.

Your response is from a position of profound ignorance as usual. The PPP is in the process of bringing in 100G broadband but they are doing so to enrich the friends and family cartel as usual. Bobby already dominates satellite and has a 3 million contract from the Ministry locked in. Vishal and his crew are backed with a 36 million Chinese loan and they are the prime beneficiaries of what is to come in a year or so. Nothing the PPP did was to bring broad band in at low cost and for the benefit of the poor. The internet presently is in the 50 dollars per month for low bit rate connectivity so it is highly unlikely that everyone has the internet available to them if they want it. Note that would be a quarter the salary of the average person.

They pay $50.00 per month for 1 mbps. I get 50 mbps download speed for less than $50.00 when I work out my FIOS bundle and every time I run a speed test I clock at around 58 download and 32 upload. I am supposed to be getting 50/25. It's a massive rip off in Guyana. They are paying at least 50 times more than I am.

what nehru know he is just a racist,the fool have rum shop mentality and a collie ignorance 


That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

Dumbass, did you read the article before commenting?


Guyana has slowest internet speed, yet among most costly in the region: Guyana has the slowest internet speed and is among the most expensive in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), according to a new study released yesterday by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The index, “Socio-economic Impact of Broadband in Latin American and Caribbean. Broadband Quality and Prices, LAC and OECD Cou...ntries; Countries”, found that Latin America and the Caribbean lag far behind developed countries in broadband penetration.
In terms of megabits per second or speed of data transfer, Guyana stood at the bottom of the table at .38. It ranks third highest in terms of cost with Belize and Bolivia as the most expensive. Chile, Barbados and Brazil remain in the best position to take advantage of this vital development tool.
The 26 countries of the Region included in the index posted a score of 4.37 on the Broadband Development Index. By comparison, the countries of the OECD rate an average of 6.14. Chile leads the regional ranking with a combined score of 5.57, followed by Barbados at 5.47 and Brazil with 5.32.
Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

DipShit, did you read the article before commenting?

Kari these Pimps, Prostitutes and Parasites are Behaving and thinking like their Political Guru Kwame......and it is impossible to explain how..... DEM HOUSE of ISRAEL BUGGERY KAKAROACH .......NOW INFEST FREEDOM HOUSE CROUCH.
Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

The only legal/licensing hurdle is me going to de Prezi and seh "hey buddy, juss give me de damn lice and f*%k de others, and BTW mek am cheapo".


Wheh de ass dis Basement chap going off on who pay bill and who don't. Hey stinkmouth, shut yuh patacake.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

The only legal/licensing hurdle is me going to de Prezi and seh "hey buddy, juss give me de damn lice and f*%k de others, and BTW mek am cheapo".


Wheh de ass dis Basement chap going off on who pay bill and who don't. Hey stinkmouth, shut yuh patacake.

Another civil conversation by Karhee. These people are sickening SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

The only legal/licensing hurdle is me going to de Prezi and seh "hey buddy, juss give me de damn lice and f*%k de others, and BTW mek am cheapo".


Wheh de ass dis Basement chap going off on who pay bill and who don't. Hey stinkmouth, shut yuh patacake.

Another civil conversation by Karhee. These people are sickening SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big mouth kari airing out he bad breath.  Strom seems a general expert at every thing, Mr kwow-it-all and does not know what he does not know.


To the issue, it's a complex issue wrapped up in history back to the PNC days, the legacy which the nation live with today.


The reason Guyana is in position of low Internet speed and penetration rates and very high prices is because the PNC Gov't granted a monopoly license to GT&T in 1990 for 40 years. And the PPP Gov't since 1994 has been trying to get rid of that monopoly. IT is a matter of monopoly versus competition.

GT&T owns the only cable bringing connectivity into Guyana, they own the bottleneck facilities and they control the market like a textbook monopoly.  [They do only what is necessary to survive, eg they invested in GSM domestic cellular only when competition (from U-Mobile/digicel) in domestic cellular was looming and  they invested in a replacement cable bringing international traffic/Internet from Trinidad as the old Americas 11 from Suriname was failing because if they had not done so the Govt would have given Digicel an international license on grounds of national security (the background to this was a complete failure of the old cable from Suriname in 2007 resulting in Guyana being cut off from the rest of the world via GT&T for 3 weeks).  That incident is what inspired the GoG to put our cable to Brazil (but that is now encountering serious problems)]

So in short: the GT&T monopoly ( a textbook case)  and lack of competition is the root cause of high internet  prices, low internet speeds and low internet penetration rates.

The answer to these problems: rid themselves of the PNC imposed GT&T monopoly and introduce robust competition, there are investors waiting and there will be no scope for corruption and distortions among investors as the new laws as drafted allow no chance for that, I know this for a fact.

