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Billionaire public servant Omar Shariff

Billionaire public servant Omar Shariff

The wealth and assets accumulated by public servant, Omar Shariff, continues to stun investigators. In addition to his multibillion-dollar bank accounts, the Permanent Secretary has been able to buy properties all across Guyana.
He has properties in Essequibo, Eccles, Kitty, Campbellville, Lethem and Kuru Kuru. Interestingly, Shariff has been able to secure many of his properties during a short period of time. These are only the ones that have been discovered and revealed by the ongoing investigation.
In November 2007, Shariff secured two properties in close proximity to each other at Kuru Kuru, Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.
Two years later, in March 2009, Shariff acquired another plot of land. This one is at Lethem, Left Bank of Tabatinga Creek, Right Bank of Takutu River.
Another two years after that, in 2011, Shariff stretched his hands all the way to Essequibo. He bought a property at Lot 16 Acme Scheme, Vergenoegen Co-op Society, East Bank Essequibo.
The very next year, the Permanent Secretary was able to acquire more properties. This time he moved to Georgetown. In February and September 2012, Shariff bought two properties at Eccles, East Bank Demerara.
One year later, in 2013, the billionaire was able to secure a property in another high end area. He bought a property at Dadanawa Sheriff Street Section “K” Campbellville.
Shariff got his hands on more assets in 2014. In that year he secured another property at lot 36 Section B Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo. He also bought a property at 36 Dowding Street, Kitty.
Of the nine properties that Shariff has been able to put his hands on over the seven-year period, six are in the name of his reputed wife, Sabeita Hardeo.
Kaieteur News previously reported that the public servant had billions of dollars in a number of accounts at local banks, there is also information that he has invested some of his money in shares at a few thriving establishments.
In 2010, Shariff and his reputed wife, Sabeita Hardeo, acquired thousands of shares in three major companies across Guyana. These companies are Banks DIH, Republic Bank, and Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI).
Kaieteur News has found out that Shariff has 14 accounts. Some contained millions of dollars while others had billions. The Permanent Secretary has accounts at five banks. He had over $1B in his Citizens Bank account. He has nine accounts at GBTI. The combined amount in those accounts was just over $14.9B.
Shariff has only one Republic Bank account. He had deposited over $953.6M there.
He has two Scotia Bank accounts. However, Kaieteur News was only able to get its hands on information of what was contained in one of these accounts.
Shariff had deposited over $454.9M in one of his Scotia Bank accounts. He also has a New Building Society (NBS) account. He deposited only $2.1M there.
In total, Shariff deposited over $18 Billion in local currency, equivalent to US$90 Million, in his 14 accounts. His overall withdrawal amounts to over $16.2B. It is believed that the monies were deposited over a five-year period.
Shariff has six motor vehicles in his name including a tractor and a trailer. All properties and vehicles were acquired before 2015.
Shariff is a former Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), an arm of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), the current Opposition, and was a candidate for that party in last year’s General Elections.
Shariff was sent off on leave earlier in July, by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in order to facilitate a probe by both the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) and the State Assets Recovery Unit.
A letter Harmon sent to him indicated that the Minister knew sometime before that Shariff was under investigation. In addition to being questioned, Shariff also had his home searched by Law Enforcement officers.
Investigators are probing how Shariff ended up with billions in his accounts.
From all indications, investigators are not buying what Shariff told them – that he owned a business that was raking in almost $100M annually for the last seven years.
There seems to be little evidence that taxes were paid.
In addition, there were questions about his role after a major investigation revealed that the Office of the President, under Shariff’s watch, transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to the Ministry of Public Service, headed by then Minister, Dr. Jennifer Westford.
Westford, a sitting PPP Member of Parliament and her assistant Margaret Cummings, are currently before the courts facing 24 simple larceny charges.
The charges allege that between August 2011 and April 2015, while being employed in the Public Service, they stole the sum of $639.4M belonging to the state.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Let the investigation proceed.  If he stole assets, they should be confiscated.  If he did have a business raking in large income and did not pay his fair share of taxes, then assess him and let him pay up!!

Indians have always made money and the only issue has always been taxes!  Blacks have always coveted Indian success, but let them clear the air!

ba$eman posted:


Indians have always made money and the only issue has always been taxes!  Blacks have always coveted Indian success, but let them clear the air!

Utter nonsense!

On another thread you complained about how Trump being disrespectful.

Isn't your above statement disrespectful to blacks?


