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How Donald Trump's presidency could impact New York City | Crain's New York Business <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" /> <!-- Facebook Pixel: Begin site img overrides --> <!-- no facebook-pixel-custom.pbo for site CN --> <!-- Facebook Pixel: End site img overrides --></noscript> <noscript><img src="" /></noscript>


How Donald Trump's presidency could affect New York City

The policies Trump has proposed would wreak havoc on the city and its people, though Republicans guiding his transition have hewed closely to GOP orthodoxy

Photo: Bloomberg News
We hope Trump's talk about ending "sanctuary cities," raising tariffs on Chinese imports and reviving stop-and-frisk are not his plans to govern.

Many New Yorkers fear what Donald Trump’s presidency will mean to them. It is our belief that the polarizing rhetoric of his campaign will not give rise to policies that punish the economy and people of our city.

The anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim bluster that brought Trump enthusiastic support outside of major cities is of great concern. Nearly 40% of New York City’s population is foreign-born, and millions more are first- or second-generation Americans. We are a top terrorism target and need the Muslim community’s help in preventing attacks, not a president who motivates ISIS recruits. It is essential that we remain a city where people of any background can feel comfortable and contribute to our economy, not be deported if they report a crime or seek permits to open a business.

Maybe Trump’s talk about kicking out Mexicans or ending “sanctuary cities” was a plan to get elected, not to govern. We hope so. He has proposed 45% tariffs on imports from China and Mexico—which would spark a trade war that would hurt the city’s exporters, financial firms and other businesses without bringing back any factories. He also has endorsed breaking up big banks, several of which are based here.

But the message so far from the Republicans guiding his transition has hewed closely to GOP orthodoxy: Loosen the post-recession financial reforms. That would in fact help the big banks grow, and could be good for New York if not done recklessly.

Trump’s authority is not without limits. He advocated reprising stop-and-frisk policing on a massive scale, a frightening prospect to African-Americans, who comprise one-quarter of New York City. But he lacks the power to do that and, in any case, might have since learned that crime fell before the stop-and-frisk blitz and after it ended.

Trump and the Republicans who will control Congress support expanding firearms access, but New York’s tough gun-control laws will remain.

Any legislation of particular harm to New York, for that matter, such as cuts to Medicaid, food stamps and housing subsidies, figures to be filibustered in the Senate, where Brooklyn’s Charles Schumer will be minority leader. As the nation’s most powerful Democrat, Schumer can help Trump deliver on promises that would benefit the city, such as more infrastructure funding. A New Yorker himself, Trump should champion his hometown’s cause on these and all matters, even though the city didn’t vote for him.

It’s worth noting that of late, Trump has curbed his divisive, inflammatory language and focused his message on fixing Washington—something on which we can all agree. If he works on uniting the country, New York should be all right. — THE EDITORS


A version of this article appears in the November 14, 2016, print issue of Crain's New York Business.


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Donald trump will be his own man. No one is going to tell Donald what he can do and cannot do(except for Mitch McConnell). Sit back and watch the republican party feather Donald. They might even impeach him at the slightest hint of a misstep.


I thought the stock market was going to collapse and the roof would going to come down.  All the Liberal jokers have been wrong thus far in every way.  Why does anyone still pay attention.  People need to wait for the man to start doing his thing.

When did Trump ever talk of immigration?  The only immigrants to worry are the illegals, and even then, only the criminals among them.  Only Muslims who like to dance in the streets against America will need to think twice.

NY is a bastion of Democrat Liberals, they still reeling from Hillary's crushing defeat.  But stop preaching lies, you deluding yourselves!!

Chief, stop clowning round.  Many more US companies were on a hire freeze over a possibility of a Hillary win.  There will always be sectors feeling the squeeze and others seeing opportunities under any administration.  This is nothing new.

Chief, could you please tell us the sectors of the foreign-based companies on a hiring freeze and why?


For baseman, this is from Crain's which represents some of the elite interests in NYC.

They don't trust Trump.

So let Trump go and put 40% tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports. Most of these products are within the US supply chain, so he will also be hurting US companies as costs are driven up.

Robot manufacturers will do well. Not sure who else.  Trump's folks will not find work until they quit whining about "how hard life is to be white".

The notion that whites have it harder than any one else is a joke.  And they need to stop blaming the Mexicans because their stupid kids become drug addicts. When it was the inner city blacks and Puerto Ricans doing this we heard lots about personal responsibility.

So they need to practice what they preach.


Donald trump will be his own man. No one is going to tell Donald what he can do and cannot do(except for Mitch McConnell). Sit back and watch the republican party feather Donald. They might even impeach him at the slightest hint of a misstep.

