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How does this Govt. intend to respond to the thriving rape culture?

August 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 



The Stabroek News of Saturday 15 August, 2015 carries a report that the number of reports of Rape is now averaging a little over one a day. Given that rape and other forms of sexual violence are under-reported. The police have indicated that the majority of reports are made about rape of girl children. Rape culture is thriving in Guyana and our children are not immune. The Sexual Offences Act (SOA) of 2010 has a part on Prevention. Section 87 SOA requires that the President should convene an inter-agency National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence, and the section lists who the members should be and the responsibilities of the Task Force. The SOA mandates that the Task Force should be supported by a Sexual Violence Unit in the Ministry of Social Protection. Neither the Task Force nor the Unit seemed to have been functional in the previous administration. The new Government no doubt has many things to fix.  Changing rape culture requires intense effort at all levels of the society. The establishment of the National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence would undoubtedly signify the Government’s intention to respond to the occurrence of rape and other sexual offences. Vidyaratha Kissoon

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PPP/C sex crimes against minors

September 30, 2011Leave a commentGo to comments

Sexual fascism in Guyana: Maniacs in the corridors of power


The irony pierces your psyche and lacerates your soul as you read more and more of the condemnations of some perverted politicians in the corridors of power of sexual abuse. Surely, if God exists, he would strike down these hypocrites. Times like these I ask God where is he. He doesn’t speak to me so I retain my faith in the philosophy. Sexual horrors permeate the corridors of power. I say in evanescent language, most emphatically and unambiguously no PNC Government, under Burnham and Hoyte, and no Caribbean country since self government right up to the present time would tolerate the level of sexual vulgarity, libidinous bestiality and sexual degeneracy that have taken place among high political elites in the power establishment as what we have seen in Guyana since Cheddi Jagan died. I have made my judgements against the leadership qualities of Cheddi Jagan but I doubt he would have allowed some of his underlings to retain high offices after he found out about their sexual rapacity. I cannot discuss the CN Sharma court case because it is sub judice but some political elites should be investigated too. Here are a few episodes of sexual animalism that ought to galvanize you saving Guyana’s future. There is this well known figure in the Hindu religion who did crazy things to his innocent secretary. I will live with the regret that I didn’t save that girl’s life. I see her image in front of me now – petite, small visage, long, flowing, curly hair and the look of innocence. I met her the week before she committed suicide. I went to the government office where she worked for this man that Jagan nurtured for so long in Jagan’s career. She was depressed. She spoke to me of her status as a sexual servant to this man, all in the promise that he would get a visa for her. But the revelation had dawned that he wasn’t going to get her one. She submitted to all kinds of sexual unorthodoxies just to get her visa. But she was caught in a no-win game. She kept serving him to get her visa but he wasn’t going to let her go because she was a source of endless sex. She told me he refused to return her passport after a relative agreed to attempt to get her a visa. He abused her, threatened to expose her and tore up the passport in front of her in his office. She went home the same day and committed suicide. If ever this government changes hands, I will walk this entire country demanding the prosecution of this aging religious hypocrite. Why talk about Sharma when this guy deserves to be in jail. What about the little fourteen-year-old girl from the West Coast whose last name is that of a prominent opposition figure? You want to see fear in the eyes of someone, then, talk to her mother about the rape of her daughter. She is so scared that one day they will come and kill her. This 14-year-old was raped at a known East Bank business place by three wealthy men who give money to a powerful political party with all-powerful politicians. As they were driving her out, a hugely powerful politician was driving in. He stopped to speak to the people inside the car that was leaving. The rape victim saw him, he saw her. The same day, their operatives went to kill her and they threatened her mother. A good man got her to Canada where on investigation by the Refugee Board, she was granted asylum. The Board did send down an agent here to collect evidence. Canada cannot deny this Mr. Big a visa because refugee cases are confidential. What about the other mother who was given a house lot and one million dollars after one of Janet Jagan’s favourite cadres who holds an important portfolio ravished her fourteen-year-old daughter (seems that they pick on fourteen-year-old girls). Instead of taking her to her home as requested by the mother, he took her to Ogle when he denuded and penetrated her. The mother said to me” β€œFreddie, I am not going to talk to you about it; you should know nothing will come of it, so why shouldn’t I take the money and the land.” Her last words to me as I left the Ministry where she works was, β€œFreddie, please don’t write about it; I’m begging you.” One last example. This other Mr. Big who functions in the legal sector, beat up his lover in his office (he’s married with grown up kids), then literally kicked her down the steps. These people make CN Sharma look like an angel.