No conflict of interest in Omar Shariff having private business -Ramotar


August 3,2016

Former President Donald Ramotar says that he saw no conflict of interest in Omar Shariff working at the Office of the President as Permanent Secretary (PS) and running a business simultaneously since nothing in his contract with government prohibited it.

“I knew he had a business but I did not know the nature of the business. It seems to me that he was not tied down and not deeply involved in the day to day running of it, as he was always around when needed and performed his duties diligently,” Ramotar said in response to questions from Stabroek News.

“Most times, he worked for long hours. He was there conducting duties pertaining to the Office of the President, sometimes very late and was never distracted. However, I never tried to find out about his business. I don’t see that it had any conflict of interest. If his business was selling phone cards, the Office of the President was not buying any from him and I don’t think there was any business that he had that OP was doing business with…there is no law (against)  employing a contract worker who owns a business. Remember, he was a contract employee and not a traditional public servant officer,” the former president added.

Shariff was rehired by Ramotar when he took office in 2011. He had resigned as PS of the Ministry of Health under former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

He was retained last year by the APNU+AFC administration but was sent on leave in late June to facilitate an investigation by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) into his bank accounts.

His attorney, Sanjeev Datadin, had told Stabroek News that the investigation involved a personal business that he operates and had nothing to do with his job at the ministry. Datadin had also raised concerns about media reports suggesting that his client has billions of dollars, saying that not only are they untrue but that they have put his safety at risk.

A source close to Shariff said that the Permanent Secretary believes that he was sent on leave as a smokescreen because he had begun unearthing  corruption, including the alleged misuse of international donor funds.

Shariff, according to one source, is also confident that the current investigation of him will reveal that the money that has passed through his accounts over the past 10 years were from a legitimate business transactions.

“His business is legitimate and above board and there is no other issue other than a tax issue which he should be resolving with GRA [Guyana Revenue Authority] in the coming weeks,” the source told Stabroek News.

“…The PS even went as far as complaining to Minister Harmon [Minister of State Joseph Harmon] about a fraud involving a foreign donor fund, which is being covered up for the past few months; from all indications this seems to be only the tip of the iceberg,” the source further stated.

Ramotar informed that the former PPP Central Committee member never disclosed to him that he had tax problems with the GRA.

“He never spoke to me about that. I am not swearing but he did not speak to me about his taxes or personal problems,” the former president noted.

Asked if he had known of Shariff’s businesses, what decisions he would have made as it pertained to the continuation of his employment, Ramotar said that in retrospect, one can give many answers. He pointed out that while he could not concretely say now, he knows he would have investigated further before deciding on the issue. “I can’t say a definitive yes or no. I would have tried to be fair and find out the nature and details of that before I made any decision. Looking back we can always say we would have done this or that if we had known,” he said.

He added that while he prefers that ministers of government and senior public service officers not have “side businesses,” there was no law preventing their employment. “My view is no, I don’t think that public service officers in high positions and our ministers should have businesses but there is no law in employing persons who have. I would prefer that they did not have, but there is no law,” he stated.

As for his take on Shariff’s current issue, the former president said it has been a while since he was sent on leave and nothing has happened. It is either they made a mistake or he is just another victim of discrimination,” he said.

Zed posted:

If he stole, he should  be tried, and if found guilty, be jailed.

please tell me when he became the permanent secretary to the office of the President, before 2011 or after.


Shariff was rehired by Ramotar when he took office in 2011.

He had resigned as PS of the Ministry of Health under former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

Jalil posted:

How did a PPP public servant 

end up a multi billionaire?

Billionaire public servant Omar Shariff

Billionaire public servant Omar Shariff.....



thief like his boss....

Exactly! Just like Joe Wong Ping.

Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:


Indians have always made money and the only issue has always been taxes!  Blacks have always coveted Indian success, but let them clear the air!

Utter nonsense!

On another thread you complained about how Trump being disrespectful.

Isn't your above statement disrespectful to blacks?

Stop being hypocritical.  You and me come from Guyana and know exactly of what I speak.  Even Caribj indirectly admitted saying Burnham did not prepare Blacks to compete with Indians.  The reason Black want power in Guyana is because they feel Indians have everything else!

Look at you, you rass made your illegal millions in Guyana smuggling, bribing  and doing all sorts of who knows what illegal and immoral stuff. Did you ever pay up your proper taxes?

Living in Guyana among Blacks, I've always heard the comments of Indians and how they got what they had!!  You katahars come over here and suddenly suffering from selective amnesia!


