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Former Member

The Brown Paper Bag:

  No Love for Donald

Every week,

you will be given a peak into

The Brown Paper Bag of Guyanese life...

this week we find out that "a few months ago,

just before the elections,

a friend in the PPP had warned

that Guyana will see

“The Return of the Bharrat”

and it will mark the end

of the political life of

“The Donald”.

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

If there was any doubt that the

Donald Ramotar Presidency of three years

was just a plaster for

the bigger bandage in the background,

then the last week of budget debates

has put all of those doubts to rest.


The PPP took its 32 seats

on the Opposition side of parliament on Monday,

that’s three months after the elections.


They wanted to talk budget and

so they went in there to join the budget debate.

This was their time to call out the new government

on some of the issues they are concerned about

and even on issues that have nothing to do

with the budget, governance or the new government.


A few months ago, just before the elections,

a friend in the PPP had warned that

Guyana will see “The Return of the Bharrat”

and it will mark

the end of the political life of

“The Donald”.



So last Monday,

The Bharrat decided to return

to the National Assembly as a member.


He had not been there since 1999

when he became President.


The PPP wanted to make an entrance

and they did just that.

The Bharrat pulled up,

handed over his bag to one Member of Parliament

and his books and documents to another.

These were his new fetching boys,

least for the day,

and so he started the stride into the National Assembly.

The Arrival [Stabroek News photo)

The Arrival (Stabroek News photo)



With a smirk of importance but a beaten up spirit,

Jagdeo made long strides into the Parliament buildings

and gazed around on the outside

as if he was a schoolboy now on tour for the first time.

He appeared lost and out of his zone

but it was the smirk of importance

that kept him going.


Cheers erupted with chants of

“Jagdeo” and “we leader”

as The Bharrat entered the House.

The cheers were coming from

his fellow opposition members.



Reality soon set in

as they took their oath of office

and found themselves

comfortably seated in the Opposition chairs.


Moments later,

Jagdeo and the rest of the crew

retreated to make him Opposition Leader

and it was the fastest elections ever,

Steve Surujubally would be jealous.

In less than 15 minutes,

The Bharrat emerged

out of the Committees room

as Opposition Leader

and started to give press interviews

to Moseley, Chabrol and the rest of the press

he once called Carrion Crows.


So he found himself

surrounded by the “Carrion crows”

as they picked him apart with questions.



The bell rang,

the interviews ended and the budget debates began.

Young star Irfaan Ali became the first speaker

from his side to offer a response for the budget

and it was here

that this Brown Paper Bag

realized Donald

might have been

well lathered with the grease.


Irfaan spoke for about 30 minutes,

too much time to be rambling,

but in that 30 minutes,

this young man who became a Minister of Housing

as well as a Minister of Tourism

at the same time under Donald Ramotar,

never once mentioned the name “Donald”.

He spoke about the PPP and

the great leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 3.47.29 PM

Opposition Member of Parliament,

Irfaan Ali


Donald was not in parliament

and he was not missed,

not even by his own party members.

At first, I thought this was just an oversight

but the trend continued

as 30 of the 32 speakers (including Jagdeo),

rose to their feet and never mentioned

the Donald Ramotar presidency,

accomplishments of that Presidency

or even offered the man a bit of thanks

as the Head of their electoral list.

Donald appeared persona non grata

in his own house.

No Love was being shown for him.


In contrast, the members jumped up and down

and showered The Bharrat with so much praise,

it would make one forget

that they were kneeling before a man

who as President

oversaw some of the worst killings,

drug runnings and

victimization that Guyana has ever seen.


This was no Prince of Peace,

but his loyal followers

certainly treated him that way.

Even The Great Gail told the press

that The Bharrat is back and

she knows that the government

“frighten the man bad”.


As all of that was happening

for an entire week and

30 speakers had nothing to say

about their last president

and the man who would have been president

if they did not lose the elections,

I wondered where was Donald.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.25.53 AM

Gail and Clement



Many mornings when I walk down Robb street,

I would notice his big black land cruiser

parked early in front of Freedom House.

The Bharrat has one too,

but he is never early for anything.


The ignoring of Donald Ramotar

by his own party comrades

during the budget debate

confirmed that within the walls of Freedom House,

there was still a house divided.

