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ba$eman posted:

I never hear BJ lamented Black man a kill ahbe",

He came right here to NYC last year and said so, using coded language of course when the threatened to take back Guyana for "us". He had already defined "us" to mean rural Indians, which he defined as the PPP base.

I don't recall Jagdeo lamenting about the fact that Granger has done virtually nothing for Linden.

Zed posted:

. For example, Indo Guyanese supporting an Indian cricket team in Guyana are criticized as being clannish while it seems ok for Afro Guyanese to support the West Indian team in England, or  some arguing that those shot protesting against hikes in electricity fees by police deserve it while others define it as oppression, brutality, unjustified.



I am sure that even you recognize that there is a difference between some one born in the Caribbean (or in rare instances) some one whose parents were born in the Caribbean and some one whose great great grandfathers were born in India.

A first or second generation UK resident of Caribbean origin has way more rights to claim an identity based in the Caribbean than some one whose ancestors most likely had arrived in Guyana in the 1890s.

I will expect a Caribbean born person resident in the USA, or whose parents  were born there to cheer Usain Bolt.  The notion that an Indo Guyanese will support India against the West Indies is weird.

Your example does lend credence to a notion of clannishness.

And in fact the fastest growing part of the UK black population consists of people who refuse to identify as either "Caribbean" or "African".  The vast majority of these are believed to be 3rd or 4th generation blacks of Caribbean origin.  The identification with the Caribbean lasts among those born in the Caribbean and SOME of their kids born in the UK. Their grand kids don't identify with the Caribbean and proudly wave the Union Jack, even though there are still many who query their right to call themselves "British".

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


Racial tensions will ease when there is respect for other people's choices. What on earth does supporting a cricket team has to do with race ? Are some people that stupid ?


On what basis will some one who was born in Guyana, and whose parents, grandparents and great grand parents were also born in Guyana support India? Do they also support Australia or South Africa?  No.  This isn't support for the team. Its a misguided notion that India is their country.

It becomes clear that racial identity forms the base of it and this is because they reject any connection to the Caribbean. YOU have been known to deride the Caribbean zone as a bunch of black people, though using your usual racially incendiary language.

cain posted:


The person who started this thread certainly does not give a dam about ending racial conflict what he wants to end is the Indian party staying in opposition. For him, getting the coolie man no matter how sleazy he might be on top, as his priority.

this is in fact true as at no point is he willing to engage in a balanced discussion about the respective roles and perspectives of BOTH groups. He screams that blacks have no right to distrust the PPP, even as he and many PPP members have at times mounted blatantly racist attacks on this group.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

. For example, Indo Guyanese supporting an Indian cricket team in Guyana are criticized as being clannish while it seems ok for Afro Guyanese to support the West Indian team in England, or  some arguing that those shot protesting against hikes in electricity fees by police deserve it while others define it as oppression, brutality, unjustified.



I am sure that even you recognize that there is a difference between some one born in the Caribbean (or in rare instances) some one whose parents were born in the Caribbean and some one whose great great grandfathers were born in India.

A first or second generation UK resident of Caribbean origin has way more rights to claim an identity based in the Caribbean than some one whose ancestors most likely had arrived in Guyana in the 1890s.

I will expect a Caribbean born person resident in the USA, or whose parents  were born there to cheer Usain Bolt.  The notion that an Indo Guyanese will support India against the West Indies is weird.

Your example does lend credence to a notion of clannishness.

And in fact the fastest growing part of the UK black population consists of people who refuse to identify as either "Caribbean" or "African".  The vast majority of these are believed to be 3rd or 4th generation blacks of Caribbean origin.  The identification with the Caribbean lasts among those born in the Caribbean and SOME of their kids born in the UK. Their grand kids don't identify with the Caribbean and proudly wave the Union Jack, even though there are still many who query their right to call themselves "British".


1. please post the sources for the info you used for your argument. 

2. The Indo Guyanese who support the India team, what generation are they? and please post your source. Please post data on what geneation of West Indians cheered and danced for the visiting West Indian team in Britain. Surprisingly. I heard the same argument that you make from lots of Brits at that time.

