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skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

Yuh gat all that big mouth and don't have an answer,

all this time you a wan rabble rouser.

I lived in Guyana for 21 years. When my mother was still alive, I visited frequently. Lemme tell alyu uptown peeple: Wah rain cyan full; dew nah guh full. There will be an end to racial problems when I become president for life and make some important and unpopular decisions.

You post a ton of articles here(cut and paste), morally and financially support a dictatorial installed regime, spread their lies and propaganda, you are being called a slop can carrier and take a severe whipping on a daily basis AND YET you in all the yeas of living in Guyana and here, you cannot, along with all of the Guyanese population, offer a iota of a suggestion on how to JUST IMPROVE the racial situation. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE "SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAM"? You think this might help? No word on any progress or the "free loader" collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers' expense? 

Bkah blah blah.....and you still have no response to the question 

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  oil.

So all the gov't should do is to downsize Guysuco to minimize losses.  In fact the EU has already told the Caribbean that there will no longer be markets for their sugar in the EU. With the UK leaving we have lost our main advocate within the EU. 

Based on your boasts Indians will not suffer so there will be no humanitarian consequences and Jagdeo is only making himself a jackass by screaming "black man a kill ahbe".

I never hear BJ lamented Black man a kill ahbe", he took the bull by the horns and alyuh run to Charles Rangal and the hedgehog!

Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:
Prashad posted:
antabanta posted:
Prashad posted:
warrior posted:

GNI can start bu banning some of these racists we have on this site then again if you ban them i will miss a good laugh 

I have been called an Indian racist here but no one can point their fingers and show where I was racist.

You want to destroy Guyana by racial segregation

Which bs segregation. I want an independent sovereign country for East Indian Guyanese, douglas who embrace their East Indian Guyanese heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people so as to prevent racism and segregation.


So what you're saying is you don't know what you're talking about. Amazing.

Guyana is a heart beat away from an ethnic genocide. When it happens don't say Prashad did not do anything to prevent it.


We will have no choice but to say exactly that. Racial segregation is not a solution.

yuji22 posted:

I agree that everyone must respect each others existence but this RACIST PNC administration thinks that Indos must not exist Guyana and as such portrays them as Thieves and Drug Dealers.

Carib racist posts are a reflection of that level of racism.

The lives of Indos have disintegrated since this racist PNC administration took office from humiliating them, to destroying their livelihood to blatant discrimination from people like Harmon.

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

The PNC is not portraying any such thing about Indos..... the whole of Guyana knows that the PPP is made up of thieves and drug dealers. But of course you have to push this propaganda to use your ethnic brothers and sisters to attain your own end, and no matter what, you are the kind of person who will never see that this exploitation and manipulation of the emotions of your own people makes you an evil to be stamped out.

How ignorant are you to not recognize the death of cane sugar? Perhaps you do, and it's just another factor to use to exploit the emotions of your people to gain their support.

Last edited by antabanta
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

Yuh gat all that big mouth and don't have an answer,

all this time you a wan rabble rouser.

I lived in Guyana for 21 years. When my mother was still alive, I visited frequently. Lemme tell alyu uptown peeple: Wah rain cyan full; dew nah guh full. There will be an end to racial problems when I become president for life and make some important and unpopular decisions.

You post a ton of articles here(cut and paste), morally and financially support a dictatorial installed regime, spread their lies and propaganda, you are being called a slop can carrier and take a severe whipping on a daily basis AND YET you in all the yeas of living in Guyana and here, you cannot, along with all of the Guyanese population, offer a iota of a suggestion on how to JUST IMPROVE the racial situation. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE "SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAM"? You think this might help? No word on any progress or the "free loader" collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers' expense? 

Bkah blah blah.....and you still have no response to the question 

Do you Mr. PNC Knowall have any concrete workable notion how to curb racism in Guyana? When you do, then you can criticize other posters. Your notion to end racism in Guyana is to have all coolies deported back to India or starve them to death or commit suicide. You would love to see Guyana be renamed PNC Mozambique. Typical chachundar lungeera nonsense.

Last edited by Former Member

I have been following this thread but have not made a contribution because it ends up in rants, blame,  statements, points made umpteen tiles, useless arguments from a bunch of posters who, the vast majority of them live abroad, mouthing and regurgitating  the same tired old hogwash they have been fed. Also, I often do not have the time to really really continue to argue in a thread to its conclusion. Here is my take for what it is worth.

1. We look at the world through cognitive structures and lens that are a product of our genetics, education, experiences, socialization, etc. We tend to generallly "hear" or see those tgings that it within that structure. The others just get lost as noice. That is why two can look at the same event and get two different interpretations which result two different narratives. For example, Indo Guyanese supporting an Indian cricket team in Guyana are criticized as being clannish while it seems ok for Afro Guyanese to support the West Indian team in England, or  some arguing that those shot protesting against hikes in electricity fees by police deserve it while others define it as oppression, brutality, unjustified.