That house started to show cracks

just after Donald became President in 2011.

Jagdeo would still walk in to Office of the President

with as many security and cars waiting as the new President

and he would give out instructions to everyone

as The Donald would sit there and nod

in agreement

even if there was nothing for him to agree.



That continued for the past three years

as Jagdeo traveled abroad

claiming to represent Guyana

at meetings for the government

although he had no confirmed government role.

Jagdeo never left office.

He merely had a time-keeper in place.



When the PPP government

and the then opposition were having problems in 2014,

Donald allowed Jagdeo

from the background to dictate to him

what he should and should not do.

Many in the party did not like the approach

but like a good girl guides battalion,

they sat and kept quiet with cookies in hand.


My friends in the PPP said

Jagdeo wanted fresh elections

because he thought

that even as he stood in the background,

Donald was not listening.

The elections date was set,

Donald was chosen as Presidential Candidate

with Elisabeth Harper as Prime Minister Candidate

and Uncle Sam sent into retirement.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.28.00 AM

Keep your friends close…



But lurking around the corridors of Freedom House

was The Bharrat and he inserted himself daily

and so it came as no surprise

when his name appeared

on the party’s list as a candidate.

This was a regular candidate

with extraordinary power

and he threw it around

much to the annoyance of some Donald loyalists

including the younger Ramotar, Alexie,

who felt that his father was being shoved

into the shadows of Jagdeo.


That may have been the smartest thing to cross the mind of the younger Ramotar in all his life.

He was right and many others shared his view

but preferred the girl guides posture.


Throughout the campaign, Jagdeo asserted himself more.

He called his own press conference,

hired his own press relations’ team

and courted members of the party to be at his side

and make him opposition leader

if they were to lose the elections.

The elections came and they lost

and on one gloomy day on Robb Street,

a beaten and tired Donald was beaten up further

as the party unanimously

chose Jagdeo over him

to be their Leader of the Opposition.

Donald could not muster

a single vote in the executive committee.


The same people, who voted unanimously

to make him their Presidential Candidate in 2011,

were now against him

and his way of doing business.


To them, he was a failure

and many of them whispered the feeling

during their coffee chats outside of Freedom House.

Many in the PPP were not happy

because although Donald did not win the elections,

he led the party to its greatest elections vote gain since 1992.

Every other year,

the party’s votes were going down until this last May.

Jagdeo took the credit

and believes he was the one who did that.


The protests came and Jagdeo was always a no-show,

even as Donald with badly written placard in hand

joined his fellow party members for the short struggle

against the elections.

But Jagdeo still wanted Donald to be part of the parliament.

After all, he was the last Presidential Candidate

and it would mark the first time

that a former Presidential Candidate

for a losing party in Guyana

would not take up a seat in the parliament.

Some of the same people who voted against Donald,

now wanted him to sit with them

but not at the head of the table,

a little down after Rohee and Gail.


He would have none of it

and decided against taking up that seat.


His PM Candidate, Lis Harper,

had psychic vision and knew what was coming

and so she hurried away from the PPP

because she thought they were a band of people

without principles now being led

by a man who would be opposing

for opposing sake.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.30.12 AM



And so Donald found himself getting no love.

He had already given up

the General Secretary spot to Clement Rohee.

So although he remains in the PPP at the highest level,

he was now a man without belonging.

No longer President,

no longer General Secretary

and not good enough to be opposition leader.

During the 2011 campaign,

it was Rupert Roopnarine who coined the

“No Place for Donald” chant.

Donald was now, not only without a place,

but also without any love.


The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Jalil:

The Brown Paper Bag:

  No Love for Donald

Every week,

you will be given a peak into

The Brown Paper Bag of Guyanese life...

this week we find out that "a few months ago,

just before the elections,

a friend in the PPP had warned

that Guyana will see

“The Return of the Bharrat”

and it will mark the end

of the political life of

“The Donald”.

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

If there was any doubt that the

Donald Ramotar Presidency of three years

was just a plaster for

the bigger bandage in the background,

then the last week of budget debates

has put all of those doubts to rest.


The PPP took its 32 seats

on the Opposition side of parliament on Monday,

that’s three months after the elections.


They wanted to talk budget and

so they went in there to join the budget debate.