3. What is so "weird" about supporting the Indian team against theWest Indies? I know a second and third generation Brazilian family in Britain supporting the Brazilian soccer team against the British soccer team, so too the Irish. How about the second generation Portuguese family from Guyana living in Australia supporting the West Indian team against the Australian team? Many anecdotal examples. 

4. Tell us about cultural enclave communities and what forces encourage their continued existence over generations. Not only in Guyana, but in developed countries, and not only East Indians, but also, Irish, Germans, Italians, Ukranians, Chinese, Polish, etc.

I experience a high degree of discomfort when in an argument one uses data as you have done without sourcing it. I prefer to read it to determine if the statements are reflective of the contents.

It all about narrative, the lens, your cognitive structure. So, if someone was to support an Indian team, even though that person has lived in a non-enclave community for over forty years, consider himself/herself black and East Indian, come from a family of diverse culture background and connections  then that person was displaying clannish behaviour? At times, it is just a personal preference, keeping in mind what I wrote in my first post. To label it as an expression of being "clannish" is a far fetch.



yuji22 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

An individual can support any sports team of his or her choice regardless of what country his favourite players originate from.

I currently support India and Australia.It is my bloody choice, no one should tell me what team to like or support.


REMINDER: The title of yuji's thread is "How Guyana can end its racial problem in 2020 and beyond".

yuji22, a little tact goes a far way towards ending our racial problem. Your sentence lacks tact.

And just as an individual can support any sports team, as you say, that individual can also support any political party of his or her choice. Respect for this principle goes a far way towards ending our racial problems even before 2020.


Racial tensions will ease when there is respect for other people's choices. What on earth does supporting a cricket team has to do with race ? Are some people that stupid ?

There are many baseball teams and basketball teams and fans like one team or another. I find it quite disgusting when people are now labelled and attacked when they support a team of their choice.

We have to draw a line to some of this madness.

It's getting harder and harder to hide, isn't it?.

Those baseball and basketball teams are all within the same nation. Stop your asinine BS to justify your racist agenda to promote the dominance of East Indians in a diverse nation. People can definitely support whatever sport team they want, but when a proven IndoGuyanese racist, supports a team from India at the expense of his own national players, it can only be for one reason. But of course, you're so smart (being Indo) that you can fool all of us.

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Where ever there is a difference of race, religion, skin color, or any different beliefs, there will be problems. It's human nature all over the world.

It's been proven beyond any doubt that children do not recognize skin color and race until they are taught to. Where did you learn that racism is human nature?

Go preach to your PNC bwoys about racism. PNC people like you is the reason Guyana is in this state today. Unless you are a negro or of negro descent, coolies like you sold out your people. Who cares about you being a PYO activist? They probably kick your behind out of the organization because of your back stabbing activities..supporting the enemy. You should preach to Granger not to kick every "non-negro" indian out of the government.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Where ever there is a difference of race, religion, skin color, or any different beliefs, there will be problems. It's human nature all over the world.

It's been proven beyond any doubt that children do not recognize skin color and race until they are taught to. Where did you learn that racism is human nature?

Go preach to your PNC bwoys about racism. PNC people like you is the reason Guyana is in this state today. Unless you are a negro or of negro descent, coolies like you sold out your people. Who cares about you being a PYO activist? They probably kick your behind out of the organization because of your back stabbing activities..supporting the enemy. You should preach to Granger not to kick every "non-negro" indian out of the government.

So you don't know why you stated that racism is human nature?

cain posted: The person who started this thread certainly does not give a dam about ending racial conflict what he wants to end is the Indian party staying in opposition. For him, getting the coolie man no matter how sleazy he might be on top, as his priority.

I endorse Cain's observation wholeheartedly. Bang on! On the ball!

yuji22 posted: Racial tensions will ease when there is respect for other people's choices. What on earth does supporting a cricket team has to do with race ? Are some people that stupid ?

In Guyana, practically everything is viewed through the lens of race politics. Someone had posted a photo here of a man selling something on the ECD roadside, crabs or fish or something. An innocent photo, I think, showing a slice of life in Guyana. Lo and behold, that image drew a slew of race talk, anti-PPP and anti-PNC dribble. So, even cricket matches draw racial comments. 

Those of us who know better, who really care about racial unity, and particularly yuji22 who started this important thread, should not only be impartial and responsible but must also appear to be so.


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