2. Since the importation of labour after the abolition of slavery, the ruling class have devised a strategy of divide and rule as part of their hegemonic agenda. This applied not only with regards to East Indians and formerslaves and their descendants, but with those West Indians and Africans imported here to supply labour to estates under contract, and even to Portuguese who to this day are not regarded as "whites" this strategy was used and continue to be used to divide the working people whose interests are similar. We have been duped, but we have accepted meekly the roles and definitions they have for us in their hegemonic agenda. Our arguments now are primarily race based instead of class based.

3. All of the groups in Guyana have seen themselves "wronged" by at least one of the other groups. The resulting narratives, regardless of whether there is a "factual" basis or not, are passed down to children, grandchildren, by "authors" and "intellectuals"  and concreticize in people's consciousness and lives and in their cognitive structure.

there is more, but ttime does not permit. Also. I recognize that what I write here is from my cognitive structure and lens. The 

As to the question. 

1. It will not happen in my generation.

2. The laws and institutions that are put in place to ensure this heterogeneous society functions to the benefit of all groups need to be rethought and given substance instead of the shell thhat now exist.

3. We have to recognize that to treat the disparate equally results in greater disparity. Our political. Economic and social practices have to be changed.

4. We have to respect and protect the rights of each group to practice and strength  their culture. We need to see this as lending to the strength of our country and not as a weakness.

5. Politicians need to be punished for race based politics.

6. Government programs that promote contrived interaction are not the way to approach the issue.

7. Stop putting hurt on hurt. Deal with the issue concrete as it arises instead of allowing it to become the base of more hurts. 

And I can go on and on. 



skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Who are you addressing?

The question stands.... how can Guyana end its racial problem?

You floggin' a dead horse. Move on!!!

Yuh gat all that big mouth and don't have an answer,

all this time you a wan rabble rouser.

I lived in Guyana for 21 years. When my mother was still alive, I visited frequently. Lemme tell alyu uptown peeple: Wah rain cyan full; dew nah guh full. There will be an end to racial problems when I become president for life and make some important and unpopular decisions.

You post a ton of articles here(cut and paste), morally and financially support a dictatorial installed regime, spread their lies and propaganda, you are being called a slop can carrier and take a severe whipping on a daily basis AND YET you in all the yeas of living in Guyana and here, you cannot, along with all of the Guyanese population, offer a iota of a suggestion on how to JUST IMPROVE the racial situation. WHATEVER HAPPEN TO YOUR PEOPLE "SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAM"? You think this might help? No word on any progress or the "free loader" collecting a paycheck at the taxpayers' expense? 

Bkah blah blah.....and you still have no response to the question 

Do you Mr. PNC Knowall have any concrete workable notion how to curb racism in Guyana? When you do, then you can criticize other posters. Your notion to end racism in Guyana is to have all coolies deported back to India or starve them to death or commit suicide. You would love to see Guyana be renamed PNC Mozambique. Typical chachundar lungeera nonsense.

Are you dense? Is it my political affiliation that prevents you from offering a sensible and relevant response? I asked the question because it is the title of the post and is yet to be addressed in an objective manner.

For your information, I am not now, nor have I ever been a PNC supporter. In addition I am a former member of the PYO, although not for long after I realized it was nothing but an impotent organization comprised of racist bigots.

Zed posted:

Indo Guyanese supporting an Indian cricket team in Guyana are criticized as being clannish while it seems ok for Afro Guyanese to support the West Indian team in England


What's the analogy between Indos supporting an Indian team and Afros supporting a West Indian team, which Guyana is a part of?

Regardless of through what cognitive lens you view the world, it is still wrong to cause physical, emotional, or spiritual harm to someone. It's not easy to end the racial problem but it's easy for individuals to start on the process. A few things we can do are see people, not race; condemn politicians and leaders for their actions, not their race; stop making your children racists before they even leave home; react to racism as objectively as you can.


An individual can support any sports team of his or her choice regardless of what country his favourite players originate from.

I currently support India and Australia. It is my bloody choice, no one should tell me what team to like or support.

West Indies team is managed by a bunch of Idiots, why should anyone support a bunch of idiots ? I will be willing to support them whenever these clowns are removed. Plain and simple.

The PNC should have a big Carnival with the WI team management, they are both clueless and their achievements are reflected with similar management styles.

Last edited by Former Member

In America I have noticed that I put up a different persona to judge blacks and this may be false due to fear of blacks and this is a conspiracy that the whites and especially the Jews are involved in. I don't think the American likes the behavior of people that reflect the Indian from India like when you are loud and disturbing others where I live they would say shut up even though they are being themselves. Yeah; they want to f%%%k the Indian personality as a preparation for an attack against them if they were here in America just wanting to be themselves. The white man society is not working for Indians and this is deliberate. They can use their intelligence to justify their behavior in social situations but this is concocted--check your instincts when they talk in your surroundings. Note how sure these idiots sound about themselves and reality as being believable. This is a silent war the Indians have to fight with them daily and it is bad for our mental health and the psychiatrists and therapists here in America are not saying a thing, especially if they are white and observe the status quo.