This sounds totally crazy. There is no money in Guyana to steal or to take bribes or items to smuggle and sell that would give a Guyanese person in Guyana 90 to 100 million dollars Us in assets. It just does not add up.


Oi Prashad, get a holda dat nuff $$$$ for you piece ah country for you and your large following...dem five or six here, depending on how we count snake an he freno Pajamaman.

Last edited by cain

The galling thing is Romatar defends this crook! The man bought seven prized property across the nation in as many years and had some 100 million US in the bank and is still in the Presidents employ working long hours  for mickeydees salary!!!! who are these fellows lying to?


Already D2 and his other pnc cohorts convicted this man in the court of public opinion.  The man deserves his day in court. Bottom feeders like Jalil, d2 et al can not conceive how a person can make money from entrepreneurial efforts in the real estate and other ventures. They fail to acknowledge that the man had a private business for years.  Immediately these idiots claiming that the man thief. All to cover up thievery because he had raised an alarm over the alleged misuse of international donor funds.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Already D2 and his other pnc cohorts convicted this man in the court of public opinion.  The man deserves his day in court. Bottom feeders like Jalil, d2 et al can not conceive how a person can make money from entrepreneurial efforts in the real estate and other ventures. They fail to acknowledge that the man had a private business for years.  Immediately these idiots claiming that the man thief. All to cover up thievery because he had raised an alarm over the alleged misuse of international donor funds.

If some one tells t he tale he does then only you would believe it.  But you never ran a cake shop so would not know. Maybe you should get a dollar store. I bet the profile of a nice sized wholefood in a rich 'hood would have problems making a hundred and fifty million in profit in seven years. He said he did it with a phone card store!

ba$eman posted:


Indians have always made money

Yes hide behind this as an excuse why people who earned only middle class incomes, and didn't have outside businesses, suddenly show up as multimillionaires.

And if 40% of the population are these wealthy people why again is Guyana so poor when compared to islands like St Lucia?


I never knew Guyana had multimillionaires and multibillionaire.  Proud a me country men!

Assuming they did thief, where did they thief this kinda money from?

If Omar Sharief does have a multi-billion dollar bank account as the article states, me an all want to see where it came from.

Bibi Haniffa
cain posted:

Oi Prashad, get a holda dat nuff $$$$ for you piece ah country for you and your large following...dem five or six here, depending on how we count snake an he freno Pajamaman.

About 70 percent of East Indians of Guyana will support having their own country in it's self. But there will also be incentives to make the deal more attractive . For example, each person will also be given a piece of land in the newly created country. So keep laughing It will happen one day maybe not in my life time but it will happen because Guyana has nothing to offer East Indians other than deep racial hate.


Prashad posted:
cain posted:

Oi Prashad, get a holda dat nuff $$$$ for you piece ah country for you and your large following...dem five or six here, depending on how we count snake an he freno Pajamaman.

About 70 percent of East Indians of Guyana will support having their own country in it's self. But there will also be incentives to make the deal more attractive . For example, each person will also be given a piece of land in the newly created country. So keep laughing It will happen one day maybe not in my life time but it will happen because Guyana has nothing to offer East Indians other than deep racial hate.


Prash, take solace that even Burnham recognized that without the coolies, negroes will not survive. If he thought that negroes can make it on their own, he would have encouraged more kick down door and kill coolies. He tried to encourage the negroes to work hard and become wealthy during his regime, but they figured the coolies have everything and they can get it easily, so why try.

Jalil posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Omar Shariff belongs in jail. 

He is a double-crossing,

dishonest son of a gun.

Now... Because he thief like his Boss.

and got caught.....

he is a Bad Guy....

he is like the Minority Leader .......

Jagdeo made AFC/ APNU the Majority Party in Guyana.

Omar Shariff belongs in jail. 

He is a double-crossing,

dishonest son of a gun.

Trained by de minority leader Jagdeo

Jalil posted:
Jalil posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Omar Shariff belongs in jail. 

He is a double-crossing,

dishonest son of a gun.

Now... Because he thief like his Boss.

and got caught.....

he is a Bad Guy....

he is like the Minority Leader .......

Jagdeo made AFC/ APNU the Majority Party in Guyana.

Omar Shariff belongs in jail. 

He is a double-crossing,

dishonest son of a gun.

Trained by de minority leader Jagdeo

Jalil, I beg to differ with you. You don't train someone to steal. I know, as Warria says all the time, you big thief. If you are going to steal, steal big to get rich. Don't steal $10 and get 10 years in jail.


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