Bharrat Jagdeo/Donald Ramotar Office of the President pro PPP/C website has illegal porn for download

Well we all know that the PPP/C are quite welcoming to the porn thing, well that is if they are the ones making and consuming it, remember Minister of Labour, Human Services and Social Security, the Honorable Bibi Shadick’s nephew porn production involving under aged girls being drugged and raped? http://guyanagroove.blogspot.c...uld-make-things.html




Official’s son charged for rape of girl, 14

February 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Vishnu Singh, the son of a high-profile member of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) was

 Vishnu Singh leaving the Sparendaam Court

Vishnu Singh leaving the Sparendaam Court

hauled before the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court yesterday to face the charge of rape of a child under 16 years old. He left the courtroom two hours later having posted bail in the sum of $400,000. General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), Jagnarine Singh, was present in the courtroom so that when bail was fixed, he was on hand to post the stipulated sum and to support his son, Vishnu Singh. The matter was held in camera. Neither the 14-year-old victim nor any of her relatives was in court. Singh was not required to plead when the charge was read to him by Magistrate Zamela Ali. Prosecutor John Singh informed the Magistrate that the 23-year-old, who manages a trucking business, allegedly met the complainant on January 27, last, on Agriculture Road. At the time, she was still attired in her uniform. It is alleged that the assailant was driving his mother’s car and had lured the young woman into the vehicle under the pretext that they were going to discuss the things she needed for a beauty pageant she is interested in. The Prosecutor also revealed that the accused and the victim stayed in contact for some time on Facebook and text messages via mobile phones. The Magistrate took note of the point that Singh had voluntarily presented himself to the police for questioning when the allegations were made by the victim. Kaieteur News understands that the accused claims that he did not rape the teenage girl but that the sex was consensual. However, the age of consent in Guyana, is 16 years old. Attorney at Law, Ganesh Hira, represented Singh and stated that his client who lives at Lot 8 Back Street, Better Hope, East Coast Demerara with his parents and siblings had no prior charges and that it was the first time he is before any court. He requested bail in a reasonable amount. But the Prosecutor objected. Despite a police officer, who was recently exposed in an attempt to negotiate settlement with the victim’s cousin, being investigated, the accused was granted bail. The businessman is required to report to Sparendaam Police Station every Friday at 10:00 hrs and refrain from making any contact with the victim via any means. He was also instructed to lodge his passport with the court. After the matter was heard, the GRDB Manager left the court room and returned to post bail for his son. The accused lingered in the courtroom for several minutes. With his head tucked in the front of his blue, plaid shirt, he hurried down the stairs to the back of the court where his father was parked and waiting to collect him. Reporters swarmed the full-figured man until he got into the back seat of his father’s Nissan truck. Jagnarine Singh appeared to be peeved that media operatives followed his son, as he was heard, shouting, β€œHey, Hey, Hey, Don’t touch my vehicle. Back off.” The accused is scheduled to return on February 18. Kaieteur News had initially broken the story on Sunday. The teen had submitted detailed statements of the alleged rape as well as a medical document to police. She reportedly also took photographs which show bite marks that were allegedly inflicted during the assault. Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster had subsequently urged Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud to give the case β€œspecial attention.” Webster had also requested that Persaud conduct a β€œdetailed investigation” into allegations that a police rank tried to pervert the course of justice into the matter. Just one day after, the Director of Public Prosecutions was in possession of the file and had advised for the son of the prominent official to be charged. The matter involving the alleged defaulting officer is still being investigated.


 Guyanese parents have a solution  to the rape culture. They marry their daughters at an early age, and even to an older man.

We know of 17 year old who just finished high school and never dated, marrying a 40 year old man. She says it like sleeping with her father.  

If they get raped, they might never find a husband. So the logic of the father is the best option for their daughters.   

Last edited by Tola

Like suicide, rape in Guyana is an endemic social problem. Politicizing this problem will not help. The police say that for the past seven months there has been one reported rape per day. The coalition is only three months old.

This rape problem requires a national effort involving not only all political parties but also religious and social organizations, professionals and ordinary individuals in all communities. No government can legislate an end to rape. Vidyartha Kissoon may mean well but his focus is narrow.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like suicide, rape in Guyana is an endemic social problem. Politicizing this problem will not help. The police say that for the past seven months there has been one reported rape per day. The coalition is only three months old.

This rape problem requires a national effort involving not only all political parties but also religious and social organizations, professionals and ordinary individuals in all communities. No government can legislate an end to rape. Vidyartha Kissoon may mean well but his focus is narrow

Like suicide prevention, only  a national effort might  see result for rape prevention..

But give de new government  time, they  need to build Rome, destroyed by the PPP corruption and greed Jagdeo's three transformers and heated swimming pool.    



Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Like suicide, rape in Guyana is an endemic social problem. Politicizing this problem will not help. The police say that for the past seven months there has been one reported rape per day. The coalition is only three months old.