Ronald Anthony Arjune
yuji22 posted:

An individual can support any sports team of his or her choice regardless of what country his favourite players originate from.

I currently support India and Australia.It is my bloody choice, no one should tell me what team to like or support.


REMINDER: The title of yuji's thread is "How Guyana can end its racial problem in 2020 and beyond".

yuji22, a little tact goes a far way towards ending our racial problem. Your sentence lacks tact.

And just as an individual can support any sports team, as you say, that individual can also support any political party of his or her choice. Respect for this principle goes a far way towards ending our racial problems even before 2020.

antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Are you dense? Is it my political affiliation that prevents you from offering a sensible and relevant response? I asked the question because it is the title of the post and is yet to be addressed in an objective manner.

For your information, I am not now, nor have I ever been a PNC supporter. In addition I am a former member of the PYO, although not for long after I realized it was nothing but an impotent organization comprised of racist bigots.

Another PNC slopcan carrier boy in disguise. You failed to comprehend the meaning of "flogging a dead horse" Slopcan carrier bwoy, it ain't happening. Coolies and Niggroes don't trust each other. maybe you can go back and counsel all the racists in Guyana...good luck!!!!!

cain posted:

Oh scnt man you and all with that slopcan shit, you have joined the other scum here.

There is no fkin discussion here anymore worthy of partaking in. When anta replied to your post you told him he was flogging a dead horse. Its you he was flogging except it wasn't a horse but a jackass. 

At least this "jackass" does not write with anger and implied vulgarity. Did someone slip you dried parsley for the 'erb? . Guyana's race problem is a problem of trust between the two races. As we have seen since our childhood, these two races don't trust each other. Where ever there is a difference of race, religion, skin color, or any different beliefs, there will be problems. It's human nature all over the world.

yuji22 posted:

An individual can support any sports team of his or her choice regardless of what country his favourite players originate from.

I currently support India and Australia. It is my bloody choice, no one should tell me what team to like or support.

West Indies team is managed by a bunch of Idiots, why should anyone support a bunch of idiots ? I will be willing to support them whenever these clowns are removed. Plain and simple.

The PNC should have a big Carnival with the WI team management, they are both clueless and their achievements are reflected with similar management styles.

So you're saying Zed was wrong to introduce the sports analogy? Or are you trying to fool someone that your support for the Indian team is not racially motivated. FYI.... no one cares. But if you're a racist stop preaching about what's good for Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:
skeldon_man posted:
antabanta posted:

Are you dense? Is it my political affiliation that prevents you from offering a sensible and relevant response? I asked the question because it is the title of the post and is yet to be addressed in an objective manner.

For your information, I am not now, nor have I ever been a PNC supporter. In addition I am a former member of the PYO, although not for long after I realized it was nothing but an impotent organization comprised of racist bigots.

Another PNC slopcan carrier boy in disguise. You failed to comprehend the meaning of "flogging a dead horse" Slopcan carrier bwoy, it ain't happening. Coolies and Niggroes don't trust each other. maybe you can go back and counsel all the racists in Guyana...good luck!!!!!

Is it okay with you if I start here on this forum? Because you know your opinion and your approval and your permission is of paramount importance, especially since you still cannot offer any comment of substance. 

skeldon_man posted:
Where ever there is a difference of race, religion, skin color, or any different beliefs, there will be problems. It's human nature all over the world.

It's been proven beyond any doubt that children do not recognize skin color and race until they are taught to. Where did you learn that racism is human nature?


Skeldon man let me tell you something. First of all..yes I write with anger when I see nasty unwarranted remarks levelled at posters.

Don't you people realize this site is being read by Guyanese who chose for whatever reason to not get involved and when they read the degrading remarks levelled at their people who do you think pays for it? It is not you fellas who reside outside, it is the poor guy in Guyana who said nothing...that's who.

The person who started this thread certainly does not give a dam about ending racial conflict what he wants to end is the Indian party staying in opposition. For him, getting the coolie man no matter how sleazy he might be on top, as his priority.

Last edited by cain
Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:

An individual can support any sports team of his or her choice regardless of what country his favourite players originate from.

I currently support India and Australia.It is my bloody choice, no one should tell me what team to like or support.


REMINDER: The title of yuji's thread is "How Guyana can end its racial problem in 2020 and beyond".

yuji22, a little tact goes a far way towards ending our racial problem. Your sentence lacks tact.

And just as an individual can support any sports team, as you say, that individual can also support any political party of his or her choice. Respect for this principle goes a far way towards ending our racial problems even before 2020.


Racial tensions will ease when there is respect for other people's choices. What on earth does supporting a cricket team has to do with race ? Are some people that stupid ?

There are many baseball teams and basketball teams and fans like one team or another. I find it quite disgusting when people are now labelled and attacked when they support a team of their choice.

We have to draw a line to some of this madness.

Last edited by Former Member

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