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After promising mayhem should Rohee not resign or be removed Nigel Hughes and Moses Nagamootoo incited a few misguided youths from Agricola to block roads and set fires along the roadway. As usual, Indo Guyanese passersby were beaten and robbed(a feature at every opposition organized 'peaceful' protest).

In seeking to justify the violence the AFC, APNU and their operatives in the media are laying the blame at the feet of Dr Roger Luncheon following comments he made at his weekly press briefing held around noon yesterday. Luncheon had stated that his cabinet is more resolute and steadfast in support of the Home Affairs Minister in the face of the hate campaign being waged against him. He also said that his government saw no need for Rohee's removal/resignation following the actions of rogue elements within the force.


Now how this comment made around noon and broadcasted by the media(opposition media included) until 6:30PM the earliest could have caused the violence at Agricola which commenced around 4:00PM is beyond everyone's imagination. 

The AFC/APNU alliance are taking all of Guyana for fools.

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This was a well orchestrated and calculated plan by opposition extremists to send a message, intimidate a section of the populace and to try to create another Linden-like violent outbreak using Agricola. They were rejected at Buxton. The timing of this assault during a time when thousands of persons who traverse the East Bank highway were doing so is no coincidence 

Originally Posted by albert:

This was a well orchestrated and calculated plan by opposition extremists to send a message, intimidate a section of the populace and to try to create another Linden-like violent outbreak using Agricola. They were rejected at Buxton. The timing of this assault during a time when thousands of persons who traverse the East Bank highway were doing so is no coincidence 

If the PPP was not an Indo Nazi then every thing in Guyana would not be so racialized.


Why do so most blacks reject the PPP and view them as the enemy?


Ask yourself that question.  You see when problems arise you have no avenues to deflect rage because you have no entities which are viewed as credible.   So you resort to blaming the opposition.


If there are elements within the opposition who forment violence, rather than engaging in intelligent discourse.  NO ARRESTS!!! WHY???


At some point bleating about the opposition loses credibility when no evidence is presented that specific parties are guilty.


Having said that, if ordinary Indians are being attacked then that is wrong and those who do so should be arrested.


But also having said that after Linwood Creek, after Linden, and after Agricola, and now supposedly Hadfield street it is clear that there is a pattern of abuse of poor blacks by entities which represent the govt of Guyana.  This is not new but the PPP refuses to deal with the problem.


It does no good for large segments of the population to feel excluded.  While it may or may not be true that the opposition might be maniuplating people the PPP needs to ask itself why is it that they are people who are so easily mobilized.  The PPP is seen as a racist and anti AfroGuyanese and it needs to admit that as a problem and then top deal with it.


Show me a country where a large % feel abused by another ethnic, religious, geographic or any other group, and you will see a country which is unstable.

Originally Posted by warrior:

NEHRU MAYBE THIS PROTEST will let you and the rest of the ppp know that their is a next race in guyana beside the ppp indians now how do the government include them in the country and maybe just for fun you guys will send lunchon on the east bank to rumble


Originally Posted by warrior:

NEHRU MAYBE THIS PROTEST will let you and the rest of the ppp know that their is a next race in guyana beside the ppp indians now how do the government include them in the country and maybe just for fun you guys will send lunchon on the east bank to rumble

I thought was Blacks doing the rioting!


Police were overcautious dealing with these criminals who were acting on instruction from the afc/pnc to rob indians in order to have the greatest impact. This was achieved. However it will back lash on the AFC as I hope those in the PPP had the sense to take videos for the next campaign. Already this is the second mo fiah, indian robbing and beating that the AFC has been involved with. They are building a reputation, the PPP need to capitalize on this. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Police were overcautious dealing with these criminals who were acting on instruction from the afc/pnc to rob indians in order to have the greatest impact. This was achieved. However it will back lash on the AFC as I hope those in the PPP had the sense to take videos for the next campaign. Already this is the second mo fiah, indian robbing and beating that the AFC has been involved with. They are building a reputation, the PPP need to capitalize on this. 

The backlash has already begun hence their foolish attempts to blame the violence on Luncheon's statement which were only aired long after the orchestrated violence had begun. 


Every time they organize these protest and masturbate the sentiments of their Afro-Guyanese constituents  knowing fully well that it usually results in Indos being beaten or robbed then they conveniently blame the PPP as though the PPP has control over their paid thugs and hooligans who were given gasoline 

Originally Posted by albert:


Every time they organize these protest and masturbate the sentiments of their Afro-Guyanese constituents 

Albert understand that 95% of this group voted fopr either APNU or the AFC.  The PPP ha sno standing within this group.


And this indeed is where the problem lies.  A racist Indo Nazi regime is how most African and mixed Guyanese view the PPP.  Threatening comments from Luncheon,,,even while there is a Commission top deal with past PPP violence against blacks.....and while other Commissions to deal with other instancesof such violence have been covered up.


Its clear that Luncheon deliberately set a match in a burst ga spipe and is now happy with the results.


I hope that those who voted PPP, and were victimized, understand that the PPP likes them to be punching bags in their grab to stoke racial paranoia on both sides.


Those who blame the AFC make me laugh.  did they get even 5 votes in Agricola?  So why are they so able to have people commit violence?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:


Every time they organize these protest and masturbate the sentiments of their Afro-Guyanese constituents 

Albert understand that 95% of this group voted fopr either APNU or the AFC.  The PPP ha sno standing within this group.


And this indeed is where the problem lies.  A racist Indo Nazi regime is how most African and mixed Guyanese view the PPP.  Threatening comments from Luncheon,,,even while there is a Commission top deal with past PPP violence against blacks.....and while other Commissions to deal with other instancesof such violence have been covered up.


Its clear that Luncheon deliberately set a match in a burst ga spipe and is now happy with the results.


I hope that those who voted PPP, and were victimized, understand that the PPP likes them to be punching bags in their grab to stoke racial paranoia on both sides.


Those who blame the AFC make me laugh.  did they get even 5 votes in Agricola?  So why are they so able to have people commit violence?


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