This was their time to call out the new government

on some of the issues they are concerned about

and even on issues that have nothing to do

with the budget, governance or the new government.


A few months ago, just before the elections,

a friend in the PPP had warned that

Guyana will see “The Return of the Bharrat”

and it will mark

the end of the political life of

“The Donald”.



So last Monday,

The Bharrat decided to return

to the National Assembly as a member.


He had not been there since 1999

when he became President.


The PPP wanted to make an entrance

and they did just that.

The Bharrat pulled up,

handed over his bag to one Member of Parliament

and his books and documents to another.

These were his new fetching boys,

least for the day,

and so he started the stride into the National Assembly.

The Arrival [Stabroek News photo)

The Arrival (Stabroek News photo)



With a smirk of importance but a beaten up spirit,

Jagdeo made long strides into the Parliament buildings

and gazed around on the outside

as if he was a schoolboy now on tour for the first time.

He appeared lost and out of his zone

but it was the smirk of importance

that kept him going.


Cheers erupted with chants of

“Jagdeo” and “we leader”

as The Bharrat entered the House.

The cheers were coming from

his fellow opposition members.



Reality soon set in

as they took their oath of office

and found themselves

comfortably seated in the Opposition chairs.


Moments later,

Jagdeo and the rest of the crew

retreated to make him Opposition Leader

and it was the fastest elections ever,

Steve Surujubally would be jealous.

In less than 15 minutes,

The Bharrat emerged

out of the Committees room

as Opposition Leader

and started to give press interviews

to Moseley, Chabrol and the rest of the press

he once called Carrion Crows.


So he found himself

surrounded by the “Carrion crows”

as they picked him apart with questions.



The bell rang,

the interviews ended and the budget debates began.

Young star Irfaan Ali became the first speaker

from his side to offer a response for the budget

and it was here

that this Brown Paper Bag

realized Donald

might have been

well lathered with the grease.


Irfaan spoke for about 30 minutes,

too much time to be rambling,

but in that 30 minutes,

this young man who became a Minister of Housing

as well as a Minister of Tourism

at the same time under Donald Ramotar,

never once mentioned the name “Donald”.

He spoke about the PPP and

the great leader Bharrat Jagdeo.

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 3.47.29 PM

Opposition Member of Parliament,

Irfaan Ali


Donald was not in parliament

and he was not missed,

not even by his own party members.

At first, I thought this was just an oversight

but the trend continued

as 30 of the 32 speakers (including Jagdeo),

rose to their feet and never mentioned

the Donald Ramotar presidency,

accomplishments of that Presidency

or even offered the man a bit of thanks

as the Head of their electoral list.

Donald appeared persona non grata

in his own house.

No Love was being shown for him.


In contrast, the members jumped up and down

and showered The Bharrat with so much praise,

it would make one forget

that they were kneeling before a man

who as President

oversaw some of the worst killings,

drug runnings and

victimization that Guyana has ever seen.


This was no Prince of Peace,

but his loyal followers

certainly treated him that way.

Even The Great Gail told the press

that The Bharrat is back and

she knows that the government

“frighten the man bad”.


As all of that was happening

for an entire week and

30 speakers had nothing to say

about their last president

and the man who would have been president

if they did not lose the elections,

I wondered where was Donald.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.25.53 AM

Gail and Clement



Many mornings when I walk down Robb street,

I would notice his big black land cruiser

parked early in front of Freedom House.

The Bharrat has one too,

but he is never early for anything.


The ignoring of Donald Ramotar

by his own party comrades

during the budget debate

confirmed that within the walls of Freedom House,

there was still a house divided.

That house started to show cracks

just after Donald became President in 2011.

Jagdeo would still walk in to Office of the President

with as many security and cars waiting as the new President

and he would give out instructions to everyone

as The Donald would sit there and nod

in agreement

even if there was nothing for him to agree.



That continued for the past three years

as Jagdeo traveled abroad

claiming to represent Guyana

at meetings for the government

although he had no confirmed government role.

Jagdeo never left office.

He merely had a time-keeper in place.



When the PPP government

and the then opposition were having problems in 2014,

Donald allowed Jagdeo

from the background to dictate to him

what he should and should not do.

Many in the party did not like the approach

but like a good girl guides battalion,

they sat and kept quiet with cookies in hand.