There are much more on these complex issues and on this sector. It would take several pages to put it down.  It has been a long struggle with many many facets and one that hopefully this comes to an end soon in form of liberalization.
As for Stormborm, you dreamed the stuff you post. He knows not that he knows not.
As for Kari-mullah, I guess he needs to give his naturally occurring methane gas build-up an outlet lest it blow-back and cause "further" neurological incapacitation.

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

That must be big mouth Kari katahar babbling. These clowns don't understand all the legal/licensing and other hurdles getting these things up and running.  I work with a Venezuelan woman who commented on connectivity in Guyana.  In the interior of Venez, she finally got better connection through Guyana than Venezuela.  She felt Guyana was advanced in this area.


Kari, just pay your Verizon bill and shut-up your crapoed month.

The only legal/licensing hurdle is me going to de Prezi and seh "hey buddy, juss give me de damn lice and f*%k de others, and BTW mek am cheapo".


Wheh de ass dis Basement chap going off on who pay bill and who don't. Hey stinkmouth, shut yuh patacake.

Another civil conversation by Karhee. These people are sickening SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big mouth kari airing out he bad breath.  Strom seems a general expert at every thing, Mr kwow-it-all and does not know what he does not know.


To the issue, it's a complex issue wrapped up in history back to the PNC days, the legacy which the nation live with today.


The reason Guyana is in position of low Internet speed and penetration rates and very high prices is because the PNC Gov't granted a monopoly license to GT&T in 1990 for 40 years. And the PPP Gov't since 1994 has been trying to get rid of that monopoly. IT is a matter of monopoly versus competition.

GT&T owns the only cable bringing connectivity into Guyana, they own the bottleneck facilities and they control the market like a textbook monopoly.  [They do only what is necessary to survive, eg they invested in GSM domestic cellular only when competition (from U-Mobile/digicel) in domestic cellular was looming and  they invested in a replacement cable bringing international traffic/Internet from Trinidad as the old Americas 11 from Suriname was failing because if they had not done so the Govt would have given Digicel an international license on grounds of national security (the background to this was a complete failure of the old cable from Suriname in 2007 resulting in Guyana being cut off from the rest of the world via GT&T for 3 weeks).  That incident is what inspired the GoG to put our cable to Brazil (but that is now encountering serious problems)]

So in short: the GT&T monopoly ( a textbook case)  and lack of competition is the root cause of high internet  prices, low internet speeds and low internet penetration rates.

The answer to these problems: rid themselves of the PNC imposed GT&T monopoly and introduce robust competition, there are investors waiting and there will be no scope for corruption and distortions among investors as the new laws as drafted allow no chance for that, I know this for a fact.

There are much more on these complex issues and on this sector. It would take several pages to put it down.  It has been a long struggle with many many facets and one that hopefully this comes to an end soon in form of liberalization.
As for Stormborm, you dreamed the stuff you post. He knows not that he knows not.
As for Kari-mullah, I guess he needs to give his naturally occurring methane gas build-up an outlet lest it blow-back and cause "further" neurological incapacitation.

If you want to talk of it I am willing to oblige. I dare say you are just another fool with an affinity to to rely on what a lady say than what exists. 

Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

I guess simple minds see everything that way...simple.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

I guess simple minds see everything that way...simple.

Yeah, your wrinkly-ass IS simple.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

I guess simple minds see everything that way...simple.

Yeah, your wrinkly-ass IS simple.

Sometimes, I think a significant portion of your brain has vaporized thru you big-ass mouth.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

How come you sitting here struggling with your Verizon bill and did not go and grab the opportunity available in GT.  Is it you are just a mouthaar or just a plain loser striving for relevance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

How come you sitting here struggling with your Verizon bill and did not go and grab the opportunity available in GT.  Is it you are just a mouthaar or just a plain loser striving for relevance.

Indeed there are lots of opportunities available but the chance of grabbing at them depends on getting by the PPP and their friends and family cartel and after that, competing with drug money.


Why don't you address where Kari is wrong rather than proceed with more substantiation that you are just another big mouth with pretenses to knowledge that exceeds your aptitude.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

How come you sitting here struggling with your Verizon bill and did not go and grab the opportunity available in GT.  Is it you are just a mouthaar or just a plain loser striving for relevance.

Indeed there are lots of opportunities available but the chance of grabbing at them depends on getting by the PPP and their friends and family cartel and after that, competing with drug money.


Why don't you address where Kari is wrong rather than proceed with more substantiation that you are just another big mouth with pretenses to knowledge that exceeds your aptitude.


Kari-mullah kataher does not understand that, given the context of the discussion, a reference to "cable"could not possibly be a reference to cable TV but could only be to submarine fibre-optic cable ("cable") that brings International and Internet services.

