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Originally Posted by redux:

siegnet, cobra, prashad, george dasilva, skeldon_man, rama_kant, baseman and other bloody-flag-waving panty wearers please own your multiple nics and stand up


this list of whining 5/11 unhinged is not exhaustive

Like since you PNC win, you panty get tight. Advice..Get Duluth Trading Buck Naked Panties. Replace your old panties.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

siegnet, cobra, prashad, george dasilva, skeldon_man, rama_kant, baseman and other bloody-flag-waving panty wearers please own your multiple nics and stand up


this list of whining 5/11 unhinged is not exhaustive

Like since you PNC win, you panty get tight. Advice..Get Duluth Trading Buck Naked Panties. Replace your old panties.

HAHAHA . He gun take yuh advice seriously.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

since when did exposing their vile lies/provocations and rubbishing their ignar supremacist precepts an abridgement of racist antiman free speech rights and "bullyism"?

Moderator, this thread serves no useful purpose. This is a personal attacked on members. I request that this thread closed immediately.

Alyuh web of lies and deceit getting skinned up for the world to see. Close one thread and alyuh ignorance gon get exposed pon another. Yes, your vile, naked, racist ideology is on full display for the world to see. Closing one thread nah gon help you.


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