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Dear Editor,

No one knows for sure the true cost of this Marriott Hotel. Initially it was reported to cost US$64M with 160 rooms.


When questioned recently Mr Brassington of Nicil stated the cost to construct the hotel was US$65M with 197 rooms and was based on using Guyanese workers. However, a credit of US$14 M was offered by the Chinese construction company to use Chinese workers because they will more control them. I have done all sorts of mathematical computations and cannot come up with how the Chinese arrived at this credit of US$14M. According to Mr Brassington the Chinese contractor was the lowest of the bidders. There is no information on who prepared the documents for bidders to tender on and who the rest of the bidders are, and therefore it leaves room for allegations that there appears to be some hanky panky in this whole process.


The Marriott is no top-of-the-line hotel and could easily be constructed by Guyanese workers. Mr Brassington’s claim that Guyanese do not have the expertise to build the hotel is simply ridiculous. I feel the government should not be in the hotel business and should leave same to the private sector. The occupancy rate of hotels in Guyana is in the 20% range, and it will take years for the government to re-coup the cost for this hotel. Even at US$51M the cost of constructing the hotel is high.


Similarly, the new US$130M to US$150M airport will also be built exclusively by Chinese workers. Some time ago, when this airport was awarded to the Chinese contractor I wrote a letter stating that the Chinese would only use their own forces to construct it, but no one responded. I worked in Hong Kong as an engineer for a number of years and am familiar with their work ethics. Building a 7-gate airport when only 2 gates would be in use at any one time is simply a waste of money. Guyana is a third world country and upgrading the runway and modifications to the existing building are all that is necessary. Trinidad’s new airport has 8 gates and only about 2 are used at any one time.


I feel the money spent could be used in fixing the coastal infrastructure, which is in a disastrous state and has not been maintained for several years. It was recently reported that the Torani Canal is a poor state, the banks are slipping and the canal is silted up. Water from this canal is discharged into the Canje Creek for use by the sugar estates and by various D&I schemes including the cattle pasture, 52-74 areas, etc. I do not agree with Mr Bhim who recently stated in the press that the silted Torani is not a problem. The Torani Canal needs to be widened and the depth increased. Water from the Torani into the Canje keeps salt water from intruding up the Canje Creek. Similar problems also exist with the MMA Scheme where poor maintenance over the years has led to severe flooding along the main faÇade. The sea defences are also in very poor shape. The recent severe overtopping in the Georgetown and Kitty areas indicated the foreshore has eroded. The government is no longer monitoring the foreshore levels and no one knows what is going on.


In a few years the government could be faced with the dreaded R word βˆ’ Re-alignment of the sea defences or abandonment of the area.


Yours faithfully, M Alli

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Originally Posted by Prashad:

The Chinese take care of their own not like some of the people on this board that curse down their own like Churchill and others.

What did Churchill ever do to you? He slogged in the trenches for the PPP over many decades he has a right to be critical of them if he sees a lifetime orientation to a philosophical position being trampled. One takes care of their own within the context that one is in accord with what one's own does. You do not help a friend if that friend is abusing the friendship through the cultivation of bad habits despite your pleadings.


There are many ways to bring about change without the curse out and degrading of people like what Churchill did.  He crossed the line.  Do you ever see other people doing that. Not even Gerhard does that.  I have to say this about the individual Churchill.  He has been behaving himself over the past year. I hope he continues to behave himself then he will be forgiven for the endless curse outs and damage that he has done to others. 


Malcolm Ali is right on the mark with his observations...That 14 million US might just  " evaporate " into somone's personal  account ....


The excessive silting of the Canje River will present many challenges to the farmers who operate in the upper Canje area....the salt water seeping in from the Berbice river would not only adversely affect  the crops and cattle but also stifle the Black Bush Polder agricultural output....already silting in another area along the foundations of the Berbice river bridge has caused flooding in sections of the West Coast Berbice area.....


Money being wasted on an airport larger than what is needed could have been used to correct the drainaige and irrigation problems in Berbice and the East Coast of  Demarara.....