True, GT&T was given an ititial 20 year monopoly license renewable at the option of GT&T for a further period of 20 years. GT&T of course exercised that option so they are in the second 20 year monopoly period.


Big/stench mouth Kari-mullah kataher knows a little, but talks a lot, a prodigy of you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

How come you sitting here struggling with your Verizon bill and did not go and grab the opportunity available in GT.  Is it you are just a mouthaar or just a plain loser striving for relevance.

Indeed there are lots of opportunities available but the chance of grabbing at them depends on getting by the PPP and their friends and family cartel and after that, competing with drug money.


Why don't you address where Kari is wrong rather than proceed with more substantiation that you are just another big mouth with pretenses to knowledge that exceeds your aptitude.


Kari-mullah kataher does not understand that, given the context of the discussion, a reference to "cable"could not possibly be a reference to cable TV but could only be to submarine fibre-optic cable ("cable") that brings International and Internet services.

True, GT&T was given an ititial 20 year monopoly license renewable at the option of GT&T for a further period of 20 years. GT&T of course exercised that option so they are in the second 20 year monopoly period.


Big/stench mouth Kari-mullah kataher knows a little, but talks a lot, a prodigy of you.

I know precisely what he is talking about. Further I have confidence that he does know the technology if not specifically the circumstances in GY. But for someone not to know what is unfolding in Gy would mean they write nonsense about licenses etc as you did.


The convergences of traditional communication( TV, telephony, radio etc)  systems means when the delivery system is spoken of one speaks of the same thing. The circumstance as to ATN and the government negligence has been written about since the mid nineties.


I remember precisely that Gary Girdhari wrote on the abject stupidity of the government allowing for technology that was not yet invented ( inclusive of beepers when he wrote the article) to be covered by the ATN contract around '96. Indeed he mentioned what was the current technology trends  and as anyone thinking og the matter he mentioned the convergence of communication technology. He wrote of that very possibility and its importance to us.


I remember trying to get some questions answered by  Moses via an intermediary and he did not even know what the hell I was talking about. A famous quote from Ramotar at the time was "awee gat that"


Kari is right. The delivery system of the internet is screwed up at the moment. If ATN could pull a cable from Surinam, so could we from there or elsewhere until we can solve difficulties of other routes . Instead we went the long way to Brazil and still cannot do it well as yet. Further, it is being consolidated as a PPP and friends family communication business coup.

ATN is not the problem.


Presently there are dozens of ways to cover the coast for example with internet ubiquitously in a short time and for minimal cash. Mini Cell and  Mesh delivery systems have been with us since the mid nineties. They are robust and cheap and used elsewhere to rabidly bring up communications. It can be done in Guyana until the big cables and necessary network arteries are are developed. Every highs school should have had free internet by now.


The PPP  know the potential of the technology and are rolling it out in ways that meets their needs to covet every aspect of it. The PPP may be slow to move but their speed is dependent on how well the can consume a resource for their friends and family. The people come second.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, for your edification:

  1. The ATN sale of Telecommunications rights was for telephony and not for Cable TV. The latter includes wave band spectrum.
  2. The ATN monopoly of telephony was for 20 years, and not 40 years. And it's over. Who the hell is going to sign 40-year agreement in that field?
  3. Wireless was wide open.
  4. Cable was wide open.

so shut yuh wrinkly-ass self.


What is this "complex" issue you speak about? Thievery and cronyism are not complex.


Youze a real jackass. Shut yuh sk0nt!

How come you sitting here struggling with your Verizon bill and did not go and grab the opportunity available in GT.  Is it you are just a mouthaar or just a plain loser striving for relevance.

Indeed there are lots of opportunities available but the chance of grabbing at them depends on getting by the PPP and their friends and family cartel and after that, competing with drug money.


Why don't you address where Kari is wrong rather than proceed with more substantiation that you are just another big mouth with pretenses to knowledge that exceeds your aptitude.


Kari-mullah kataher does not understand that, given the context of the discussion, a reference to "cable"could not possibly be a reference to cable TV but could only be to submarine fibre-optic cable ("cable") that brings International and Internet services.

True, GT&T was given an ititial 20 year monopoly license renewable at the option of GT&T for a further period of 20 years. GT&T of course exercised that option so they are in the second 20 year monopoly period.


Big/stench mouth Kari-mullah kataher knows a little, but talks a lot, a prodigy of you.

I know precisely what he is talking about. Further I have confidence that he does know the technology if not specifically the circumstances in GY. But for someone not to know what is unfolding in Gy would mean they write nonsense about licenses etc as you did.