My friends in the PPP said

Jagdeo wanted fresh elections

because he thought

that even as he stood in the background,

Donald was not listening.

The elections date was set,

Donald was chosen as Presidential Candidate

with Elisabeth Harper as Prime Minister Candidate

and Uncle Sam sent into retirement.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.28.00 AM

Keep your friends close…



But lurking around the corridors of Freedom House

was The Bharrat and he inserted himself daily

and so it came as no surprise

when his name appeared

on the party’s list as a candidate.

This was a regular candidate

with extraordinary power

and he threw it around

much to the annoyance of some Donald loyalists

including the younger Ramotar, Alexie,

who felt that his father was being shoved

into the shadows of Jagdeo.


That may have been the smartest thing to cross the mind of the younger Ramotar in all his life.

He was right and many others shared his view

but preferred the girl guides posture.


Throughout the campaign, Jagdeo asserted himself more.

He called his own press conference,

hired his own press relations’ team

and courted members of the party to be at his side

and make him opposition leader

if they were to lose the elections.

The elections came and they lost

and on one gloomy day on Robb Street,

a beaten and tired Donald was beaten up further

as the party unanimously

chose Jagdeo over him

to be their Leader of the Opposition.

Donald could not muster

a single vote in the executive committee.


The same people, who voted unanimously

to make him their Presidential Candidate in 2011,

were now against him

and his way of doing business.


To them, he was a failure

and many of them whispered the feeling

during their coffee chats outside of Freedom House.

Many in the PPP were not happy

because although Donald did not win the elections,

he led the party to its greatest elections vote gain since 1992.

Every other year,

the party’s votes were going down until this last May.

Jagdeo took the credit

and believes he was the one who did that.


The protests came and Jagdeo was always a no-show,

even as Donald with badly written placard in hand

joined his fellow party members for the short struggle

against the elections.

But Jagdeo still wanted Donald to be part of the parliament.

After all, he was the last Presidential Candidate

and it would mark the first time

that a former Presidential Candidate

for a losing party in Guyana

would not take up a seat in the parliament.

Some of the same people who voted against Donald,

now wanted him to sit with them

but not at the head of the table,

a little down after Rohee and Gail.


He would have none of it

and decided against taking up that seat.


His PM Candidate, Lis Harper,

had psychic vision and knew what was coming

and so she hurried away from the PPP

because she thought they were a band of people

without principles now being led

by a man who would be opposing

for opposing sake.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 8.30.12 AM



And so Donald found himself getting no love.

He had already given up

the General Secretary spot to Clement Rohee.

So although he remains in the PPP at the highest level,

he was now a man without belonging.

No longer President,

no longer General Secretary

and not good enough to be opposition leader.

During the 2011 campaign,

it was Rupert Roopnarine who coined the

“No Place for Donald” chant.

Donald was now, not only without a place,

but also without any love.


The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

If you have nothing else to do, why dont you make yourself useful...go write a book with this information you posting here

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

The Brown Paper Bag:

  No Love for Donald

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

If you have nothing else to do, why dont you make yourself useful...go write a book with this information you posting here

OK.....Just before May 11th Elections ...

We Understand Pat Salt was one of the PPP Organizers

who were Parading with Donald & Elizabeth....


We were not told they stole Govt money

to Bring Harper so Hindus can Hang Mala around her Neck...


Now after all de Thiefing,

All De Mala Hanging Round de Neck....

The PPP Presidential Candidate,

De PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate,

The PPP Head of the Electoral List....


Last edited by Former Member

Interesting Jalil.  The Donald is very tired. He was carrying on the struggle since he was a teenager. Janet loved him.   He was a weak president and now he is retired.  There is a loophole in the Constitution  which will make jagdeo run for the Presidency a third time. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Interesting Jalil.  The Donald is very tired. He was carrying on the struggle since he was a teenager. Janet loved him.   He was a weak president and now he is retired.  There is a loophole in the Constitution  which will make jagdeo run for the Presidency a third time. 


Donald was used and abused by de lil boy.

The only thing

Rat can do better than Donald...

is thief Cheese.




Janet did not like Donald.....

Janet like Janet only......and no one else....

Janet was a dunce....

who was manipulate easily



When the true history of the PPP is written....