It is not unusual to have glitches in the planning and execution of major projects. The Marriot Hotel is going up much to chagrin of the opposition.

Some say we don't need another hotel.

Some say the construction falls below standard.

Some say the project is just a front to launder money.

Some say the PPP elites will become the owners of the hotel.


You all Guyanese are bunch of horrible people. You don't want to see development that will benefit the country. All you are interested in is power and money.



Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It is not unusual to have glitches in the planning and execution of major projects. The Marriot Hotel is going up much to chagrin of the opposition.


Some say we don't need another hotel.

Some say the construction falls below standard.

Some say the project is just a front to launder money.

Some say the PPP elites will become the owners of the hotel.


You all Guyanese are bunch of horrible people. You don't want to see development that will benefit the country. All you are interested in is power and money.



Originally Posted by Churchill:

Malcolm Ali is right on the mark with his observations...That 14 million US might just  " evaporate " into somone's personal  account ....


The excessive silting of the Canje River will present many challenges to the farmers who operate in the upper Canje area....the salt water seeping in from the Berbice river would not only adversely affect  the crops and cattle but also stifle the Black Bush Polder agricultural output....already silting in another area along the foundations of the Berbice river bridge has caused flooding in sections of the West Coast Berbice area.....


Money being wasted on an airport larger than what is needed could have been used to correct the drainaige and irrigation problems in Berbice and the East Coast of  Demarara.....

Well said Churchy!

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It is not unusual to have glitches in the planning and execution of major projects. The Marriot Hotel is going up much to chagrin of the opposition.

Some say we don't need another hotel.

Some say the construction falls below standard.

Some say the project is just a front to launder money.

Some say the PPP elites will become the owners of the hotel.


You all Guyanese are bunch of horrible people. You don't want to see development that will benefit the country. All you are interested in is power and money.





When the PPP gov't proposed the construction of the Berbice River Bridge it was bitterly debated in parliament. The opposition argued that high speed ferries was the answer. During the construction of the Buddy's International Hotel, the opposition said the foundation cracked. After the completion the opposition continued their campaign of lies by telling Guyanese at home and abroad the hotel sank from one side and the Peruvian ambassador tripped and falling because of a major crack inside the hotel.


Now, we are being told that the money to build the Marriot is being misappropriated. I find it hard to give any credence to what the opposition is saying today. They have a great track record when it comes to misinformation. Dick Morris was very impressed with the propaganda work of the opposition. He saw a Goebbels in many of the journalists affiliated with the Joint Opposition.

The PPP has to get on with the work of developing Guyana. The propaganda machine is not as good as the oppostion's.  They better start working on it now.




Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When the PPP gov't proposed the construction of the Berbice River Bridge it was bitterly debated in parliament. The opposition argued that high speed ferries was the answer. During the construction of the Buddy's International Hotel, the opposition said the foundation cracked. After the completion the opposition continued their campaign of lies by telling Guyanese at home and abroad the hotel sank from one side and the Peruvian ambassador tripped and falling because of a major crack inside the hotel.


Now, we are being told that the money to build the Marriot is being misappropriated. I find it hard to give any credence to what the opposition is saying today. They have a great track record when it comes to misinformation. Dick Morris was very impressed with the propaganda work of the opposition. He saw a Goebbels in many of the journalists affiliated with the Joint Opposition.

The PPP has to get on with the work of developing Guyana. The propaganda machine is not as good as the oppostion's.  They better start working on it now.




Guyanese complain that the Berbiec bridge is too expensive and they resent that alternate options to cross the river have been removed.  And of course NIS is on the brink of collapse, faulty investments (an example being the Berbice Bridge) being among the reasons for this.


Buddies was supposed to jump start tourism in Guyana and hordes of foreign tourists were to arrive.  When the new owners took over they said that this was one of the most shoddily built structures that they had ever seen, and a scant few years after construction GUYANESE WORKERS were used to rehabilitate it.  Not workers from Turkey,


The oppoistion also noted that othe Chinese biuilt fiasco, the Skeldon factory, when even the PPP discovered was a fiasco.


The PPP needs to listen to the opposition if they wish to stop making so many mistakes.


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