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Former Member

I reluctantly make this post on this site after leaving in disgust but I feel the question must be asked. The noise that is overwhelming around “Blackman vs collies” overtones where the fundamental issues are lost. I have observed from the sidelines the events occurring in Guyana. I must say that what has transpired cannot be condoned regardless of your ethnicity and political affiliation.

But the question must be asked why the APNU has resorted to such desperate actions to claim victory. The answer lies in the ethnic insecurities that has existed from independence and the absence of leadership with balls to address the  issue of inclusivity over the past 50 years. There is enough blame to go around for the 2 major political parties. They are both guilty of practicing what I call “abie pon top” where it is a “winner take all” mentality. Look no further than this  forum where blatant racism is on display. Katahar has made this excellent observation in his post. It is this kind of behaviour that fuels hate, fear that if we lose elections we will be locked out and the only people that matter are the ones who look like me.

The smart parties get this. I am very impressed by Shuman and Jonas. I say they would be better presidential candidates than either of the two major parties. But who are going to vote for them? 

Most recently the PPP had an opportunity to address these issues during their tenure of 23 year’s in office.  They had a work opportunity to turn the cheek and say enough is enough. Let us fix this country once and for all. Nothing was done they fortified and fattened themselves and got power drunk. Blacks felt locked out, looking in from the outside. They even use the same deficient constitution to protect themselves rather than make required changes.

So there you have it

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Look no further than this forum where blatant racism is on display

You should see the negroes in Guyana cussing the coolies about their muddas and sistahs. They have the negro police force to protect them so they can do no wrong. Katahar is a PNC supporter from day one. I never believed he left this forum.


Blacks in Guyana are the reason Guyana is where it is today. They always want to rule and spend like there is no tomorrow, empty the treasury and then beg. If it wasn't for coolies in Guyana, Guyana would be like an African country.

Last edited by Former Member

Isn't if comical that you chose to chastise the PPP on the day after the PNC stole an elections? And you try to pretend that you are not driven by race. We are all over 50 so we don't fall for con jobs like how the PNC con those young people in 2015 to vote like bosses. That 50 years you mentioned above, the PNC has been in government 33 of it and most of those 33 years were done illegally as the only time they legitimately entered government was in 1964 and 2015.But you don't see the victimization of Indians during those year but you see clearly the victimization of blacks during their 23 years in government and might I remind you, ALL 23 OF THOSE YEARS WERE EARNED BY WINNING ELECTIONS DEMOCRAICALLY. So haul yuh fake ass dahside. No one is interested in fake ass sanctimonies. Yuh doan post often but when yuh finally did, yuh post fake ass sanctimonies. 


Is true Coolie ah daag. Especially those crabdaag coolies who betrayed their own in 2015. They lied to the young voters that they should vote like bosses and in less than 5 years those young voters got a painful lesson in PNC racism.


Ksaz, some of these people see what they want to see. They have amnesia when it comes to the PNC 28 years and their current 5 years. Even though they see it, they are in denial. They think coolies are the problem in Guyana. They do not see the bullying and victimization of coolies by negroes. They currently turn a blind eye today when they see the dictatorship by Granger in Guyana. They blame coolies for this. They call the dictator a man of God. What a bunch of hypocrites.


The most recent act that fvcked the people of Guyana is the PNC theft of last Monday's elections and this fool wants to talk about the PPP 23 years which ended nearly 5 years ago. Maybe it takes him or her years to catch up with current events which would not be current whenever they reach it. 


It took a few posts by Skeldon and Kaz  to prove my thesis. You guys are consumed by race.  Carry on beating your drums behind your keyboard.

Kaz re-read my original post. I said both parties are guilty and we need leaders who can lead and build a fair multi ethnic society. I cite the PPP because they saw and experienced the wrath of lack of inclusiveness to do something about it.

 I reiterate, what Gecomm is doing is abominable and cannot be condoned. 


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@Former Member: It took a few posts by Skeldon and Kaz to prove my thesis. You guys are consumed by race.

Blackman fuh blackman. Dis coolie nah dag.
Dis coolie ah stand up fuh he mattie coolie, except when some coolies join with negroes and abuse coolies like Naga and Rumjhaat.
I don't give a rat's ass what you think of me, I buy my own groceries.


It is quite possible you don't understand what you rote. You made a brief characterization to the PNC but dedicated much of your comments to the criticism of the PPP. This on the day following the blatant theft of an elections being watched in real time around world by all who have an interest in it. Everything is about timing. I lived my entire life in Guyan while the PNC disrespected the will of the citizens of Guyana. I have read a lot about the PPP years when the PNC employed mo fiah slo fiah violent campaigns to destabilize the PPP government and make the country ungovernable. I am again seeing their unwillingness to allow the voters to chose their leaders the past two weeks so don't tell me that Skelly and I are the problem. Race plays a large role in Guyana and that was evident last night. You can pretend that you don't know that at your own peril.


Kaz, that is my point. I am arguing the same point about the role of race in elections and more specifically how racial insecurities has led to rigging behaviour. I am not condoning it just making a factual observation which is lost on you. I guess it would be more to your liking if I come out like you all does calling blacks animals. 


I don't care what you call blacks or Indians of any other race. It is a fact that race is still a big part of Guyana politics. Heck, race played a huge role in Obama's two presidential wins. I prefer to focus on the most recent violation which is the theft of the voters choice yesterday. Lets fix that first and then we can all sit down and work out the race issue. Bringing up race now is what we call clutching on race crutches. Since I don't know you, I herewith retract all my previous accusations of you. Peace out. 


FC you got it. D2/Stormborn got it. And as much as Seignet would be anti black, he got it right too.