People will know it was Donald who made Bharrat President.


and Bharat Hijacked the Entire PPP Leadership

by putting them on Govt Payroll.....


and they all remember that Fat Paycheck plus the perks.

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald


And I bet you

Bharat will go to Jail.....

before Donald.


The Arrival [Stabroek News photo)Donald ......

do-not Thief Cheese.... 


Last edited by Former Member

Dem boys seh…Jagdeo treat Donald like a football

August 24, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Donald still wondering if he was ever a politician because he ain’t got nothing to show. He was president and he live in State House but he now wondering if he was dreaming. Normally he woulda be de leader of de party but even that must have been a dream because nobody in de party even calling he name. He was a decent man but he mix up wid de wrong crowd. Dem boys seh that he mix suh till Jagdeo pull he teeth. Jagdeo even thief Red House from under Donald foot and de poor man only know when dem had de debates in Parliament and didn’t even mention he name; not even once. Is then he seh that he did hug up a marabunta nest close to he chest but didn’t realize it. Now he complaining that Jagdeo is ruthless and shameless. Everybody did know, except Donald who didn’t realize, that Jagdeo put he in de president seat just to hold it fuh him. But dem boys seh that Jagdeo got to believe that de whole of Guyana stupid.He talk bout giving young people a chance but he only thinking bout heself. Janet was thinking about young people so she mek Jagdeo president and he sit down in that chair fuh 12 years. He tek way three from Donald when he done serve he 12. He go out and cuss people and mek Donald lose de elections. Then he even kick out Donald out of Parliament after he thief Freedom House. He expect to be president again and de next elections is not until another five years. By then he gun run mad because he got to be half mad. He spend two and a half term and that ain’t enough. There is a plan fuh help he serve again but this time he gun serve time. Fuh every year he punish people he gun serve one year in jail. Everybody else know that. Talk half and hope somebody help Donald.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It shows that Bharat Jagdeo  is in the same league as Forbes Burnham.

You have to admit that Jagdeo is brilliant.

Yeh, he so shine dat he cracked.

Show me a genious or an expert who isn't crazy.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It shows that Bharat Jagdeo  is in the same league as Forbes Burnham.

You have to admit that Jagdeo is brilliant.

Yeh, he so shine dat he cracked.

Show me a genious or an expert who isn't crazy.


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

The Brown Paper Bag:

  No Love for Donald

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

If you have nothing else to do, why dont you make yourself useful...go write a book with this information you posting here

OK.....Just before May 11th Elections ...

We Understand Pat Salt was one of the PPP Organizers

who were Parading with Donald & Elizabeth....


We were not told they stole Govt money

to Bring Harper so Hindus can Hang Mala around her Neck...


Now after all de Thiefing,

All De Mala Hanging Round de Neck....

The PPP Presidential Candidate,

De PPP Prime Ministerial Candidate,

The PPP Head of the Electoral List....


De Cheese Thief & Donald

was Companion

Can De Cheese Thief

Now...Explain Why......


Presidential Candidate,



Prime Ministerial Candidate,



Head of the Electoral List....










AFTER... THE 2015 Elections....



 How & Why

These Leaders are not

in Parliament Now

Representing the PPP....


100% PPP Supporters

Voted for

Ramotar & Harper

To Lead them

in Parliament....


De Cheese Thief

get the PPP Crab Louse

The Arrival [Stabroek News photo) 

to overturn the

The Brown Paper Bag: No Love for Donald

Decision of the PPP Voters



Last edited by Former Member

Bai Jalil, yuh gat a lot od talents .......  and patience.


Coming to the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar, for many years the PPP was pushed around by the PNC and PPP supporters were marginalized. Jagan was a great man but not tough enough to withstand the PNC abuse. Jagdeo brought to the PPP an attitude that the PNC will not push the PPP around like they used to. That was good for the PPP. Jagdeo lead the PPP as long as the law will allow him to. He could have pulled a Burnham and rule by decree like how Burnham wished he would except that the Angel of Death outsmarted Burnham. So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak. He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early. Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims. Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding. He has no fear of the PNC. People expect their leaders to be strong. Jagdeo was/is. Ramotar wasn't. No need to cry over Ramotar. He has his pension. The PPP and their supporters have Jagdeo as leader and that is good for them to keep the PNC from getting too big for their boots. There is not a single politician that is free of sins. No one is looking for a saint in Jagdeo. Let the games begin.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh gat a lot od talents .......  and patience.