This rape problem requires a national effort involving not only all political parties but also religious and social organizations, professionals and ordinary individuals in all communities. No government can legislate an end to rape. Vidyartha Kissoon may mean well but his focus is narrow

Like suicide prevention, only  a national effort might  see result for rape prevention..

But give de new government  time, they  need to build Rome, destroyed by the PPP corruption and greed Jagdeo's three transformers and heated swimming pool.    



and the air conditioned dog house.

Originally Posted by asj:

How does this Govt. intend to respond to the thriving rape culture?

August 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 



The Stabroek News of Saturday 15 August, 2015 carries a report that the number of reports of Rape is now averaging a little over one a day. Given that rape and other forms of sexual violence are under-reported. The police have indicated that the majority of reports are made about rape of girl children. Rape culture is thriving in Guyana and our children are not immune. The Sexual Offences Act (SOA) of 2010 has a part on Prevention. Section 87 SOA requires that the President should convene an inter-agency National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence, and the section lists who the members should be and the responsibilities of the Task Force. The SOA mandates that the Task Force should be supported by a Sexual Violence Unit in the Ministry of Social Protection. Neither the Task Force nor the Unit seemed to have been functional in the previous administration. The new Government no doubt has many things to fix.  Changing rape culture requires intense effort at all levels of the society. The establishment of the National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence would undoubtedly signify the Government’s intention to respond to the occurrence of rape and other sexual offences. Vidyaratha Kissoon

Very relevant point VIDYA

Originally Posted by asj:

How does this Govt. intend to respond to the thriving rape culture?

August 18, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 



The Stabroek News of Saturday 15 August, 2015 carries a report that the number of reports of Rape is now averaging a little over one a day. Given that rape and other forms of sexual violence are under-reported. The police have indicated that the majority of reports are made about rape of girl children. Rape culture is thriving in Guyana and our children are not immune. The Sexual Offences Act (SOA) of 2010 has a part on Prevention. Section 87 SOA requires that the President should convene an inter-agency National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence, and the section lists who the members should be and the responsibilities of the Task Force. The SOA mandates that the Task Force should be supported by a Sexual Violence Unit in the Ministry of Social Protection. Neither the Task Force nor the Unit seemed to have been functional in the previous administration. The new Government no doubt has many things to fix.  Changing rape culture requires intense effort at all levels of the society. The establishment of the National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence would undoubtedly signify the Government’s intention to respond to the occurrence of rape and other sexual offences. Vidyaratha Kissoon

This topic should read: How does this Govt. intend to respond to the thriving rape culture, inherited from the previous PPP/C Administration?

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The greatest obstacle in the way of fighting crime effectively is a judiciary and police force that is biased racially and politically. Tell us how many successful prosecutions of murder and robbery have their been for crimes committed around the Buxton area on the East Coast of Demerara?

Are you saying that the judges and magistrates is racially biased? With nearly all of them of East Indian descent that could be the case. More East Indians escape justice than Afro Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Your statements are riddled with false information about the racial make-up of the judiciary. Most of the magistrates are either Afros and sell-out Indos who have nothing moral or ethical in their souls.


Ian Chang [Chinee]

B.S. Roy [Coolie]

Yonnette Cummings-Edwards [Black]



Dawn Gregory [Black]

James Bovell-Drakes [Black]

Roxanne George-Wiltshire [Black]

Brassington Reynolds [Black]

Franklyn Delano Holder [Black]

Sandra Kurtzious [Black]

Jo-Ann Barlow [Black]

Priya Sewnarine Beharry [Coolie]

Nareshwar Harnanan [Coolie]

Navindra Singh [Coolie]

Diana Fazeela Insanally [Coolie]

Rishi Persaud [Coolie]

William Ramlall [Coolie]


ATTENTION BILLY: The Judge who gave me this list wants you to name the "sell-out Indos who have nothing moral or ethical in their souls."



Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Your statements are riddled with false information about the racial make-up of the judiciary. Most of the magistrates are either Afros and sell-out Indos who have nothing moral or ethical in their souls.


Ian Chang [Chinee]

B.S. Roy [Coolie]

Yonnette Cummings-Edwards [Black]



Dawn Gregory [Black]

James Bovell-Drakes [Black]

Roxanne George-Wiltshire [Black]

Brassington Reynolds [Black]

Franklyn Delano Holder [Black]

Sandra Kurtzious [Black]

Jo-Ann Barlow [Black]

Priya Sewnarine Beharry [Coolie]

Nareshwar Harnanan [Coolie]

Navindra Singh [Coolie]

Diana Fazeela Insanally [Coolie]

Rishi Persaud [Coolie]

William Ramlall [Coolie]


ATTENTION BILLY: The Judge who gave me this list wants you to name the "sell-out Indos who have nothing moral or ethical in their souls."



Come on now Billy. ????


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