Burnham and the PNC are anathema to Indians. I get that. Black people got that too as they joined together in a MILITANT struggle against Burnham, led by Rodney while the Indian Jagan gave Burnham "critical" support.

Likewise, Jagdeo and his cabal are anathema to black people. We will not be subjugated to another 23 years of abuse and relegated to 2nd class citizens in a land where it is as much ours as it is an Indian's, a Portugese, an Amerindian, etc.

Indian people, for the most part, do not get this. They feel that we must be "content" with the crumbs they throw our way while they appropriate state assets for themselves. They saw fit to put this man Jagdeo and his stooge (with NINETEEN counts against him in the courts) and multiple allegations of fake degrees up for election. That is the best the Indian PPP could find????????????

Then comes the multiple "victory laps" by their supporters before elections. Witness right here on GNI shithouse Sean screaming how they gon "buss dem balls". The hero worshipping of Jagdeo on and on. The murder of young black men celebrated and the exaltation of the cabal that promoted it.

Day after day, the denigration of black people by PPP supporters here. Blacks referred to over and over as pigs, dogs, savages, negroes, inhuman, lazy, and villified openly, with much laughter among themselves. Take a look at the archives. Well, they got a response to it. Who buss who balls now??????

And then they are surprised when black people won't embrace them with open arms or even trust them. And mind you, this behavior pre dates Burnham and Granger. It goes back to the BGEIA and racist Indians who see the state as their personal property and the black man as chattel to be spat upon. And it's not just black people they hate.

Witness the way Shuman was referred to as a stupid "buckman" here by Indian PPP supporters. They laughed at the man's traditional garb and made all kinds of fun of him when he met Granger. Shithouse Sean, Skeldon Man and Bibi raise yuh hand. 

Maybe Granger sees himself doing some noble deed by preserving black people in Guyana, saving them from elimination, I don't know. But rest assured, it is black people like Selwyn, the ones at the bar association, the portugese fella that Bibi in love with etc. that will lead the way forward. Witness the absence of Rat Man and Fat Man in the struggle.

Doan worry racist Indians, black people in Guyana already being vocal about the region 4 count. Alyuh relax. Black people, Jonas, yearwood, Shuman, etc. gon handle it.

And after they done, you all black hating dogs can crawl out from behind your computers and scream that "blacks are the scourge of the earth".


@Bibi Haniffa darling don’t lose fate.  Dem Brooklyners done hire a firm on Monday to work the PNC case in DC.  But dem have Trump to deal with. There is hope. Hail the White World!  This is a grand Pan-Afro conspiracy against Indians of Guyana. Priority for Exxon is their investment. Oil on the wane. They might have their oil and drink it too!


@Bibi Haniffa

...ahhhhh shaddup wid your screams about "democracy". Democracy comes with a responsibility - the fairness in treatment to all segments of society. You supported a black hating cabal for 23+ years. Your anti black comments are here along with those of your colleagues here.

Understand this - you all cannot  expect to openly vilify an entire race and expect them to lay down for you. You all did it here openly for a year prior to the election with your comments about black people. You get it now???? Then tek that message to your handlers!!!!


Thank you and I agree that the key issue at hand is the resolution of the elections results where integrity of the voting process and tabulation of final results must be assured.

Nuff respect!!!


Hey hey amazin. Dem one lover and social cohesion peopkle Guana still a see coolie baccoo, ole higue, moon gazer, sukantie, massacura man and dem mattie juss STEAL/RIG/WHORE/RAPE de election...all while dem go chuch pon Sunday...awww...coolie suh bad...ayoo is one lover...hey hey hey. 


So y'all don't like how the PPP treats y'all but instead of earning the seat of government the right way by working for it y'all have to resort to thiefing it? And you are proud of that? Well don't cry when people label y'all as lazy undeserving creatures. The PPP worked arduously to reach out to all parts of Guyana and was even harassed by some of the PNC goons and that hard work paid off as they earned the confidence of many blacks who don't want to be part of the lazy slo fiah mo fiah violent brigade and because of the PNC laziness, they came in short and rather than accept the result as all civilized people do, they resorted to their goon behavior of stealing it. Haul yuh PTSD ass dahside. 


Iguana, the internet stores commentaries perhaps for a hundred years. After I am gone to heaven, my thoughts and words will be around, all 105 essays that I have written on Guyana on my blog.

You are incorrect in thinking that I am against black people. All of your ppl are not nice, thank God I met some many good ones.

I may have called you a skont on many occasions because you made anti-indian comments. Which is part of an ongoing problem in Guyana. Another thing, Black ppl juss like Indians in authority doan pay heed to the common folk. So how can there be any solutions.



@Former Member

..the way I see it, in the words of Malcolm X - "by any means necessary". This forum has been an eye opener for me over the last couple years. I never knew that such hatred for blacks existed in Indians. this is what they endured for 23 years. Sorry, we can't go back to that. It would be the death of the black race in Guyana as you, Rat Man and Toupee Man marginalize us to death.

Survival mode. Tell toupee man that as long as one race seeks dominance over the other, then you can expect these outcomes.



I remember your stories about the black folks that gave you a start in life. Some of these swamp water Indians here should read it. Tomorrow is Sunday. Go dance with your Nigerian pastor and sisters and tek it easy. Peace!


@Former Member

say what it tek yuh foh settle yuh conscience after ayoo teef wid impunity and marginalize. Now you get vex when you can't. Guh look fuh yuh bramin friend dat was screaming how Rat Man gon buss balls and punish we. Ah tink he delete he ID and crying in he basement. Can't even find he balls fuh post. Telling people fuh "rise up" from the depths of he basement. Can't mek this shit up. LMAO.

Last edited by Former Member

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