Coming to the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar, for many years the PPP was pushed around by the PNC and PPP supporters were marginalized. Jagan was a great man but not tough enough to withstand the PNC abuse. Jagdeo brought to the PPP an attitude that the PNC will not push the PPP around like they used to. That was good for the PPP. Jagdeo lead the PPP as long as the law will allow him to. He could have pulled a Burnham and rule by decree like how Burnham wished he would except that the Angel of Death outsmarted Burnham. So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak. He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early. Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims. Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding. He has no fear of the PNC. People expect their leaders to be strong. Jagdeo was/is. Ramotar wasn't. No need to cry over Ramotar. He has his pension. The PPP and their supporters have Jagdeo as leader and that is good for them to keep the PNC from getting too big for their boots. There is not a single politician that is free of sins. No one is looking for a saint in Jagdeo. Let the games begin.

there are no games sir


observing the deployment of every code word/phrase u can muster for deniability, we note your not-so-opaque support for tribalism and criminality


the only limiting factor to all out, in-your-face racism by u and your ilk is the reality that your kind of nastiness is not sustainable as the Indo-Guyanese majority continues to shrink


uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh gat a lot od talents .......  and patience.


Coming to the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar, for many years the PPP was pushed around by the PNC and PPP supporters were marginalized. Jagan was a great man but not tough enough to withstand the PNC abuse. Jagdeo brought to the PPP an attitude that the PNC will not push the PPP around like they used to. That was good for the PPP. Jagdeo lead the PPP as long as the law will allow him to. He could have pulled a Burnham and rule by decree like how Burnham wished he would except that the Angel of Death outsmarted Burnham. So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak. He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early. Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims. Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding. He has no fear of the PNC. People expect their leaders to be strong. Jagdeo was/is. Ramotar wasn't. No need to cry over Ramotar. He has his pension. The PPP and their supporters have Jagdeo as leader and that is good for them to keep the PNC from getting too big for their boots. There is not a single politician that is free of sins. No one is looking for a saint in Jagdeo. Let the games begin.

there are no games sir


observing the deployment of every code word/phrase u can muster for deniability, we note your not-so-opaque support for tribalism and criminality


the only limiting factor to all out, in-your-face racism by u and your ilk is the reality that your kind of nastiness is not sustainable as the Indo-Guyanese majority continues to shrink


uh huh

You really didn't get it?.  You don't understand a word she said and as a result you became very insulting.  Shame on you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh gat a lot od talents .......  and patience.


Coming to the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar, for many years the PPP was pushed around by the PNC and PPP supporters were marginalized.

My Brother ......

How do you tell the Difference

between the

De Jagdeo PPP & De Old PNC...

Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........

Where does the Thiefing and Corruption Start?

and where does it end? 


Jagan was a great man but not tough enough to withstand the PNC abuse. Jagdeo brought to the PPP an attitude that the PNC will not push the PPP around like they used to. That was good for the PPP.

Jagan never associated himself

with any of these Crooks and Thieves....


Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........


Tell us which one of those thieves, Bandits or Crooks were part of Cheddi Jagan's PPP. 


Jagdeo lead the PPP as long as the law will allow him to.

And then he installed his poppet....

Donald Ramotar...



He could have pulled a Burnham and rule by decree like how Burnham wished he would except that the Angel of Death outsmarted Burnham.

He tried every Trick to hold on to the Presidency like Burnham...

But the Guyanese make sure we do not have a Burnham Jr.


So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak. He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early.

NO....Jagdeo Fuock up the PPP & Govt.....

 Look at De Jagdeo PPP now....

Can you tell the Difference

between De Jagdeo PPP & De Old PNC...

Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........


Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims.

So.....tell us who Choose Ramotar

to be PPP Presidential Candidate?

Answer....PPP leaders in Freedom House.



Who did the PPP supporters

Vote for to Lead them on May 11th?

Answer....Donald Ramotar.



Who rejected the Decision of all (100%) PPP Voters who supported Ramotar and Voted for Ramotar to lead them in Parliament?

Answer....Bharat Jagdeo


Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding.