The convergences of traditional communication( TV, telephony, radio etc)  systems means when the delivery system is spoken of one speaks of the same thing. The circumstance as to ATN and the government negligence has been written about since the mid nineties.


I remember precisely that Gary Girdhari wrote on the abject stupidity of the government allowing for technology that was not yet invented ( inclusive of beepers when he wrote the article) to be covered by the ATN contract around '96. Indeed he mentioned what was the current technology trends  and as anyone thinking og the matter he mentioned the convergence of communication technology. He wrote of that very possibility and its importance to us.


I remember trying to get some questions answered by  Moses via an intermediary and he did not even know what the hell I was talking about. A famous quote from Ramotar at the time was "awee gat that"


Kari is right. The delivery system of the internet is screwed up at the moment. If ATN could pull a cable from Surinam, so could we from there or elsewhere until we can solve difficulties of other routes . Instead we went the long way to Brazil and still cannot do it well as yet. Further, it is being consolidated as a PPP and friends family communication business coup.

ATN is not the problem.


Presently there are dozens of ways to cover the coast for example with internet ubiquitously in a short time and for minimal cash. Mini Cell and  Mesh delivery systems have been with us since the mid nineties. They are robust and cheap and used elsewhere to rabidly bring up communications. It can be done in Guyana until the big cables and necessary network arteries are are developed. Every highs school should have had free internet by now.


The PPP  know the potential of the technology and are rolling it out in ways that meets their needs to covet every aspect of it. The PPP may be slow to move but their speed is dependent on how well the can consume a resource for their friends and family. The people come second.

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

It is not us who intervene in a cuss down. You did. If you assert something  you should back it up. If you said the fellow did not know something; tell him what he missed. Instead you are on this lame assed mode of cussing or celebrating victories for battles never fought

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

It is not us who intervene in a cuss down. You did. If you assert something  you should back it up. If you said the fellow did not know something; tell him what he missed. Instead you are on this lame assed mode of cussing or celebrating victories for battles never fought


Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement just realized he's in over his head.

Baseboard is just being the door knob, he is.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

It is not us who intervene in a cuss down. You did. If you assert something  you should back it up. If you said the fellow did not know something; tell him what he missed. Instead you are on this lame assed mode of cussing or celebrating victories for battles never fought


Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement just realized he's in over his head.

Baseboard is just being the door knob, he is.

heh heh heh

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

It is not us who intervene in a cuss down. You did. If you assert something  you should back it up. If you said the fellow did not know something; tell him what he missed. Instead you are on this lame assed mode of cussing or celebrating victories for battles never fought


Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement just realized he's in over his head.

Baseboard is just being the door knob, he is.

Refute what I posted on the issue.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You and him build a case purely on inference and projection and little basis on the relevant facts.  You throw a lot of mud just to see what sticks and to make look like you know of what you speak.  But you know not what you know not.

Tell us the "facts"then! I do know you are an ass and the above affirms it.

You and stink-mouth karimullah katahar, go do your own homework on the Guyana-relevant facts.

It is not us who intervene in a cuss down. You did. If you assert something  you should back it up. If you said the fellow did not know something; tell him what he missed. Instead you are on this lame assed mode of cussing or celebrating victories for battles never fought


Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement just realized he's in over his head.

Baseboard is just being the door knob, he is.

Refute what I posted on the issue.

LOL! Kari and Stormy fish you up good. Read what you write before you post.


ATN, which owns 80% of GT&T had agreed to negotiate out of the 2nd 20-year monopoly option after the 1st 20-yr agreement ended in 2010. The Government of Guyana (GoG) had actually floated legislation in 2008 to improve the conditions for competition in the telecommunications sector - the Telecommunications Bill and the Public Utilities Commission (Amendment) Bill. Since then and because of ensuing elections these Bills were held back.


The new Telecommunication Bill intends to repeal the Telecommunications Act 1990 and repeal the provisions of the Post and Telegraph Act governing wireless telegraphy. I  don't know what the state of play is as of this post.


The GoG meantime had sold its 20% share of GT&T to a Chinese company for $25 million, and made it difficult for ATN when it came to distribution of 3G and 4G spectrum concessions for advanced data services.


ATN actualy lost its bid in a US district court of DC when the GoG was planning, with assistance from the IDB to build a competing telecommunications system. Also, after investing over $140 million ATN claimed that it never got its guaranteed ROI of 15% (another of Hoyte's mistake) and wanted a rate increase, which the Gog blocked.


So Basement, there are a number of things the GoG can do to make Broadband more competitive in spite of ATN's situation, which is a monop[oly and at the same time not a monopoly, if you get my drift - make life difficult for them. Like the Net-neutrality debate in America over the last mile of Internet services, ATN has no skin in the wireless space. They only are meaningful in land line termination of voice and data traffic.




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