I would not be surprised if Obama pardon both Hillary and Trump for any past infractions, known or unknown, in a deal to protect his legacy!  He could say it's a patriotic move to free the new president to focus on uniting and building the nation!!


NYC has a strong economy, which pays taxes to support all of these dead beat economies that the Trump idiots live.

The markets did very well under Obama.  All 3 indexes hit records, even the NASDAQ. How come you don't give Obama credit.  In fact today's market levels are BELOW the records hit earlier this year.

So give OBAMA credit for market performance. Trump has yet to do a thing.  The market lives in hope that he doesn't actually implement what he said that he would.

The irony is that hard working blue state people pay income taxes so that the red state impoverished can get their food stamps, disability insurance and Federal pork.  

Imagine one of the reasons why the Trump people cited their votes was because they blamed Mexicans for the fact that their kid OD from drugs.


I would not be surprised if Obama pardon both Hillary and Trump for any past infractions, known or unknown, in a deal to protect his legacy!  He could say it's a patriotic move to free the new president to focus on uniting and building the nation!!


Don't you have to be convicted of a crime before you can be pardoned?


Caribj, this is all poppycock.  As you see, Trump has moderated his approach.  Trump will need to do whatever he needs to do in a structured and moderated manner.  He ain't slapping unilateral tariffs as he said, this was all election posturing.  Trump is a pragmatist and will be methodical in the way he fulfills his election promises.

Trump will develop and apply a set of incentives and disincentives to create the business case for more high-value high/mid-tech being kept in the USA.  He will not be punitive in his approach to influencing businesses decisions.

Deregulation, moderated Obamacare, targeted tax incentives will be some methods while infrastructure, energy, healthcare, military, manufacturing, banking are a few that will see growth.


I would not be surprised if Obama pardon both Hillary and Trump for any past infractions, known or unknown, in a deal to protect his legacy!  He could say it's a patriotic move to free the new president to focus on uniting and building the nation!!

Don't you have to be convicted of a crime before you can be pardoned?

I thought so, but I saw a constitutional lawyer on TV said you don't need to.  The president could take preemptive action on investigations underway even though a case is yet to be made.  Basically, he/she can snuff out the investigation!  I never knew this, I always thought you had to be convicted first!

Last edited by Former Member

NYC has a strong economy, which pays taxes to support all of these dead beat economies that the Trump idiots live.

The markets did very well under Obama.  All 3 indexes hit records, even the NASDAQ. How come you don't give Obama credit.  In fact today's market levels are BELOW the records hit earlier this year.

So give OBAMA credit for market performance. Trump has yet to do a thing.  The market lives in hope that he doesn't actually implement what he said that he would.

The irony is that hard working blue state people pay income taxes so that the red state impoverished can get their food stamps, disability insurance and Federal pork.  

Imagine one of the reasons why the Trump people cited their votes was because they blamed Mexicans for the fact that their kid OD from drugs.

Sheer, simplistic poppycock!!  I will not invest more energy on this sh1tty post!!


Trump has a WHITE SUPREMACIST playing a key role.  The KKK congratulated him on this appointment, and now eagerly await the USA being converted into a nation where whites have more rights than others.

How moderate is a man who has said bad things about blacks, Jews, Hispanics and Muslims?  Trump was very divisive in his campaign, and one would think that his number goal would be to send out a message of inclusion.

His does NOT.

And now he wants his kids to be both running his company and SIMULTANEOUSLY being involved as advisors to him, even potentially receiving security clearances.

Sorry. I have no faith in Trump, and neither should you, as this is a man who changes his mind more often than a leaf changes directions in a storm.

His votes came from people who wanted immigrants out (not undocumented migrants by immigrants).  As we speak they are harassing, not only immigrants, but even black AMERICANS.

All over this country there are reports of people being harassed, even beaten. These are people who see that Trump received congratulations for appointing Bannon into a key spot, so now feel entitled to do what ever they wish to people who are different.


Baseman.   The market did well under Obama and you don't want to give him credit. It is still doing well, and now you wish to give Trump credit, even as Trump is yet to be president.

Baseman accept the fact that the market is hoping that Trump doesn't make too many changes, this being why it hasn't dropped.

The market hit records this year, even the NASDAQ.  So clearly the market is quite happy with Obama, even if poorer people aren't.

But yes I do now why you are angry and cannot respond, as you know fully well that I am correct.




Caribj, this is all poppycock. As you see, Trump has moderated his approach. Trump will need to do whatever he needs to do in a structured and moderated manner. He ain't slapping unilateral tariffs as he said, this was all election posturing.

I guess  he is a forked tongue paleface! That is putting lying to get ones way while insulting others and calling them nasty names as something you think is acceptable. And that is also leaving aside his worse faults.


Last edited by Former Member

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