He has no fear of the PNC.

People expect their leaders to be strong.

Jagdeo was/is. Ramotar wasn't.

No need to cry over Ramotar. He has his pension.

Jagdeo return to Protect

his Corrupt & Thiefman friends

Look at the People

who Jagdeo is trying to protect....

Can you tell the Difference

between De Jagdeo PPP & De Old PNC...

Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........


The PPP and their supporters have Jagdeo as leader and that is good for them to keep the PNC from getting too big for their boots.

Look at Jagdeo & PPP Supporters now.....

Can you tell the Difference

between De Jagdeo PPP & De Old PNC...

Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........



There is not a single politician that is free of sins.

No one is looking for a saint in Jagdeo.

Let the games begin.

Jagdeo only have thiefman support

Look who is De Jagdeo PPP now....

Can you tell the Difference

between De Jagdeo PPP & De Old PNC...

Jagdeo, Kwame, Ramsammy, Lamumba, Roger Khan, Manniram, Eddie Boyer, Kit Nascimento, Joe Hamilton, Norman McClean, Ed Ahmad, Bobby Ramroop, Fip Motilal, Jerry Gouviea, Philip Bynoe, Brian Young, Juan Edgehill, Jennifer, Witicka, Dookoo, Sonny Ramdeo, De PPP Private Jet Pilot, Irfan Ali........


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Bai Jalil, yuh gat a lot od talents .......  and patience.


Coming to the PPP, Jagdeo and Ramotar, for many years the PPP was pushed around by the PNC and PPP supporters were marginalized. Jagan was a great man but not tough enough to withstand the PNC abuse. Jagdeo brought to the PPP an attitude that the PNC will not push the PPP around like they used to. That was good for the PPP. Jagdeo lead the PPP as long as the law will allow him to. He could have pulled a Burnham and rule by decree like how Burnham wished he would except that the Angel of Death outsmarted Burnham. So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak. He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early. Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims. Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding. He has no fear of the PNC. People expect their leaders to be strong. Jagdeo was/is. Ramotar wasn't. No need to cry over Ramotar. He has his pension. The PPP and their supporters have Jagdeo as leader and that is good for them to keep the PNC from getting too big for their boots. There is not a single politician that is free of sins. No one is looking for a saint in Jagdeo. Let the games begin.

there are no games sir


observing the deployment of every code word/phrase u can muster for deniability, we note your not-so-opaque support for tribalism and criminality


the only limiting factor to all out, in-your-face racism by u and your ilk is the reality that your kind of nastiness is not sustainable as the Indo-Guyanese majority continues to shrink


uh huh

You really didn't get it?. 

You don't understand a word she said and as a result you became very insulting.

Rama haul yuh skoooont...

ksazma is not a Gal

or Aunty Man & Funny Fella

like You, Jagabat or Kwame

  Shame on you.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It shows that Bharat Jagdeo  is in the same league as Forbes Burnham.

You have to admit that Jagdeo is brilliant.

Yeh, he so shine dat he cracked.

Show me a genious or an expert who isn't crazy.


Who lied to you?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

So he passed the leadership over to Ramotar thinking that Ramotar can carry the party and government but Ramotar was too weak.


He got no respect from the Opposition and had to end his Government two years early.


Keeping him as leader was going to turn the PPP and their supporters into PNC victims.


Jagdeo returning has stopped that bleeding. 

On the contrary - the only reason he chose Ramotar was because he was weak and he could continue to run things from behind the scenes. As the first poster indicated - Jagdeo continued to use the OP and its resources and rep Guyana even though he had NO official licence to do so.


There are very few leaders who base their gov'ts on respect from the opposition. Have a look at the good ole US of A. When last has Obama gotten respect that was his due?? But he didn't prematurely end his term. In any case, the issue here was not respect but a majority to carry key decisions in parliament. The elections move totally backfired on the PPP and that was Jagdeo's call.


Keeping him as leader - but that's what they did.They kept him as leader to govern in the event that they'd won the elections. Jagdeo has hijacked that - in this case the reference to Burnham is not a bad one - and only time will tell how this pans out for the PPP. It's also good to remember that their unlimited resources i.e. tax-payers money + drug runnings are drying up so they will need to be very resourceful in their next elections campaign!!!


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